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Well-Trained Bodies January 2020- Ring in the New Year with Exercise


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5 hours ago, wintermom said:

So sorry you got saddled with all the paperwork complications.

Your family hike tomorrow sounds wonderful!  Have a great time.

What part of the pizza is cauliflower?  I used to make my own pizza and put broccoli on it; leeks, too. That was before kids, though. I can only imagine the whining if I tried to do that now.Â đŸ˜‚

I just took the dog for a long walk. It's so beautiful outside with the fresh snow, Christmas lights and mild temps. I've almost made it to midnight!! 

Thank you đŸ™‚Â Â You can make the crust w/ mainly cauliflower. 

Sounds like a good walk for the dog and you đŸ™‚Â 

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16 hours ago, Violet Crown said:

Zombie chases! I just escaped from a few packs this morning.

Exercise Goals/Plans for this year: pretty much the same as last year, as they've been working well. I slacked a bit but I'm getting back up to speed.

1. Running. More local fun runs; more whole-family runs along our awesome City trails, especially around Town Lake; keep up the Zombie chases to work on speed; fearlessly wear the fabulous festive running gear that makes Teenager raise her eyebrows.
2. Biking. Teenager fixed up my bike, I got a new and colorful helmet for the New Year (see above) and I'm biking more to fetch groceries.
3. Weights. Continuing Menopausal Strength Workout videos with Judy Torel. I love Judy.
4. Pilates. Core!



An honest review of Zombies, Run! app:  I LOVE IT!!!  Last year, the story really got me out the door and running.  I actually ran with chases turned off most of the time, as it actually slowed my overall run times (I'd be constantly thinking, "slow down more so that when the zombies come, you can run faster!"  lol)  We finished season 2, but then sort of fizzled out and just ran without it, but now I am inspired to get started outrunning the zombs again.  My ds loves working on our base after the runs, it really got him launched as a runner.  



17 hours ago, Slache said:

Imma do this this year (skip to 4 minutes in).



I need to watch the full video, but I skipped to 4 minutes and definitely think that's a great tip- never more than 2 days off in a row.  Is this the 4 Hour Body guy?  I think he has a similar strategy, but can't remember as I read a number of health/fitness books in 2019 and I might be confusing them.  

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Started the new year off right with a 5k run this morning with ds.  Post-run breakfast was 2 pieces of 100% rye bread with natural peanut butter and blackberry jelly, plus a clementine.  


I'm enjoying the app "daily dozen" by Dr. Gregor.  It's free and ad free as well.  The app lists his daily dozen most nutritious food categories, with checkboxes for the number of portions he recommends.  It's an easy way to keep track of fruits and veg and so on.  The app also links videos for various food items whenever he has done any videos about that particular item.  You can also switch screens in the app to checkboxes for his "How Not to Diet" weight management strategies.  I know I've recommended his books here before, but the app is a great summary/distillation of the info in his books.  

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15 minutes ago, Monica_in_Switzerland said:

Started the new year off right with a 5k run this morning with ds.  Post-run breakfast was 2 pieces of 100% rye bread with natural peanut butter and blackberry jelly, plus a clementine.  


I'm enjoying the app "daily dozen" by Dr. Gregor.  It's free and ad free as well.  The app lists his daily dozen most nutritious food categories, with checkboxes for the number of portions he recommends.  It's an easy way to keep track of fruits and veg and so on.  The app also links videos for various food items whenever he has done any videos about that particular item.  You can also switch screens in the app to checkboxes for his "How Not to Diet" weight management strategies.  I know I've recommended his books here before, but the app is a great summary/distillation of the info in his books.  

I used the app for a bit, but it was so much food. My post menopausal body can't take in that much energy, even though everything is healthy and nutritious.

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1 hour ago, Laura Corin said:

I used the app for a bit, but it was so much food. My post menopausal body can't take in that much energy, even though everything is healthy and nutritious.


Agreed.  I am trying to recall, I think the calorie count for just the items on the checklist is something like 1400-1500, and technically that is above my needs at 5ft1in unless I run 5k.  If I run, it's about right.  And that doesn't include the fact that I do dress my salads with a vinaigrette containing olive oil, dip my sweet potato fries in a bit of ketchup, etc.  So I tend to just lower serving sizes by a small amount, like I aim for 2 instead of 3 whole grains, 2 instead of 3 "other veg," 2 instead of 3 "other fruit", and 2 out of 3 beans.  I also tend to eat 2 portions of nuts a day, so that's another thing that means I need to subtract from a different category.    

