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30 Day Challenge Thread


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Is there anything else with your challenge for you? Such as: you plan to lose 10 pounds or be able to walk a certain distance in that 30 minutes by the end of 30 days?


Is this purely exercise related? Every year I tell myself I'm going to exercise better in the new year. I don't have a support system. I usually fail. 




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Is there anything else with your challenge for you? Such as: you plan to lose 10 pounds or be able to walk a certain distance in that 30 minutes by the end of 30 days?


Is this purely exercise related? Every year I tell myself I'm going to exercise better in the new year. I don't have a support system. I usually fail.

Every one gets to pick what speaks to them. I exercise regularly but let the holidays and life get in the way during Nov&Dec. I'm just trying to help get back into healthy habits. Here's the link to what I posted earlier about challenges vs. resolutions.


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I'm trying to do that S diet - you know, the no sweets, seconds or snacks on days that don't start with S - but I don't have a great track record of doing well with food modifications.


But you never know! I'll add it here, as well as the yoga challenge.


It would be satisfying to come back here on the 30th and say that I managed it.

I do the No S thing. There is an info website http://nosdiet.com

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I'm doing two.


1. 31 Day Keto and Intermittent Fasting challenge. This is to get myself back on track after the holidays. I lost 60lbs and was down to 122 before Christmas. Then I had almost a week of Carbapalooza. Not sure what I'm at now (maybe 129?) as I'm not weighing in yet. I know what I need to do to get back to my goal weight.


2. 31 Days of Proverbs. As part of my resolution to read the Bible daily, I'm starting with a reading program. The challenge is to stick with it ;)

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I'll be doing some traveling this month and I won't have full control over what I eat so I'm not doing any particular food challenge this month. I will be watching what I eat, limiting sweets, watching portions, etc. I'm also going to continue my exercise plan.


My official January challenges are to read an inspirational quote every day and contemplate the meaning & to use my bullet journal.


I cleaned off my refrigerator this morning and used dry erase markers to write the quote on the door. This way my family can read it, too.



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I'm going to get out of bed at 8am every (week) day AND do at least 30 minutes of yoga or tai chi every day.


The 8am is because we got in a rut of getting up too late and too slowly in the morning.  It kept us from accomplishing what I wanted to do.  I also have had a real problem with insomnia which was leading to wanting to sleep late.  So, I'm going to get up at 8am and wake up the kids as well.  They'll get an hour to wake up and get going, while I have breakfast and tea.


The yoga/Tai Chi is for relaxation/exercise.

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I'm doing the Barre3 reset in January. 


And this one is more important: no screens for mom during school time (about 8-3) except to help the kids. That'll be hard, but I think do more for improving our day than the prior one! No one likes a distracted mom...



Edited by EmilyGF
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OK, I'll join!   30 minutes of walking 6 days a week.   I lose weight and feel healthier when I walk regularly; added bonus:  listening to audio books so I get more reading in.  Also, I've been diagnosed pre-diabetic and am working on controlling the blood sugar, and exercise helps with that too. 



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I am not doing Whole30, but something very much like it.  I am doing the 21 day fix.


I am heading to Costco today to stock up on things to eat and will be doing a meal prep, which I have never done before.


Watching YouTubes now, and one lady uses almost all Costco products (although you can't get things like spag squash and such there.....booooo)


I am also pre-diabetic and was told I have metabolic syndrome, whatever that means.

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So I've already had two major fails. :(  Monday, I slept in. I had a rough night with my stomach and my kids climbed into bed with me- we weren't doing school Monday so I said eff- it and stayed in bed until 8. Fail #1. Then this evening, one of dd's online classes suddenly decides to shift around the schedule meaning I had to order 7 books I thought were still six weeks out from being needed. Hello Amazon cart! 


Ah well. If at first you don't succeed.....blah blah blah.  <_< I did at least get up on time this morning, so there's that. 

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I'm doing little goals. My January goal is to drink a 16 oz glass of water with breakfast, lunch, and dinner. My purpose is to stay hydrated and to work toward kicking the soda habit I got into during my last bout with morning sickness (12ish months ago, ahem).


I've been able to remember/stick with it for three days, and An unexpected bonus has been that I'm noticing an increase in milk production, too.

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I tried this almost a decade ago and it really worked quite well for the first 6 months.  And I had zero accountability except for the giant poster I put up in my kitchen.


So I'm hoping that with people to report back to it might work even better.


