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Why eat oreos when you can have Hagendaz? Seriously, only cheat with the best: an entire pan of Ghiradelli brownies with a double batch of Ghiradelli frosting, Newman's Own Organic Oreos (oh so good, more gourmet), Hagendaz ice cream or the occasional condescension to Ben & Jerry's. Only indulge with the best. :)


I ate 2/3 of a pint of Hagendaz tonight, so I took my own medicine. Haven't had ice cream in months, and it felt pretty good! Maybe that's what this baby was waiting for?

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Why eat oreos when you can have Hagendaz? Seriously, only cheat with the best: an entire pan of Ghiradelli brownies with a double batch of Ghiradelli frosting, Newman's Own Organic Oreos (oh so good, more gourmet), Hagendaz ice cream or the occasional condescension to Ben & Jerry's. Only indulge with the best. :)


I ate 2/3 of a pint of Hagendaz tonight, so I took my own medicine. Haven't had ice cream in months, and it felt pretty good! Maybe that's what this baby was waiting for?


I just have to give you a :grouphug:, sweetie!!!!!


Hang in there!!!!

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And DON'T leave them on my blog! I've gone from a size 16 to a-l-m-o-s-t size 8, and I did not keep the bigger sized pants in the house to grow back into! (Actually, I'm doing my best to put up with (um...perhaps "keep them up" would be more accurate) the 12's until I can fit into that 8...almost there. Almost there. Almost there...)


Take them away! I don't want to see them! Don't even leave crumbs! I have no will-power if they darken my doorway. They must be out of the house! Fill the kitchen cupboards with dumbbells and resistance bands!


Jean (running and ducking from the tomatoes she envisions are going to be thrown at her...but, remembering her cholesterol and bone mass probs, she flees, plugging her ears to all conversation about chocolate and good things to eat, chanting madly and loudly that she is determined to live long enough to hold her grandchildren!!!!)



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And DON'T leave them on my blog! I've gone from a size 16 to a-l-m-o-s-t size 8, and I did not keep the bigger sized pants in the house to grow back into! (Actually, I'm doing my best to put up with (um...perhaps "keep them up" would be more accurate) the 12's until I can fit into that 8...almost there. Almost there. Almost there...)


Take them away! I don't want to see them! Don't even leave crumbs! I have no will-power if they darken my doorway. They must be out of the house! Fill the kitchen cupboards with dumbbells and resistance bands!


Jean (running and ducking from the tomatoes she envisions are going to be thrown at her...but, remembering her cholesterol and bone mass probs, she flees, plugging her ears to all conversation about chocolate and good things to eat, chanting madly and loudly that she is determined to live long enough to hold her grandchildren!!!!)




Awesome job, Jean!

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I have the perfect solution. Put them in a box, tape it up, and ship it to me! Then I can stuff my face with them.


That's one thing I so miss from the States - Oreos and milk. They're available here, but they're so expensive I just can't bring myself to buy them. With all this talk of Oreos here, I may have to indulge, just this once.

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You should allow yourself one. Just one. Look at the clock and nibble on that one cookie for a good 15 minutes. You'll enjoy the taste, and by the time you are done, your brain will have received the satisfaction message. Eat smart. :D

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I cannot be trusted with Oreos or Dr Pepper in the house.


Sigh, its too bad they make me gain weight so quickly. Like Jean, I'm in a smaller size clothes now and want to stay that way. But....oreos are soooooooooooooo good. Add a cold DP and I'm a happy gal.


Indulge. Enjoy. Tomorrow is another day! Instead of lunging a colt in the round pen, you can make yourself lope for a while. :D

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I cannot be trusted with Oreos or Dr Pepper in the house.


Sigh, its too bad they make me gain weight so quickly. Like Jean, I'm in a smaller size clothes now and want to stay that way. But....oreos are soooooooooooooo good. Add a cold DP and I'm a happy gal.


Indulge. Enjoy. Tomorrow is another day! Instead of lunging a colt in the round pen, you can make yourself lope for a while. :D

Two of my favorite foods, but you're not saying you consume them TOGETHER, are you??? That's just NOT. RIGHT. Cold, skim milk goes with Oreos, and Nacho Cheese Doritos go with Dr. Pepper! Maybe you didn't get the memo. ;)



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Why eat oreos when you can have Hagendaz? Seriously, only cheat with the best: an entire pan of Ghiradelli brownies with a double batch of Ghiradelli frosting, Newman's Own Organic Oreos (oh so good, more gourmet), Hagendaz ice cream or the occasional condescension to Ben & Jerry's. Only indulge with the best. :)


I ate 2/3 of a pint of Hagendaz tonight, so I took my own medicine. Haven't had ice cream in months, and it felt pretty good! Maybe that's what this baby was waiting for?


Oh, I agree! A few weeks ago when we were on vacation there was a HD shop in our hotel! We stopped there twice. Their belgian chocolate chocolate ice cream was the absolutely most delicious ice cream I have ever eaten. I'm not sure why you consider Ben & Jerry's inferior, though? Their Phish food is just impossible for me to resist.

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