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The one thing that angers me most


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Company just arrived. I dash over to the bathroom to go. I sit down and quickly realize that I am once again, my 12-year-old victim. My backside is wet my rear end is wet all way up my lower back. The lid had been up and he Peed all over the place again. Now I'm going to have to excuse myself from the company just so I can go take a shower to get it all off and put on all new clothes. How humiliating! I have no clue why he will not stop this. My husband is talk to him many many many times about this. I am so angry.

Edited by Janeway
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Ok I'm totally with you on this one!!!!! That's too old to be peeing on the seat.


Once your company is gone, institute the "clean bathroom" rule. He has to go in and scrub the bathroom each day until he goes a full month without peeing on the seat. Every day. No exceptions!


I'm not usually hardcore but this one is a hill to die on!

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My ds was banned from using the hall toilet (the one used when we have visitors). He also never used the master bath (neither of my boys do, my dd does sometimes). I forget how long this was enforced, but it was a good thing. 


This is what we did too.  They were confined to one bathroom, which meant that when we were homeschooling in the basement, they had to go up two flights of stairs to use the bathroom.

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All I can think of is natural consequences - you make a mess, you clean it up.  Since I don't know when or where, you have daily toilet cleaning duty as well as any time it's found to be peed all over.  Not sure what the golden amount of time is though.  At 12 at least a month doesn't seem excessive with the intention to reevaluate at the end to determine if the cleaning continues.

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We taught our boys to go sitting down. Way less mess.


I'd make it his daily chore to clean the toilet to my satisfaction.

We also expect our boys to sit down.

If they decide as they age (oldest is almost 9) to fight me on this, there will Definitely Be daily bathroom scrubbing in their lives until they figure it out. Even if that takes 8 years.

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Perhaps if you left the seat up every time after you use the restroom (like some people insist that the seat be put down, but this would be the opposite) then he would have an easier time making it in the toilet?

That is ridiculous in the grand scheme. I will not ever advocate pampering a child at home so he can go pee all over other people's rooms and trash public restrooms. No.


I crack down on mess makers. I will stand outside the bathroom and make them immediately clean it up. I will put them in charge of daily sanitizing the facilities. People who are required to clean up after themselves end up respecting the work put into it.

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Dh had ds sit down when he was younger. He moved to standing, but if he peed on the seat, the dh made him sit down again. That plus him being responsible for cleaning the toilet seems to have taken care of it.


Sorry. That's a bummer.

This is what we did, too, and it took care of it.

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We don't have this problem because they both insist on sitting. Note: I don't require them to. They just both sit. I think it's because my older son learned to use the potty very young and his little brother just followed his lead. I wish they would learn to pee standing up because neither will go in the woods while we are hiking or camping.

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I have had that happen to me. It was one particular child. I think he waited until he couldn't hold it any longer and then when he would just explode. I made him clean it up but it happened on at least several occasions. I used to joke that I'd rather use a gas station bathroom than my own. He's older now and it hasn't happened in a long time. Hey, at least it happened to to you and not your company!

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I have had that happen to me. It was one particular child. I think he waited until he couldn't hold it any longer and then when he would just explode. I made him clean it up but it happened on at least several occasions. I used to joke that I'd rather use a gas station bathroom than my own. He's older now and it hasn't happened in a long time. Hey, at least it happened to to you and not your company!


Here, too. It takes patience and consistency. And humor helps.

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