For January, I'm also aiming to drink 8 cups of water/day.  That's a lot of water!  So far, so good.  I even managed it yesterday when I went to bed at 5 pm.  The downside is that my horrible hacking cough sometimes makes me run to the bathroom in quite a desperate state when there's that much liquid in my bladder.

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So I've already had two major fails. :( Monday, I slept in. I had a rough night with my stomach and my kids climbed into bed with me- we weren't doing school Monday so I said eff- it and stayed in bed until 8. Fail #1. Then this evening, one of dd's online classes suddenly decides to shift around the schedule meaning I had to order 7 books I thought were still six weeks out from being needed. Hello Amazon cart!


Ah well. If at first you don't succeed.....blah blah blah. <_< I did at least get up on time this morning, so there's that.

Illness doesn't count.


Emergencies don't count.


You can do it :)

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I have a hard time with the water and have to drink it after 10:30am.  


I work as a teacher and the first two blocks of the day (7-10:30), I am in a high school where the nearest bathroom is 3 buildings away.


So, I can't really drink until I leave there and go to the school where I do more of a pull out program and can go in between easily.


Drives me bananas.


I DID NOT get a Costco.  On Tuesday, I started feeling sick while I was out for brunch with a friend.   We drove over to Costco and the parking lot was packed.  I just couldn't find the stamina so we left.


I still have an earache and don't feel great, so I prob won't get there until Sunday when my husband can go if I can't.  Hopefully sooner, but not sure.


I have been trying to do some things right, and am changing, but progress won't come until I make serious changes.

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So I've already had two major fails. :( Monday, I slept in. I had a rough night with my stomach and my kids climbed into bed with me- we weren't doing school Monday so I said eff- it and stayed in bed until 8. Fail #1. Then this evening, one of dd's online classes suddenly decides to shift around the schedule meaning I had to order 7 books I thought were still six weeks out from being needed. Hello Amazon cart!


Ah well. If at first you don't succeed.....blah blah blah. <_< I did at least get up on time this morning, so there's that.

Your challenge, your rules but I don't think illness or emergency should count. So you skip a day or start a day late. I don't count that as a big deal. After all, it's not a competition or a race. I bet when you learned to walk or write or drive it wasn't a straight line up. I say be kind to yourself ( Not to say two weeks of sleeping in is good. That might show it's the wrong time or the wrong challenge.) Edited by joyofsix
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I have a hard time with the water and have to drink it after 10:30am.


I work as a teacher and the first two blocks of the day (7-10:30), I am in a high school where the nearest bathroom is 3 buildings away.


So, I can't really drink until I leave there and go to the school where I do more of a pull out program and can go in between easily.


Drives me bananas.


I DID NOT get a Costco. On Tuesday, I started feeling sick while I was out for brunch with a friend. We drove over to Costco and the parking lot was packed. I just couldn't find the stamina so we left.


I still have an earache and don't feel great, so I prob won't get there until Sunday when my husband can go if I can't. Hopefully sooner, but not sure.


I have been trying to do some things right, and am changing, but progress won't come until I make serious changes.

Three buildings away! I hope food poisoning never hits the school! If you're sick, you're sick. No law says 30 days has to start on a certain date. I hope you feel better soon.

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I tried this almost a decade ago and it really worked quite well for the first 6 months. And I had zero accountability except for the giant poster I put up in my kitchen.


So I'm hoping that with people to report back to it might work even better.


For January, I'm also aiming to drink 8 cups of water/day. That's a lot of water! So far, so good. I even managed it yesterday when I went to bed at 5 pm. The downside is that my horrible hacking cough sometimes makes me run to the bathroom in quite a desperate state when there's that much liquid in my bladder.

It's always more fun if you can discuss your goals that no one in real life cares about 😋 I hope the cough leaves soon. Edited by joyofsix
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Okay, you've all inspired me. I've had this vague sense that I should maybe sorta kinda adjust my eating habits and I sorta kinda attempted to limit my eating of sweets the past two days. Not surprisingly, I sorta kinda failed.


So it's official: For the rest of January, I will not eat cookies or candy or other sugary foods. Except for one Seely mint on the weekend.


(Now to get rid of the peppermint Jo Jos and the leftover Gertrude Hawk smidgens without consuming them...)

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Okay, you've all inspired me. I've had this vague sense that I should maybe sorta kinda adjust my eating habits and I sorta kinda attempted to limit my eating of sweets the past two days. Not surprisingly, I sorta kinda failed.


