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For those who like their math curriculum...


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Why is everyone getting very low to negative scores for Math U See? How would one score high for Math U See?

Liking self directed, all in a box video curriculum that focuses on mastery? That'd be my guess.

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My top scores were Beast Academy, Miquon, and Rightstart. I have never used Miquon, but I happily use Rightstart for my middle kid and Beast Academy for my oldest.


Score for Beast Academy: 9 
Score for Math Mammoth: 6 
Score for Math U See: 0 
Score for Mathematical Reasoning: 6 
Score for Miquon: 9 
Score for RightStart: 9 
Score for Saxon: 6 
Score for Shiller: 6 
Score for Singapore: 6 
Score for Teaching Textbooks: 6 

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No, it  did not identify mine at all.  We use and really like Math U See.  I think that having it divided by Secular and Christian is a problem.  For example Math U See is written by a Christian man, but is listed as secular.    I love the idea of this, but looks like it needs some tweaking.


Thanks for the feedback.  I'll switch over Math U See. Ideally, I would put it all into one, but the limitations of the software would require the questionnaire to be too long and repetitive.  I figured if someone has a leaning one way or another, it would make it clearer and if they don't care, they could take both quizzes.   

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Why is everyone getting very low to negative scores for Math U See? How would one score high for Math U See?


The questions related to Math U See are about mastery, memorization coming before understanding, and manipulatives and videos enhancing learning.

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It worked for me . . .we use Saxon and Saxon outscored all the other by a lot . . .scored 15 on Saxon but I'm not sure I answered the questions exactly honestly because I could tell which answers were favoring which curriculum.  


I could also tell which questions were meant to indicate which curriculum. That is fine as long as the curriculum and its reputation correspond accurately.

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Why is everyone getting very low to negative scores for Math U See? How would one score high for Math U See?


I scored high for MUS. It properly identified it as my chosen curriculum for Secular K-6.


I answered "strongly agree" for the questions that asked about mastery and manipulatives.


I answered "agree" for the questions that asked about regular review of concepts, the "why" of math, and manipulatives.


I answered "neither agree nor disagree" for the questions about online and video helps, and memorization.


** OP ** Very neat quiz! 


I clicked on the curriculum it identified as my second highest score because I had never heard of it. It opened in the same tab, so when I wanted to return to my scoring page I hit the "back" arrow button. Unfortunately it took me back to the first page of the quiz, and I no longer had access to my scores. I don't know if this is an issue on my end or on the website's ... I'm not very computer or internet saavy ... but it bummed me out because I was interested in reading more about the curricula in the quiz. But not enough to re-take the quiz LOL.

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For secular: 

Score for Art of Problem Solving: 0 

Score for Math Mammoth: 6 
Score for Math U See: 3 
Score for Saxon: 9 
Score for Singapore: 6 
Score for Teaching Textbooks: -3 
Score for Videotext Interactive: -3 


"Christian "

Score for Abeka: -2 

Score for Bob Jones: 1 
Score for Christian Light Education: -6 
Score for DIVE into Math: -3 
Score for Life of Fred: 9 
Score for Lifepac: 0 
Score for Rod and Staff: 0 
Score for Switched on Schoolhouse: -8


We used Horizons through Pre-Algebra, then used Jacobs Elementary Algebra, Teaching Textbooks Geometry and Life of Fred. 


Was it my imagination or were the questions for the "secular" and "Christian" curriculum's different? It seemed the questions on the "secular" set were more oriented to math content, whereas the ones on the "Christian" side were more oriented to format. It could just be my perception though. As a Christian, I don't see a need for a specifically "Christian" curriculum and it struck me that the questions for the "Christian" set were less intellectually oriented than those of the "secular" set. If that is a case, it's a biased questionnaire. Why wouldn't you just combine the two and then offer both "secular" and "Christian" options? 



FWIW, I would never have used Saxon. It was a horrible match for our family. I've never heard of Math Mammoth. Singapore I've heard of and would have tried if I'd found it when my son was in elementary school. The one course we did with Life of Fred did go well, but I think overall it's a light curriculum. 

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I scored high for MUS. It properly identified it as my chosen curriculum for Secular K-6.


