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Cat and Christmas Tree


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Any tried and true ideas for keeping the cat out of the tree?


We have an artificial tree that we started putting up last night. Immediately the cat proceeded to climb up through the branches to the top. I've halted the process since i don't want to add ornaments until we've figured out a way to keep the cat out of it. The space is not one that I can put anything around the tree.



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Get a plant mister that you can fill up with water and squirt the cat when s/he goes near the tree (a squirt gun would work as well). You can also spray "Bitter Apple" on the tree. It is supposed to repel cats and you can probably get it at your local pet store. The other thing we did was to loop fishing line around the trunk of the tree and tie it to something else - like a curtain rod or something stationary (to prevent the tree falling over). Hopefully, others will have ideas. Good luck!

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I have an older tree where I put up the branches one by one. Last year we didn't put the bottom 4 or 5 rows of branches on the tree.


We also don't put the ornaments on right away. In fact, today we'll put up the tree and some lights, and then tomorrow or Wed we'll put on the decorations.


We also use water to spray them when they go near it.


This has worked in the past, but we have two new kitties this year and I'm not sure how it will go.

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After we put up our tree we leave it undecorated for a couple of days. (We put up a cut tree.) We also anchor it to the wall--tied with string through eyehooks screwed into the wall just above the window frame. The cats seem to lose interest in climbing the tree after a couple days, though they still bat at the ornaments until it's all taken down.

Edited by Cinder
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We have discovered that the first few days seem to be the most interesting to our cats, so we set the tree up and wait a couple of days to decorate. We seem to have fewer broken ornaments that way!

Thirding this. Also, we kept glass bulbs off of the bottom couple of branches!

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We haven't had a cat climb a tree, but once I did have one that would eat the fake needles and then throw up :ack2: .


We decorated our (artificial) tree today, and Kitty is sitting happily under there, purring to herself. She is an indoor cat, so trees are a novelty for her. Evidently she loves it :001_wub: .

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There's no stopping our cats from climbing the tree, but I don't mind.  They have a blast and it's fun to watch.  The tree is anchored to the wall so they can't tip it over, and while they occasionally knock an ornament off, none have ever broken.  We keep our tree very simple and don't have ornaments that are fancy or fragile.  

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In the past we tied the tree to something on our bookshelf to keep it from tipping when the cat climbed it :) This year we sprayed him a couple times with our Naughy Kitten Sprayer, and then left the spray bottle under the tree. 


He bothered it for the first day, and has left it alone for the most part since.  He'll probably knock it over tonight :)



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Christmas Eve morning a few Christmases ago we found all three of our then indoor cats happily peaking out at us from various branches of the tree. :)


Agree with others, leave up the tree without decorations for a few days but also try using citrus and squirt bottles and you probably should try to anchor the tree just in case.

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