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Anyone re-read a book they once loved and decide it wasn't so great.


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I recently re-read a book I read about 20 yrs ago and loved.  It was such a thought-provoking book at the time.  I remember being very charmed by it and only had fond memories.  I've also highly recommended it several times in the recent past. 


This time I felt like it was just meh.  It seemed to make great assumptions about past philosophies - and getting a lot wrong.  The book came across very smug and a bit condescending.  


Anyone else read a book they loved once, only to find you really didn't like it the 2nd read-through?

Edited by PrincessMommy
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Oh, yes. It even has a name - The Suck Fairy, who flits around and alters books after you read them so they, well, suck.


The worst example of this I ever read? This Place Has No Atmosphere. Which is weird - it's not infected by stealth racism or sexism or homophobia like so many other childhood books, it doesn't have any anvilicious message I totally missed the first time around, it isn't even particularly badly written! It just hasn't aged well at all. I hang out at some book-finding forums, and that book comes up fairly regularly. When people want to know the title of a book they read as a kid that involved a girl moving to the moon, well, that's the book. I tell them all the same thing - don't re-read it, keep it in your memories, it has NOT aged well at all.

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I read Gone With the Wind about 10 times when I was 10 years old. Re-read later in life and was startled to re-experience as a more worldly adult. It did not hold up particularly well, although bless Scarlett and Melanie for their character-specific forms of personal strength and proto-feminism.


I just sold the copy my parents gave me that I'd been hauling around for 20 years. Won't be needing it again.

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