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1 hour ago, Monica_in_Switzerland said:


An honest review of Zombies, Run! app:  I LOVE IT!!!  Last year, the story really got me out the door and running.  I actually ran with chases turned off most of the time, as it actually slowed my overall run times (I'd be constantly thinking, "slow down more so that when the zombies come, you can run faster!"  lol)  We finished season 2, but then sort of fizzled out and just ran without it, but now I am inspired to get started outrunning the zombs again.  My ds loves working on our base after the runs, it really got him launched as a runner.  




I need to watch the full video, but I skipped to 4 minutes and definitely think that's a great tip- never more than 2 days off in a row.  Is this the 4 Hour Body guy?  I think he has a similar strategy, but can't remember as I read a number of health/fitness books in 2019 and I might be confusing them.  

I don't know anything about him. I was watching videos on productivity instead of doing my chores and this was a suggestion.

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8 hours ago, wintermom said:

Those are some long hikes! Sounds wonderful. 

It is wonderful. And the hikes don't take too long since we're not at altitude and there's not much elevation gain - we're back in the early afternoon in time for a late lunch. Last year, DH and I went by ourselves and hiked 100 miles during the 8 days. This year, we're taking DD and her bf; he is not a hiker, and we are mindful that this needs to be fun for *him*. They're fit and great sports and we are having a good time. But today, we let them sleep in and go on the New Years Day sunrise hike without them. We'll meet them for the second hike after breakfast.

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8 minutes ago, Monica_in_Switzerland said:


Agreed.  I am trying to recall, I think the calorie count for just the items on the checklist is something like 1400-1500, and technically that is above my needs at 5ft1in unless I run 5k.  If I run, it's about right.  And that doesn't include the fact that I do dress my salads with a vinaigrette containing olive oil, dip my sweet potato fries in a bit of ketchup, etc.  So I tend to just lower serving sizes by a small amount, like I aim for 2 instead of 3 whole grains, 2 instead of 3 "other veg," 2 instead of 3 "other fruit", and 2 out of 3 beans.  I also tend to eat 2 portions of nuts a day, so that's another thing that means I need to subtract from a different category.    

I was reading somewhere about this, I think a Q and A with him and he said that on the low end it ends up being about 1200 calories. It is fair too few calories for me at either 1500 or 1200 and I am not vegan but I do like the reminders to eat more fruits and veggies. I don't always eat grains for my carb sources, sometimes just starchy veggies or fruits. 

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Happy New Year everybody! 

@Slache that's exciting about trying for a baby this year! 

@wintermom I keep picturing you skiing past startled neighbors and it cracks me up.  It's a way better mental image than the neighbor we have who takes his daily constitutional past our house on his 4 wheeler with a massive amount of plumber butt spilling off the back, LOL #floridaman

@soror Wow, that stinks about your situation.  I'm so glad you have a fun hike planned for today to help you decompress some.  And I'm right there with you with re-figuring out the food situation.  I think I'm going to try to eat closer to maintenance on days when I have 2 sessions of exercise and my usual small deficit on rest or 1 session days.  I have been reading a lot about underfueling as an athlete (not that I'm a real athlete but once you exercise intensely more than 5x a week you get grouped in that category it seems) and I'm hoping that this adjustment will help with irritability/anxiety, being freezing cold ALL THE TIME even in Florida summer, energy crashes, and not being able to stay asleep.  I have been getting really hangry too and having strong cravings for stuff I don't normally care about at all (chocolate and ice cream).  I am feeling weird about eating more (feels like letting the Old Me out to play), but I know that's irrational.  Keep us posted about how your adjustment goes!


Strength training went really well yesterday except I think I pushed the volume too much and ended up with some knee pain.  So I rested the remainder of the day...if you count watching IT 2 with my husband as resting--my heart rate was sky high the whole time, eeek!!  Slept a good 8 hours and woke up with my knee feeling a lot better, yay.  I plan on doing some run/walk intervals later when it warms up.  Hope everybody has a great day!



