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Cloth Diapers

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I would like to use cloth diapers with the baby to come. I really like the pocket diapers (where you can put inserts, or prefolds, or even terry towels inside them.) In the past I have used the old fashioned pins and plastic pants, but I would rather do a little better this time.


I looked on ebay, but it seems they are all new (and more than I would like to pay.) Is there a particular brand I should look for? Another place where people sell them?

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I second the http://www.mothering.com recommendation!!


They have an entire forum dedicated to cloth diapering, so you'll be able to read a lot of reviews on which ones folks like best.


I used cloth diapers for all of mine, however, they have sooo much more available now than they did when my oldest was a baby!!! I was able to use some of the new styles with my youngest when she was a baby (I remember preferring the snap Motherease covers with the chinese prefolds -- that was my favorite)


I was soo happy not to have to use pins and rubber pants, like I did years ago!


One other suggestion -- I ordered samples from several different companies (many of them offer these for free; some charge as little as a $5). That way, I could wash them and see if they held up, etc., and see which ones I liked best before I decided on one diapering system.


Happy planning!!

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Fuzzi Bunz is a popular brand of pocket diapers and so is Happy Heinys. They both were popular and performed well and held up well when my little used them. Don't use fabric softener when you wash them. THose microfiber towels from the auto department can be used to stuff them and dry quickly.


Diaperpin.com is a place I foound very helpful for diaper reviews.


Watchout. Cute cloth diapers and diaper covers are something that is easy to start over spending on.


I really liked wool diaper covers, but that isn't what you asked about.

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Watchout. Cute cloth diapers and diaper covers are something that is easy to start over spending on.


I really liked wool diaper covers, but that isn't what you asked about.


They are all so expensive!


I have a few covers that someone gave me, but I need a few more.


My cousin used wool, but I am not a big wool fan (for anything.)

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I'm a fan of Thirsties, as well as the wahm diapers on http://www.hyenacart.com.


FYI, Thirsties sizing runs big, but they cover a wide range to give you more bang for your buck. Ds has been in mediums for... gosh, maybe 5 or 6 months now, and he still has plenty of room to grow before they're too small.


We mostly use fitteds and covers but, if I were to invest all in pockets, they'd be Thirsties.

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I used MotherEase with my little ones and both dh and I were thrilled with them. They advertise that they are leak-proof, and I am here to tell you that they are leak-proof. The covers are shaped to fit the diapers perfectly, and they are very cute (not that that matters in terms of performance, but it's a plus). I, personally, would not waste my money on the (much) more expensive pocket diapers when ME are more economical and work so well.



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Do you sew at all? You could make your own pockets. Here is a free pattern: http://www.geocities.com/gabrielbaby1/fuzzibunz.html I didn't have luck finding the right materials in stores(although I did find things that were similar and worked decently), but you can find online stores. I found a few places by searching pul microfleece material. I didn't check prices but it may end up less expensive if you have basic sewing ability.

I made some myself and they turned out decently.

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The Hyena Cart forums have a trading post and a Spot's Corner, as well as a number of mama-made diapers. Liberated Lounge also has a selling forum.


We started out with FuzziBunz, Swaddlebees and Happy Heinys, and I was able to find almost my entire stash second-hand on those forums.

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I have sewn several stashes for my dc - I am a recovering CD addict:tongue_smilie:


If you are interested in sewing them cheap & easy I'd be happy to help you.


Have you tried a snappi? That little thing saves many relationships with prefolds. Personally, I LOVE using flats or prefolds b/c they wash/dry so easy. You have to be kinda careful with how you wash pockets or fitteds or AIO.


One of my favorite systems (yep, I've tried just about everything - it's OK though b/c I sew them and don't pay full retail price....atleast that's my rationalization...) Is sewing up birdseye into pockets and leaving w/o closure so I can pin or snappi to fit whatever size.

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I used prefolds and Bummis covers with velcro (alias aplix) -- the diapers washed easily and were relatively inexpensive, and the covers wore well. As far as I know from reading on diaperswappers (I think?) ebay no longer allows the sale of used underwear, and apparently they consider diapers underwear, so new only on ebay.


Diaperswappers runs coops where you can buy (new) prefolds, at least, at a discount (although be careful about shipping -- those guys are heavy!), as well as people's used stuff -- some of it is totally run-down, while others are new or nearly new.


Diaperpin has nice reviews and can point you to stores.


Look for coupons and sales, too, those can help a lot.

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I used MotherEase with my little ones and both dh and I were thrilled with them. They advertise that they are leak-proof, and I am here to tell you that they are leak-proof. The covers are shaped to fit the diapers perfectly, and they are very cute (not that that matters in terms of performance, but it's a plus). I, personally, would not waste my money on the (much) more expensive pocket diapers when ME are more economical and work so well.




