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Symptoms of pregnancy that correspond to gender of baby?

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Now for some fun!! Did your boy pregnancies differ from your girl pregnancies substantially? For instance, with boys they say you crave spicy foods, facial hair growth or acne (from the testosterone), etc. With girls, you're supposed to crave sweets, feel beautiful, etc. Were either of those true with you? Anything else, besides an ultrasound, that made you "certain" of the gender of the baby?

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I love this.


Girls are actually supposed to steal your beauty. I got more acne from my girls than boys. I was just noticing yesterday that my face has been really clear this time.


I was sicker with boys than girls.


Boys definitely have lower heart rates. This one has been in the 130's. Hopefully he'll be laid back.


I'll see if I can remember anything else. After 1 boy then 5 girls and now a bow any week now, you'd think I'd be able to notice soem differences.

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With my first, it seemed like I had more facial hair and I had horrible acne. I had never had acne before. We were convinced it was a boy because we had read about the possible effects of testosterone. Well, we were surprised when "he" turned out to be a "she." Also, I have never felt beautiful carrying any of my 3 girls. :tongue_smilie:

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I have three boys, and they ALL had "girl" heart rates. And I was a little sicker with each pregnancy, so I kept being sure that I was having a girl. I'm really curious as to whether a girl pregnancy would be different for me, but finding out doesn't seem like a good enough excuse to get pregnant again :lol:

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2 boys and 2 girls here!


I only had morning sickness with my boys!! With my girls, I wasn't even queasy. With my boys, I barfed for months.


I had high fetal heartrates with my girls (140+) and low fetal heartrates with my boys (130 or under).


With my boys, I craved things like steak and potatoes. With my girls, it was odd things like macaroni and cheese and olives. And I *hate* olives!!


And there's a Chinese Gender Chart on the web (where you match your age up with the month of conception or something like that) and it was right for me 4 out of 4 times!

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Let's see...I was the sickest w/ #1 & #3--ds & dd. I gained the most wt w/ #1 & #4--both boys, & double what I gained w/ the girls.


I craved oranges w/ ds7. Like...more than 10/day. He's a red-head, obviously. ;)


I craved blueberries WITH mangoes w/ dd5.


Honeydew melons w/ dd1. Like, one in a sitting. And then I'd walk a mile to the store & back w/ 2 dc in tow to buy another one. (I don't like honeydew melons otherwise.)


Watermelon w/ newbie. Serious amts. I'm normally not a huge fan, & w/ #1 it made me sick.


Whatever patterns I thought I'd observed were blown out of the water w/ this last one. :001_huh:

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I had serious morning sickness with my first, a girl. I also had very bad heartburn.


Not much nausea with either boy.


But others wise they were pretty much the same on all the other factors.


Still no baby I see. I hated being over due the first two times. Here's to a big storm to push you over the edge. (I hear that helps)

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Thanks ladies! It's been fun, and I'm finally realizing this could be a girl, despite my "symptoms", hehe... So tonight dd and I FINALIZED the girl name. NOW this baby can be born, right? :)


If that doesn't work, I'm canning pizza and spaghetti sauce. Surely being in the middle of a hugely inconvenient project to halt would bring on labor...

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OhElizabeth - I hope it works. I was horribly sick through all three of my pregnancies (less so with the twins, go figure). I only have boys. While pregnant, I had great (really great :sniff: I miss it it was that great) hair and skin. I never gained much weight (due to the constant morning sickness).


For me, starting a big project was the SURE way to bring on labor. Hoping you leave you kitchen in a mess tonight and can tell us soon about your new baby *person.* I'm so excited for you and I'm sure you're ready to just be done with being pregnant, so I won't call you and ask if you're still pregnant. I won't approach you in the gorcery store and ask if it's twins. I won't joke and say "Look at you, still preggers, huh?"


Sending labor vibes your way! ::::Come on, baby:::

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I've been wondering about the baby news! I'm sorry the little sweetie's taking so long to make his or her big arrival!


We have 2 boys and 2 girls. I had great skin with all of them, and my boys both had higher heart rates than the girls. No morning sickness with any of them! I craved ketchup :001_huh: and ice with each one. I guess you just never know. The only semi-sure way to know the gender is with ultrasound, and sometimes that's still not enough! For me, I knew "for sure" when I held each one in my arms.


My little guy turned one last Saturday. It's a beautiful time of year to have a baby!:)

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I didnt know the sex of either of my two. I was told, with a girl, you put on weight all around- so you definitely can tell you are pregnant if seen from behind. However, with a boy, from behind you cant tell if you are pregnant- the boy sticks all out the front.

It may be conincidence, but this was true of both my pregnancies- one girl, one boy.

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I've been told I'm carrying like it's a boy, but I just feel big, wouldn't know the difference, lol.


Amy, thanks for being the only one to not call and ask! Actually, people finally just settled down and are leaving me alone. And this project is helping keep my mind off it. Trying to work up the courage to start the spaghetti sauce to simmering in the big roaster before bed. Then it will be ready to can in the morning. Sound insane? I got 28 pints of pizza sauce made and canned tonight. The last batch is in the water bather right now. Messy kitchen? Yup, I've got that going, so if that helps tempt fate, then I'm surely piling it up! :)

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I didnt know the sex of either of my two. I was told, with a girl, you put on weight all around- so you definitely can tell you are pregnant if seen from behind. However, with a boy, from behind you cant tell if you are pregnant- the boy sticks all out the front.

