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Sudden Mastitis; Home treatments?


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This morning my breast was a bit sore. This evening I spiked a 103.5 fever and was shaking and my breast was way too painful to touch. After Tylenol and time, my fever has come down to 101.3. Baby has emptied that side continuously and I am resting and downing water like crazy. I’m also hand pumping to keep breast empty. And putting warm compresses on it.


What should I do at home? Does this ever resolve without antibiotics?


I’m sure the week of traveling and sightseeing, interrupted sleep from ds being sick, and lack of normal feeding routine has contributed.

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With a fever, I'd go see the doctor. But if you are trying to wait until an office is open, I would continue with Tylenol and warm compresses. I also massaged the blocked duct by running a firmly pressed finger down the length, even when it was painful, which seemed to help clear things up.

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Um, hot shower will help express but will do nothing for bacteria in the breast. The amount of heat that you'd need to kill bacteria inside would cause burns to your skin. 

See a doctor.

Once you're in fever territory and extremely painful breasts, you're risking a full blown breast infection or an abscess. 

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In addition to all the previous suggestions, eat raw garlic. Mince it up and throw it in some salsa or something and eat it for it's anti-infective properties. I find a warm bath and massaging/expressing works better for me.

FWIW, I've had multiple cases of mastitis over my nursing career. I took antibiotics the first time as I didn't know other options (kid #1 was only a few weeks old). And apparently the antibiotics didn't eliminate it completely, as it came back very quickly with a vengeance. the lump/blockage/sore spot was bigger than my fist. I decided then and there that I needed something besides antibiotics and started treating with all the suggestions here and raw garlic.

I haven't taken antibiotics for mastitis since. However, if I ever had a fever for more than 24 hours with it, I would absolutely consider it.

FWIW, I've never noticed a reduction in supply due to mastitis, but ymmv.

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If you have a fever etc then you really need antibiotics. I have had it quite bad twice. that side of the breast has some permanently damaged tissue. it is very sensitive, and smaller than the other side. I haven't breastfed for 13 years ( or had mastitis). I have a friend who had it so bad that she had to have her breast lanced to let the infection out. she left it too long, trying "natural" remedies first. I think a blockage is something that can be fixed by natural remedies, and I have done that myself but mastitis with a fever etc is a different matter altogether.

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OP here.


Baby girl is sick too now. I’m assuming she has the same viral respitory illnesss that ds has this week! Fever, croupy cough, congestion. She’s miserable and so am I!!


She doesn’t appear to be having the same breathing trouble yet that ds had.


My prayers are for healing, for all of the Hive, And that our families don’t partake of our many illnesses. My other kids have asthma, so they in particular don’t need a respitory virus!

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Oh, no. Sounds miserable.


I'd switch to an anti-inflammatory painkiller like ibuprofen if possible, see if someone can run out and get you the lecithin, and keep up fluids and warm compresses-- I found the longest-lasting damp heat (better than dry heat for mastitis) came from disposable diapers, with a bit of water dumped into them and microwaved briefly. Then I could just send someone to re-nuke the diaper as necessary.


I just hope your DD is still nursing. The congestion can make it hard. And hand expressing really doesn't cut it for mastitis. That was where I was thankful for my insurance-granted double electric.


I'm prone to plugged ducts and fevers-with-plugged-ducts and have had about 3 cases of knock-you-down mastitis that improved without antibiotics; I am not anti-medicine and this is not medical advice, it's just that with rest and the interventions above things generally got better before I could even call the doctor/get someone to the store to pick up a prescription. Hoping you all feel better soon!

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