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Who’s going to tackle Thursday with me?

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I must:

  • Take son to therapy
  • Take son to and from university class
  • Make sure other son works on his math and piano
  • Send a Letter of Engagement to a new client
  • Complete monthlies and quarterlies for one client
  • Send another client a draft manual
  • Invoice my clients for June

I would also like to:

  • Finish setting up our third bedroom as an office
  • Buy primer and paint for a desk project for said office
  • Set up sun kit by the door so we don't leave the house without hats and sunglasses etc again
  • Rearrange the living room furniture to its previous configuration
  • Walk
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Good morning!

It feels like it should be the weekend to me, too! I was up too late at the fireworks last night and am feeling groggy this morning.

  • school
  • get bank deposits and mail ready
  • pay Amex bill
  • vet appt. at 2:00
  • go to post office and bank
  • pick up prescription
  • schedule mammogram and eye appt.
  • make menu plan for the next week
  • vacuum main floor
  • dinner: coconut green curry with brown rice, kale, and crispy tofu
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Good morning! 

A regular sort of summer day here.

  • Ds to/from swim team. Maybe some pool time for me and Dd too? 
  • Meal planning.
  • House cleaning - general tidying and clean bathrooms. Scrub some kitchen cabinets.
  • Make sure kids do some school and practice piano. 
  • Renew zoo membership. Car registration instead. 
  • Keep working on history planning. Also lit lists for both kids.
  • Mail package.
  • Call mom.
  • Check with Dh about Saturday plans.
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  • Laundry
  • Straighten living room
  • Vacuumed 
  • Make list of school stuff to get rid of (lots of MUS & some science stuff)
  • Meal plan
  • Work on 1 project off big list

Oh and dh told me as we were going to bed last night.  "I am off tomorrow".  Now not only am I confused about the day but he usually throws a kink in my day when he is home. (don't mean that ugly)


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Good morning! Our neighborhood was pretty noisy last night, so we are tired here! ds2 is off to work, dh and ds3 are playing tennis and I am having a second cup of coffee before I have to take dmil for a dr appointment this morning. No judo again, so we should have a quiet evening here.

  • more coffee
  • pick up dmil/ take/wait/take her home
  • pick up dog food
  • daily chores
  • bills and make dr appointments
  • library 
  • figure out dinner
  • Relax and read

Have a great day!

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Good morning!

I slept in and am having coffee. 

To Do:

  • laundry                 One load to go in the dryer and need to do another
  • tidy house (another quote on painting is happening today)
  • co-op planning      This will be ongoing until I get the first semesters planned enough to come up with supply lists and fees for the classes. 
  • pay bills
  • meals                 Everyone was on their own for breakfast and lunch, I think dinner is going to be light (chicken salad and fruit)
  • work on some sorting/organizing projects for this summer    
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1 hour ago, Baseball mom said:

Oh and dh told me as we were going to bed last night.  "I am off tomorrow".  Now not only am I confused about the day but he usually throws a kink in my day when he is home. (don't mean that ugly)


Yep, this. I was relieved when Dh said he was not working at home today. 

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Morning, all!   A busy day today...


kitchen, coffee, vacuumed downstairs

25 minute phone call with a customer service agent that turned out favorably, thank God

paid bills

To do:

breakfast shake, more coffee


take my mom to doctor's appt, lunch out if she's not too tired, get her a manicure

purge some of her paperwork, take for shredding

phone consult with dd's dr

laundry, laundry, laundry

buy painter's tape for prepping dd's room

order new mattress


leftover bbq for dinner

read, relax

Have a great day!


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DH last day off till next week.

Some school with DD.

Daddy daughter game time. It was short DD didn't want to follow the rules of any of the games offered. She asked for puzzles then refused to do them. Explained Daddy won't be able to do these things again till next week and that she will regret this time missed. So she went back and is trying to work with Dad on the puzzles.


Washing dishes

Clean house

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Well, my day and possibly the whole next week are upside down because a power window in my van is broken. The glass is not broken; the motor is broken and the window is all the way down. At least it is the passenger side and not my side. 

Next up:

  • Redo meal planning and budget to accomodate car repair expense
  • Grocery  Got food for through the weekend, in case my car is in the shop. 
  • Post office   Tomorrow! 
  • Make dinner - chx stir fry
  • Ds to/from pool party tonight  In Dh's car or he is taking Ds. Not driving my car. 

Realistically, this is all that will happen today.


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Scout, sorry about the window!

4 hours ago, ScoutTN said:

Yep, this. I was relieved when Dh said he was not working at home today. 

