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Funny video - half marathon runners heckled in TN - hilarious!


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I would be annoyed, too. If it was just playing music it would be cool. The heckling would be frustrating, and they have probably heard all the running jokes if they run on roads. Part of the reason I run trails, is to avoid people yelling stuff.


Eta: my husband, who has run many marathons, thought it was hilarious. Maybe you need to be a Deliverance fan. :)

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LOL! I'm thinking they we're just trying to be funny and make the race more interesting for everyone. It was just a very small stretch of the race too. Not everyone's cuppa, but I think it was just done in fun. I liked the music they played more than anything, but I'm a major blue grass fan. :)


ETA. The whole costume and prop set up was great. Very TN slap stick stuff.


ETA again: If I was running the race, I would have LOVED this!

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Yeah I would.  I don't like catcalling from strangers.  I didn't like the guy trying to take video under the runners' shorts and I certainly didn't like them taking a runner off the road, interfering with the race.  


They knew the guy they took of the course, it was planned. 


I didn't see any video's under shorts. Must have missed that. 


I must have a different sense of humor. I just see the fun in it. Sorry to offend. 


ETA: I think the scene you might think is the guy taking a video is when he was "offering" water "want some water." 


This is a video where you have to listen to appreciate much of it. 

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At first I thought...."Meh...just obnoxious and stupid" and just rolled my eyes. But when you interfere with the race just because you are an attention whore who wants to get a good video? No way. Putting their hands on someone like that is totally not acceptable. I bet people wouldn't think it was as funny had they grabbed a woman off the road instead of a man.

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At first I thought...."Meh...just obnoxious and stupid" and just rolled my eyes. But when you interfere with the race just because you are an attention whore who wants to get a good video? No way. Putting their hands on someone like that is totally not acceptable. I bet people wouldn't think it was as funny had they grabbed a woman off the road instead of a man.


If you do some reading on the half marathon, you will find out that they knew the guy that they pulled of the road. The "Here comes Ben" right before they grab him is a clue, too. 


The marathon organizers got into the fun of it after the fact. They didn't have a problem with it, not even the "abduction." 


Perhaps it's just southern humor. We do enjoy poking fun at ourselves sometimes. 

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It made me so angry I couldn't finish it. But the first thing that came to mind was...wait, no, I won't say it out of respect for the educated southerners here...But wow. That'll have to do.


I will say, though, that the race organizers would have it HANDED to them if anyone pulled that crap at one my son's races.


Talk about disrespectful. Awful, awful behavior. :(

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While watching this, I just assumed it was part of the entertainment of the race?  I know that at the half-marathons/marathons around here they usually have musical groups, bands, singers, etc. along the route.  After watching a bit of this, it seemed like it was just one of those groups.  Even the guy that had the phone camera wasn't really doing anything, there was no way he was getting any pictures at that angle.   I'm convinced it was a group hired or volunteers to provide entertainment along the route . . . I don't buy that it was just a bunch of guys hanging around the race.

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They knew the guy they took of the course, it was planned. 


I didn't see any video's under shorts. Must have missed that. 


I must have a different sense of humor. I just see the fun in it. Sorry to offend. 


ETA: I think the scene you might think is the guy taking a video is when he was "offering" water "want some water." 


This is a video where you have to listen to appreciate much of it. 

Nope.  It was a camera, held out, facing up, the same one he was walking around with earlier.  Even if he wasn't actually getting any pictures worth looking at, it would be unnerving to me.  Oh, and the guy with an axe??  Nope, don't like strangers catcalling me while wielding an axe.    

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Nope.  It was a camera, held out, facing up, the same one he was walking around with earlier.  Even if he wasn't actually getting any pictures worth looking at, it would be unnerving to me.  Oh, and the guy with an axe??  Nope, don't like strangers catcalling me while wielding an axe.    


I still don't see a camera like you are describing. Do you see the water scene? 


He wasn't "wielding" an axe. Good grief. 


ETA: I do see it now. Unnerving, I agree.

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I think he has a little point and shoot camera, the kind that take videos and photos, and that is what he's holding down low as people run by.


I think it's interesting how humor differs from person to person, place to place.


I watched it and found it just sort of desperate. I tried watching it again to really listen and stopped because it seemed really rude. (Hard to hear over the banjo)

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Nope.  It was a camera, held out, facing up, the same one he was walking around with earlier.  Even if he wasn't actually getting any pictures worth looking at, it would be unnerving to me.  Oh, and the guy with an axe??  Nope, don't like strangers catcalling me while wielding an axe.    




If they were just playing bluegrass music and occasionally yelling something like "what're ya running from?" it would be different. But they were explicitly referencing Deliverance, the guy front & center had an axe, the guy who was acting drunk was going onto the road with the runners, and the fact that they "abducted" someone (even if they knew the guy, presumably there were other runners who saw it and didn't know it was preplanned), changes the vibe IMO. And obviously they meant it to be a bit menacing, hence the title of the video. I just don't think it's that funny to purposely reference a movie that includes abduction, rape, and murder, in a context where it's not necessarily clear to the audience what's going on. It comes across as less of a "let's provide some fun entertainment for our community" type of thing and more of a "let's mess with the dumb yuppies" stunt.

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If they were just playing bluegrass music and occasionally yelling something like "what're ya running from?" it would be different. But they were explicitly referencing Deliverance, the guy front & center had an axe, the guy who was acting drunk was going onto the road with the runners, and the fact that they "abducted" someone (even if they knew the guy, presumably there were other runners who saw it and didn't know it was preplanned), changes the vibe IMO. And obviously they meant it to be a bit menacing, hence the title of the video. I just don't think it's that funny to purposely reference a movie that includes abduction, rape, and murder, in a context where it's not necessarily clear to the audience what's going on. It comes across as less of a "let's provide some fun entertainment for our community" type of thing and more of a "let's mess with the dumb yuppies" stunt.

Well said.

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I would have found the axe weird, and I think he should not have been running in road. That's dangerous for the racers.  But otherwise, I think I would have found it normal. Honestly, if I had been running, I doubt I would even notice the axe, because I'm so focused.  I do appreciate the music.  I haven't done that race, just the HM in Knoxville and one in Oak Ridge.  That would have fit in with the Knoxville race. There are several groups set up along the course. Some are Bluegrass, some Gospel, some Rock. Yeah, and dressing over the top hill-billy is often part of Bluegrass acts.    

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Yeah, and dressing over the top hill-billy is often part of Bluegrass acts.    


It wasn't just a "bluegrass act" though, they were specifically playing the theme song from Deliverance. Hence the axe and the "funny" question about what everyone was running from — in the movie the "city slickers" are running from hillbillies who want to rape, torture, and kill them. 

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I can see how some people could find this not funny.  But offensive?  If I got offended at stuff like this I would be perpetually offended by any number of things that come across my facebook feed.


Then again, any time DH and I drive around anywhere that looks backwoods I start twanging out the Deliverance banjo song.  In my mind it's one of those movies that is supposed to be scary and serious but is now sort of a pop culture joke.  Kind of like hillbillies in general.  Kind of like what these people were doing.

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Yeah, I'm afraid I don't find it funny, either.


I watched the video all the way to the end to see if I was missing something, but now I know all I'm missing is the five minutes of my life I wasted watching the video. It just seems obnoxious and mean-spirited to me. As Jean said, I've never like Candid Camera- or America's Funniest Home Videos-type "humor," which is what this felt like to me. And I can see how runners who weren't in on the "joke" could find these guys downright disconcerting. 

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