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1 hour ago, IvyInFlorida said:


@wintermom I keep picturing you skiing past startled neighbors and it cracks me up.  It's a way better mental image than the neighbor we have who takes his daily constitutional past our house on his 4 wheeler with a massive amount of plumber butt spilling off the back, LOL #floridaman

Unless your neighbour has a quad type of 4 wheeler, he's be getting stuck in the snow here and his plumber but would freeze!Â đŸ˜‚Â There are some advantages of living in the Great White North - people avoid exposed skin for the winter, and that can be 4 - 6 months.  We have to find other means of shocking our neighbours in the winter! đŸ˜‰

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1 hour ago, regentrude said:

It is wonderful. And the hikes don't take too long since we're not at altitude and there's not much elevation gain - we're back in the early afternoon in time for a late lunch. Last year, DH and I went by ourselves and hiked 100 miles during the 8 days. This year, we're taking DD and her bf; he is not a hiker, and we are mindful that this needs to be fun for *him*. They're fit and great sports and we are having a good time. But today, we let them sleep in and go on the New Years Day sunrise hike without them. We'll meet them for the second hike after breakfast.

That's a lot of hiking! Are you on vacation near a national or state park, or do you live near some amazing hiking trails?

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19 hours ago, Violet Crown said:

Zombie chases! I just escaped from a few packs this morning.

Exercise Goals/Plans for this year: pretty much the same as last year, as they've been working well. I slacked a bit but I'm getting back up to speed.

1. Running. More local fun runs; more whole-family runs along our awesome City trails, especially around Town Lake; keep up the Zombie chases to work on speed; fearlessly wear the fabulous festive running gear that makes Teenager raise her eyebrows.
2. Biking. Teenager fixed up my bike, I got a new and colorful helmet for the New Year (see above) and I'm biking more to fetch groceries.
3. Weights. Continuing Menopausal Strength Workout videos with Judy Torel. I love Judy.
4. Pilates. Core!


re: Zombie Chases...I’ve never heard of anything like this but it looks like fun!!! I wonder if there are other similar apps of stories/games like this to encourage moving??? Looking into it now!

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1 hour ago, wintermom said:

I'm certainly feeling the effects of my short skate ski session yesterday. My triceps are not as toned as they will soon be now that the ski season is here. I may need to try some Nordic walking in the fall to prepare these muscles for skiing! đŸ˜‰

New exercises new muscles, amazing you find ones you've been neglecting after changing things up.

2 hours ago, IvyInFlorida said:


@soror Wow, that stinks about your situation.  I'm so glad you have a fun hike planned for today to help you decompress some.  And I'm right there with you with re-figuring out the food situation.  I think I'm going to try to eat closer to maintenance on days when I have 2 sessions of exercise and my usual small deficit on rest or 1 session days.  I have been reading a lot about underfueling as an athlete (not that I'm a real athlete but once you exercise intensely more than 5x a week you get grouped in that category it seems) and I'm hoping that this adjustment will help with irritability/anxiety, being freezing cold ALL THE TIME even in Florida summer, energy crashes, and not being able to stay asleep.  I have been getting really hangry too and having strong cravings for stuff I don't normally care about at all (chocolate and ice cream).  I am feeling weird about eating more (feels like letting the Old Me out to play), but I know that's irrational.  Keep us posted about how your adjustment goes!


Strength training went really well yesterday except I think I pushed the volume too much and ended up with some knee pain.  So I rested the remainder of the day...if you count watching IT 2 with my husband as resting--my heart rate was sky high the whole time, eeek!!  Slept a good 8 hours and woke up with my knee feeling a lot better, yay.  I plan on doing some run/walk intervals later when it warms up.  Hope everybody has a great day

We are in the same boat sista', I've tried hard not to underfuel but when increasing activity levels it is hard. We also both went from a focus on losing to more one of maintenance and muscle building/athletic performance, our goals have changed so of course our fuel cannot stay the same if we expect different results. Some of your symptoms sound thyroid related but too little energy and carbs can drive thyroid issues too(I read that after being paleo forever and developing thyroid disease myself), hopefully increasing fuel will right those issues. I reinputted my info into PN to improve athletic performance and light activity through the day and came up with 2400 calories for my more active days, that is fairly in line w/ what Fitbit puts me at and also pretty close to the macros Sims rec. (within 10g for carb and protein)with more intense exercise (I calculated by my weight). I'll stick to the previous calculations for lighter days. But you know we are athletes, not professional ones, but recreational athletes. I found myself continually putting a disclaimer on what I do or qualifying it with a 'just' and I realized that was selling myself short. 

I did not do yoga this am after teaching, I came up and laid down a bit, my body needed that more. Now everyone is still sleeping in and I'm making a compromise that we go hiking closer so everyone can get more sleep, so everyone wins. I'm going to try and get some yoga in now.


