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Dh and I are supposed to go to his work Christmas party tonight. My 5 yo and 4yo both had fevers today one had 100.9 and the other 101.2


We are supposed to have a new babysitter tonight. She had been sick earlier in the week and has been on antibiotcis all week. She is 14 years old.


Both dc have asthma and she may or may not need to give them a breathing treatment. She would have to determine if one was necessary.


I have tried calling the babysitter and her mother to no avail yet.


Would you still go? or stay home with the kiddos and cancel the babysitter?



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Dh and I are supposed to go to his work Christmas party tonight. My 5 yo and 4yo both had fevers today one had 100.9 and the other 101.2


We are supposed to have a new babysitter tonight. She had been sick earlier in the week and has been on antibiotcis all week. She is 14 years old.


Both dc have asthma and she may or may not need to give them a breathing treatment. She would have to determine if one was necessary.


I have tried calling the babysitter and her mother to no avail yet.


Would you still go? or stay home with the kiddos and cancel the babysitter?




I'd stay home. I'm sorry. I hope you weren't really looking forward to it.

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I'm with everyone else. If it were just the fever I'd probably go, but with the complication of asthma and possible need for breathing treatments absolutely not. I don't think it would be fair to the 14 yo to put that on her, and she probably doesn't have the knowledge or experience to know when a breathing treatment would be needed.

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I'm with everyone else. If it were just the fever I'd probably go, but with the complication of asthma and possible need for breathing treatments absolutely not. I don't think it would be fair to the 14 yo to put that on her, and she probably doesn't have the knowledge or experience to know when a breathing treatment would be needed.




Yeah -- lots of ifs: "if asthma wasn't and issue" and "if the sitter was a little older" or "if she had more experience" --


I tend to kind of roll with the punches, but in this situation? Even I would stay home.

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I would stay home and have dh go alone.


I agree. Shouldn't your husband go ahead? We have to do this a lot.


It reminds me of the scene in Persuasion where the husband wants to go to the dinner when his son had fallen out of the tree.... I'm sometimes tempted to fuss at having to stay with the children, but it's "not his providence" :D.



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I'd stay home. Asthma can be quite dangerous very quickly, but then my asthmatic can go from a slight cold to pneumonia within hours. If the babysitter were not 14, then perhaps I would trust someone else to administer a treatment and watch for escalating infection, but I would not saddle a 14 year old with that responsibility nor would I want my child to make that kind of call if she were the 14 year old baby sitting.


Hopefully the kiddos feel better soon, and just have dh go to the party alone. We have done this several times when the kids get sick at the last minute. Sometimes it can't be helped. UGH, it stinks when they get sick around the holidays.

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I would stay at home. I have been that 14 year old baby sitter and the children are bound to wake up through the night and be a lot more sensitive to not having mommy there. It is traumatic for both little children and young person.

Have your husband go with your blessing to have fun, then have a special Christmas evening out when the little ones are better.


I am sad for you though - we don't get that many chances for nights out as mothers...:grouphug:

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My DH said that he would want me to stay home. If it was just fevers he might let me leave them with my mom, but that would still be unlikely. He would not leave them with anyone other than my mom for the fevers, and only me with the breathing treatments.


4 and 5 are very young and they want their mommy when they are sick. I am so glad that my DH is sensitive to our children's feelings.

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Not even a question in my mind. The fever (assuming the kids were also feeling unwell - sometimes kids can run fevers and be just fine) would be cause enough for me to stay home. (sitting in bed now with a 9yo and 7yo who were sick all night, crying from headache pain)

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I wouldn't leave even the most responsible 14 yr old sitter home to do breathing txs on my asthmatic twins. It's a lot to ask of a child, IMO. Tell DH to go on without you and stay home. You'll have peace of mind that way, and no pressure will be put on an already sick/recovering teen.

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I stayed home with my guys. Dh went to the party late, because he got home from work late. DH totally understood and had just been having a really crappy day and was bummed that I wouldn't be going with him.


Thanks all for your thoughts!


As you can see it is late, or early here, just gave my ds 5 a breathing treatment. Fortunately I didn't have to all night though until now.

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I stayed home with my guys. Dh went to the party late, because he got home from work late. DH totally understood and had just been having a really crappy day and was bummed that I wouldn't be going with him.


Thanks all for your thoughts!


As you can see it is late, or early here, just gave my ds 5 a breathing treatment. Fortunately I didn't have to all night though until now.


Thanks for the update, it is nice to know all went fine. Get well soon all of you and have a lovely Christmas. :001_smile:

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