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Loss of a pet...

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In mid-August we had to have our sweet 13-year old lab, Lucy, put down. She was diagnosed with a fairly rare type of cancer, there was no treatment, and it was aggressive. It was a hard summer for me, watching her grow weaker and knowing what was coming.


I pretty much thought I was past the hurting part. But today I came home from work, walked in the door, and started to say, "Lu, I'm home!" like I always did for so many years. I just forgot, I guess. And now I feel just as sad and upset as if it she'd just died. I miss her so.


Has this happened to anyone else?


I think I'll go hug a kitty.



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In mid-August we had to have our sweet 13-year old lab, Lucy, put down. She was diagnosed with a fairly rare type of cancer, there was no treatment, and it was aggressive. It was a hard summer for me, watching her grow weaker and knowing what was coming.


I pretty much thought I was past the hurting part. But today I came home from work, walked in the door, and started to say, "Lu, I'm home!" like I always did for so many years. I just forgot, I guess. And now I feel just as sad and upset as if it she'd just died. I miss her so.


Has this happened to anyone else?


I think I'll go hug a kitty.




Yes, Ria, it happened to me. We had to have Rudy (our English Mastiff) put down after diabetes had completely taken it's toll on her. For months, every time I sat down I expected her to come sit with her head on my lap.


I'm sorry about Lucy. :grouphug:

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I'm so sorry, Ria. My cat of 16 1/2 years died. After that dh kept thinking that he saw her out of the corner of his eye. It is hard to believe they are gone. And I think it is perfectly normal to feel that way.


It hurts badly to lose a pet. I wish you could come to my house and we could cry together. You wouldn't think I'd only had Daisy 4 months based on the way I've cried over her.


Keep talking to us about it. We're here.


Big hugs.


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I had to put my 17 yo dog to sleep 3 years ago when my twins were one month old. I really didn't deal with the feelings because I didnt' have the emotional energy. This dog was my shadow, she was so attached to me. Sometimes I can still feel her there, or I worry about tripping over her and then realize she isn't there.

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Yep. More than w/ just one animal. Our 9 month old lab was killed in May, and just this morning I was out back watching dd play w/ our other dog, and kept expecting Sarah to come running around the corner of the house. I thought I was over the hump, but I guess not. ((((Ria))))

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Yes, this happened to us this past December. We lost our beloved German Shepherd to liver cancer. He was diagnosed last September and we had him put to sleep right after Christmas.


We have two border collies now. I love them to pieces. But I still have been known to call Jerry Lee, or reach for him -- he was always at my feet, or roll over in bed to hug him, as he liked to slither in between DH and I.


My heart goes out to you, as I can tell you're hurting.






In mid-August we had to have our sweet 13-year old lab, Lucy, put down. She was diagnosed with a fairly rare type of cancer, there was no treatment, and it was aggressive. It was a hard summer for me, watching her grow weaker and knowing what was coming.


I pretty much thought I was past the hurting part. But today I came home from work, walked in the door, and started to say, "Lu, I'm home!" like I always did for so many years. I just forgot, I guess. And now I feel just as sad and upset as if it she'd just died. I miss her so.


Has this happened to anyone else?


I think I'll go hug a kitty.



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:grouphug: Poor Lucy. I'm so sorry for your loss and missing them along with forgetting is very normal. I'm getting teary thinking about you, Lucy and our old cocker, Lady who we called Lu-Lu. :grouphug:



In mid-August we had to have our sweet 13-year old lab, Lucy, put down. She was diagnosed with a fairly rare type of cancer, there was no treatment, and it was aggressive. It was a hard summer for me, watching her grow weaker and knowing what was coming.


I pretty much thought I was past the hurting part. But today I came home from work, walked in the door, and started to say, "Lu, I'm home!" like I always did for so many years. I just forgot, I guess. And now I feel just as sad and upset as if it she'd just died. I miss her so.


Has this happened to anyone else?


I think I'll go hug a kitty.



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I'm so sorry for your loss. It's perfectly normal to feel that way after losing a pet, who is a member of the family afterall.


I still grieve, and it's been a year, for our cat that we had to put asleep last summer. He was only two; he had an awful, incurable, disease and it was heartbreaking not to be able to save a pet that was so young. Plus, he was a one in a million cat, he loved everybody, wasn't shy, loved to be held, and was extremely patient and loving. He would purr through painful procedures at the vet and rub on the vet's hands. Everyone who met him commented on what a nice cat he was.


It's hard when our pets are in pain and we need to let them go. :grouphug:

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I lost a parrot during the week I found out my pregnancy with DD was sustainable.


I was so happy to finally be pregnant but I'll never forget looking at her on the U/S screen and bursting into tears because my kid would never meet my bird.


It's so hard when our companions leave our lives.




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I lost a parrot during the week I found out my pregnancy with DD was sustainable.


I was so happy to finally be pregnant but I'll never forget looking at her on the U/S screen and bursting into tears because my kid would never meet my bird.


It's so hard when our companions leave our lives.






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I'm sorry for your loss. Yes, we had a full-blooded female yellow lab of the English pedigree. She truly was a blessing. She was one month away from turning 11 and on Christmas Eve morning, of all times, she was scheduled for exploratory surgery and they found cancer throughout her. Prior to that she had a lump here and there for about 4 years before this date. They told us if that was the case we should just put her down then. I was so SAD because I knew it was coming, but not at Christmas.


However, it would have been selfish for me to keep her around for us. I loved her so much I didn't want her in any more pain. As I write this, I have tears in my ears because I miss her and it's been 6 years ago.


We have another female yellow lab who turns 5 next week.


Sorry to ramble. Animals just have shorter life spans and it's sad to lose a pet.

