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The fun things colleges think up!


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So my son is sitting in the library studying for a final exam and he texted me that he has a dog in his lap!


It turns out that the psychology department is experimenting on the student body to see if therapy dogs reduce exam stress!


He's perfectly happy with this adorable animal snuggling with him while he studies world history. The service was provided free by a local animal trainer who raises therapy dogs and also re-trains abandoned canines. I think he said they have a dozen dogs there. The program wasn't supposed to kick off until Dec. 15th which is officially the first day of finals week, however, a number of professors decided to have finals this week so they can take off for the holidays - we have found that the academic calendar that was issued this semester is more of a mere suggestion than an actual schedule - so they decided to start early.


I think it's a nice idea.

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I think therapy dogs would be great study buddies, but fear that active little kittens might be too rambunctious to stay still long enough. They could be a fun interlude to take the student's mind off things for a bit, but not such great lap warmers IMO.


I grew up on a small farm. When I went away to college, it was the animal companionship I missed the most. I used to say that I could talk to the people I missed on the phone, but that didn't work with the animals.



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I grew up on a small farm. When I went away to college, it was the animal companionship I missed the most. I used to say that I could talk to the people I missed on the phone, but that didn't work with the animals.


We were elated to see this the other day 

Colleges for Animal Lovers http://www.fastweb.com/college-search/articles/colleges-for-animal-lovers

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Yes, they've got therapy dogs at the local community college as well.


Also snacks, a harpist, and free coloring books and crayons.


Mine just wants to get it over with, but it's a great idea! I remember them doing a few special things in the dining halls, but nothing else.

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Yes, I love the harpist idea. Currently, they are piping in some harp music to the library.


At my college they had a big supper, huge and much later than usual since many were going to stay up late and the jazz band played. That was the night before to kick off the week. Nothing else was done. However, my piano professor really had nothing for me to do on our last scheduled lesson day and took me out to lunch which was just so much fun. She did that each year and I sure did appreciate it!

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When we lived in Japan, the kids and I started hitting the petting zoo that would be set up at big on base events.  Nothing like sitting in a corner with a bunny or guinea pig to bring down stress levels.  I have pictures of my kids with 4-5 bunnies curled up around them.  


And the best part was that they went home at the end of the day.

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One of the schools dd is applying to posted a pic of a therapy PIG there for the students! Made me smile.


Although, if I were a student and everyone in my tight/living-in-dorms-together social circle had spent considerable time petting and snuggling with pigs, golden retrievers, and other such furry/hairy creatures.... I would have spent the week before finals doped up on allergy meds, itchy with hives, sneezing and congested. lol So.... hmmmmm.... :huh: 

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DS' university has a "rent a dog" program the week before finals. For $5 you can play outside with a rescue dog for 30 minutes. It is a stress reliever for the kids and an amazing fund raiser for the pet rescue. They are busy the entire time they were there. I'm not sure how many dogs they brought, but I'm under the impression it was several. 

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My oldest would want the cats/kittens.  My middle would want the dogs. 


Middle's college has midnight breakfast on the first reading day with a free t-shirt for the first 300 there.  She was going to go, until she saw people get in line at 6 pm.  For a midnight breakfast.



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DS' university has a "rent a dog" program the week before finals. For $5 you can play outside with a rescue dog for 30 minutes. It is a stress reliever for the kids and an amazing fund raiser for the pet rescue. They are busy the entire time they were there. I'm not sure how many dogs they brought, but I'm under the impression it was several. 


I like this idea better.  I would worry for the people that are allergic to dogs if they had a lot of dogs in the library.

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My oldest would want the cats/kittens.  My middle would want the dogs. 


Middle's college has midnight breakfast on the first reading day with a free t-shirt for the first 300 there.  She was going to go, until she saw people get in line at 6 pm.  For a midnight breakfast.


That's crazy! I hope they studied while they were in line! 

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