20 min yoga done

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1 hour ago, wintermom said:

That's a lot of hiking! Are you on vacation near a national or state park, or do you live near some amazing hiking trails?

Vacation in Sedona. We do hike back home, too, but the scenery is not as spectacular. But we get out almost every weekend, sometimes both days. Did an overnight backpack in a local forest back home for the winter solstice.

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52 minutes ago, regentrude said:

Vacation in Sedona. We do hike back home, too, but the scenery is not as spectacular. But we get out almost every weekend, sometimes both days. Did an overnight backpack in a local forest back home for the winter solstice.

That sounds amazing! I adore all the red rocks there. How cold did it get down to at night? Did you tent or stay in a hut?

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Lovely coastal hike today - 6.5 miles with my old dog. Slippery underfoot (mud, not ice) so it wasn't fast, but it felt really good. I'll do a bit of yoga shortly to stretch out my back. Hike photo below.

I'm enjoying getting back to my normal food. Today: brunch of scrambled egg, tomato and avocado salad, steamed broad beans; snacks of nuts, low fat dairy and raw veg; supper of chickpea curry with Chinese leaf; lots of tea with oatmilk.



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9 minutes ago, wintermom said:

@Laura Corin  I don't know how you go to work all day. I'd be out hiking all the time. It's gorgeous!  Thanks for sharing the photo. You dog is so cute, too! What kind of dog is it?

My office has a sea view, but I face the other way. Things to do...

She's an Australian Labradoodle, 13 years old. Her name is Blondie.


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So far I've finished 28 days of 80 day obsession and it is going really well, much better than the previous times I'd tried it.  My kids both finished Morning Meltdown 100 before Christmas and started new workout programs this past Monday.  My youngest is doing Core de Force, and my oldest is trying P90X3.  

Goals for 2020: 

 1.  Keep up the daily workouts.  I will finish up 80 DO before calving season starts in March, and then I'll pick a lighter, shorter workout for calving season because calving is physically demanding on its own.  

2.  Lose another 20-25 pounds.  (I lost 30 pounds in 2019!)

3.  Keep having outdoor adventures with the family...we are surrounded by 6 different national parks, lakes, the Columbia river, and endless forest 

4.  Keep encouraging my kids to be active and healthy!

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If you like the sound of Zombies, Run!, the same company has one called "The Walk".  It uses your phone as a pedometer basically, and there is a mystery story to it.  The goal is to walk the distance of the British Isle, form North to South.  I can't remember all the details, but I think basically you walk throughout the day, then at the end of the day you get clues or something.  

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1 hour ago, Laura Corin said:

My office has a sea view, but I face the other way. Things to do...

She's an Australian Labradoodle, 13 years old. Her name is Blondie.


I can see why. I'd be staring out the window all day. đŸ˜‰Â   And now I see why you walk on your lunch breaks, with an ocean so close by it must be amazing. 

Those Aussies have perfected the small, fuzzy and cuddly dog! 

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4 hours ago, FarmingMomma said:

So far I've finished 28 days of 80 day obsession and it is going really well, much better than the previous times I'd tried it.  My kids both finished Morning Meltdown 100 before Christmas and started new workout programs this past Monday.  My youngest is doing Core de Force, and my oldest is trying P90X3.  

Goals for 2020: 

 1.  Keep up the daily workouts.  I will finish up 80 DO before calving season starts in March, and then I'll pick a lighter, shorter workout for calving season because calving is physically demanding on its own.  

2.  Lose another 20-25 pounds.  (I lost 30 pounds in 2019!)

3.  Keep having outdoor adventures with the family...we are surrounded by 6 different national parks, lakes, the Columbia river, and endless forest 

4.  Keep encouraging my kids to be active and healthy!

Kudos on your weight loss and fitness gains, it is amazing to feel the progress. I'm entirely jealous of all the parks, swoon.

@Laura Corin thank you for the gorgeous pic (the view and the dog).

Our hike was just 4 miles but as with yours not very quick as the terrain was very rough in places(up hill, downhill, loose rocks, slippery rocks), our pace was 26.5 min/mile- which isn't bad as the rec. pace was more than that. The kids did a great job, it is much easier now that they are older. And even though it was just 4 miles it was 12,500 steps.