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Yes, just the other night when I was going to bed I swear I saw Fate - my kitty who we had to put down in May.


Things have been a little topsy-turvy here since Wednesday and I like to think that he came by to comfort me as he so often did over the course of our 19 years together.


So sorry for your loss.

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Oh, Ria. Yes, we just put our 6 year old beagle down in July after very sudden kidney failure. It was, and still is, so hard. I used to always wonder when I'd see people get so sad after the loss of a pet. Now I know how truly devastating it can be. We still have tears around here. I miss my doggie at night when I'm going to bed. I would always lock him in his crate and say goodnight to him. I've actually said goodnight on a number of occasions and he's not there.


I really do feel your pain. It's so hard.

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We lost our dog Zack over a year ago, and we've had a new puppy for 5 months. I still occasionally call the puppy by Zack's name. I'm also comparing the two constantly, Will Cisco be a large? Will Cisco develop as heavy of a coat? (they're of the same breed, just very different blood lines in a breed that doesn't produce cookie cutter dogs)

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In mid-August we had to have our sweet 13-year old lab, Lucy, put down. She was diagnosed with a fairly rare type of cancer, there was no treatment, and it was aggressive. It was a hard summer for me, watching her grow weaker and knowing what was coming.


I pretty much thought I was past the hurting part. But today I came home from work, walked in the door, and started to say, "Lu, I'm home!" like I always did for so many years. I just forgot, I guess. And now I feel just as sad and upset as if it she'd just died. I miss her so.


Has this happened to anyone else?


I think I'll go hug a kitty.




Ria, last Wednesday, on our way to church, I started crying in the car because I saw a dog that looked exactly like my chihuahua, Cha-Cha, whom we had to put down 2 years ago. I've been ok since she died, but sometimes it just comes up. I started thinking about the end of her life, and it still hurts. I think that it is a totally normal part of the mourning process and should be expected now and then. I don't know what your spiritual beliefs are, but in Proverbs it says that A righteous man regards the life of his beast (animal). That scripture always gives me comfort whenever I feel silly for still mourning over my friend. So I hope that helps and I'm sending you a big virtual hug your way!:grouphug:

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:grouphug: to every last one of you. We've been through this a few times, too. One of my dogs was in a lot of pain before she died and I still feel really, really bad about that. She slept in bed with me all through college and I always thought she'd die in my arms. I still cry about her sometimes. Her name was Gypsy, a mutt, and she'll always be the one who taught me to head down to the local pet rescue whenever it looks like we might be able to afford to buy another bag of dog food a week. Now we have an old blind shepherd (who's doing a lot better, if you recall any of my posts about his unfortunate digestive issues!), a Catahoola nutbag of a dog, and a coton du tulear. All of them are so different and so loving. Every day when I come in from running my nightly errands, the coton's face appears in the window, he gives a little bark, and by the time I'm walking in the door, there are three dogs right at my feet, barking and spazzing, so glad to see me again. EVERYONE should act like that when I walk into the room....


I miss my Gypsy but she taught me so much. :001_smile:

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Thank you all so much. It's comforting to know that I'm not alone. You know, most of the time I'm just fine, but there are moments...and today I had one, the first in a while. I've had a few dreams lately where Lucy was there...and then I wake up. It's just so hard. Despite the heartache, though, I am so blessed to have had her in my life.


Thanks again,


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Yes, just today. An hour or so ago actually. I cried because I miss my cat Mischief so much. We had to put him down in mid-July and didn't have time to prepare. He had been having troubles for months and the vet finally found a very large tumor in his body. Because of his age (13 years) and the uncertainty of him surviving through surgery, she thought letting him go would be the best thing for him and for us. We had 3 hours at home with him before we took him back in to put him down. It will take time for the hurt to not be so raw.

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Has this happened to anyone else?



I heard my rescued Dane's (who lived til 12) collar jingling behind me for a couple of years. I still pull down his old leather collar (the the collar of my Ridgeback/Shep X and my kitty's, too) and sniff them. I have them up on the wall, along with a tile painting my folks both loved.

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I miss her so.


Has this happened to anyone else?


I think I'll go hug a kitty.





Yes. It's happened to me. Our pets are a vital part of our lives. It does not surprise me that you still expect her to be there with you, nor does it surprise me that you are grieving her absence.


I like to imagine that my lost pets visit me in spirit. When I find that I'm thinking hard of them, or there is a scene, a toy, a moment that reminds me of them so -- those are times when I'm sure they've come calling, just to say hello and to tell me that they still love me.


Weird. But, it makes me feel better.


Hugs to you.

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We lost our Nellie almost a year ago, and it still chokes me up sometimes. Every once in a while, I open the back door to call my dog, Homer, and find myself yelling, "NellieNellieNellieNellie" like I did for her, and it just takes the juice out of me.


I loved her so much and miss her a lot. I can't imagine how sad my house would seem without Homer. He isn't Nellie and isn't supposed to be - he's great as himself. But he does fill a little dog space that would be absent without him. We bought him when Nellie was seemly old but healthy, and she took a sudden bad turn only a few weeks later. I don't think I could have bought a dog any time soon after I lost her, so I consider it a great blessing that he was here already.

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:crying: Dang it! Now I'm crying again about Clive. In about 12 hours from right now it'll be a week since we put him down.


There is still fur everywhere from him.


Everytime I think about my new baby coming next month(!) I become sad because Clive will not be around to sniff the little head. I was looking forward to watching Clive with the baby. He loved kids.


At this time last month he was a happy healthy dog causing trouble with my 4 yr old. They were partners in crime.


I feel guilty at times because I should be happy and grateful that I'm having a baby and that my family is healthy. I should be overjoyed about meeting my baby soon, but the remainder of this pg will be shadowed by Clive's death.

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