So it's official: For the rest of January, I will not eat cookies or candy or other sugary foods. Except for one Seely mint on the weekend.


(Now to get rid of the peppermint Jo Jos and the leftover Gertrude Hawk smidgens without consuming them...)

Yay You! I finally figured out I wouldn't go broke or deprive starving children if I just throw treats away. Really. It took me like 50 years to get that.
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I'm in! Dh and I decided to not eat any sweets in January.


We stopped eating grains and most sugar last year, but were still having dessert 1-2 times a week. Then Christmas came along and I ate way too much sweet stuff and just felt gross. Now, I'm ready to kick my sugar addiction once and for all.


I'm only three days in, but feeling pretty good about it!  :001_smile:  

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OK, I'll join!   30 minutes of walking 6 days a week.   I lose weight and feel healthier when I walk regularly; added bonus:  listening to audio books so I get more reading in.  Also, I've been diagnosed pre-diabetic and am working on controlling the blood sugar, and exercise helps with that too. 


Maybe I should add walking...


I was doing really well with getting my steps in before the weather changed, but now I have very little motivation to go outside. I already run at the track three times a week, but I really need to walk on the other days. And my poor dog would like to get out for proper walks, too. It's just so miserable outside :(

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Maybe I should add walking...


I was doing really well with getting my steps in before the weather changed, but now I have very little motivation to go outside. I already run at the track three times a week, but I really need to walk on the other days. And my poor dog would like to get out for proper walks, too. It's just so miserable outside :(


I used to walk indoors following Leslie Sansone dvds.  I still have them, somewhere and should dig them out, even though perky exercise ladies drive me a little crazy.   I'm pretty sure you live in a colder winter area than I do, but yesterday I had to put on two long underwear shirts and a wool sweater under my parka to be warm enough to walk, so I get it.  I hated it so much.  Wish I had room for a treadmill.  I'd join a gym but I know I won't be successful if I have to drive somewhere to walk.  Not sure what I'll do when the early spring downpours hit.  :-)

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It's only day 4, but I'm sooooo amazed at how much more I can get done if I'm not on the internet or watching shows. I'm not timing myself but about an hour and I'm stopping shows because my time is up. I even have an extra hour today to organize or something. Wowsers! And I've almost finished reading a book in a week. 🙃

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Clearly I have a problem. This morning I was all motivated and excited about this no-sugar thing. Went to the gym, ate a perfectly nutritious breakfast and lunch. And then mid-afternoon came and found me pacing the floor like a junkie, talking to myself about how ridiculous this is. Why am I doing this to myself? One little piece of candy won't hurt me. I can stop anytime I want. (Yes, I see the irony.)


I made a salad for dinner and munched on veggies while prepping. Now I'm going to distract myself with water and a book.


Apparently I need this challenge more than I realized.

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It's only day 4, but I'm sooooo amazed at how much more I can get done if I'm not on the internet or watching shows. I'm not timing myself but about an hour and I'm stopping shows because my time is up. I even have an extra hour today to organize or something. Wowsers! And I've almost finished reading a book in a week. 🙃



This is going to be my February challenge. I have a screen problem! 


I like this 30 day thing. Psychologically it seems do-able and I have set the bar low. I am adding one more thing to my list - water. I think it would help with several of my issues and sometimes I forget to drink it even when I'm thirsty.


So -

Plank every day

Jump on rebounder at least 15 minutes

Drink 80-100 oz of water

Try something new - dance class starts tomorrow. 


I'm going to have to work up to the screen time limit, but I'm trying the BAW challenge too so that should help some.


Thanks for starting this challenge! 

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So far so good for me. Surprisingly I like the stupid habit tracker on my phone. I see the icon every time I look at my phone. It's strange how sometimes weird little things help. I like the idea of the big poster too.

I love my habit tracker too! I love being able to check it off when I'm done and seeing the green circles add up. What one are you using? I'm using strides.


I'm doing two.


1. 31 Day Keto and Intermittent Fasting challenge. This is to get myself back on track after the holidays. I lost 60lbs and was down to 122 before Christmas. Then I had almost a week of Carbapalooza. Not sure what I'm at now (maybe 129?) as I'm not weighing in yet. I know what I need to do to get back to my goal weight.


2. 31 Days of Proverbs. As part of my resolution to read the Bible daily, I'm starting with a reading program. The challenge is to stick with it ;)

Congrats on your weight loss! That is great and inspiring really.

