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On-line courses (Not college credit) for a young adult?


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I'm going to be out most of the day, so won't come back to check on this until afternoon, but need to ask this anyway :) 


What are some websites, sources, etc. I can check for on-line courses a 20 yr old young man might be interested in?


Long story short, he's struggling with anxiety, and does better the busier he is. BUT his therapist cautioned against adding another in-person class at the community college (he will be in 2 classes/7 credit hours this semester, and experience from last semester is -- that's just not enough to keep him occupied). She suggested an on-line course (through the comm. college). 


However, we'd rather not add another "for credit" course as he already has too many credits to transfer anyway, so thought we'd instead check into non college credit options. 


Any suggestions? Places to check? He's interested in Minecraft, computers, writing, wants to start a YouTube channel, stuff like that.....but we're open to any and all suggestions, and I can weed through the courses, I just don't even know where to start looking for ideas. 


Thanks for any info!

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My 17yo ds really enjoys Master Class. https://www.masterclass.com/?utm_source=Paid&utm_medium=AdWords&utm_term=Aq-Prospecting&utm_content=Search&utm_campaign=MC There was a special the latter part of last year for people who were already enrolled, to get unlimited classes for $99 for a year. He was so excited about that. The format makes it so that he can explore and watch partial courses if he doesn't want to do the full class.

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My personal favorite is Creative Live but I have also used Udemy.


Also, a lot creatives create courses for their followers. For example, if you son has a favorite youtuber or writer, check to see if they have created courses around the topic they are know for. If I'm interested in writing, I'm going to take one of Joanna Penn's courses. If I want to learn more about photography, I'll check to see which photographer I admire has a class that fits my needs.

Edited by guilfordlake
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I would look at khan academy.  my son who hated math and stopped taking it, decided he wanted to go into engineering.  he went onto khan academy and went from first grade math (he started over) to first level calculus in <5 months.  he's now a 3rd year engineering student.


they keep adding stuff.  they have electronics and computers.  and finance, and bio . . . .

they are asking for a donation to help support the site (and I'm happy to do that when i'm able to get back to it), but you don't have to.


they are college quality materials - but there is no credit.


you could also do a search for "how to __ with minecraft".   (for free)

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I would look at khan academy.  my son who hated math and stopped taking it, decided he wanted to go into engineering.  he went onto khan academy and went from first grade math (he started over) to first level calculus in <5 months.  he's now a 3rd year engineering student.


they keep adding stuff.  they have electronics and computers.  and finance, and bio . . . .

they are asking for a donation to help support the site (and I'm happy to do that when i'm able to get back to it), but you don't have to.


they are college quality materials - but there is no credit.


you could also do a search for "how to __ with minecraft".   (for free)

Did your son follow a specific set of Khan Academy courses, or did he have to cobble together a bunch of individual courses and figure out which to take first, second, etc.?

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Another recommendation for Udemy. My son is taking a scripting class right now and is really enjoying it. He has taken other specialty classes with his dad that relate directly to his work for our company and has done well with them. I just started him on a math class, an area he struggles with, and so far he likes it.


We also subscribe to the Great Courses Plus and are currently watching Greek and Roman Technology. I'm not requiring any work for this and other courses we may watch from them in the future. I want it to be purely enrichment and enjoyment.

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Did your son follow a specific set of Khan Academy courses, or did he have to cobble together a bunch of individual courses and figure out which to take first, second, etc.?


they have  math courses - 1st grade, 2nd grade . . . through 8th grade, then it starts into algebra, etc. and goes through multivariable calculus, differential equations, and linear algebra.


you can take by grade/subject - or just a specific subject within a grade level.


and high school and some college science and engineering classes.  and arts and humanities.


there are also finance classes, as well as computer programming classes.  while I would expect them to have the SAT and AP prep -they also had a MCAT, GMAT and NCLEX prep!


they are full courses - or you can choose individual subject.  it is supposed to do 'assessments', but it can be tricky to figure out how the site works.  but overall, I'm very pleased with it.  I know PS math teachers who like it.


eta: when I've had browser issues for playing back videos - they are all on youtube.

Edited by gardenmom5
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