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12 hours ago, Monica_in_Switzerland said:

 I actually ran with chases turned off most of the time, as it actually slowed my overall run times (I'd be constantly thinking, "slow down more so that when the zombies come, you can run faster!"

When the app first came out, the chases were terrible; you couldn't tell if you'd been caught until you noticed it had been 15 minutes or so and the story wasn't going forward any more. Now it tells you if you need to run a little faster, and when you've escaped -- and if you get caught, instead of ending the episode and making you do it over, the zombies just take one of your items. But best of all, you now have control over the zombie chase frequency, and over what % faster you have to run in order to escape them (based on your running speed right before the chase). So when I was ready to raise my baseline speed, I just lowered the zombie speed % increase.

I think the game is Scottish, and the lovely accents are half the fun. Trigger Warning however: there's a "Texan" character in one episode and it was kind of agonizing. Also slight language and violence/gore warning, if anybody is thinking of it for their kids.

Edited by Violet Crown
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7 hours ago, wintermom said:

 How cold did it get down to at night? Did you tent or stay in a hut?

We did our solstice hike in MO. Slept in a tent. Temps went to slightly below freezing, maybe 28F. Quite cozy (I have camped out under a rock shelter without tent before in 0F weather before, with an ancient sleeping bag)


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I decided to walk instead of run at OT today.  On the treads we did 1, 2, 3, and 4 minute pushes each followed without a break by a 1-minute all-out (recoveries between the sets, though).  I thought I should rest my knees and get new sneakers before I tried something like that!  So I walked the pushes at about 7-8% depending on the length, and the all-outs at 12%.  Then I got the name of the local running store that does gait analysis, and I think I'll go buy new shoes tomorrow - don't go to OT till the afternoon.  I also talked to the coach about this, and he pretty much agrees with everything you guys said. đŸ™‚Â 

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2 hours ago, regentrude said:

We did our solstice hike in MO. Slept in a tent. Temps went to slightly below freezing, maybe 28F. Quite cozy (I have camped out under a rock shelter without tent before in 0F weather before, with an ancient sleeping bag)


It was a shock how cold a dessert actually gets during the night the first time I experienced it. It was so unexpected. At least you did not have snow as your foundation for the tent. I'm very impressed that you and your dh camp "rough." My ds 13 really wants to backpack and tent with me, and I have to admit that I'm not exactly excited about the prospect. It was pretty uncomfortable in my 20s, and in my 50s I feel like I'm older and wiser. A hut or cabin would be plenty rough for me these days.Â đŸ˜‚

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Dh and I played doubles tennis with friends for about 2 hours this afternoon. It was really fun, but my poor body is crushed right now. All the skiing, snowshoeing and hiking on snow that feels like sticky porridge over the last 2 days has worn me down. I had a wonderful bath after tennis and am enjoying some quality Netflix time now. đŸ˜‰

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Got my first walk of 2020 in! It was only 2.4 miles, as I had my dog with me and she wasn’t being a great walker today. I’ll admit that I haven’t been taking her on regular walks lately, so she will get better as she gets more practice. The next few days look rainy so I plan to do some indoor walking videos. I’m feeling motivated! đŸ˜ƒ

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50 minutes ago, wintermom said:

It was a shock how cold a dessert actually gets during the night the first time I experienced it. It was so unexpected. At least you did not have snow as your foundation for the tent. I'm very impressed that you and your dh camp "rough." My ds 13 really wants to backpack and tent with me, and I have to admit that I'm not exactly excited about the prospect. It was pretty uncomfortable in my 20s, and in my 50s I feel like I'm older and wiser. A hut or cabin would be plenty rough for me these days.Â đŸ˜‚

We are MUCH more comfortable now backpacking than we were in our 20s, because the equipment has gotten so much better. The sleeping bags, tent, and sleeping pads we have no are much lighter and better than the heavy gear we carried in our twenties. The tiny liquid gas stove is way easier and cleaner than the heavy gasoline stove you could only light by pouring gasoline over it.  Titanium cookware. Freeze dried food instead of canned meat (yuck). No comparison. Much, much more comfortable.

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1 hour ago, Just Kate said:

Got my first walk of 2020 in! It was only 2.4 miles, as I had my dog with me and she wasn’t being a great walker today. I’ll admit that I haven’t been taking her on regular walks lately, so she will get better as she gets more practice. The next few days look rainy so I plan to do some indoor walking videos. I’m feeling motivated! đŸ˜ƒ

FWIW, if you have good clothing, rain can be fine for walking, and the dog will learn to enjoy that too. 

