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I'd like to apologise

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I hope it wasn't in writing, maybe it was only in my head, I used to think that people who were overwhelmed by managing a home/running errands /getting kids to activities/ teaching were..... exaggerating perhaps?


Well, I'm having my come-uppance. For the first time since Calvin was six months old I'm living without household help. It's hard, it's busy (even with only two children) and I'm sorry I was unsympathetic in the past.



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Oh sweetie, I don't think you ever seemed unsympathetic, from my point of view anyway. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I know that is a hard adjustment. It is challenging to move into unfamiliar waters like you have.


As far as thinking it in your head. Well, life has a way of helping you face those things at times, doesn't it. I have BTDT quite a bit more than I would like to admit.


Hang in there dear. You are an amazing woman who will do well, I am sure!

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:grouphug: Laura. I never sensed that from you, so I think you did a good job of keeping those thoughts to yourself :001_smile:.


I hope the adjustment becomes easier! Not having the help you're accustomed to would be hard enough, but add in the major move and it's got to be overwhelming (or at least close to)! I think I'd be in a corner eating chocolate looking quite...unapproachable :tongue_smilie:.

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:grouphug: to you Laura. I've never really sensed you being this way either. And, from someone who so understands where you're coming from, that group hug is a really, really big one! I'm still bemoaning/missing my "Ayi" and it has been two and a half years since we've moved back. I CAN say that it gets easier. Okay. Okay. I lied. It doesn't get easier, expectations change! There. I said it. :) But, as expectations change, stress will be reduced! Really. :)


~from someone who was fanatic about cleanliness/tidiness until she had to do it all on her own!


{"Ayi" means Auntie in Chinese and is an affectionate term that could be used for a lady working in your home, for those who don't speak Chinese but are always willing to learn something new!:)}

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Ah, Laura, every single ex-pat I know that has had household help has suffered from "withdrawal" as part of their "re-culturization."


You'll get the hang of it soon enough.


BTW.....if you felt that way interiorly, it never showed in your posts. Conversely, when I read posts about people with 2 little kids feeling that way, I have to work very hard at diplomatically hiding my sarcasm. :tongue_smilie:


It's all in the perspective.:D

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:grouphug:It's hard re-adjusting to life on the "outside" isn't it? Even when we were home for a visit this last February, I struggled with so much I was surprised. I can't imagine what it would be like to readjust to living there full-time right now. (and I do all my cleaning--even then it would be hard to get used to all the running around)

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:grouphug: Laura, it's never showed. It is a big adjustment.


As for people having difficulty with smaller families, I think of a point made in Cheaper the Dozen; people had difficulty spending time with such a large family unless they'd grown up in one or got used to it one child at a time. Plus, some of us are more organiziationally challenged than others. There is a very good reason why I would never, never, never become a classroom teacher for young children even in the best school out there and why I don't volunteer to do Children's Fellowship with a large group of kids (but will happily do a stage act to entertain them). Yet there's a mother of one of the girls my dd dances with who works as a nanny and never gets tired of working with a half a dozen children (hers plus the kids she takes care of.

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You know, even if you did come across with that attitude (which I NEVER saw out of you, so that's a big IF,) it probably just jump-started a load of laundry. Whenever I get close to the doldrums, running across someone who doesn't "get" why I'm having trouble tends to make me shake off the sluggishness and get moving. I think "People all over the world are successfully juggling cooking, cleaning, teaching, and potty-training (or whatever.) It's not always a breeze, but it is obviously do-able. So I do it.




I try anyway.


The funny thing is, if someone told me something were impossible, the rebellious streak in me would strive to prove them wrong. Something "do-able" just doesn't seem to inspire the same aggressive action.:tongue_smilie:


And, I'm so thrilled to see this post because the doldrums were knocking (I have a sick kiddo today which laid all my plans to waste) and this has perked me back up. I'm on a mission again!

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wherever you house help went, send her over to me. I'll take her. I have always been too arrogant (or oppositional since my bio-mother had a house cleaner instead of doing er own house) to ever consider one, but now I am sort of fed UP with this ongoing never-ending cycle of cleaning and picking up, lol!!!!!


So, people do change!

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In fact, I think my dad is still going through this. We used to have an aya (housekeeper), an askari (guard), a driver, and a gardener.


But I am glad you consider it hard work because it makes my internal whining feel oh so justified. :D I was starting to despair that I was just a woefully inadequate housekeeper, mom, K-teacher, 4th teacher, chef, chauffeur, personal assistant to dh, and daycare provider.

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I've never noticed that coming from you. ((Hugs)) to you for going through this. I can't imagine how tough it must be. I'm looking to soon hire a housekeeper so I hope to be going in the opposite direction. :) I really appreciate and accept what and how you said it though. It was a really nice gesture and I know you can make it. You're tough stuff! LOL ;)

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Ah, Laura, every single ex-pat I know that has had household help has suffered from "withdrawal" as part of their "re-culturization."




You can definitely put me into this category. I had no idea my kids were so messy in the bathroom until I had to wipe the floor myself.


I really miss my housekeeper, she helped things run so smoothly. It was much easier to do homeschooling when I didn't have to also clean up the lunch dishes or vacuum or do laundry.

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