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Friend in hospital from flu complications - prayer request

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My sister in GA called me today with a prayer request. A good friend of hers, a healthy, fit gal of 42, is possibly not going to make it.


The short version, as told to me by my sister:


Her friend, Pauline, came down with the flu, the virus somehow got into her heart (?), it has affected her kidneys as well, and she's septic. She said there was a team of specialists from Emory University treating her, but it doesn't look good. In other words, they don't expect her to make it.


She was shocked and saddened by this, not only because it's a dear friend of hers, but also because Pauline is so very active and healthy. My sister and her family often go camping with Pauline & her dh, who is, of course, grief-stricken at the thought of losing his wife so suddenly and unexpectedly and needlessly. She said they are the closest you could imagine of a husband & wife, and she was very, very worried about him if his wife doesn't make it. They don't have any children, and Pauline is especially close to my 3 nephews.


If you could just say a little prayer for her, and her dh, we'd appreciate it.



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Thanks for all the prayers, and keep them coming.


My sister went to the hospital to see her last night. She said they put Pauline on a heart transplant list, but there may be a surgery they can do in a few days (couldn't determine from sis exactly what this is - she said something to do with the left ventricle).


The dangerous part now is *if* it spreads from her heart to her other organs, so I was mistaken in saying that it had already affected her kidneys. Her heart is the grave concern. She didn't have any heart problems before, and none in the family history (confirmed by her dad, who drove 13 hours non-stop from NJ, and arrived last night).


My sister said that while she was there, she was trying to be positive and look for good signs, but she said all the medical personnel is being very realistic. It still doesn't look good because of her heart complications.


Will post updates as I get them. Thank you so much for your prayers. This just feels so senseless.


Update: Pauline is now scheduled for surgery today, for a blood clot in her leg.

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Keeping your sister's friend in my thoughts..


I had a close friend die from something very similar several years ago. He came down with the flu; he went to the er several times over the following days, and was always sent home with medication for the flu. The last time he went, he was coughing up blood and was airlifted to a larger hospital. The doctors said it had "attacked his heart" and there was nothing they could do, he was dead the following day. It is still a shock, he was in his early twenties, perfectly healthy; it is just hard to imagine someone can be brought so low so quickly, over something we don't generally consider life-threatening.


All my best wishes for Pauline...



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It's impossible to come to terms with this sort of thing, isn't it? I'm so sorry for the agony they must be experiencing right now and am sending healing and heart strength to them all. Picturing Pauline with a strong and vibrant heart. Meanwhile, mine aches for them.


{{Pauline and family}}



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Thanks for all the prayers, and keep them coming.


My sister went to the hospital to see her last night. She said they put Pauline on a heart transplant list, but there may be a surgery they can do in a few days (couldn't determine from sis exactly what this is - she said something to do with the left ventricle).


The dangerous part now is *if* it spreads from her heart to her other organs, so I was mistaken in saying that it had already affected her kidneys. Her heart is the grave concern. She didn't have any heart problems before, and none in the family history (confirmed by her dad, who drove 13 hours non-stop from NJ, and arrived last night).


My sister said that while she was there, she was trying to be positive and look for good signs, but she said all the medical personnel is being very realistic. It still doesn't look good because of her heart complications.


Will post updates as I get them. Thank you so much for your prayers. This just feels so senseless.


Update: Pauline is now scheduled for surgery today, for a blood clot in her leg.



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I was just about to post an update. Thanks for asking.


When I talked to my sister yesterday, she was still waiting to see how the surgery went for the blood clot in Pauline's leg. I found out today that the surgery went well, but there is an infection there now, that they're hoping will clear up when they go in and close it up completely (she said when they take the catheter out - ?). (Sorry - I am not really well versed in all things medical, and my sister really isn't, either, so it's a little hard to decipher).


So that went well. My sister also said they took Pauline off the ventilator today, so she can now talk to people. I asked her if that meant she was doing better, and she said no, that nothing's really changed. She didn't know why she was on the ventilator before and isn't now.


But at least she can talk to her husband now. It seems that she's not out of the woods yet, and maybe won't be, but I am glad that she's made it this far and am taking that as a good sign. I really hope somehow there will be a miracle for her.


Thanks for asking - I will post updates as I get them from my sister. And thanks for all of your continued prayers.

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First of all, my sister wants to express her thanks for all of your prayers.


Pauline is doing a whole lot better. Her blood pressure is up to a much better level, although she's not out of the woods as far as her heart is concerned.


She had to have a 2nd surgery on her leg, and she does still have an infection. But she's off the ventilator still, even was able to eat some solid food yesterday (YAY), and they're talking about even getting her out of bed tomorrow to walk around a bit.


It looks good, but of course there is still concern about her heart. She's becoming more stabilized, they're waiting to see if her infection clears up, and then there is a possibility that she would be able to have a surgery on her heart, if she's strong enough.


Thanks for all of your prayers. I will update as I hear news.

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First of all, my sister wants to express her thanks for all of your prayers.


Pauline is doing a whole lot better. Her blood pressure is up to a much better level, although she's not out of the woods as far as her heart is concerned.


Wonderful news! Please post updates when you hear.



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It looks good, but of course there is still concern about her heart. She's becoming more stabilized, they're waiting to see if her infection clears up, and then there is a possibility that she would be able to have a surgery on her heart, if she's strong enough.


Thanks for all of your prayers. I will update as I hear news.


This whole thing just rips me apart. I'm sure it's because it brings my own mortality right into focus. I'm glad to read the update, and am cautiously encouraged by this news. Please know that she remains in my heart -- hoping to give support to hers.



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I talked to my sister and got an update on Pauline. Things are going much, much better.


She's been taken off the heart transplant list, because her heart is now up to working at 40% (vs. less than 10% when she was admitted). She's on heart medication, and will be for the rest of her life.


Her last surgery on her leg went well. They've taken some muscles out of her calf. She doesn't have full feeling in her right hand, and the doctors are working on finding out why.


She's been doing physical therapy to get back on her feet, and she's doing well with a walker. She's going to be released sometime next week to a rehabilitation center for a few weeks at least.


Overall, it looks good, and she's 'out of the woods'. We are so appreciative of all the prayers - this really feels like a miracle, especially from the initial diagnosis.


Thanks to all of you.

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I talked to my sister and got an update on Pauline. Things are going much, much better.


She's been taken off the heart transplant list, because her heart is now up to working at 40% (vs. less than 10% when she was admitted). She's on heart medication, and will be for the rest of her life.


Her last surgery on her leg went well. They've taken some muscles out of her calf. She doesn't have full feeling in her right hand, and the doctors are working on finding out why.


She's been doing physical therapy to get back on her feet, and she's doing well with a walker. She's going to be released sometime next week to a rehabilitation center for a few weeks at least.


Overall, it looks good, and she's 'out of the woods'. We are so appreciative of all the prayers - this really feels like a miracle, especially from the initial diagnosis.


Thanks to all of you.


Thanks for the update.

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I talked to my sister and got an update on Pauline. Things are going much, much better.



What a wonderful first post to read this morning!! I'm so pleased for your sister, and especially for Pauline and her family. Life is such a precious thing. Thank you for the update. I will continue to keep her in my thoughts.



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