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How much sleep do you get?


How much sleep do you consistently get?  

163 members have voted

  1. 1. How many hours sleep do you normally get?

    • 4- 4 1/2
    • 5- 5 1/2
    • 6- 6 1/2
    • 7- 7 1/2
    • 8- 8 1/2
    • Less than 4
    • More than 8 1/2

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I get anywhere between 6-8, but I do best on 9-10 and wake up without an alarm in those cases. Unfortunately the few hours I get now are very interrupted and poor quality :(

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I work nights 12 hour shifts, and, I have always had insomnia. So getting about 3 or 3 1/2 hours is the norm. Luckily, about once a month I will sleep solidly for about 10 to 15 hours in one stretch. Other than being a little on the cranky side as a person, I have never had any ill effects. There is plenty of time for sleeping when you're dead.

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6-ish.  I am generally in bed by 11 and up at 6 or earlier.  I also very rarely sleep straight through.  I usually wake up every couple of hours, and am often awake for an hour or so around 3AM for some reason.  I don't get enough.  By the weekend I'm usually power napping on the couch around 2PM..lol.  

Edited by The Girls' Mom
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I regularly get 7-7.5 hours of sleep. I don't ever need to "make sure" I go to bed on time; I am a Morning Person and rarely have any interest in staying up beyond 11. Many nights I am asleep before 11. The only time I can't really jump in the bed and go to sleep is if I have been out with friends until late. I get wound up and need some time to get settled, no matter if it is well past 11 when I get home.

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I used to get more sleep. Now I sleep from 4.5 to 6 hours a night. I used to sleep a lot more, even with menopause.

Truly, I do not know why I am not getting enough sleep, it is not enough!

I think on the poll I said 6, but I couldn't click on two choices. If I wasn't working, I would sleep better. I wake up a half hour to an hour before the alarm, WHY? No matter what time I have to get up, I still wake up earlier than I need. I have a varied schedule. I stay up late some nights because I'm a night owl. Going to bed early has never been my thing, but sometimes I wish I would change my schedule for myself, not for work or anything or anybody else. 


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I NEED 9 hours to feel rested. 8 will wake me up in the middle of a sleep cycle and I'll feel awful, must be 9.

However that's not terribly practical many days. I usually end up with 6-7 (I can wake up within that window alert-enough, as opposed to the walking-dead feeling I have at 8) and then a 2 hour nap in the afternoon to make up for it helps me a lot.


DH, however, has never needed 9. He seems to need 6-7 to be at his best, though a siesta would help him too. 


I've read that oversleeping is just as bad as undersleeping, so finding that sweet spot is important. I know that when I have gotten to sleep in from time to time that an 11 hour weekend sleep in usually feels worse than a 6 hour night. I'd rather the useful hours. 

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I normally sleep 7-8 hours.

But how much I sleep says nothing how well I wake up.

Some short nights gave more refreshment then several longer nights.


I'm trying to find out what gives me a good night.

For the moment I get up every day at the same time no matter at what time I felt a sleep.

Somehow that feels a slightly better.

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If left to a natural sleep time, I go to bed about 2 and wake up about 10. Unfortunately that schedule is really not compatible with kids, homeschooling, and being productive with my day. So I aim for midnight, it's usually closer to 1. We tend to get up about 8. So generally about 7 hours in bed. How much actual sleep I get I'm not sure. I often have difficulty getting to sleep and wake frequently. I definitely need more, or maybe just better quality, as I am always tired. 

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I average 6 - 7 hours, with one middle of the night brief pee-run (which beats the 3 or more trips to the bathroom I needed before the magical MIddle Age Mom bladder calm-down pill from the urologist).  


The magic pill that worked best for me is of course, the one my insurance (Cigna) won't cover. I take one they do cover which helps but not nearly as much as the other one. I only get up 2-3 times a night now as opposed to the 4-5 times before. With the pill that really worked I was only getting up once.


Wow!  I expected the numbers to be lower.  I'm very envious.  Between menopause and autoimmune stuff, sleep is sort of a dream to me.  


For you menopausal age women who are sleeping 7-9 hours a night: Is that unmedicated?


I will tell you that once you come out on the other side and are fully menopausal it gets better. Well, being able to fall asleep and stay asleep gets better. There's still the middle of the night pee trips, but medication helps that, and at least I fall back to sleep easily afterwards. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Or I should say dark - as in sleep.

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The magic pill that worked best for me is of course, the one my insurance (Cigna) won't cover. I take one they do cover which helps but not nearly as much as the other one. I only get up 2-3 times a night now as opposed to the 4-5 times before. With the pill that really worked I was only getting up once.



I will tell you that once you come out on the other side and are fully menopausal it gets better. Well, being able to fall asleep and stay asleep gets better. There's still the middle of the night pee trips, but medication helps that, and at least I fall back to sleep easily afterwards. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Or I should say dark - as in sleep.


What medication are you taking?  I need something to help with the nighttime bathroom trips.  


I haven't slept for a block of time in forever.  I can't remember the last time I actually felt rested.  

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What medication are you taking?  I need something to help with the nighttime bathroom trips.  


I haven't slept for a block of time in forever.  I can't remember the last time I actually felt rested.  


What I first took that worked best was Myrbetriq. She prescribed it for me because it had fewer side effects for someone with my conditions - dry eye syndrome and acid reflux. Cigna paid for one month "as a courtesy" then said I need to try something else. 


I currently take Toltererodine Tart ER 4mg. It works okay but not anywhere near as good as Myrbetriq. 


There are several different medications, each with their own set of side effects (including Myrbetriq). You would want to discuss them with your doctor and see which one is best for you. If you don't have any of the issues that are a problem with the side effects, so much the better.

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I work 3-7 am, so get up at 2:00.y goal is to be in bed by 8:30, but realistically it's 9:30 or a bit later. I take a nap in the afternoon - 90 minutes is the gial, most days I settle for 45. So, including time to fall asleep, I get about 5 hours a night. On Saturdays though, I sleep a solid 12 hours straight. I need way more sleep than what I am getting, but it's just not possible right now. We are hoping that circumstancestors will change in the next year or so, so I won't have to work early mornings any longer. A full night's sleep is a glorious thing!

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I average about 5 a night, with a catch up day every two weeks or so. I'm in the middle (hopefully the tail-end) of an MS flare, so it is especially difficult the last 5 months. My mother in law thinks she has insomnia, but she is always sleeping, lol. I'm a little jealous. I'm surrounded by good sleepers and frequent nappers. Even after only getting 2 1/2 hours of sleep last night I could not nap today!!! :blink:

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I normally sleep between 7 and 8 hours.  If I sleep 8 hours, it is pretty amazing and I can stay up till midnight the following night.  If I sleep 7 hours, I still feel good all day but start to get tired quite a bit earlier.


I generally sleep well, though usually wake up around 4:30am or so, fiddle on my phone for 15 minutes in bed until my eyes get sleepy again, and then drop off quite easily for another 3 or 4 hours.


Once every other month or so I'm randomly wide awake all night, but it doesn't seem to affect my day.

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I went to sleep just after 11:00 and woke up on my own a few minutes before 6.  (dh and I decided to sleep an extra 30 minutes because we were so exhausted).  Wow, I feel so great today.  So 7 hours makes all difference in the world.  I told dh I really really want to work on turning the tv off at 10 and he agrees....but we love to watch Colbert, so yeah, that is a problem.

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