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Anyone else skipping church with a very minor cold?


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I hate to miss church with such mild symptoms, but I am.  Anyone else?  We attend a small church and it is noticeable when we aren’t there. I am also in choir and choir is small, too.  

I think it’s the right decision but I just do not like it.  

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Trying to decide same issue here.  Dd10 is coughing and my dh has an unsettled stomach.  No covid19 in our area at all but how do we really know?  And do we all stay home on the off chance that it is something more?  And our church is mostly elderly!  And my fil broke 8 ribs this week and I'm not sure he will be there but his wife will be.  I've no idea what to do!

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That is how I feel.  It seems like it is a weak reason not to attend church, but on the other hand, I know we will have close contact with at-risk people.

I have seen “stay home if you feel sick” but somehow it is so vague and I don’t know how sick they mean, or how many days if you are mostly feeling better, etc.


Edited by Lecka
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Several churches in my area (no known covid19 here) are asking people who are coughing/sneezing etc to stay home, read sermons online, watch a streamed service from another church, etc. I can imagine people with young children, or elderly people, etc., being very distracted and worried by someone in the congregation coughing and sneezing during the service, even if in reality the risk is low. People are on alert right now. 

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We stayed home. Our church cancelled events and home groups but was holding Sunday service as normal. To me it isn't logical to cancel the smaller groups but keep worship which is a much larger group in a too small space. We have a very international congregation. I can watch the sermon online later. 

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I ALWAYS skip church if I have a cold. There are elderly people and immune compromised people there, and I can't imagine Jesus want's me to risk getting them sick. If I am pretty positive it is just allergies (pollen season here right now ) I'll go, but skip shaking hands during the peace and sit at a distance. 

Mild cold for me could be RSV or pneumonia for someone else. 

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18 minutes ago, Murphy101 said:

My kids aren’t going to RE, which is just for social fun anyways.

They will be singing in choir or serving at Mass though.

I'm assuming they aren't sick, and you mean in general?

We have been known to skip RE at the height of flu season, when it wasn't necessary for a sacrament prep thing. Ours was held in the elementary school attached to the church and for a few weeks one year the flu was rampant in the school, with nearly 1/3 of kids absent sick. I wasn't sending my kid to sit in those desks a few hours after some kid with the flu sat in them. We did the assignments at home (got them from the teacher). 


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We skipped today. I am 99% sure we have just regular old pollen allergies going on, as allergy meds seem to do the trick, but between that risk, DH just getting back from staying in a busy hotel on a work trip, and then the fact that we are all flat out exhausted from visiting family yesterday and getting home well after bedtime, plus the time change, I made the call to stay home. 

I don't know if we'd be spreading anything - doubtful - but I also know we are all (myself most of all) on the edge of weak immune system from exhaustion and allergies and I don't want to GET anything either. DS 7 already was in a PANDAS flare this week. 

We are going to do a lenten devotion program, and clean the house some and REST. 

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19 minutes ago, Ktgrok said:

I'm assuming they aren't sick, and you mean in general?

We have been known to skip RE at the height of flu season, when it wasn't necessary for a sacrament prep thing. Ours was held in the elementary school attached to the church and for a few weeks one year the flu was rampant in the school, with nearly 1/3 of kids absent sick. I wasn't sending my kid to sit in those desks a few hours after some kid with the flu sat in them. We did the assignments at home (got them from the teacher). 


Of course they aren’t sick. I wouldn’t send them anywhere knowing they were sick. But it’s flu season.

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2 hours ago, Murphy101 said:

Of course they aren’t sick. I wouldn’t send them anywhere knowing they were sick. But it’s flu season.

That's what I thought, but this time change has me mixed up and upside down, lol. 

Was clarifying you meant they were hoping not to catch anything, not hoping not to spread anything 🙂

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2 hours ago, Ktgrok said:

I ALWAYS skip church if I have a cold. There are elderly people and immune compromised people there, and I can't imagine Jesus want's me to risk getting them sick. If I am pretty positive it is just allergies (pollen season here right now ) I'll go, but skip shaking hands during the peace and sit at a distance. 

Mild cold for me could be RSV or pneumonia for someone else. 

Yes!! ALWAYS. My gosh, love your neighbor, everyone!

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