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oh boy...


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Ugh...you guys are making me dread next week. After break battles are no fun! It has calmed down a lot around here the last year or two after some threats to stop home schooling. But I can still tell everyone hates heading back to school due to the heavy sighs and body language lol...it hurts my feelings after all those hours of researching resources!


They know mom is on the edge and would be fine with sending them off to public school for high school. They decided they wanted to keep homeschooling so they know better than to grumble out loud now as I have told them I am pretty burnt out and only willing to homeschool cooperative teenagers. At the younger ages I just dealt with it as I was firmly committed to homeschooling those years. But at these ages? I don't have the energy for it anymore. They have to go to school but I don't have to be the one to do it and listen to the negativity.

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I’m too disorganized to start this week. We’ve been off a loooong time. Maybe I’ll semi start this week with DS reading to younger DD out loud, and me reading BA out loud. Sigh.


ETA - or maybe a day or two of zones of regulation...

Edited by displace
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My school hater is having his meltdown...like clockwork.  Because ya know...back to school.  I told him to go take a warm bath and calm the heck down.


*sigh*  Give me strength...


Love it!  I should do that more often myself. 


Hope you have someone to support you through these tough times. It made me feel so great when my ds's violin teacher recommended to my son that he learn to say, "Yes, mom." and to simply stop arguing about putting in the work. My ds is 13 and apparently this is a common phase for this age. I don't recall my older 2 going through this, but I may have been distracted by younger kids at the time.

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My DS12 is still doing his chinese homework at 7:30pm because he is taking his own sweet time. He did read his assigned socratic discussion class novel in the late morning. His outsourced class starts back this Saturday from winter break. Next week would have to be full steam ahead for him.

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Ugh, me too.  I tried to show ds how to mark his word find and he flipped his lid.  He wouldn't just not do it, either - he had to do it, he couldn't do it.


We made it a short day though and went ice skating.  The lakes are all frozen like glass so the kids skated all over and I pushed the littles in a stroller.  There were only a few other people out and the temp is up to 0 which is very nice.  Ds just learned to skate this year and he's been desperate to go again.  It's supposed to storm tomorrow so that may be the end of bare ice on the lakes.

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