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My college senior has a job offer!!


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My oldest son is a senior and will graduate in May with a degree in accounting. He had three interviews scheduled this week for positions post graduation.

He had the first interview at 10:00 am today and had a job offer from a "Big Four" accounting firm by 5:00. He has more firms to meet with but he has this offer in hand as he decides what he wants to do.

It is exciting and feels unbelievable almost. We aren't the most professionally successful folks 😉

(and he went to a tiny college that even people who live local to have never heard of 🙂 )

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Thanks everyone! He texted me last night “I guess going to a rinky dink southern school didn’t ruin me” and I texted back “I guess homeschooling didn’t ruin you either.”

And that is my “where you go is not who you will be” story.

And we really aren’t picking on his school. He is at Oglethorpe University and he has been well taken care of financially all along and he has had tremendous support in networking and professional development. When he chose it, it was definitely an outside the box choice. But luckily it didn’t matter what other people thought! 

Thanks again, everyone!

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Big Four is a fantastic place to start off one’s career!  Big congrats to your ds and YOU! Is he looking to do audit or tax?

Is a 5th year (or an additional 30 hours of coursework) not required in your state to sit for the CPA exam? 

Edited by Hoggirl
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2 hours ago, Hoggirl said:

Big Four is a fantastic place to start off one’s career!  Big congrats to your ds and YOU! Is he looking to do audit or tax?

Is a 5th year (or an additional 30 hours of coursework) not required in your state to sit for the CPA exam? 

He took in 30 hours of dual enrollment and it worked out he was able to take all the required additional coursework during his four years (while on scholarship 🙂). 

He has been interviewing for audit as that is what his biggest internship was in. He has an internship this semester with a small firm where he is doing a variety of things. He is expecting an offer to come from that too. 

We don’t know anything about it so we are grateful he has had really good advising. (Or so it appears he does).

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27 minutes ago, Matryoshka said:

That's great to hear!  Congrats to him!  My dd18 is majoring in Accounting and she's got big dreams of working for one of the Big Four.  She just went to her first career fair on campus today - looking for internships - she's hoping to get in a couple of those before graduation.

My ds has done several internships. Getting the first one is the toughest it seems. His first one ended up with an insurance company. He was just mostly making phone calls but he got a good reference and it gave him a start. 

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2 minutes ago, teachermom2834 said:

My ds has done several internships. Getting the first one is the toughest it seems. His first one ended up with an insurance company. He was just mostly making phone calls but he got a good reference and it gave him a start. 

Yes, I think the internships will be super-important.  Her school has a semester internship program she'll apply for that includes 2 accelerated classes after it's done, and she's also doing to try for something next summer. She'll only have 4.5 semesters to get everything in, as she's a transfer.  She could do it in 4, but taking the extra semester will give her time to do the internship and the 150 hrs for the CPA prep (and maybe an Econ minor). 

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3 minutes ago, Matryoshka said:

Yes, I think the internships will be super-important.  Her school has a semester internship program she'll apply for that includes 2 accelerated classes after it's done, and she's also doing to try for something next summer. She'll only have 4.5 semesters to get everything in, as she's a transfer.  She could do it in 4, but taking the extra semester will give her time to do the internship and the 150 hrs for the CPA prep (and maybe an Econ minor). 

That sounds like a good plan. My ds could have graduated in three years but we decided early on not to do that. We thought he would need the full time to get in enough job experience, etc. The summer after junior year was the big one for internships and if he had graduated early he would not have had that summer internship. So staying in was the right move for him for sure.

I will say that my ds has had what appears to be a really great outcome. He is a good student and he has contacts through his school but honestly he applied for a ton of stuff he didn’t get. He did so many interviews for internships and sent so many resumes and just never gave up. So the only advice I have is just to keep trying until something sticks and not get discouraged.

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