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How is everyone doing? I'm doing well with my plank challenge, OK with my water and trampoline, but better than I would have otherwise! My dance class was a blast. I can't wait to go back this week. She is only offering it in January for now, but I'm hoping she'll add some more months in the future. I could probably lose some weight if I could find more dance classes. :laugh:

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I'm going to get out of bed at 8am every (week) day AND do at least 30 minutes of yoga or tai chi every day.


The 8am is because we got in a rut of getting up too late and too slowly in the morning.  It kept us from accomplishing what I wanted to do.  I also have had a real problem with insomnia which was leading to wanting to sleep late.  So, I'm going to get up at 8am and wake up the kids as well.  They'll get an hour to wake up and get going, while I have breakfast and tea.


The yoga/Tai Chi is for relaxation/exercise.


I'm doing pretty crappy (crappily?)  My insomnia got worse to the point where even Advil PM was doing nothing.  I can't function on 3 hours of sleep and it was making me extremely cranky with the kids.  


I did some googling on peri-menopause insomnia and found some suggestions.  I'm Vitamin D deficient and had heard that it was important for good sleep, but now I've read that if taken later in the day it can interfere with sleep.   :crying:   And that Calcium and Magnesium are good to take late in the day.  So, I've switched up when I take my vitamins (I was splitting up my D, taking some in the AM, some in the PM).  I also tried Melatonin the past two nights.  Still not great but better than it was.  Still took a while to fall asleep and still up a few times but better.


I also wasn't doing well with doing yoga/tai chi each day.  Mainly because I was tired and cranky.


I am going to yoga (at the Y) today and if I get a little more sleep tonight I think things may turn around.  I'm hopeful.

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Three buildings away! I hope food poisoning never hits the school! If you're sick, you're sick. No law says 30 days has to start on a certain date. I hope you feel better soon.





We are moving inside a building!  The main purpose had to do with computers, but the plus is that the bathroom is literally right across the hall!  I can run over there if necessary!




We start in there on Tue for finals and then all of next semester.

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I've been limiting my dairy, refined foods (flour products), foods high in bad fats for a while. I am losing weight.  

When I eat eggs in any form or as an ingredient in baked things, I get sick. Sometimes I get sick when I eat legumes. I love garbanzo beans and hummus. Sometimes I don't know what I ate that made me sick, I just get sick. I can't eat beef, pork or lamb either, but do fine with all poultry and seafood. Some of my favorite seafood is high in cholesterol. 


My 30 starts almost 2 weeks later than the rest of the participants, but that shouldn't stop me. 


Dorothy/Where's Toto? I've read that taking calcium and magnesium at the same time might not be the best time. For one thing, they compete for absorption.






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I'm on Day 11 of my sugar detox and doing great. It's actually been easier than I thought it would be, surprisingly enough. I think that giving up grains a year ago has made it easier to give up sugar - I must be used to feeling deprived!  :laugh: I've lost 2 pounds so far and didn't get the monster migraine that I usually get this time  of the month.

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No Amazon purchases to date besides the emergency online class books for dd! Woohoo! That's an accomplishment for me. I'm surprised they haven't sent someone to see if I'm alive.  Doing pretty well on the getting out of bed thing too. It's making a huge difference in the flow of our mornings, so I probably need to keep it up long term. I cannot WAIT until my kids get past the whole up before 7am phase. I guess it's primarily only my son, but wow he's an early bird. Even getting up at 6:45, its not getting me much time to myself if any, but better than letting him be up and be bored and raring to go by the time I get up. :) 

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I've been doing one since the 1st - answering all conversations on Etsy (our main business venue) every day.  I know it sounds ridiculously easy (and standard business practice) but I hate (hate hate hate) customer service - disappointed people or demanding people or difficult questions or donation requests I really don't want to say either no or yes to just stress me out severely.  So I put it off, sometimes for days, which doesn't make the difficult conversations go away, and now they are angry because I've been ignoring them for days.  


So from now on, every day, every convo.  


I failed 2 days so far, which is not terrible.  Most importantly (like Sadie) I did no beat myself up but instead got back on the train.


I am much better at making myself *do* something than making myself avoid doing something.  (except convos, I could avoid convos all year).


I would love to start some regular exercise, preferably in the comfort of my living room, but most exercise for its own sake makes me feel stupid.

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