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What are your favorite fitness classes?


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The Pilates thread got me thinking, and motivated to try something new. We have a YMCA membership that offers lots of classes. We got the membership mostly for spin classes and we do those 1-2 times a week, but I'm on a self-improvement kick and want to try new things. Yesterday I tried a boot camp class, which is nothing like real boot camp. :rofl: I'm sore as heck this morning but I feel like the instructor lacked energy, I'll try again with a different instructor. I'm going to try Pilates this morning.


What classes do you like and why? I generally avoid the dance types, as I'm not very coordinated, but I may be willing to try.

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Zumba -- there are a whole lot of uncoordinated people at zumba so you wouldn't be alone.  However, I do prefer those teachers who see it as a way to have fun and sweat a lot, rather than those who want us all to look  pretty.


I don't do hiit anymore, because it's a like a stroll in the park compared to zumba.


Is there a pool?  Some of the water aerobics classes can be fun. 


I've found classes that work the core to be pretty useful, but I have to hide in the back because there's no way I'm going to be doing some of those moves.  Ever.  Some look like a good way to permanently hurt one's back.  You have to use some common sense with some classes. 


I tend to shy away from yoga because most of the classes are so wrist intensive.  But they're obviously very popular or they wouldn't have so many of them.


Do they have that trademarked Body Pump class?  I do that one occasionally.  It's fairly intensive.  I find it has a lot more rigor than the hiit classes -- at least the ones we get.

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I do Zumba, which I love.  I'm very, very (very!) uncoordinated, but that isn't a big problem.  One of the instructors at my Y plays horribly loud music that I don't like, so I avoid her classes.  It might take experimenting to find one that works.  


Our YMCA offers body pump at 5:15 twice a week.  I've been too lazy to wake up for that this summer, but with the return to school schedule, I will probably go to that sometimes.

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Zumba -- there are a whole lot of uncoordinated people at zumba so you wouldn't be alone. However, I do prefer those teachers who see it as a way to have fun and sweat a lot, rather than those who want us all to look pretty.


I don't do hiit anymore, because it's a like a stroll in the park compared to zumba.


Is there a pool? Some of the water aerobics classes can be fun.


I've found classes that work the core to be pretty useful, but I have to hide in the back because there's no way I'm going to be doing some of those moves. Ever. Some look like a good way to permanently hurt one's back. You have to use some common sense with some classes.


I tend to shy away from yoga because most of the classes are so wrist intensive. But they're obviously very popular or they wouldn't have so many of them.


Do they have that trademarked Body Pump class? I do that one occasionally. It's fairly intensive. I find it has a lot more rigor than the hiit classes -- at least the ones we get.

They do have body pump, I've been doing HIIT at home for a long time but I just need some variety, I'll give that one a try.

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I do Zumba 5 / week (4 regular & 1 Zumba toning). All my instructors are certified fitness instructors first, Zumba instructors second, and it shows. We sweat hard :) Lots of squats and core work and optional high impact moves.

Zumba classes really vary so you have to try various instructors.  I've been some Zumba classes which are just so low impact and slow that we didn't break a sweat ever. Hint, if your instructor is wearing giant hoop earrings, it's  not going to be a high impact class....Great for beginners wanting to learn the steps but not so good for a workout... 

I used to do yoga in a class but now do it at home. Faster & cheaper. 

I keep thinking I'd like to try a spin class but they all look so serious in that room as I walk by.  A couple weeks ago at a Zumba class a lady came up to me to say "I love dancing with you because you're always smiling" <--- & that's why I Zumba.  I don't need another hour of being miserable or serious in my life. 

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My current class schedule is yoga, aerial yoga and aerial silks(5.5 hrs a wk total). I love yoga because it makes my body feel good and builds muscles(at least the class I take- it varies widely). I do aerial work because it is fun and a serious buttkicker but because it is fun I enjoy doing it. 


In the past I've enjoyed pilates- would take that again if it fit my schedule better; bootcamp- loved when I was younger but now I have to watch overheating but I love simple basic bodyweight moves. 


