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Getting a dog on Monday (photos)


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I am so happy.  I am getting a dog on Monday that will become my service dog. I am working with a trainer who has trained a number of smaller dogs as service dogs and has ten years experience training altogether. When I met my new dog, Jesse, and he also met my dd's dog (the one on the other thread) she was explaining to me dog signals that even though I have owned many dogs and trained them I never knew.  

Jesse is a rescued Miniature American Shepherd (the miniature form of the Australian Shepherd).




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Aw, she is adorable! What kinds of things will she do? Years ago we watched a series on Netflix called 'Working Dogs'. It was so fascinating to learn about all of the different skills and talents some dogs have, or can be trained to do.

Jesse is a neutered male and he will be trained to be partly hearing- alert for doorbells, knocks, anything else I can't hear, partly help with brain fog- make sure I get up whether from bed or chairs, partly to help with Ra as in getting something (though this is less necessary) and then, partly to help me avoid falls by alerting to steps, change in pavement or floor (so many of them aren't marked, etc-  this is because my RA makes my walking less steady and my Sjogren's can make my eyes less able to focus and all the meds I take -particularly the blood pressure meds that I have to take because all the steroids I take.    That is why I have been searching on and off for a trainer who could help me train a small multi-service dog.  Aussies and now Mini American Shepherds are natural watchdogs so the first requirement will be easy.  They, and particularly Jesse, is by temperament a dog who wants to stay by the owner so the nudging should be easy.  Then the other two tasks.  But we won't start training right away.  Both she and I agreed that a 2 week getting used to us period will be good.

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❤️ Beautiful. My grandmother had a dog that looked exactly like that, minus the light brown spots. Same everything else. We never knew what she was, she just appeared and stuck around. I played with Molly for 14 years, she was a wonderful dog, I'm sure your pup will be wonderful. Congratulations! 

And my grandmother's name was Jesse. Ha. (Jessie, I guess)

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Congratulations!!  My daughter's first service dog is retiring and we are in process of training her second service dog.  They truly are life changing!   Her first one was a program dog but we are really looking forward to taking the new one from step A to completion, although they never stop learning.  

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