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I am sad today...


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With my oldest's enrollment today in middle school, I am no longer a homeschooling parent. My oldest DS wanted to try out PS high school, and it made a nice transition for him to start this year. The counsellors were very supportive of his academic placement.


My oldest DD has begged to go to PS since we started HS, and I think it will help her to have a someone else confirm what mom has been saying all along. She's most excited about the library, recess, and the cafeteria, in that order.


They are both looking forward to the start of school. Extended family keeps saying I must be so thrilled. They don't understand why I'm not happy. I enjoy my kids, and I'll miss our time together.


So I'm sad today...

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:grouphug: The transition from homeschooling to PS was harder on and took longer for me than for my DD. Sometimes it still makes me sad that we aren't homeschooling. Give yourself time to mourn the loss, and try to keep some of your routines in place if possible so you don't feel like you're losing everything at once. 

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