Would take in a heartbeat if there was some options closer-


any type of circus class- trapeeze (we do that some in Silks class and it is great fun), lyra(hoop), acrobatics (I took an adult gymnastics class for awhile and we did tumbling and some work on the bars which was a blast and I have absolutely no experience with that at all). Handstand/contortion etc- 


Oh, and pole dancing, that is a hell of a workout- I took a Silks class at a pole place on vacation- wish there would have been a pole class during that time just to try it out- although I wouldn't want to get too deep b/c I don't care for the outfits and heels- blech.


Crossfit- did at home for years maybe then tried out training at a CF gym. Meh. The problem is I like some things they do and not others and I'm old enough that I refuse to do things I don't like. 


Parkour/Obstacle Course/Ninja Warrior stuff- my whole family loves climbing of all types. I keep begging dh to build me some stuff but alas he is busy. I plan to try out a class the next time we visit the city.


Rock climbing- nothing close but we love visiting the gym in the city.


Lifting- but not like the typical class where you do 500 exercises w/ 5 lb weights and 30 reps. blech.


Way back when I did Spinning several times a week but I've no desire to ever do it again. 


I've tried regular Zumba and Water Zumba I didn't care for either one, not my thing. 


I prefer smaller classes, slower pace but I like to work hard in a different way.  I mean climbing to the top of the Silks works your muscles and endurance!


I walk, hike and bike at home for cardio stuff. 

Edited by soror
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My oldest and I do Body Flow which is a combination of Tai Chi, Pilates, and yoga. It is hard enough that I sweat.


I've also done yoga and Pilates (both mat and with machines).


I like yoga and Pilates, but find that a class that moves a bit is better for me. I work harder and feel better afterwards.


This month I'm trying Kinesis, which requires a custom set-up. It's a circuit class that has both strength and cardiac benefits. I may rearrange my workouts to do that twice a week. I've been lifting weights, but I found that I pushed myself harder in Kinesis, and it felt better on my joints.  


I may do 2x of cardio, 2x of Kinesis, and 1x Body Flow in a week. I have some orthopedic problems, and that combination might be best for me. I'm going to give it a few weeks.

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I tried body pump yesterday and I'm super sore today! It was fun though, I think I'll try to do it twice a week. I've always done the heavy lifting/traditional weight lifting/intense cardio type routine, so I'm having a lot of fun breaking out of that and trying different things. Last week I ended up doing spin once, boot camp twice, yoga once, and Pilates once, and then a couple mile run on Sunday.

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I keep thinking I'd like to try a spin class but they all look so serious in that room as I walk by.  A couple weeks ago at a Zumba class a lady came up to me to say "I love dancing with you because you're always smiling" <--- & that's why I Zumba.  I don't need another hour of being miserable or serious in my life. 


My experience as well. I actually tried spin once. I nearly cried. Very intense, teacher was yelling, it was awful. Not to mention my poor butt. Never again. I also don't like boot camp classes because they yell. I do Zumba and yoga :)


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My experience as well. I actually tried spin once. I nearly cried. Very intense, teacher was yelling, it was awful. Not to mention my poor butt. Never again. I also don't like boot camp classes because they yell. I do Zumba and yoga :)



So funny how different we all. They don't yell in most of the spin or boot camps that I've been to, but I definitely prefer it when they do. It motivates me. Of course, I am prior military so that may have something to do with it. When I lead military group fitness I was a yeller too. :rofl:

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So funny how different we all. They don't yell in most of the spin or boot camps that I've been to, but I definitely prefer it when they do. It motivates me. Of course, I am prior military so that may have something to do with it. When I lead military group fitness I was a yeller too. :rofl:


Yeah, my best friend loves those kinds of classes. Not me. I'm already trying my hardest, yelling at me just makes me angry. I like an instructor who wins over my loyalty, so I'll try whatever they tell me. My personal trainer, when I had one, once had me going up a flight of stairs, two at a time, with weights in my hands. My legs were like jello. My friend was standing with him watching, and he said, a bit concerned, "she will quit, if it gets too hard, right???" And my friend said, "no, she'll try until she falls down." She was right. No yelling required,I follow directions easily. Yelling "go go go go go!" just flusters me. 


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I took pilates for years,and loved it. Wish I could find the discipline to do it regularly at home...