MotherEase leaked less than disposable diapers! The only leaks we ever had was when we were traveling and used Huggies or something. MotherEase are also nice-looking. I have a lot of photos with ds wearing only these diapers and they look so nice. I remember the little "barefoot feet" pattern on the covers. The only style that didn't work for us was the "All in Ones." I liked the diaper covers separate, because they often didn't need to be washed but the diaper itself (very soft) did and you can't take the "All in Ones" apart. The "All in Ones" are useful for day trips, though, or even overnights. Just put 'em in a bag afterwards and forget about them until you get home.


Perhaps you can search MotherEase on e-bay? Perhaps someone bought some and never really used them?



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Diaper service quality diapers, purchase enough of all the sizes you need (don't try to just have the one size that you think of as "burp diaper size." And, Bummis Super Whisper Wrap... And...I love wool for naps and at night...they are GREAT. And, they keep the baby warm, naturally.

Also, think of wool for under the sheet, instead of the plastic (ick!) mattress cover, or if you co-sleep, for under where the baby sleeps..... And yes, I just LOVED cloth diapers...you can go crazy! I learned to crochet and knit so I could crochet wool baby soakers...

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For pockets, I like Fuzzi Bunz and Blueberry's (snap closure more so than velcro). For inserts, all I use is microfiber inserts. They work great, but soap seems to build up easily in them. If I had to buy all over again, I'd try stuffing with flats.


I also like prefolds, snappis and PUL covers like Bummis. You can convert prefolds into "prefitteds" (shaped with elastic in the legs) pretty easy too. I'd like those a lot better if my sewing skills were a little better :tongue_smilie:


I'm probably a bigger fan of fitteds (SOS :001_wub:) and wool though :D

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I second Diaperswappers.com. Diaper Pin is another good board where you can get seconds. Kellyscloset has a store that sells seconds. BumGenius One-Size diapers (2.0 or 3.0) are a good bet too. We love them!


Happy shopping!

Edited by sagira
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Motherease (sp?) I can't even remember if thats how it's spelled, the one's they call Sandies with the little whale tag. I had also used their one size diapers. Both are good but I found that the sandies were more absorbant and could almost be used as a one size because of their snap placement.


I also used Kushies all in ones. I alternated between the motherease and kushies. This was the last set up when I had dd #4 before then I had used chinese prefolds, diapers service quality with pins and the vinyl pants. My first dd potty trained at 2 and all the other were potty trained by 1.5 I would like to attribute it to the cloth diapering, but who knows. And it's not an issue I pushed on them either. I think it happened the way it did because they felt the wetness and it possibly bothered them to keep the diaper on....


The websites mentioned are good ones.


Happy diapering :)



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I use regular chinese prefolds with Whisper Wraps. I've also used regular 'ole rubber pants, but found I had alot more diaper rashes with those, especially in the summer.


I really like the whisper wraps, although I do use pins, too, because it helps keep the diaper on with a very active 18 mo old. I never have a problem with the pins because I always put my hand in between their skin and the diaper, so no owies. Ok, so sometimes I poke myself... :001_smile:


I cloth diaper for economic reasons, mainly, the environmental reasons being a nice thing on the side, so I could never see spending $25 on one diaper. The Whisper wraps were about $10 a piece used through Craig's List, and I found out I really didn't need very many, maybe only three or four, depending on how often you launder. I do very well with three, but I also launder every day.



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I just looked at some of the other places and ebay is MUCH cheaper! YIKES!


Maybe I will stick to regular pre-folds and rubber pants!


Get nylon pull-on covers, I'm not sure you can even find rubber pants anymore and nylon will breathe better. :001_smile: Dappis (nylon pull-ons) work fine and they're cheap. A prefold with a snappi works well, with a Bummis super whisperwrap or Motherease airflow. (Those are all inexpensive options). Proraps are cheap covers also, but I never liked them much myself.

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My favorites had been sandies from mother ease....kissaluvs, wool covers from a store on ebay...they are very thin and have a picture on the butt...but very dry and cute. Not hot at all.


I didnt like fuzzibunz. I started with all in ones...but I ended up hating them. They leaked too much for my liking.


I love the microfiber leaving your newborn feeling dry but having the sherpa is super soft. I think my dd was potty trained super early from her sherpa diapers...and being able to feel the wetness. It is wonderful when you can stop using diapers by 15 months.

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Get on the Kissaluvs email notice list so you know when the outlet opens. Then you can get 12 fitted diapers for about 100. They are fabulous diapers. Also, get yourself a snappi or two rather than pins. I like prowraps, wool covers (stacinator makes some super soft ones), bummis wraps, and the motherease air flow wraps. I used to hate wool, but I have found a love of high quality wool. My last baby was almost exclusively wool covered whereas my first was plastic covered and my middle was half and half.

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