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morning sickness is dumb


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I actually was a bit worried because I was less nauseas earlier this week, but it's back now. Bergh. No vomiting, just that weird queasy feeling, and sometimes a metallic taste in my mouth. And because I've had weight loss surgery I'm supposed to eat mainly protein, but yeah, that is NOT happening. I get meat aversions when I'm pregnant...it's not awful right now but not great. Got some beef stew in this week, and sometimes cheese or an egg. Today I ate a few fried chicken livers (my usual favorite treat) but all I really wanted to eat were the french fries. (I just ate a few). 


Drinking is worse. I have a total aversion to most drinks right now. And obviously not drinking isn't an option. But most stuff makes me nauseous. Including water. Ginger ale seems to be okay, so I'm drinking some diet ginger ale that I let go mostly flat because carbonation is a no no after weight loss surgery. I bought some popsicles today to see if that is easier, to keep trying to get fluids in. 


I'll feel better tomorrow when I have my ultrasound. If I can see a heartbeat it will make it worth it, you know? Until then it's just feeling icky for no reason. 

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Thanks. I'm sure I will. I'm luckier than most,and usually vomit minimally. I just wish the foods that worked with my stomach were healthy ones!


And since we aren't really telling people yet I can't even complain publicly, lol! (other than here)

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Can you tolerate nuts? I could do spoons of peanut butter or nut butter oatmeal or nut butter on toast.


Peanut butter on whole wheat crackers is a new staple, actually. It doesn't sit perfectly, but better than meat. Had that for breakfast yesterday. 

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I had wicked, long-term morning sickness for both of my pregnancies (which is why we have only two kiddos). For protein, can you do things like cottage cheese? Maybe protein shakes to get in both protein and liquid? Also, how about vegetarian options such as seitan and TVP? Just thinking about meat made me really sick when I was pregnant, but somehow vegetarian options were a bit better...

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I'm 15 weeks now, so luckily out of the terrible nausea but it is still very fresh in my mind so you have my deepest sympathies. For a few weeks I was regretting the decision to get pregnant. I always forget how bad it is for me in the first trimester. But of course by week 13 or so I'm happy for my decision again!

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Beans and cheese are good options right now, and some slow cooked meat if it's mixed with the veggies. So I'm not malnourished or anything. But even my protein bars aren't sitting right. Oh well. Had the fries and chicken livers and some ginger ale and that's just what works. 


I do feel better now - I seem to do best if I eat every 2 hours. I think I went too long this morning, plus I had some egg this morning which is harder on my tummy, and that's what it was so bad today. Going to keep snacking every few hours and hopefully things will be better. 

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I'm so sorry! This last pregnancy I felt pretty rough. I could not drink water at all. It made me so so sick. That has never happened before. I started making myself smoothies and adding in some carbonated water and that was the only way I could drink anything. It was so frustrating! And I've also had meat aversions while pregnant. I found a protein drink (orgain) that I could stomach and some days it was the best I could do.

I hope yours gets better soon!

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So, gingerly and french fries with salt. That's what my stupid body wants. ugh. 


Oh, and the other day it was sour stuff and salt. Pretty sure that means I wanted a margarita, lol. (no, I didn't have one). 


Making chicken in the instant pot for tacos, but not anticipating eating it. I'll have a taco shell, lettuce, cheese, and some avocado instead, which actually does sound pretty good. 

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That's tough. I pretty much lived on fast food for the first trimester with babies two and three because of food aversions. You do what you have to do. I think I actually posted on here last spring about almost crying in Trader Joe's because I was hungry, but anything that sounded good when I put it in my cart then made my stomach turn. Good thing babies are so cute. I hope you feel better soon!

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I lived of club soda my entire last pregnancy, because I couldn't even tolerate ginger ale. Club soda with lots of ice.


And I just went through weird seasons...for a while all I could tolerate was tomato soup (like for a couple weeks? For lunch and dinner...which caused some acidity and had to try something else). I remember a week I had a doghnut or a waffle for dinner, that's all I could tolerate.


Food and I don't go well together during pregnancy :P


Good luck!! Hope you feel a little better soon!

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I ate a taco WITH chicken!!!! I hid the chicken under the veggies, and put lots of lime juice on everything. And salt. Like I said, sour and salt are all I want. I even put some lime juice in my ginger ale. 


I did remember that you can buy gallons of the chick-fil-a diet lemonade, so I'm going to pick up a gallon of that tomorrow. 

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Yup, I'm with you.  I tend to have morning sickness all through my pregnancies, which is anti-fun.  I'm currently 37 weeks along, and both having occasional contractions and continued morning sickness. Booooo.


It also drives me nuts from a logical standpoint.  How can I grow a healthy baby if I can't keep enough food down?  I joke with DH that pregnancy is my best diet, because I end pregnancy at a lower weight than I started. It would be really awesome to lose weight any other time, but all I want with pregnancy is a healthy baby.  


I'm thinking happy heartbeat thoughts for you. 

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When my morning sickness was bad I lived off a certain brand of frozen dinner rolls (cooked,:-P ) and Boost (that shake in a bottle for senior citizens).

When I was able to eat more I still had a hard time with meat. But I found I could tolerate it more when it was cut in very very small pieces. Like tiny.

I forgot about cooking food and not being able to stomach eating it! I did that ALL the time.

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Oh yes. I love being pregnant and can tolerate many of the pregnancy maladies, but not morning sickness. That's the worst! I hope you will be feeling better soon!

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I ate a taco WITH chicken!!!! I hid the chicken under the veggies, and put lots of lime juice on everything. And salt. Like I said, sour and salt are all I want. I even put some lime juice in my ginger ale. 


I did remember that you can buy gallons of the chick-fil-a diet lemonade, so I'm going to pick up a gallon of that tomorrow. 


There is an "old wives" tale that this means girl ;) . So we'll see.

I craved sour and salt with my oldest dd.

Meat with DS1 and the twins. Seriously take the potatoes/bread/veges off my plate. I just wanted a huge juicy burger/steak.

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I feel for you. I had all day sickness during my pregnancies. Fortunately it ended at around 12 weeks, but those were the worst 12 weeks of my pregnancies. I felt just horrible every single day all day long. People don't always understand just how demoralizing it can be. They expected you to smile through it and say, "Well, it's all for the baby," or some other stupid sentimental thing.


I was like you, protein made me feel worse. All I craved were carbs.


You have my sympathies.

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Yes, I was eating very similar things the beginning of this pregnancy - flat ginger ale and french fries. I always lose weight in the first trimester.


I don't worry about this from a health perspective as it is so temporary, but having diet restrictions must make it much more stressful.

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Thanks all. It is much better since eating the taco! Seems getting some real food in me made me feel better. I actually ate another half of one about an hour later, and now had 1/2 a protein bar. So I feel much better about my intake today! Now, to get more fluids in. Ugh. 

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