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Ok, I ought to be able to "offend" everyone with these...


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First, to get many of our international boardies:




Then, for our domestic residents (you still NEED to watch the international one first):




(In general, I believe I'm having way too much fun killing time on the computer this evening.   :coolgleamA:  )

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I'm wondering how I missed so much comedy. Apparently the lack of Facebook is causing me issues, because Studio C has been a riot :)

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I'm wondering how I missed so much comedy. Apparently the lack of Facebook is causing me issues, because Studio C has been a riot :)


I'm not on FB either.  Fortunately I have college kids who share what they find.  ;)


I think Operation Breakup (posted on my other thread) is still my favorite, but we're finding several we like.  


This is another cutie, (but might not make it in the offensive category):




And this one:



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Here's one for the authors on the board. :)




(Oh, and not to brag, but DH and I have been to a live filming on Studio C. It was awesome!)


I loved this one :)


Everyone is sick around here and comedy skits are just what the doctor ordered. Can't believe I've never watched Studio C before!

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Well, I'm offended! Mainly because you all are laughing and I can't be in on the joke because my internet is being so stinkin' slow that it won't play the videos. So there! :)


Our internet is slow too.  The trick we use is to get them loading, pause them and let them load (while hubby is working on his work projects and I'm playing offline computer games like Free Cell), then we get together and hit play once they are loaded.  It works fine that way!


Normally I don't have the patience to do this for too long.  Tonight is different as the back of my head is incredibly sore (long story) and I needed a pick-me-up escape.  Travel is out of the question, the "other" thread I saw on the Chat board wasn't appealing (nor are its spin offs) so comedy it is!


It's worth it.  This group is extremely talented.

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And of course, you can't forget the most epic Studio C sketch of all time! ;)

This even made my husband laugh, which isn't easy. I laughed so hard I cried.

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Just noticed that if we truly want to "offend" everyone, we need to bring some "religion" in... :lol:




This was one of the sketches DH and I saw filmed live. It was the last one of the night, and actually took a couple of takes. Poor Jason (the blonde guy) was sweating bullets by the end, and had a nice long sit. Lol


Our sides were sore by the end of the taping. :)

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This was one of the sketches DH and I saw filmed live. It was the last one of the night, and actually took a couple of takes. Poor Jason (the blonde guy) was sweating bullets by the end, and had a nice long sit. Lol


Our sides were sore by the end of the taping. :)


I can believe it!  I can't imagine how they managed to DO that one!

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Those couchville videos were extremely well done. There was laughing. Much laughing. And apparently a yard sale :D


I don't dare look under our couch cushions... unless... how much money is in Couchville's budget?   :lol:


I absolutely LOVE how many references they make to all sorts of things (history, authors, etc).  These definitely fit a Well Trained Mind Comedy Troupe.

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Well, I'm offended! Mainly because you all are laughing and I can't be in on the joke because my internet is being so stinkin' slow that it won't play the videos. So there! :)

Well, I feel your pain. I live in the land of limited internet. So, while I did watch the first two, I have to abstain from any further frivolity.

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Well this public school teacher wasn't offended (she says as she has left her class with instructions to close any windows and not to break anything*) in fact they provided much needed levity from marking.






*I don't teach kindergarden, the students I left are three very well behaved high school junior boys :)

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Well, I feel your pain. I live in the land of limited internet. So, while I did watch the first two, I have to abstain from any further frivolity.


We live in the same land.   :grouphug:   We use the pause button (on YouTube) and let them load completely before watching - a trick mentioned in a little more detail in Post 15.  It does require having more time... but it definitely can be worth it when one needs a comedy fix!


There are a few we watched more than once - just because.

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Thanks, Creek. My internet is faster this morning, so I was able to watch these. I love humor!


If you haven't yet and are looking for pure fun (without offending anyone to my knowledge), watch the two I put in the first post here:




We all have our own tastes, of course, but those two, the national relations one, the story line one (linked above), the "most accurate mood swing ring" one (not linked anywhere yet), and the hot tub one are at the top of my favorites list (so far).  


Many others are on my "really like and recommend" list (esp others linked here).  There are a few on my "meh" list, but I won't mention those due to differing tastes and not necessarily wanting to truly offend anyone.


As with any "best" list, I that could change with my mood or as I watch others.

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They're a sketch comedy group that started out as a group of college kids at BYU, where they were members of the university's Divine Comedy troupe that did shows on campus. (And you can see some of their college stuff on YouTube, but a lot of it is more humor related to Mormon culture and University life).


One of them, Matt Meese (the guy who took the soccer ball to the face) pitched the idea to BYUtv for a television show, and they gave them a shot. They're filming their sixth season now. :) If you have the BYU channel in your cable package you can catch their shows on Monday nights. I think they're off-season right now, but the new season should start soon, and they put new sketches on YouTube every week or two, and about once a week there's an InstaSketch posted to their Instagram. :)


I've been following these guys for years, and am so glad to see them becoming so popular. :)

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I've been following these guys for years, and am so glad to see them becoming so popular. :)


They're definitely becoming popular.  Both my college boys (different colleges) knew about them and encouraged us to watch their videos.  Since they're both home now, they encouraged in person.  ;)  I'm glad they did!


None of us have any sort of Mormon background, so they've either become quite "mainstream" on college campuses or perhaps my guys heard about them from Mormon friends.  Either way, like you, I'm glad to see them getting out there.  They are quite clever!

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Their P90X is hilatious, especially the modified. It is not letting me paste a link right now, it is worth Googling and watching. It gets funny after the first minute or so of set up.


Here's the P90X one. 


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OK, just two more, and then I'll stop. Maybe. :p


Lobster Bisque:



And the one time (so far) that they've thrown in a little bit of Mormon humor into one of their sketches, but I think anyone can "get it." ;)


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OK, just two more, and then I'll stop. Maybe. :p


Lobster Bisque:


And the one time (so far) that they've thrown in a little bit of Mormon humor into one of their sketches, but I think anyone can "get it." ;)

The missionary one was great!

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More I'll try to watch either tonight or tomorrow night.  ;)


Last night middle son insisted I watch Background Check (since I had mine done for school this year and he's having to get another one done for his internship this summer).  It was quite cute!  After that we ended up watching the Mythbusters episode doing the A Team myths... memories!  (We used to watch A Team re-runs with our guys.)


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