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The word I just noticed "everyone" using and with which I'm not yet on board:


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I'm a East Coast and this word has been in circulation for years. I remember making our kids explain it to us. They were equal parts annoyed and amused that it was trying to define the exact usage. I eventually settled on "miffed" as a loose synonym. It wasn't the "salty wench" usage of the past or "old salt" like you'd describe an aging Marine, so my brain had to re categorize a word it thought it knew.

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No, not West Coast. Rust Belt.


I had noticed the word used here and there but my post was that I just noticed that it seems that everyone is using it now. Like it reached critical mass or something.

Oh, you mean like on social media and not just in your area?

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Okay, what's wobble?


Depends.  The first thing I thought when I saw your question was ketamine.  I guess that usage was derived from the way people on lots of "vitamin K" can barely stand.  


I'm not thinking that's what Sneezy meant in her sentence.  It can also mean a dance.  Or, because language is so fluid, it can probably be used for about 87 other things I don't know.  

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Actually, I don't hear awesome anymore (unless I say it). The twenty somethings I work with all say "dope" where you might hear "cool."


@Diana P    I just used the word "Awesome" because DD got a 100 on the Final Exam for the first semester of her Art course and a 99 for the semester.   :hurray:

That IMO is Awesome.


However, I am going to read through this thread, to see if I can pick up a few new words for my vocabulary.

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