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Metal in bagel! UPDATE!!!


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UPDATE: well, my update is disappointing  😞  they finally sent me a letter and asked me to call them for the results. Weird, but Ok, so I called.  They claimed that ‘the lab’ showed that there was no way the metal was introduced into the bagel at the factory. They said that there was a small hole in the bag and it was probably introduced once it left their plant. Ummm...no. I said that I most likely put the very small hole in the bag and that based on how the bagel looked and where the metal was located that there was NO WAY someone could have jammed a big piece of metal into a MINI bagel without me noticing that something looked weird. He said he could only tell me what the lab report told him  😕

I’m all for people making mistakes and just owning up to them. I told him I would’ve felt better about the company if they just said that yep, that piece came off a machine and it has now been fixed, than to try and say it happened after it left their company. I had even started buying their products again, but now I think I’ll have to stop...not because of the metal, but because I super hate ‘it’s not ever my fault’ attitudes.  Boo on Thomas Bagels.


This is really weird and we’ve never had anything like this happen before. This morning my youngest DS (8) was eating his usual Thomas brand Mini bagel and said ‘mommy, there’s metal in my bagel.’ In my hand, he spat out a rather big piece of metal! ?It looks like a really thick staple maybe? It’s about an inch long. He said it hurt, but seems ok now thankfully. I know these things happen but I can’t believe such a big piece was hidden so well in a *mini* bagel half!!!

I emailed the company with all pertinent info (upc, store and purchase date). I haven’t heard anything from them yet. Should I do anything else?


Edited by mmasc
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I would save the packaging, including the plastic closure, and the piece of metal. The company might want you to mail it to them for testing. Dh has worked for Nabisco, Nestle, and McCormick and when he worked for them they would want it back for testing. I would also request some product coupons when they respond to you. 

‘Glad your boy is ok! If he had swallowed it that could have been scary!

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Personally I would make a call to the company and make sure there is an appropriate response so they aren’t putting anyone else at risk.  If someone doesn’t check their email and theirs a malfunction that mean these are in more than one someone else could end up swallowing one.  They should probably do a recall.

to me it looks like the inside of a bag tie or something.

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DS once found what appeared to be a piece of bone in his breakfast cereal. I took it in to the store, but I should have sent it in to the manufacturer. They did contact me but I forgot to follow up. It is definitely disconcerting. Glad your son didn't swallow it! 

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3 hours ago, Annie G said:

I would save the packaging, including the plastic closure, and the piece of metal. The company might want you to mail it to them for testing. Dh has worked for Nabisco, Nestle, and McCormick and when he worked for them they would want it back for testing. I would also request some product coupons when they respond to you. 

‘Glad your boy is ok! If he had swallowed it that could have been scary!

I’m kind of bummed because the plastic closure is gone (it has the stamp and best by date). I hate those things with a fiery passion and always immediately replace them with the bread twist tie things. Hopefully they can get it figured out with the info I do have. 

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3 hours ago, Ausmumof3 said:

Personally I would make a call to the company and make sure there is an appropriate response so they aren’t putting anyone else at risk.  If someone doesn’t check their email and theirs a malfunction that mean these are in more than one someone else could end up swallowing one.  They should probably do a recall.

to me it looks like the inside of a bag tie or something.

I agree! I’ll be calling tomorrow since they didn’t respond by email. 

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55 minutes ago, Liz CA said:

Have an egg; chicken don't do this kind of thing. 

Yuck. I'd be at least switching brands.

I’m sure I will. Which sucks, because they make my all-time favorite (limited edition!) English muffins that are about to come out this time of year. ?

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1 hour ago, MEmama said:

DS once found what appeared to be a piece of bone in his breakfast cereal. I took it in to the store, but I should have sent it in to the manufacturer. They did contact me but I forgot to follow up. It is definitely disconcerting. Glad your son didn't swallow it! 

That seems like a super weird thing to be in cereal. Gross!

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Used to work with a food company. I would also suggest contacting the store you bought it from if you don't hear back immediately from the manufacturer. Sometimes when their paying customer (the store) turns something in, it a) gets flagged faster b) goes into the right channel faster, because reps know the different departments. It really depends on how their purchasing and distribution is set up, but it may help. I'm very surprised you didn't hear back under 24 hours (well, maybe you still will). I remember part of our safety audits included having to have an initial response out within that time frame, then a full investigation.

Definitely keep the piece, they will be trying to track where it entered the system, it sounds like you've done you should. Wish half of the initial reports I received were half as thorough, lol. 