I answered "strongly agree" for the questions that asked about mastery and manipulatives.


I answered "agree" for the questions that asked about regular review of concepts, the "why" of math, and manipulatives.


I answered "neither agree nor disagree" for the questions about online and video helps, and memorization.


** OP ** Very neat quiz! 


I clicked on the curriculum it identified as my second highest score because I had never heard of it. It opened in the same tab, so when I wanted to return to my scoring page I hit the "back" arrow button. Unfortunately it took me back to the first page of the quiz, and I no longer had access to my scores. I don't know if this is an issue on my end or on the website's ... I'm not very computer or internet saavy ... but it bummed me out because I was interested in reading more about the curricula in the quiz. But not enough to re-take the quiz LOL.


Thanks, I can fix that.

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My score:


Score for Beast Academy: 9 
Score for Math Mammoth: 6 
Score for Math U See: 3 
Score for Mathematical Reasoning: 9 
Score for Miquon: 6 
Score for RightStart: 9 
Score for Saxon: 9 
Score for Shiller: 6 
Score for Singapore: 9 
Score for Teaching Textbooks: -2 


We use Beast Academy and Right Start.  I was :this close: to using Singapore.  We considered Shiller, MM, and Miquon.  I've never had any interest in MUS or TT!  

Edited by UCF612
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For secular: 

Score for Art of Problem Solving: 0 

Score for Math Mammoth: 6 

Score for Math U See: 3 

Score for Saxon: 9 

Score for Singapore: 6 

Score for Teaching Textbooks: -3 

Score for Videotext Interactive: -3 


"Christian "

Score for Abeka: -2 

Score for Bob Jones: 1 

Score for Christian Light Education: -6 

Score for DIVE into Math: -3 

Score for Life of Fred: 9 

Score for Lifepac: 0 

Score for Rod and Staff: 0 

Score for Switched on Schoolhouse: -8


We used Horizons through Pre-Algebra, then used Jacobs Elementary Algebra, Teaching Textbooks Geometry and Life of Fred. 


Was it my imagination or were the questions for the "secular" and "Christian" curriculum's different? It seemed the questions on the "secular" set were more oriented to math content, whereas the ones on the "Christian" side were more oriented to format. It could just be my perception though. As a Christian, I don't see a need for a specifically "Christian" curriculum and it struck me that the questions for the "Christian" set were less intellectually oriented than those of the "secular" set. If that is a case, it's a biased questionnaire. Why wouldn't you just combine the two and then offer both "secular" and "Christian" options? 



FWIW, I would never have used Saxon. It was a horrible match for our family. I've never heard of Math Mammoth. Singapore I've heard of and would have tried if I'd found it when my son was in elementary school. The one course we did with Life of Fred did go well, but I think overall it's a light curriculum. 


The software I'm using has limitations so I needed to break apart the big list of curriculum into two groups.  Otherwise, the questionnaire would be huge.  Unfortunately, some of the Christian curriculum options had less information on their philosophy of math instruction and more information on their format, so that may be what you are seeing in the wording of the questions. 

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Score for Beast Academy: 13

Score for Math Mammoth: 3

Score for Math U See: 0

Score for Mathematical Reasoning: 10

Score for Miquon: 0

Score for RightStart: 5

Score for Saxon: 11

Score for Shiller: 8

Score for Singapore: 11

Score for Teaching Textbooks: -2


We use BA and supplement with Singapore. I've never even considered Saxon or Mathematical Reasoning.

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The software I'm using has limitations so I needed to break apart the big list of curriculum into two groups.  Otherwise, the questionnaire would be huge.  Unfortunately, some of the Christian curriculum options had less information on their philosophy of math instruction and more information on their format, so that may be what you are seeing in the wording of the questions. 


That makes sense. You might want to make it clear that the survey is based on information provided by the publishers and not on analysis of the materials themselves, though. I wouldn't personally purchase a curriculum without looking through it and figuring that out, so that would be important to note. Otherwise, I would assume you figured it out before you wrote the questionnaire. 


It's very interesting to read everyone's results! 