It may be conincidence, but this was true of both my pregnancies- one girl, one boy.


This was true for me, too, and my mil uses the theory to guess and she's almost always right!


The Chinese gender thing worked for me, too.

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Yes for me it did.


number 1: My boys pregnancy test showed a very very strong positive. My dd's test showed negative so they had to take my blood to see if I was actually pregnant. This also happened to one of my miscarriages.


number 2: I was sick for about 2 weeks with my dd and felt nauseous about a month then I was fine the rest of the time. My boys, I felt no sickness or nausea at all. I had a wonderful pregnancy with them. I did with my dd except that first month.



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Sending lots of labor vibes your way!!


I had four girls in a row, then our baby boy (who turns ONE today! :))


I carried like a boy more for the first two than any of the last three. The Chinese gender chart was wrong at least half the time too.


I craved healthy foods for my firstborn (girl) and I think my third? (girl) but then all the others I had a very hard time staying away from junk - sweet, salty, and savory. I think I wanted FAT and strong flavor.


I remember the first two had low heartbeats, and my boy had a higher heartbeat (I'm just breaking all the rules now, aren't I :lol:)


I felt pretty good for the first two, and sick as a dog for the first half of pg for the last three. My skin and hair were all over the map too - great for some pgs but not others, and my hair was wavy for some and not others.


The onlyl two things I see as different with boys/girls in my pregnancies is that my girls were all early, and progressively so: 7 days, 11 days, 14 days, 16 days. But then baby boy came around, and while he was early by a bit, he was later than all the others (3 days early - well, he was induced, but I was already in labor when I got there). That, and the fact that I just could not manage anything even remotely creative when I was pregnant with the girls. No crocheting, knitting, sewing, scrapbooking... anything. But with the boy, I couldn't get enough of it. I just wanted to be making something every day. That was weird. :D

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This has been a fun thread to read.


I've had four girls. I've had some form of nasty morning sickness with all of them. My second dd had a low hb compared to the others. I was also not as sick with her as the others. I could not eat chicken when I was pg with her.


This one seems to be pretty much the same, though I've gained more weight than with the others. I don't know the gender, and wouldn't begin to suggest a gender, though there are plenty of others who are wishful thinking for a boy.


I guess we'll see. :)

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Oh Amy, that's too funny!! Well we'll see about the carrying thing, since they say I'm carrying like a boy. Like you say though, could be wrong. The Chinese gender chart is wrong for my dd, so I nixed that. Creativity? Well that's a new one, lol. I have been making a ton of stuff, but I started that with dd and am just continuing. Yup, I'm glad to be peaceful finally about a girls name!! Who knows, maybe I'll need it! :)

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I was sick a anything with my dd and grumpy...so much so I didn't even like myself LOL -- I felt possessed. I was so glad after her birth -- even today I tell people that I felt her personality in-utero LOL! I craved Sunbeam Cherry pies and Orange crush soda -- and grapefruit, lots of them. But I coudn't walk down the meat isle at the grocery -- and just the thought of raw chicken was enough to make me sick.


My ds was so easy that I could barely stay awake. I could have slept thru the whole thing if it weren't for dd's high energy. With him I lived on Tums though -- every thing gave me heartburn.


On a side note, my daughter was 1 1/2 and kept asking about my "mommy medicine" (Tums) and wanting some. She was a climber and into everything so one day I bought some sour War Heads *hehehe* and told her I'd let her try my "Mommy Medicine" and gave her the candy War Head :lol: she made the worst face and spit it out and that was the end of that !

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With DD4 I was *convinced* that I wouldn't have a girl. My husband comes from a family of all boys. Up until then, of the 8 grandkids born, only one was a girl. I really wanted a girl but knew my chances were very low. So I resigned myself to having a boy.


But part of me, I think, knew I was having a girl. Even though I knew it was impossible, I kept calling the baby a "she." She did this, she did that. Ooops, what am I saying??


When the ultrasound showed that she was a girl, I could hardly believe it! I don't think I was ever thoroughly convinced. The first words out of my mouth when she was born and they handed her to me were "she really is a girl!" :lol:

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Now I have my hopes up. I am 12 weeks tomorrow and will go in for my second sonogram in the morning (I am high risk so I have sonograms at every visit). I have 3 boys already and honestly would be happy with a boy or girl but still there is that little longing deep in my heart for a girl.


I checked the Chinese calendar and it said I should have conceived a girl. My heart skipped a beat. I guess I want a girl more than I realized. Should have never checked that silly calendar.


FWIW this pregnancy has been different with this one. With the others I had perfect, glowing skin. With this one I look like I am 16 all over again. I loved being pregnant with the others but I just feel icky this time around. Honestly I attributed it to being older and the 4th time around. :D


This thread has been fun though. Oh Elizabeth, I hope you deliver soon!

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2 boy pregnancies here and they were as different as night and day. That's why with ds2 I was certain he was a girl! Let's see- with #1 I craved only fruits and didn't like much else but I never had morning sickness. No facial hair or acne. Extremely tired. I worked during the day then slept 12 hours at night. My poor husband! With #2 I was sick for 4 months and craved only sweets. That's dangerous! I had a milk shake every night for 6 months!

So, I guess my answer would be with 2 pregnancies that were completely different I couldn't guess by symptoms alone.

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