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This post is kind of all over the place, so forgive me! I didn’t row today, but our family went skiing, so that totally counts as exercise.  I’ve been skiing since I was 3 years old and it was painfully obvious to me what a difference this year has been for me. 

 I gained 15 pounds this last year after going back to work full-time, 55+ hours a week, sitting in a chair for 10 hours a day. It’s been really tough to come home exhausted and have the time and energy to exercise. Plus, my office had a fridge stocked full of soda, and literally drawers full of candy, both of which I utilized to get me through the 2-4 pm slump. But I’m starting a new job on the 13th, which hopefully is going to have more balance in life and is going to be more of a 40 hours/week job.  Instead of going into work at 7 am, I don’t have to go in until 9, so i am planning on exercising before I leave for work. I’m also putting together meal plans for lunch, committing to drinking only water, and figuring out some healthy snacks to get me through the afternoons.  I started exercising again and trying to watch my food better right after Thanksgiving, and I did manage to lose 2 pounds in December, despite lots of rich meals and holiday-related treats. 

I know it’s January, and I’m feeling gung-ho right now, but I really am committed to lose 20 pounds this year. I have a lot of big changes I am planning on in 2021, which are going to be hard, so I need to focus on strengthening myself this year and being in the best possible position a year from now. It absolutely has to happen. 

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8 hours ago, Violet Crown said:

When the app first came out, the chases were terrible; you couldn't tell if you'd been caught until you noticed it had been 15 minutes or so and the story wasn't going forward any more. Now it tells you if you need to run a little faster, and when you've escaped -- and if you get caught, instead of ending the episode and making you do it over, the zombies just take one of your items. But best of all, you now have control over the zombie chase frequency, and over what % faster you have to run in order to escape them (based on your running speed right before the chase). So when I was ready to raise my baseline speed, I just lowered the zombie speed % increase.

I think the game is Scottish, and the lovely accents are half the fun. Trigger Warning however: there's a "Texan" character in one episode and it was kind of agonizing. Also slight language and violence/gore warning, if anybody is thinking of it for their kids.


I had never thought of changing the percentage above baseline, great idea!  I like the idea of the fartlek style running, but was too afraid of the zombies to utilize it.  LOL.  

Re: content/gore- agreed, preview a bit.  I'm using it with my middle schooler who is ok with the slight gore (It is maybe similar in violence to a marvel type movie, I'd say).  He was completely perplexed when he figured out one of the love stories was between two women...  Apparently the "sheltered homeschool child" is a real phenomenon! Â đŸ˜„Â  But I will mention it here, in case it concerns someone.  I was hesitant, as I'm saving a lot of the "variants of human love" talks for a bit later, but s a simple explanation suited him fine and was probably a great way to open the conversation.  Teachable moments!  There are no explicit scenes, only a few people pining away for lost lovers, IIRC.  


4 hours ago, regentrude said:

We are MUCH more comfortable now backpacking than we were in our 20s, because the equipment has gotten so much better. The sleeping bags, tent, and sleeping pads we have no are much lighter and better than the heavy gear we carried in our twenties. The tiny liquid gas stove is way easier and cleaner than the heavy gasoline stove you could only light by pouring gasoline over it.  Titanium cookware. Freeze dried food instead of canned meat (yuck). No comparison. Much, much more comfortable.


It would be nice to go backpacking with someone who owned all the equipment, just to see if it's something I'd like before making the investment!  Your posts are so inspiring!  I have a friend whose husband is a hiker... I'll have to look into that.  But I'm pretty sure his equipment is 20+ year old Swiss military issue. Â đŸ¤£

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2 January. This morning I'll do the first day of Adriene's new January programme. This afternoon I'll go on the village New Year's walk in the rain with other residents, my husband and dog. It will probably be around three miles.

Breakfast of porridge with blueberries; lunch of lentils with Chinese leaf; supper of some kind of lean protein with veg; snacks - maybe a tofu and berry smoothie with oat milk, or raw veg with nuts or low fat dairy.

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6 hours ago, PinkTulip said:

This post is kind of all over the place, so forgive me! I didn’t row today, but our family went skiing, so that totally counts as exercise.  I’ve been skiing since I was 3 years old and it was painfully obvious to me what a difference this year has been for me. 