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Score for Art of Problem Solving: 0 
Score for Math Mammoth: 5 
Score for Math U See: 3 
Score for Saxon: 9 
Score for Singapore: 10 
Score for Teaching Textbooks: 3 
Score for Videotext Interactive: 6 


This was for secular 7-12 (although we are Christian I don't prefer "Christian" math, lol)


We used Singapore up through 6th grade and then moved on to TT, which we DUMPED.  Saxon was our next pick (so your quiz is pretty accurate) until we found Holt's math courses and we're using those for our current high schoolers.  Not a mathy family here, btw.  :)

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Score for Beast Academy: 11
Score for Math Mammoth: 1
Score for Math U See: 1
Score for Mathematical Reasoning: 8
Score for Miquon: 11
Score for RightStart: 11
Score for Saxon: 0
Score for Shiller: 3
Score for Singapore: 15
Score for Teaching Textbooks: 0


We used Primary Mathematics (Singapore) and Beast Academy and Miquon during elementary school, Pretty spot on.


Would have preferred a root canal to Saxon, so spot on again.



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Your Results for K-6 Secular Math Curriculum:



Score for Beast Academy: 11

Score for Math Mammoth: 8

Score for Math U See: -2

Score for Mathematical Reasoning: 8

Score for Miquon: 11

Score for RightStart: 11

Score for Saxon: 9

Score for Shiller: 6

Score for Singapore: 9

Score for Teaching Textbooks: 3



We use and love Rightstart, and any time I've looked at Math-U-See I have wanted to poke my eyes out.... I am a bit surprised Saxon scored that highly.


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Your Results for K-6 Christian Math Curriculum:



Score for Abeka: -8

Score for Bob Jones: 2

Score for Christian Light Education: 0

Score for Horizons: 6

Score for Life of Fred: 6

Score for Lifepac: 3

Score for Rod and Staff: 0

Score for Switched on Schoolhouse: 0



So I haven't tried any of these. I don't like what I have seen of LOF.... but I haven't seen an actual copy, just a sample. I have liked what I've seen of CLE but haven't used it.


On both these, thd working independently is hard as I think Yes for grades 4-6, and No for grades K-3


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Your Results for 7-12 Secular Math Curriculum:



Score for Art of Problem Solving: 9

Score for Chalkdust: 0

Score for Jacobs: 8

Score for Saxon: 6

Score for Singapore: 9

Score for Teaching Textbooks: 6

Score for Thinkwell: 3

Score for Videotext Interactive: 10


Just moving into this world soon, and plan to use MEP.

Questions were repetative.


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Your Results for 7-12 Christian Math Curriculum:



Score for Abeka: -3

Score for Bob Jones: -1

Score for Christian Light Education: 7

Score for DIVE into Math: 3

Score for Life of Fred: 9

Score for Lifepac: 0

Score for Math U See: -5

Score for Rod and Staff: 3

Score for Switched on Schoolhouse: 3


MathUSee is secular from K-6 and Christian from 7-12?

I get 0 for CLE for K-6, but 7 for 7-12?


Questions very repetative.



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This is my score for my rising 6th grader:

Score for Beast Academy: 5 
Score for Math Mammoth: 6 
Score for Math U See: 0 
Score for Mathematical Reasoning: 8 
Score for Miquon: 6 
Score for RightStart: 6 
Score for Saxon: 3 
Score for Shiller: 5 
Score for Singapore: 8 
Score for Teaching Textbooks: -3 


He has used and liked Singapore for the past several years; he will be switching to AOPS Pre-Algebra next year, although I'm not sure if it will go well or not.  So I do think the quiz is right on for him, because it did indeed give Singapore as the highest (and Saxon got a low score -- my oldest child has used and liked Saxon for several years, and she's totally different in learning style and personality than my rising 6th grader).  But I agree with ArticMama that our own experience with these programs is going to bias our answers a bit.  I do think it could be a very helpful quiz for newbies, with one caveat: the teacher's ideals and beliefs about math may or may not match the student's needs for math.  For instance, I think similarly to how Singapore does, and it appeals to me, as well as to my one son, but I think it's little tricks and mental math and all would drive my oldest nutty, so no matter how much *I* like it, it wouldn't have been a good fit for her.