Right now I've been rowing. On the water, although we sometimes do ergs if the water conditions aren't right. Love,love,love the actual rowing; the ergs are less fun. ;)


How do you all find the money to do multiple kinds of classes? I can't seem to find a place that offers a variety at times I can make, and individual classes at different places is $.


I keep thinking I'd like to try lap swimming, but then I need a pool AND the discipline to go. I do better when I have to be there for a class.


I have to figure out something for this winter. Rowing only goes till October. I am intrigued and a bit intimidated by Crossfit. Could one only do it part of the year?

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I took pilates for years,and loved it. Wish I could find the discipline to do it regularly at home...


Right now I've been rowing. On the water, although we sometimes do ergs if the water conditions aren't right. Love,love,love the actual rowing; the ergs are less fun. ;)


How do you all find the money to do multiple kinds of classes? I can't seem to find a place that offers a variety at times I can make, and individual classes at different places is $.


I keep thinking I'd like to try lap swimming, but then I need a pool AND the discipline to go. I do better when I have to be there for a class.


I have to figure out something for this winter. Rowing only goes till October. I am intrigued and a bit intimidated by Crossfit. Could one only do it part of the year?


We have a YMCA family membership that runs $84 a month, it has unlimited classes that don't cost extra, and daycare. I have just finally started really taking advantage of all they offer because they just opened one quite a bit closer to my house.

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I like yoga and martial arts.


I go to the rec center when my kids swim, but so far I just walk around the track.  Someday I will get up the gumption to go try the equipment and maybe even join a class.  I don't know - zumba doesn't look like my kind of thing.  But maybe I should try it and see.

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How do you all find the money to do multiple kinds of classes? I can't seem to find a place that offers a variety at times I can make, and individual classes at different places is $.



I highly prioritize this expense.

It's super duper important in our family & anyone who has a fitness related expense is encouraged to pursue it.  


It's right up there behind shelter food & insurance.  Well, I guess my kids' tuition and the pets are above but pretty much everything else is below.   I'd cut all sorts of stuff before I cut someone's fitness & activity expenses. 


And my adult dd is often my accountability buddy so I pay for many of her classes though she does pay for some..... But for a long time I was paying for both of us, 3-5 classes/week & most of our classes run $9-13. 


I'm in perimenopause & am trying hard to lose the remaining bit of belly flab now (my bmi is low & I'm fit but I have belly rolls & I think my body fat % is still too high). I really think I only have a small window because it gets so much harder when you're on the other side. So I'm actually considering adding a few things.... 




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I highly prioritize this expense. It's super duper important in our family & anyone who has a fitness related expense is encouraged to pursue it.  


That's what I decided too. I actually used my Amazon and eBay sales at first to afford the $43/month at one gym for me. Then my oldest wanted to work out, and I was becoming convinced that I needed to move to a more aggressive gym anyway. The two of us pay $98/month for unlimited base-level, group classes and access to a trainer for questions. Periodically they run specials like 4 small group weight classes for $99. We both did that for several months in order to get a good background in the weight room.


I'm currently doing a trial of several of their more focused, smaller classes on a special that expires the end of August. 


I can buy 6 Kinesis classes a month above my membership for $69, and I'm probably going to do that. The teacher is a former physical therapist who is an incredible instructor who is giving me a lot of tips for my broken-down joints.  I figure it's that, or pay $20/session for a physical therapist 2-3 times a week on an ongoing basis, and of course they usually give you therapy on just a focused area, not your whole body including cardio. I'm actually the youngest one in the class right now. 


A doctor once told me that your 50's are usually the last window where you can become fit if you weren't already. Doing that will stave off some of the issues of getting older. If you wait until your 60's, you may be too ill, and it's much, much harder to turn things around.


DH is pretty immobile because of medical problems, and the teens of course help but have their lives too. I have to remain active, period.

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We don't have a lot of things like cable, cell phones w/ plans(only pre-paid) etc but fitness is a big priority. And currently the things that I'm doing I need coaching to do and I just flat out enjoy working out with others- it is my me time and it is good for me. However, I will be happy to be able to cut back some in a few months to save a bit.

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