 I gained 15 pounds this last year after going back to work full-time, 55+ hours a week, sitting in a chair for 10 hours a day. It’s been really tough to come home exhausted and have the time and energy to exercise. Plus, my office had a fridge stocked full of soda, and literally drawers full of candy, both of which I utilized to get me through the 2-4 pm slump. But I’m starting a new job on the 13th, which hopefully is going to have more balance in life and is going to be more of a 40 hours/week job.  Instead of going into work at 7 am, I don’t have to go in until 9, so i am planning on exercising before I leave for work. I’m also putting together meal plans for lunch, committing to drinking only water, and figuring out some healthy snacks to get me through the afternoons.  I started exercising again and trying to watch my food better right after Thanksgiving, and I did manage to lose 2 pounds in December, despite lots of rich meals and holiday-related treats. 

I know it’s January, and I’m feeling gung-ho right now, but I really am committed to lose 20 pounds this year. I have a lot of big changes I am planning on in 2021, which are going to be hard, so I need to focus on strengthening myself this year and being in the best possible position a year from now. It absolutely has to happen. 

Welcome! Congrats on your great start. It is hard when so many things change, I just work PT at home and that really was an adjust.


We're only backpacked a little bit, so we have just a some of the gear. We have always been occasional hikers but really the last 3 yrs have hardly went, funny we went much more when the kids were younger of course as they get older there is more to do and then with FIL getting cancer, his treatment, eventual hospice and death rolled right into dh starting school and my PT work and ds going to school it has been utterly crazy. It really feels as if we've settled in again. Everyone enjoyed our hike yesterday and dh was talking about doing more this year, I really hope so, I'd love to get back in the habit, I've really missed it.


today's exercise plan: am: 20 min HIIT; couch to 5k W1D2 - with dd1 (we'll see how motivated she's feeling today!);

PM- 1hr: Ultimate Pull-Up Program Phase 3 and will finish with incline walking with whatever time I have left, planning to do burpees between sets today and to start lifting

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8 hours ago, PinkTulip said:

This post is kind of all over the place, so forgive me! I didn’t row today, but our family went skiing, so that totally counts as exercise.  I’ve been skiing since I was 3 years old and it was painfully obvious to me what a difference this year has been for me. 

 I gained 15 pounds this last year after going back to work full-time, 55+ hours a week, sitting in a chair for 10 hours a day. It’s been really tough to come home exhausted and have the time and energy to exercise. Plus, my office had a fridge stocked full of soda, and literally drawers full of candy, both of which I utilized to get me through the 2-4 pm slump. But I’m starting a new job on the 13th, which hopefully is going to have more balance in life and is going to be more of a 40 hours/week job.  Instead of going into work at 7 am, I don’t have to go in until 9, so i am planning on exercising before I leave for work. I’m also putting together meal plans for lunch, committing to drinking only water, and figuring out some healthy snacks to get me through the afternoons.  I started exercising again and trying to watch my food better right after Thanksgiving, and I did manage to lose 2 pounds in December, despite lots of rich meals and holiday-related treats. 

I know it’s January, and I’m feeling gung-ho right now, but I really am committed to lose 20 pounds this year. I have a lot of big changes I am planning on in 2021, which are going to be hard, so I need to focus on strengthening myself this year and being in the best possible position a year from now. It absolutely has to happen. 


Thew new job sounds like a wonderful change!  I was going to say you're poised to get after your goals, but you're already on your way--way to go losing 2 lbs in December! 

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All the previous talk about running made me want to run, and now I'm feeling the hiking itch.  Y'all please don't start talking about rock climbing, lol.  I do love hiking though, and there's a wonderful state park that's a 5 min drive from my house that the kids and I love.  I'm hoping to take a lot of advantage of it before tick season cranks up again.  *shudder*

Yesterday's run was one of my best ever (running is not my thang, folks).  But it's amazing how much better I do when it's the only dedicated exercise I've had that day.  I ran laps along the fence line of our property, doing ladders (ran 6, walked 1, ran 5, walked 1, etc to 1/1).  Took me about 50 mins and was actually pretty enjoyable.  Felt more like a run than a slog.  Today will be a kettlebell workout this morning, CKD this evening, sooooooo, as planned I will try to eat a little more today without going crazy and eating everything.  Good times.

