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Can we do what's for dinner?

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I was going to send dh w/ the dc to drive through somewhere & go play at the indoor gym at the school. It's been raining here, & they haven't been outside in a couple of days.


Then I remembered it's Wed. School's closed. So dh could still drive through, but w/out sch today, we got the house pretty clean, things are perking up, I don't mind cooking. Ideas???


I've got some breadsticks in the freezer that I've been wanting to try, so I was thinking chicken picatta. But we don't have any capers, & w/out them, there's. just. no. point. LOL--that's my favorite meal.


I've also got the green beans y'all talked me into trying. And hamburger patties that are in the freezer already made up. And ground beef that I made a couple of nights ago & froze. I actually set it out for dinner last night & didn't use it, so I should probably get to it in a day or so.



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Dh is making spaghetti and meatballs with sausage.


Help me!!!!!!



Actually, I did the seasonings in the meatballs for him, not my reguar recipe, but better than him doing it. It was a good excuse for getting off of the couch-- someome has to save dinner from total ruin :)


Wait--want me to come make your spaghetti for you?? :D

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Black beans/salsa/corn over rice cooked with a packet of taco seasoning. Simple but quick :)


Can you elaborate? How much of each? I may whip this up tonight myself. Ds12 is making mac 'n cheese for himself and Dd9, but that just doesn't excite me. (He wants to be a chef some day so I let him cook whenever it's convenient.:))


Ds21 and Dd15 are at another family's house for dinner tonight and Ds20 is working. Dh is still working job #2 so it's kind of a low-key dinner night tonight.


We're just hanging out watching Enchanted.

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Well, let's see. Last night we had Italian Beef sandwiches from the crock pot - Mom2legomaniacs inspired me to try it with the pepperoncinis instead of my regular recipe. YUM!!! I ate all the peppers myself since I'm the only one who likes them. They were tasty while I was getting the rest of dinner ready. We also had green beans and salad.


Night before that, we had Spaghetti with Olive Oil and Garlic. (That recipe is close but mine also calls for 1/4 tsp crushed red pepper flakes) I added some pre-cooked chicken that I'd bought for chicken pot pie and then learned the kids don't care for the pot pie. We also had green beans and salad. (Can you see a theme here, I am not feeling terribly original with the sides.)


Tonight, though, we had grilled cheese, pickles and home-canned peaches. I could not come up with anything creative and I'm just tired. We had eaten leftovers for lunch so I thought something else for dinner would be good. :D


And there you have it! The spaghetti dish is one of dh's favorites and it's SO quick and easy. You can't beat the crock pot beef, either.


Last week I made red lentil bolognaise. The kids didn't like it. I thought the baby would eat it at least since I served it with rice, but no luck. I should probably try to eat that this week since I'm the only one who liked it.

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Well, today I put up 18 quarts of spaghetti sauce :eek: first time ever I made spaghetti sauce from scratch and it turned out pretty good ;)


So tonight was penne pasta with peas and asiago mushroom chicken sausage cubed. I was kind of scared :001_unsure: making this because it was a total first for our family, the sauce and the sausage, but there is hardly any left! Everyone loved the sauce and the sausage and most of all I really feel like I have done something significant! I have earned my keep :D Done the home keeper thing and did it well. Keep this up and I might stop thinking of my self as a klutz when it come to keeping house.


If I could do this at 48+ I bet you could do it even better :D and have it all well honed by the time you get to my age.

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Well, today I put up 18 quarts of spaghetti sauce :eek: first time ever I made spaghetti sauce from scratch and it turned out pretty good ;)


So tonight was penne pasta with peas and asiago mushroom chicken sausage cubed. I was kind of scared :001_unsure: making this because it was a total first for our family, the sauce and the sausage, but there is hardly any left! Everyone loved the sauce and the sausage and most of all I really feel like I have done something significant! I have earned my keep :D Done the home keeper thing and did it well. Keep this up and I might stop thinking of my self as a klutz when it come to keeping house.


If I could do this at 48+ I bet you could do it even better :D and have it all well honed by the time you get to my age.


which recipe did you use? :001_smile:

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Homemade corn bread (with no wheat, milk, eggs, soy, yet it's still lovely), beef, sweet potatoes. Simple. We did eat corn fresh from our garden for our midmorning snack, though (we don't usually have a snack midmorning.)


Karin, do you have a recipe for the corn bread? Please????:D


Let's see - Sunday night we had shish kabobs on the grill with pork or chicken or all veggie, along with rice.


Monday night was bowtie pasta salad


Tuesday night was pancakes and bacon and strawberries


Wednesday - meatloaf, leftover pasta salad and/or leftover rice, broccoli

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which recipe did you use? :001_smile:


Remember there was a thread about this the other day? I think you posted on it..... and I had a ton of tomatoes, green peppers, garlic, and onions from co-op on Monday. The tomatoes were going fast... so.... I took ideas from that thread and made my own only I didn't canned the sauce, I froze it and !!!!!!! I didn't peal the tomatoes I just threw them in the blender....... held my breath....... crossed my fingers...... prayed...... and worked like the dickens :001_huh: saute onions and peppers........ brought it all to a boil... added 3 kinds of cheese and a bit of red Italian hot pepper sauce.... let it simmer..... did multiple taste tests and made everyone in the house taste test too ;) Till I got something that tasted good. Then I let it cool and made the crowlings help me double bag it for the freezer. It really was not that hard. I have no idea why I waited so long to try this. It was fun once I got the hang of it and I will be doing it again.


So I pulled from your recipe and from Chickenpatty's ideas and went to work. I actually saved your recipe and Chickenpatty's ideas from that thread for today. Thanks again for posting that thread!

