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What are your kids trick-or-treating as?

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My 17 year old daughter is going to a Halloween party as a Gypsy.


My 9 year old is going Trick or Treating with his best friend (also 9) and their dad. My son is going to be Darth Vader and his best friend is going as a Storm Trooper.


My 14 year old says he's too old to trick or treat this year, and my 6 year old doesn't like Halloween at all...it's just too scary, as far as she's concerned, so she's going to stay home with me and hand out candy (and eat plenty of it herself, I'm sure!)

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Oldest, a boy, will be Fred

Oldest girl will be Velma. And I have to say that is is mind boggling how much she looks like her.

15 yr. old dd will be Shaggy.

12 yr. old will be Daphne, also a perfect fit.

And the youngest will be Scooby Doo.


The look great together. Excellent idea on their part. I will try to post pictures.

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Back in the day, I went as a California Raisin. That was a fun costume. We made it from trash bags stuffed with newspaper.




This is too funny! Back in the day I actually went as garbage. I was dress in a garbage bag and had trash (it was clean!) stuck to me. I can't tell you how many people thought I was a CA Raisin!


My boys are going as Thor and a Viking.


I hope everyone will post pics tomorrow!

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3yo - CareBear


He doesn't watch the cartoon, but we picked up a dollar store workbook for him featuring these characters so that he could "do school" with the big kids. If you ask him he'll say he's going as a math workbook bear.


5yo - knight


8yo - mad scientist


11yo - Oogie Boogie from The Nightmare Before Christmas


Me & DP - Star Trek characters (he's going to be Cyrano Jones, if you're Trekkie enough to get the reference)


Grown kid and his wife - their characters from their steampunk Dungeons & Dragons campaign

Edited by dragons in the flower bed
left out a word
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We just got back from trick or treat. Dd8 went as Lucy from Prince Caspian. She looks a lot like her right now. This was also her costume that she wore to the Renaissance Festival a few weeks ago. Older dd decided not to trick or treat this year. She still wore a tiara, though :D She never did like going to people's houses. Dd's friend went as a vampire princess, all pink and black. I'll probably post pictures on my blog tomorrow.

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7 y.o. dd will be going as Hermione Granger (she just spent the past 2 months reading the first five HP books)


The boys (4) will both be going as Charlie, our UPS guy, who seems very honored that he is now a Halloween costume. :001_smile:


I will wear my traditional costume and go as "The Mom".

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Well, my kids don't go out trick or treating (because they can't eat the candy, not because of any religious or ethical issues). However, we do costumes every year for our church's Halloween party. And they usually wear them again on Halloween night when we stay home and hand out treats to those who show up at our door.


(Okay, as usual, I'm speaking/typing in the plural, but my daughter isn't home for Halloween. Guess I'm still getting used to this.)


Since our party was last weekend, my son's costume has been done for several days. I posted a picture of him in his Percy Jackson get-up on the "still sewing" thread: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=65015&highlight=sewing


My daughter dressed up as Thing 1/Thing 2 with her roommate for their dorm party last night. I ordered them the red sweatsuits from Lands End, but they found the wigs and made their names/numbers themselves. I haven't seen a picture of the finished product yet, but they won a couple of awards at the party.

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Guest janainaz

Darth Vadar (ds 8) and "the bones" as my ds 3 calls it. He's going to be a skeleton. We are also going to a carnival fall festival at the church, so my ds 3 may be Buzz Lightyear for that. They said family friendly costumes and I'm assuming even a cute skeleton is not appropriate.

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My daughter dressed up as Thing 1/Thing 2 with her roommate for their dorm party last night. I ordered them the red sweatsuits from Lands End,....


That's a hoot, Jenny! The boys were Thing One and Thing Two when they were 1, in RED SWEATSUITS FROM LAND'S END!! I wonder if they know why people are buying them. :D

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