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No more neg rep but now

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But still, if you look at the cloud tag you can see what is important. This morning the bold words were "milk" and "politics" and now the big word is "hair".





But seriously, folks, in these times of looming bread lines...isn't hair even that much MORE important? All we have to fear is a bad hair day itself.



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But seriously, folks, in these times of looming bread lines...isn't hair even that much MORE important? All we have to fear is a bad hair day itself.




I was discussing that very thing this morning with my hairdresser. She was telling me that a lot of her clients are having to make cuts in their personal budgets but they are telling her that good hair is not a cut that they are willing to make. Priorities, People, let's get this right!!

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and I thought with friends replacing the (neg) rep everyone was getting along....


I still try to avoid the politics though


Honestly, I don't quite get the friends, either--though I still want all of you to want me to be your friend!


Wow. :001_huh: The depths of my pathos know no bounds.


But at least I've got GREAT hair! :cheers2:

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my favorite so far...


"bovine birth announcement" for Tracy's cow post. :lol:


Though, "dingos ate my baby" is pretty amusing too.


Passive-aggressive behavior will always find a way, I'm afraid.


Yep. There are some people who have such miserable lives, that they spend all their time trying to make others just as miserable. I know several people in my life who just would not be happy if they did not have something to complain about or someone to put down. :glare:

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So who is going to be the first to write poetry from the tag cloud? We could have poems of the day to reflect key discussion and sniping points!


:lol: I think you could write poetry with nothing BUT the tag cloud. It's called a haiku! Hahahahaha! (I slay myself.)


I do now too! I even got highlights and lowlights, I have never had my hair colored before! I was so excited when it was done that I jumped up and hugged my hairdresser.


I think I frightened her!:001_huh:


Kelli, that's the sweetest thing I've heard all day. :001_smile: Congrats, girl!

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Which thread was that in?


it was on the one about early childhood and accrediation.


I admit I have not read all the tags so I have not noticed nasty ones, but that is likely due to me simply not reading them yet. I think no matter what someone is going to find a way to put out passive agressive behaviour if they are so inclined, it could also be someone's idea of stirring the pot, creating a little drama kwim. IMO they are just tags and easily ignorable, just don't look at them. Unlike a neg rep that stared you in the face until you got enough pos to knock it out of sight, the tags are easy to ignore. That is how I managed to not see most of what was written, I don't even notice them most of the time.

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I'll be your friend, Layla! But only because you have Kaylee as your avatar. If you ever change, I'm totally dropping you! :lol:


Gee thanks, abbeyej! :001_smile: I think. :001_huh: :lol:


Oh, look, this thread got a hair tag too!




I'll 'fess up: That was me! :001_smile:

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