I'm going to try it again for my oldest to see what it says for her.


Okay, this is what it says for my oldest.  Interesting that Saxon is low for her, but also, part of the reason I'm switching her to AOPS next year for Geometry is because I want to try a deeper approach.  So my results reflect that, I think.


Score for Art of Problem Solving: 11 

Score for Chalkdust: 6 
Score for Jacobs: 5 
Score for Saxon: 5 
Score for Singapore: 5 
Score for Teaching Textbooks: 2 
Score for Thinkwell: -3 
Score for Videotext Interactive: 8 

Edited by happypamama
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I finally took the 7-12. The highest score by far was for AOPS, which I used for my middle after Singapore. Loved it. Fantastic. He's working through Number Theory right now.


I got low scores on all the others. :D


But really, I sign my kids up for a co-op class taught by a fantastic math teacher for geometry and beyond.



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Score for Abeka: -6
Score for Bob Jones: [result redacted by Spy Car]
Score for Christian Light Education: -5
Score for Horizons: 3
Score for Life of Fred: 0
Score for Lifepac: -2
Score for Rod and Staff: -8
Score for Switched on Schoolhouse: -3


Just for grins I decided to do the non-secular quiz. Had not realized one could go negative :D


How bad could Abeka be? I shudder even typing the name. 



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MathUSee is secular from K-6 and Christian from 7-12?

I get 0 for CLE for K-6, but 7 for 7-12?




MathUSee was in the process of changing from secular to Christian in the quizzes when you took it :)  It should just show up in Christian ones now.  The CLE questions are worded a little different for the older age grouping.

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Just went through again and did 7-12, as dd11 will be in grade 7 next year. 

She used AOPS for Pre-A and I was very happy with it. I will take a look at some of these others to see if I want to throw any other programs at her.


Score for Art of Problem Solving: 13 
Score for Chalkdust: 6 
Score for Jacobs: 6 
Score for Saxon: 0 
Score for Singapore: 11 
Score for Teaching Textbooks: 3 
Score for Thinkwell: 9 
Score for Videotext Interactive: 11 

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Scores were:


Score for Beast Academy: 9 
Score for Math Mammoth: 1 
Score for Mathematical Reasoning: 9 
Score for McRuffy: 0 
Score for Miquon: 9 
Score for RightStart: 11 
Score for Saxon: 3 
Score for Shiller: 6 
Score for Singapore: 15 
Score for Teaching Textbooks: -3


Have used Singapore for 5 years for DD along with Miquon and BA so that jives with things.  Am using MM along with Miquon and soon BA for DS because he is not so into the pretty workbooks.  I'm not nearly as much a fan of it as I am of Singapore but I'm  OK with it as long as we've been supplementing with Miquon and soon BA.  We tried Saxon for one year with DD (along with Singapore) and it just about killed me.  

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Excellent quiz and I enjoyed the results.  This could be really helpful in the future.  Thanks!


Score for Beast Academy: 10 

Score for Math Mammoth: 11 
Score for Mathematical Reasoning: 9 
Score for McRuffy: 11 
Score for Miquon: 9 
Score for RightStart: 15 
Score for Saxon: 9 
Score for Shiller: 9 
Score for Singapore: 13 
Score for Teaching Textbooks: -2 

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Your Results for K-6 Secular Math Curriculum:

Score for Beast Academy: 6 

Score for Math Mammoth: 11 

Score for Mathematical Reasoning: 9 

Score for McRuffy: -6 

Score for Miquon: 6 

Score for RightStart: 8 

Score for Saxon: 9 

Score for Shiller: 6 

Score for Singapore: 11 

Score for Teaching Textbooks: 5 



We use Math Mammoth, which tied for the top spot, so it worked for me.

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Score for Art of Problem Solving: 9

Score for Chalkdust: 0

Score for Jacobs: 5

Score for Saxon: 13

Score for Singapore: 6

Score for Teaching Textbooks: 2

Score for Thinkwell: 6

Score for Videotext Interactive: 0


Those were my results. It looks like we are using the right curriculum! I have strayed from Saxon a few times over my 17 years of homeschooling and I always come back.


Thanks for creating the quiz!

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