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S/O What kind of mom are you? UPDATED to add the list

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I still think all of the above pending child and life at the moment.


But of pressed - elephant with some dolphin is likely my natural fallback. Everything other people might say about me suggesting other categories is mostly desperate over compensation to meet the needs of the child that don’t come naturally to me.

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Some days I’m none of them. Some days I’m the zookeeper!


I’m probably more elephant-dolphin, but on any given day, jellyfish could appear too. Tiger doesn’t really fit me. My super-Mommy-attached Mr. Four would probably say I’m the elephant, and he’s the elephant calf, playing happily but running back to me for a cuddle a zillion times a day.


Tbh, I picture myself more like Mrs. Mallard — a little trail of light haired boys following me around. She’s gentle but firm, confident in her abilities to nurture and to guide her young offspring while providing a great environment for them to live and play.

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That's interesting. Do you feel like a "right answer" is based on your personal values, family's values, society's values or something else?


It seems like all the others have a down side. If you value achievement above all else, you are potentially devaluing emotional well being and relationship. If you let the child be themselves all the time, they could be feral ill mannered wild things. If you value relationships above all else, they could be coddled helpless people unable to handle responsibility.


Dolphins balance both achievement and happiness so it seems like an inherent judgement built into the descriptions. :)

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It's hard because I value their spiritual relationship above all other things so that depends on whether I label that "success" or "well-being" I would think.  
I'd like to say I swim along side and nudge, but um, I have more of a tiger personality, lol.




Nix all that.  I'd have to say Elephant - reasoning it through I value their relationship with me, with their family, with God, and push this above all things.  I try to temper the Tiger thing and, gratefully I'm sidetracked easily, so that helps.

Edited by BlsdMama
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