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I've got to plan my menu and grocery shopping today.

preworkouts- whole grain gf toast with almond butter; gf bagel and cheese; after lifting: protein shake w/ whey/ unsweet almond milk, beet, raspberries

bfast- eggs over easy w/ homemade hash- sweet pot, white pot, & onion

lunch: cauliflower pizza w/ miso kale chips

dinner: blackened chicken, wild rice, and salad

Edited by soror
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1 minute ago, IvyInFlorida said:

All the previous talk about running made me want to run, and now I'm feeling the hiking itch.  Y'all please don't start talking about rock climbing, lol.  I do love hiking though, and there's a wonderful state park that's a 5 min drive from my house that the kids and I love.  I'm hoping to take a lot of advantage of it before tick season cranks up again.  *shudder*

Yesterday's run was one of my best ever (running is not my thang, folks).  But it's amazing how much better I do when it's the only dedicated exercise I've had that day.  I ran laps along the fence line of our property, doing ladders (ran 6, walked 1, ran 5, walked 1, etc to 1/1).  Took me about 50 mins and was actually pretty enjoyable.  Felt more like a run than a slog.  Today will be a kettlebell workout this morning, CKD this evening, sooooooo, as planned I will try to eat a little more today without going crazy and eating everything.  Good times.

LOL, I know so much to do, not enough time and energy. I noticed running is easier for me starting with a better cardio base than before. Fingers crossed we both fuel enough and feel fabulous w/ wonderfully strong workouts.

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1 minute ago, soror said:

LOL, I know so much to do, not enough time and energy. I noticed running is easier for me starting with a better cardio base than before. Fingers crossed we both fuel enough and feel fabulous w/ wonderfully strong workouts.


Yes indeed!  Your food sounds great!  Blackened chicken and wild rice, drool.

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9 hours ago, regentrude said:

We are MUCH more comfortable now backpacking than we were in our 20s, because the equipment has gotten so much better. The sleeping bags, tent, and sleeping pads we have no are much lighter and better than the heavy gear we carried in our twenties. The tiny liquid gas stove is way easier and cleaner than the heavy gasoline stove you could only light by pouring gasoline over it.  Titanium cookware. Freeze dried food instead of canned meat (yuck). No comparison. Much, much more comfortable.

You used some weird gear! Canned food? Who backpacked with cans?Â đŸ˜‰Â  My gear was good, as it was my job and I could invest in quality equipment back then. The prices are crazy now, and I don't see that much improvement from what I was using.  I was working in Norway and still have my gear from various European countries. 

The ground hasn't got any softer or less rocky, the temperatures are still cold, and rain is still wet.Â đŸ˜¶

I went "glamping" with my brother in his 1978 VW Westalia in the Canadian Rockies last August. That is sweet to sleep in a camper! The people in the neighbouring lot were from Germany and their bed was on top of their car. Getting up off the ground is what has improved sleep while camping for me. đŸ˜‰

Edited by wintermom
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1 hour ago, wintermom said:

You used some weird gear! Canned food? Who backpacked with cans?

Everybody. When you backpack for two weeks through an uninhabited place, you need non-perishable food with enough calories. We didn't have anything else! Pasta, rice, canned meat, chocolate. There was no jerky, dried fruit, nuts, granola, protein bars, freeze dried meals- those things did not exist in communist East Germany of the 80s.

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8 minutes ago, regentrude said:

Everybody. When you backpack for two weeks through an uninhabited place, you need non-perishable food with enough calories. We didn't have anything else! Pasta, rice, canned meat, chocolate. There was no jerky, dried fruit, nuts, granola, protein bars, freeze dried meals- those things did not exist in communist East Germany of the 80s.

Ok. You didn't bring up those details initially. All these things were available outside the Iron Curtain in the 90s. 

We backpacked with bullion cubes, dried soup (blueberry usually), concentrated juice, oatmeal, pasta. The only liquids we brought in were either fuel for the stove or alcohol. đŸ˜‰Â  We didn't have to bring in water as the streams are clean in Norway. And there are no mosquitoes! Joy!

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HIIT done and STILL waiting on dd1 to get up so we can run, been working on my menu and finished breakfast.

Today's bfast got changed to eggs/ w pot, sweet pot, and onion hash and dinner tonight will be teriyaki salmon instead of chicken. I'm trying to do better including a fish and veggie meal in each week and looking at menu plan it was easiest to do fish tonight.  And doing pho tonight instead w/ cucumber salad and fish tomorrow, just found out the girls will be gone tomorrow night and dd1 is not a fan of fish and the chicken needs to be cooked today. I'll get it eventually. DD1 finally got up so we're getting ready to run.

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