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The 10-4, Good Buddy! Teachers Lounge 10-4-2017


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I looked at today's date and had to do it! Thus, our theme.

For those of you too young to understand that (did any of you NOT get it?),

10-4 (pronounced ten, four), Good Buddy is years old CB talk.

CBs are what we used to use in cars (and truckers still do) on long trips,

before cell phones. Back in the day, it was almost necessity; today, it's more 



Anyone ever use a CB? Here:  :seeya:  or at least, my parents did while we'd be on 

our super long summer roadtrips!


Anyone have birthdays this month? Here: I have two friends who birthdays TODAY.

If Dad were still alive, we'd be celebrating his birthday on October 30.


To my NaNoWriMo peeps, are you doing any plotting/outlining in Plotober (October)?  :thumbup1: Here: in Phoenix, there's a group

called PhoeNoWriMo that I'm a part of. They organize get-togethers, write-ins, the Kickoff, etc. TONIGHT is the first meeting for Plotober

(get it? Plot-ober), where we'll discuss methods for plotting story. Very excited to get this going!


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Good morning!


I've never used a CB, but my aunt and uncle were really into it. Everyone in their family had CB handles (nicknames). My aunt was "White Bear" - I can't remember the rest!


Anyone remember the CB trading cards (or maybe stickers?) that came in packages of bread in the 70s?


My oldest has an October birthday. He'll be turning 19 in a few days.

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I have never had a CB but I did know what you were referencing.


No birthdays this month but I will have a new niece or nephew in a week!! And I can't freaking wait. Also, another one as early as the end of October but more likely November. You would think with 5 kids of my own and 15 nieces and nephews already I wouldn't be as excited for more but I am.

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We never owned any CBs, but I definitely remember that culture and references to it. I definitely remember that sad CB song, Teddy Bear. 


We don't have any birthdays in our immediate family this month, but my sister-in-law's birthday is late this month. 



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I looked at today's date and had to do it! Thus, our theme.

For those of you too young to understand that (did any of you NOT get it?),

10-4 (pronounced ten, four), Good Buddy is years old CB talk.

CBs are what we used to use in cars (and truckers still do) on long trips,

before cell phones. Back in the day, it was almost necessity; today, it's more 



Anyone ever use a CB? Here:  :seeya:  or at least, my parents did while we'd be on 

our super long summer roadtrips!


Anyone have birthdays this month? Here: I have two friends who birthdays TODAY.

If Dad were still alive, we'd be celebrating his birthday on October 30.


To my NaNoWriMo peeps, are you doing any plotting/outlining in Plotober (October)?  :thumbup1: Here: in Phoenix, there's a group

called PhoeNoWriMo that I'm a part of. They organize get-togethers, write-ins, the Kickoff, etc. TONIGHT is the first meeting for Plotober

(get it? Plot-ober), where we'll discuss methods for plotting story. Very excited to get this going!


Talk to me! :bigear:

No to CB's. But I'm a secret fan of Ham radio, because coolness.


No real birthday, but I'm celebrating my birthday on October 22 to protest my summer birthday. :laugh: Everybody gets pie.


NaNo--I'm a Pantser, baby. Plan? What's that? Got character, turn the man loose and see what he can stir up for me! It's bound to be good. :hurray: I just capped of the sixth draft of his story, and it goes into Nightmare on Query Street this month. After that, he gets to storm the agents for me.

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I just remembered that Friday is the 27th anniversary of the first date with my dh!  Not a birthday, but still something to celebrate. 


Date, not day!  


The day we met was August 25, 1985. It was our first night at college, so we were able to go back and figure out the actual date. We remember where we were standing when we met, too. We didn't date until 6 years later! 



Edited by mom31257
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My dad had a CB he used on weekends at the cottage to contact our relatives in the area. I hated the sound of it - is that static sound called 'squall' or something like that? So annoying. and the reception was never reliable to our family anyway, so it was often a waste of time.  I was happy when we got a phone installed and could just phone them.  

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I never knew CB radios were available outside trucks. I mean, it's obvious to me now, I just never thought about it.


Parents have birthdays later this month, within 5 days of each other, we try to do lunch together.


Every year I say I will do NaNoWriMo, and then every year I say, "wait, it's December already?!" lol. This year I know I'll be tapped out, but maybe I'll do a poetry run or illustrations for some past stuff. Basically, creative stuff without having to do a large plan or framework.  As in, the exact opposite of you, lol. 

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My dad and my grandpa both had CBs.  My name was Bluebird. :)


Our family used to go out to eat with my grandparents every Friday night, usually at the same restaurant.  They would communicate on the CB as to how far from the restaurant we were.  If my grandparents got to the restaurant first, my grandmother would get out of the car and stand in an empty parking space to save it for us.   :lol:  :001_wub:   

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