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Turmeric and Cumin for fat loss?


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I just started taking curcumin regularly again for inflammation. It is also helping some joint pain in my ankles. I am not expecting fat loss, although I look and feel less puffy. 


That's kind of what I'm hoping for too.  I walk 12-15 miles a week for fitness and I'm old. So it hurts.


with tumeric -you want meriva.


Thanks, I will look for it!


Thanks for the reminder! I've been wanting to try golden milk.


I use Turmeric capsules instead of Advil. It works for aches and pains for me.


The thing I read to look for is that it includes black pepper with the turmeric.


I read that too about the black pepper.  I'm gonna keep on the search for a golden milk recipe that sounds good.

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I think golden milk sounds disgusting, but I do make capsules filled with cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, and a tiny bit of black pepper. I don't know that they help with fat loss directly, but they do seem to work better than Advil as anti-inflammatory medicine.  ETA:  Which is to say, I have lost weight on them, but I would attribute that to feeling better and being more inclined to exercise as a result.

Edited by Katy
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Tumeric milk sounds gross. Does anyone like it? 


I use tumeric, cinnamon, black pepper, cumin,  ginger, onion and garlic powder on popcorn. Easy way to get all those nice spices! If you try it, eat the popcorn with a spoon b/c the tumeric stains the fingers. 


I also use tumeric, cinnamon, black pepper, cumin, chopped ginger, chopped onion & chopped garlic to make curry with loads of veges. So good.  

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I use the Meriva version of curcumin by Jarrow, ETA, for inflammation.  (I am not familiar with any relationship between fat loss and curcumin.)

The black pepper versions of curcumin are different from the Meriva version.  There are several different types of curcumin supplements available.


and just in case it isn't clear, curcumin (from turmeric) and cumin are unrelated, different things.

Edited by wapiti
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10 minute walk right after eating has been shown to help the body use the the fat vs storing it.


Per the cardiologist.


Has it?  I dunno.  I seriously wonder if it matters when one walks.  I don't mean it doesn't matter if one EVER walks, but I wonder if 10 minutes after is some sort of magical time frame.

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I usually go to the gym right after dinner, but this is really not ideal for me. It just so happens that is a convenient time for me.


I tried early morning. Nooooo.....forget it.

I managed early mornings when the gym aas really close and I was able to switch our entire schedule to mornings. It was nice to be done with everything by noon (4am wake up time). Now it is not possible.


It is 10 minutes after each meal. Awesome, except how does one define a meal for a teenager who never stops eating?

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Stopping back by to add: 


If you want to reduce inflammation, fruits and vegetables are your go-to. If you aim at 8+ servings of fruits and veges per day, your inflammation will go down and it's likely that you'll lose weight as well. 8+ servings means you will be full. There just won't be too much room for less healthy stuff. And your cravings will drop dramatically. 

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Stopping back by to add: 


If you want to reduce inflammation, fruits and vegetables are your go-to. If you aim at 8+ servings of fruits and veges per day, your inflammation will go down and it's likely that you'll lose weight as well. 8+ servings means you will be full. There just won't be too much room for less healthy stuff. And your cravings will drop dramatically. 


doesn't work for eye balls though...




(i'm in a silly mood) 

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Update:  Turmeric paste has been concocted.  Unsweetened Almond milk is in the fridge.  After dinner, I will try making up some tea.  The hubby says he doesn't have inflammation. He has old man-itis.  My son wants to throw the jar outside and threatened to use nose plugs to cook dinner since it stinks to him now.  I think the paste looks like breastfed baby poop, but more solid.


I am seriously gonna try this whether he does or not (he probably will).  If this helps my knees and ankles, I will be thrilled.  Maybe it will just gross me out enough I won't ever want to eat again and the weight loss will happen that way :lol:

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Honestly, I'm skeptical that it spurs weight loss. Both cumin and tumeric are used heavily in Indian cuisine and from what I understand obesity is a huge problem over there too.


It was one of those things that I read that a study showed fat loss with use.....then another study said no it doesn't.........


I'm really interested in the anti-inflammatory thing though.  It would be awesome if it helps!

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I put turmeric in bone broth, along with pepper and a little salt. Cumin would probably taste good, too. I don't think any weight loss will come directly from those spices. I gave up gluten, dairy, eggs, processed food and sugar, plus eat 9 cups of veggies/fruits a day (or as close to that as I can) and lost 30 pounds in a few months. It really cut down on inflammation and I've been able to go off of my blood pressure medicine. I don't have heartburn anymore either. The diet I follow is called the Wahls Protocol if you're interested. Gluten causes a huge amount of inflammation in my body, and I'm achy as hell when eating it. My joints feel so much better now! 

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