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Why are my smoke detectors beeping?


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If you have installed Brand New batteries in them and they keep beeping I think either they are defective and need to be replaced, or, they are detecting a problem.  


ETA: If you have more than one detector doing this, I suspect they may be detecting something. One beeping detector may be defective, but more than one doing the same thing is more problematic...

Edited by Lanny
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This happened to me and my mom and I was so frustrated.


Here's what I learned: a lot of smoke detectors require you to reset the alarm when you change the batteries. There may be a button you have to hold down or something. Look at your user's guide (you can probably find it on line) and it'll tell you what to do.

This is very common now.


Edited by EmilyGF
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We double checked to see if there was a reset and tested each one. My husband just called and said this happened a year ago and it was the house alarm. ???? We took the battery of that when we moved in years ago. I guess it's wired electrically. He couldn't remember how to turn it off unfortunately. I pushed a bunch of buttons on the old alarm key pad. I don't see a serial number to look it up.

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If more than one is beeping and everything seems okay then they've probably reached the end of their life span and need replacing. At our last house we had to replace all of them at around eight or nine years old because they wouldn't stop beeping. If you're concerned you can call the non emergency number and have your fire department come check to make sure there's no smoke or fire anywhere.

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We just heard the beep again and think it was the alarm echoing off our high ceilings making it seem like the smoke detectors. I pulled the alarm panel off the wall. We'll see if that works. LOL

If it's the alarm, it could be that the power source is unplugged. And those have batteries too, don't they, for power failures? I know ours beeps if someone knocks against the power plug and dislodges it.


Hope you get some quiet!

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Probably not your problem, but we had ants in one of ours earlier this year.  That was fun.   :blink:   Their little bodies kept tripping the light sensor.  I didn't sleep well for several nights until we were sure we had killed all of them.


:grouphug:   I hope you get it figured out.



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Still making one short beep or chirp. We're trying this from another forum and looking up info on the old alarm system:


1) Take down all the smoke detectors. IF you have a CO monitor also hard wired, take it down as well.

2) For each detector, open the battery compartment so that there is no power to the detector. Hold down the test button until all beeping stops to drain the capacitor. The detectors usually have a capacitor that holds some charge even after disconnected from power and battery.

3) Close the battery compartment so that the detector is running on battery alone. If it starts to chirp, repeat with a new battery. If it chirps with a new, good battery, try blowing dust out of the detector and repeating. If it still chirps, get a new detector.

4) Once all detectors are working on battery power, connect them to power one by one. If the detector starts to chirp, then try a different detector in that location. If both chirp you probably have a wiring problem or connector issue at that location. If one chirps but the other does not, you probably have a wiring or connector problem on the chirping detector.

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Probably not your problem, but we had ants in one of ours earlier this year. That was fun. :blink: Their little bodies kept tripping the light sensor. I didn't sleep well for several nights until we were sure we had killed all of them.


:grouphug: I hope you get it figured out.


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I had this problem just a month or so ago. For us, it was an old detector in the garage. It just needed to be replaced. It would go off and set off all the rest of the alarms in the house. Once DH took it off the wall and took out the battery, it stopped. He put in a new detector and it fixed the problem.

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When this happened to us, it turned out to be an ant having a look-see.


If several ants went in there at one time the smoke detectors went off (if one rang, they all rang). That was just super fun.



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We figured it out! It was a hidden smoke detector right near our bedroom door. I bet we missed replacing the battery January 1st when we annually replace all the batteries in our smoke detectors. I know we won't forget January 1, 2017! Thank you for all the suggestions.

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My son and I have changed all the batteries, but they are still beeping. Could it be something else and not the smoke detectors? My husband is out of town. I don't think I can sleep with the intermittent beeping!

If the units are older, you need to replace them.  They just do that sometime, that irritating intermittent beep.  Just pull the batteries until morning. 



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