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9 hours ago, PeterPan said:

Didn't they say on the news this has been happening with other foods too? Definitely report it till someone listens.

I haven’t seen any reports, but I don’t really watch a lot of news. That’s interesting...

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Call the 800 number on the package. I’ve had weird stuff show up in food over the years. The only time the company had me mail it in was when I found plastic chunks in a brand new container of formula. They were convinced I must have dropped something into it, but I hadn’t. They did lab tests and contacted me a few weeks later to let me know it wasn’t harmful to my baby.

As a backup, you could also let the store know. It could be a one off deal or it could be a problem affecting many packages. If the company isn’t notified, they have no clue. 

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I called the company and they’re sending a self-addressed stamped package for me to mail back the bag of bagels and the metal piece. They said they will try to track what happened and will contact me when their analysis is done. We’ll see what happens!

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DH's co-worker made and brought him a breakfast sandwich this morning to work, one made with a bagel, and DH found a metal staple-like piece in a bite.  The sandwich was a bagel with egg, cheese, and ham, and he thinks it came from the bagel.  When he told me, it immediately reminded me of your post, which I forwarded to him, and he thinks it looks about the same.  DH let his co-worker know about it.  Weird coincident being as you just posted....hmmm...

Edited by ChrisB
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7 hours ago, ChrisB said:

DH's co-worker made and brought him a breakfast sandwich this morning to work, one made with a bagel, and DH found a metal staple-like piece in a bite.  The sandwich was a bagel with egg, cheese, and ham, and he thinks it came from the bagel.  When he told me, it immediately reminded me of your post, which I forwarded to him, and he thinks it looks about the same.  DH let his co-worker know about it.  Weird coincident being as you just posted....hmmm...

Wow...that *is* weird! Definitely report back when your DH finds out the brand!

is he ok?

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5 hours ago, mmasc said:

Wow...that *is* weird! Definitely report back when your DH finds out the brand!

is he ok?

His co-worker didn't know off the top of his head and hasn't gotten back to him regarding the brand. Fortunately it didn't do any damage!  It was such a strange coincidence that when I read your thread and then heard him talk about it, I thought he may be reading the forum, too, but he doesn't..ironic...

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50 minutes ago, goldberry said:

Wow, scary-freaky.  

I found a staple in local barbeque once, but the local place used to staple bags closed.  I called them to let them know a staple got into the food, and they stopped doing it.  But baked into something is scary.

It really is scary. This piece is so thick and not very pliable that I’m thinking it’s a piece off machinery even though it looks like a staple. Who knows?!

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Wow I missed this the first time around.  How scary.  

I am really sad to hear the update too.  It is one thing to have companies that don't offer great c/s, but when it is a food you are eating my gosh.  I can't believe that is their response.  They could be sued.   

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On 10/24/2018 at 5:41 PM, mmasc said:

UPDATE: well, my update is disappointing  😞 ... Boo on Thomas Bagels.


Boo on Thomas Bagels!!

On 10/25/2018 at 11:17 PM, ChrisB said:

DH's co-worker made and brought him a breakfast sandwich this morning to work, one made with a bagel, and DH found a metal staple-like piece in a bite.  The sandwich was a bagel with egg, cheese, and ham, and he thinks it came from the bagel.  When he told me, it immediately reminded me of your post, which I forwarded to him, and he thinks it looks about the same.  DH let his co-worker know about it.  Weird coincident being as you just posted....hmmm...

This is my post, and unfortunately, the co-worker didn't save anything or take pictures.  If he had, I would encourage him to send a letter to Thomas and complain.  He's an attorney.

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Did you send them the piece of metal?

I wonder if their not putting the results in writing is so that you can't forward all the correspondence to the FDA to let them know about the 'it wasn't us' response. If you don't have the piece of metal anymore and their letter is non-specific about their testing results, there is not much you can do. However, I might be mad enough to send the picture(s), info, and copies of my & their letter with a letter to the FDA explaining what you told them & what they told you (& what you told us). Probably nothing would happen ultimately, but since TB didn't do anything, it would make *me* feel better to let the regulators know about it.

And, I'm mean enough to copy the company itself on my letter to the FDA. But I don't know if that's a good idea or not.

Edited to add a link to an old metal in bagel recall.

Edited by RootAnn
old metal-in-bagel recall
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Yes, I sent it in. 😞. I wasn’t too thrilled about giving away my evidence, but supposedly that’s how they could ‘analyze’ it to figure out what happened. Now I think that was probably just a trick to get it into their hands for liability reasons! 

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