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8 eggs, slightly beaten

1 c. cooked shrimp, pork, beef or chicken

1 c. bean sprouts

1/4 c. finely chopped green onions (about 2 with tops)

1/2 tsp. salt

Mix all ingredients, Use a 1/2 cup to scoop out mixture and place in wok/frying pan with a little oil and fry, I admit that this is a little easier with a wok. Serve with Foo Yung Sauce.


1 (14 1/2 oz.) can chicken broth

2 tbsp. soy sauce

1/4 tsp. salt

Dash of white pepper

2 tbsp. cornstarch

2 tbsp. cold water

Combine all ingredients in a saucepan. Cook stirring constantly until thickened. Serve over Egg Foo Yung.


This makes about 6 patties for us using a 1/2 cup scoop for the egg mixture.


I found this on the web and modified it to fit the recipe I have. You can add mushrooms, grated carrots or just about anything to the egg mixture. The key is the eggs and the bean sprouts. After that, anything goes. Bean sprouts can be fresh or canned(drained), we're not picky about it here.

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Some friends of ours are in from out of town, doing the Disney thing. We saw them yesterday and made a casual agreement to get together tonight or tomorrow . . . maybe. So, we weren't sure whether we'd have time to actually eat dinner tonight. I ended up stopping and picking up subs on the way home from my son's dance class.


Of course, our friends didn't come by tonight, which means we're in the same situation tomorrow evening, too.


Hmmm, I wonder if I can get another night of not cooking out of this deal . . . .

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Any chance you can post the recipe, Kate?


Sorry for the delay (time zone differences). My mil is an amazing cook; finally one of my sil's started following her around in the kitchen taking notes, I'll try to "translate" as best I can..


Biryani recipes generally look daunting, but this one I find pretty easy, especially since you don't cook the chicken separately before you put it in the pot.


CHICKEN BIRYANI (Bombay style)



2 chickens, cut into ten pieces each

ginger-garlic paste, 2 heaping teaspoons

fried onions, four handfuls (abt 2 cups)

ground green cardamom, 1 teaspoon

ground cumin seed, 2 teaspoons

garam masala, 1/4 teaspoon

turmeric powder, 1/8 teaspoon

plain yoghurt, 24 oz

salt, 3 teaspoons

green chili (on your nerve)

tomatoes, 4

milk, 1/3 cup

saffron, healthy pinch

Basmati rice, about 4 cups

1/8-1/4 vegetable oil


Wash the rice in several changes of water, until the water runs mostly clear. Leave to soak in water.


Heat the milk in the microwave until hot, then crumble in the saffron threads and leave to soak.


Remove skin from the chicken pieces, rinse and drain. Put in a large bowl. Set aside about 1/4 cup of fried onions, put the rest with the chicken, along with the ginger-garlic, yoghurt and all the spices. If using green chili, chop and add. Put the tomatos in a blender and blend until smooth, then pour over the chicken as well. Stir all together.


((if you buy ginger-garlic paste ready-made, avoid ones that have vinegar as this changes the taste. I use fresh garlic and ginger, I peel about a 2-3-inch piece of ginger and one whole bulb of garlic, and process that along with the tomatoes)) ((You can usually find fried onions in small bags at Indian/Pakistani groceries. If not, you can make your own by slicing 8 or 9 onions super-thin and frying them in oil until almond-brown.))


Take a large pot (I use a meat roaster) and coat the bottom with vegetable oil; I like less oil, I usually use abt 1/8 cup. Pour in the contents of the bowl (the masala -- chicken+youghurt, tomatoes and spices) and spread over the bottom of the pan.


This next is the trickiest part of biryani (to me). You need to half-boil the rice. Take a large pot, add water and bring to the boil. add salt, doesn't have to be precise, I'd say about a tablespoon, then add the rice. You need to be attentive, you want the rice grains to be half-cooked only -- too little cooked and the rice will turn out hard in the end, too much cooked and it will turn to mush. I usually look for the grain to be mostly cooked but you can still see a tiny, uncooked core in the grain. When it gets to that point, drain the water from the rice.


Then pour the drained rice over the chicken masala. Use a wooden spoon to spread the rice completey covering the masala. Use the opposite end to poke holes in the rice down to the masala (this allows the masala to boil up into the top parts of the rice, not be "trapped" at the bottom). Pour the saffron milk over the top, and sprinkle with the remaining fried onions. You need to seal the pot as best as you can, I use foil and then the lid; mil uses foil, a lid, then this huge chunk of marble balanced on top, lol.


Keep the pot on low fire for 2 minutes. Then put the pot on a heat diffuser over high fire (I use a flat skillet) for ten minutes, then reduce the heat to low and cook for another 20-30 minutes. Turn off the heat and let it "rest" for another 10-15 minutes.


*My dh loves the heat from chili but my kids, not so much. So I generally make a separate chutney for dh on the side. I just put a tomato, a small onion, a handful of fresh coriander leaves, and 7-8 hot green chilis in a chopper/blender and pulse until well chopped, but not liquid. Add salt and ground black pepper.


**You can also add potatoes, my kids really like this. Peel and cut three or four potatoes into about 1.5 inch cubes (doesn't have to be exact). Fry in oil along with 5 whole green cardamom and 5 whole cloves. Once they are browned and are mostly cooked, remove from the oil and add to the chicken masala in the bowl and stir gently. Then continue as above.


***I also wanted to mention that you should be aware of the size of your chickens when putting in the spices. Chickens over here are smaller, not like the gigantor chickens we get in grocery stores in the States. So you may need to adjust a bit for that..


Voila!~ :D

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