Dh is off for two months in the summer since he is a school teacher. I enjoy it most days, but there are days it would be nice to have fewer people in the house. 


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Hi guys!  It's actually Friday  here in Iceland already, but it's weird because it has never gotten dark the whole time we've been here.  My sleep is all wonky because it never really feels like night.

I missed checking in with you guys.  I hope everyone is having a good week.

I've been doing as little work as I can get away with, though I have had some each day.  Still nothing like most of my "vacations."

Iceland is pretty awesome as far as wonders of nature.  Mountains, ocean, glaciers, geysers, waterfalls, volcanoes ... and various odd results of their activity ... wildlife ... and the folks are pretty nice too.  The hotels etc. are very clean and comfortable.  Some of the roads are pretty hard to travel, and it's not fun when you mix rain, cold, and wind, but hey ... it's Iceland.

Today, we got up, fought over who should get ready first, went to breakfast, got some work out, packed, and drove from the southeast to somewhere northeast.  The first half of the day was gorgeous.  The second half was weird - many miles of just black rock, almost no living things (plus it was raining); then we drove an extremely bumpy unpaved road to [supposedly] the biggest waterfall in Europe.  The plan was to hike a couple kilometers to the falls, but when we got to the parking spot, it was so cold, windy, and rainy that it was all we could do to take a few photos and clamber back into the car.  Then we stopped off to see some geysers, which left us all smelling like sulfur.  We figured we'd wash up at the hotel (which was another drama since our original hotel was closed but I'll spare you the details), but the hotel water is basically sulfur water, so sulfur smell is our fate for now.  No biggie.  So we all had a shower and should be sleeping ... but aren't because it doesn't seem like night. ?

Pretty much every day is like this as we drive around the country counter-clockwise.  Some days we get more exercise, some less.  Most days we eat way too much junk food.

Tomorrow I think we'll take the kids to ride Iceland ponies - something my kid really wants to do.  We could go whale watching instead - which I'd enjoy more - but I figure we could do that at another time/place.  Either way, I just hope it doesn't rain.

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Pictures, SKL?! 


Borrowed mom's car and made a plan for getting mine to the shop tomorrow morning. 

Looked up info on the repair, so we know ballpark what to expect. 

Kids watched a movie because the pool party was rained/thundered out. 

Dinner cooked, enjoyed and cleaned up.

To do:

Read some school stuff and then a novel. 

Laundry, always.

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11 minutes ago, SKL said:

Hi guys!  It's actually Friday  here in Iceland already, but it's weird because it has never gotten dark the whole time we've been here.  My sleep is all wonky because it never really feels like night.

I missed checking in with you guys.  I hope everyone is having a good week.

I've been doing as little work as I can get away with, though I have had some each day.  Still nothing like most of my "vacations."

Iceland is pretty awesome as far as wonders of nature.  Mountains, ocean, glaciers, geysers, waterfalls, volcanoes ... and various odd results of their activity ... wildlife ... and the folks are pretty nice too.  The hotels etc. are very clean and comfortable.  Some of the roads are pretty hard to travel, and it's not fun when you mix rain, cold, and wind, but hey ... it's Iceland.

Today, we got up, fought over who should get ready first, went to breakfast, got some work out, packed, and drove from the southeast to somewhere northeast.  The first half of the day was gorgeous.  The second half was weird - many miles of just black rock, almost no living things (plus it was raining); then we drove an extremely bumpy unpaved road to [supposedly] the biggest waterfall in Europe.  The plan was to hike a couple kilometers to the falls, but when we got to the parking spot, it was so cold, windy, and rainy that it was all we could do to take a few photos and clamber back into the car.  Then we stopped off to see some geysers, which left us all smelling like sulfur.  We figured we'd wash up at the hotel (which was another drama since our original hotel was closed but I'll spare you the details), but the hotel water is basically sulfur water, so sulfur smell is our fate for now.  No biggie.  So we all had a shower and should be sleeping ... but aren't because it doesn't seem like night. ?

Pretty much every day is like this as we drive around the country counter-clockwise.  Some days we get more exercise, some less.  Most days we eat way too much junk food.

Tomorrow I think we'll take the kids to ride Iceland ponies - something my kid really wants to do.  We could go whale watching instead - which I'd enjoy more - but I figure we could do that at another time/place.  Either way, I just hope it doesn't rain.

Hi SKL! Your trip sounds so interesting. I am totally green with envy that you're going to ride Icelandic horses! I agree with Scout that we need photos.?

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