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Foods - just for fun


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Just a curiosity thread with three questions if anyone wants to share.   :coolgleamA:


1)  What are two foods you are glad you like?  (Can go broad, of course, to just "name" two.  None of these need to be specific.)


2)  What are two foods you wish you liked?


3)  What are two foods you're glad you don't like?

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For me:


1)  I'm glad I like almost all veggies (as long as they aren't overcooked anyway) and I naturally like whole grain breads of almost all sorts.


2)  I wish I liked coffee since it is such a mainstay in many places and could be healthy to boot.  I also wish I liked sushi since it's so popular.


3)  I'm glad I don't like most sweets or basic white breads (like Wonder Bread) since those aren't healthy and seem to be things many crave.


I suppose I should have added a 4th question...


4)  I wish I didn't like soda since it's so unhealthy.  I'm not sure I can think of a second one there though.

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1) What are two foods you are glad you like? (Can go broad, of course, to just "name" two. None of these need to be specific.) Asian cuisine, chocolate.


2) What are two foods you wish you liked? Yogurt and watermelon


3) What are two foods you're glad you don't like? I don't think I am glad to not like any foods. Life would be easier if I liked everything.

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1.  Glad I like fruit and eggs


2.  Wish I liked veggies and sushi


3.  Glad I don't like cheesecake and sticky fruity candy like Starburst and Skittles


4.  I wish I didn't like soda and chocolate.  Actually, I wish I didn't like a lot of foods - it would make life so much easier! 


Edited by Kassia
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I'm glad I like tart cherry juice (helps gout), root vegetables brown rice, tomatoes


Wish I had unlimited funds to spend on organic produce (I know, not really the question!)


Glad I don't like meat, dairy, eggs.


Wish I didn't like sweets!

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1)  What are two foods you are glad you like?  (Can go broad, of course, to just "name" two.  None of these need to be specific.)


Glad I like many vegetables and cheese



2)  What are two foods you wish you liked?


onions because they are in so many things


avocado because people keep talking about those vile things 


3)  What are two foods you're glad you don't like?


lamb - expensive and rather difficult to get


fruit and sweets - cuz who cares and do I really need all that sugar? 

Edited by SparklyUnicorn
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Glad I like spicy foods, meat (LOVE kabobs) and salads


wish I liked more veggies (cauliflower, broccoli, etc) and things with smooth textures (like puddings, cream sauces, even bananas, it's a texture thing)


Glad I don't like sushi (when we get it for DH and the kids it is $$$$$) and chewy candies like gummies,starbursts (tough on the teeth)


Wish I didn't like pastries/breads and rice (I REALLY don't need the carbs/sugar)

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1) What are two foods you are glad you like? (Can go broad, of course, to just "name" two. None of these need to be specific.) Asian cuisine, chocolate.


2) What are two foods you wish you liked? Yogurt and watermelon


3) What are two foods you're glad you don't like? I don't think I am glad to not like any foods. Life would be easier if I liked everything.


It's probably easier socially, but for me, it's tougher sticking to healthier options when I like the unhealthy ones so much and they're easily available.


Glad I like spicy foods, meat (LOVE kabobs) and salads


wish I liked more veggies (cauliflower, broccoli, etc) and things with smooth textures (like puddings, cream sauces, even bananas, it's a texture thing)


Glad I don't like sushi (when we get it for DH and the kids it is $$$$$) and chewy candies like gummies,starbursts (tough on the teeth)


Wish I didn't like pastries/breads and rice (I REALLY don't need the carbs/sugar)


Good point!  Maybe I should be glad I don't like sushi...

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If you are referring to the typical mass produced sushi rolls, they are cheap to make yourself.  Fun project for the kids if you are looking for something to make/do. 


Oh no, my kids go for the good expensive stuff. DS13 can pack away the sashimi.....

and DD11 only likes the salmon...........

It really would be cheaper for them to go get the all you can eat for $24, but we usually get take away, because not all of us like it.

I did try CA rolls once on my own. They said my rice wasn't sweet/sticky enough.

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I am glad I like meat and vegetables (most)


I wish I liked- can't think of anything.  I don't like things for a good reason,


I am glad I don't like - mayonnaise and hot (like hot peppers) food


I wish I didn't like - Nothing.  I am glad I like the things I do.  I am also able to control how much of not so healthy things I eat.

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Just a curiosity thread with three questions if anyone wants to share.   :coolgleamA:


1)  What are two foods you are glad you like?  (Can go broad, of course, to just "name" two.  None of these need to be specific.)


2)  What are two foods you wish you liked?


3)  What are two foods you're glad you don't like?


1. Spinach, hummus


2. Broccoli, eggplant


3. Today's versions of various snack cakes - between getting older and the changed recipes with alternative ingredients, BLECH!  And candy corn.


4. I wish I could hate bacon and giant globs of butter, lol.

Edited by Carrie12345
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Just a curiosity thread with three questions if anyone wants to share.   :coolgleamA:


1)  What are two foods you are glad you like?  (Can go broad, of course, to just "name" two.  None of these need to be specific.)


2)  What are two foods you wish you liked?


3)  What are two foods you're glad you don't like?

1. Salads, LOVE salad (although it does cause stomach issues). I can't decide which I'm happier about liking eggplant or sweet potatoes(and not just as "sweet potato fluff")


2. Carrots- my life would be so much easier if I could eat carrots.  Soy milk/cheese, I would LOVE to quit dairy.


3. Swiss Rolls from little Debbie. DH used to bring them home and back then I was a sweet-aholic but I couldn't eat those. 


4. I wish I didn't love meat.  DD is vegan, DH is flexitarian leaning toward Vegan, DS leans toward vegetarian me? I LOVE meat although with all the plant eaters I guess I tend toward flexitarian too out of necessity.   

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