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The information about Alex is coming out in bits and pieces posted on different forums. Besides the allegations of beatings from someone who knew them in Texas, there are posts from someone who says he/she is "very close to Alex" and says that Joe terrorized him, locked him in a closet, made him use a cardboard box for a toilet, made him fear for his life, and raped him. Someone quoted Alex as saying that he was orally raped (the actual quote was more graphic). The person who said he/she is close to Alex said he is still so traumatized and terrified of his father that when he had to face him in court, he had a panic attack and couldn't even speak.  :crying:


The fact that Joe's entire family testified against him at the emergency custody hearing and were granted custody lends credence to the accusations. Does anyone know what the statute of limitations is on crimes like that? Doesn't the clock "start" when the child is 18? At 19, can Alex still prosecute his father for the crimes committed against him as a child?

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The information about Alex is coming out in bits and pieces posted on different forums. Besides the allegations of beatings from someone who knew them in Texas, there are posts from someone who says he/she is "very close to Alex" and says that Joe terrorized him, locked him in a closet, made him use a cardboard box for a toilet, made him fear for his life, and raped him. Someone quoted Alex as saying that he was orally raped (the actual quote was more graphic). The person who said he/she is close to Alex said he is still so traumatized and terrified of his father that when he had to face him in court, he had a panic attack and couldn't even speak.  :crying:


The fact that Joe's entire family testified against him at the emergency custody hearing and were granted custody lends credence to the accusations. Does anyone know what the statute of limitations is on crimes like that? Doesn't the clock "start" when the child is 18? At 19, can Alex still prosecute his father for the crimes committed against him as a child?


This is horrifying! If this is true, I hope they NEVER get their children back!

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That's the second reference I've seen to some kind of LDS anarchy group, and it just baffles me, because it's such an oxymoron. One of our Articles of Faith (the closest thing we have to an official creed, and which we're strongly encouraged to have memorized) states that "We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law."

Was that one adopted around the same time as the one ending polygamy?


Aside from that, I am never shocked when people warp their faith to better fit their politics.

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Question for Foster Parents  - do your foster kid's parents have your contact info?  Are they allowed to just call you to set stuff like visits up? Doesn't all that have to go through you SW? At least in the beginning when you are still establishing a trust that they won't just bonk you over the head and steal your car and the kids and run? 


I mean this close to the beginning is it even likely Nicole would even know which county her kids are in? Would they give her any of that information? 


One of the parents of our daughter (who we adopted through foster care) did end up with contact information but that was because the individual used some unscrupulous means to obtain the information.  It was not provided by CPS and they were not supposed to have any direct communication with us or their daughter.  Obviously they didn't adhere to the rules well but those are the rules in our county and state for respondent parents.


In contrast, the maternal grandfather of our two current foster daughters does have our contact information and we (and CPS) have no problems with him having contact with his granddaughters whenever within reason. Of course, he is a nonrespondent grandfather and in reality if his daughter and her husband had not been killed I'm sure they would be raising their own daughters happily without CPS involvement.

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In her defense, one of the parents having gainful employment/income will help their case. Not by itself, of course.


It doesn't look like this is going to help, though. She has overhead (rent, utilities, consumables), she has a $20K business loan with a high interest rate, and she's opening a new business in an area where (according to locals) there are already 5 other well-established grooming businesses, one of which is only half a mile away. And now the whole world knows she's a crazy person, with a crazy violent husband, whose kids live in filth. Apparently she only had one client on her grand opening day, and someone said there were only 2 more booked for the following week. And then there's that pesky little issue of taxes! It doesn't seem likely that she'll even be able to break even, let alone make an income from it. She would have been much better off sticking with the in-home grooming service, which had almost no overhead and no debt, but that doesn't fit with her delusions of grandeur.


Oh, and she took the $5 tip from her ONE grooming client and bought herself a beta fish. <smh>

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Ottakee, and others who know about foster care, how do they usually split the children? Would they put older with younger siblings, or group younger together, olders together, etc? Or does it really just depend what is available for the foster families to take?

Approaches do vary from state to state and even from county to county in the same state.  Overall I do think that there is always a goal to keep siblings together unless they are not safe together (and sadly some are not) but practical commitment to that does vary.  Additionally, for larger sibling groups it just may not be possible to find a family that can accommodate all of the kids.  With a sibling group this size my guess would be that they have needed to split them and they have probably needed to split according to slots available. 

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Where is Joe in all of this? Why are Nicole's and the kids' alleged pages public, whilst his private? Why is he allowing his wife to be the crazy nut martyr while he sits back saying nothing (that we hear)? He never gets on the fb to refute anything. She is working a grooming business, pregnant, (buying fish, taking photos of flowers, etc.), and what is he doing? Is he purposely keeping the focus on her so no one looks at him? Does he even want this family back together?

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Don't know the original source for this, but it was posted on Nicole's own FB page (which I'm sure will soon be deleted):


" I was in a trailer home they were renting around 2011. I was asked to go there to deliver meals, food, blankets, and donated goods. We had heard she was out there with several kids and that her husband was incarcerated. At the time we didn’t know much more than that. I won’t go into many more details about how or why I was there. The trailer home was deplorable. We pulled up and there were boards, trash lying everywhere. We also noticed buckets of human feces. The inside smelled so foul and feces was all over the floor. Didn’t know if it was dog or human. Piles of it. What was interesting is she wouldn’t let the kids go in any of the other bedrooms because she said she’d rather have the whole family sleeping together in the same room. I looked at the children and gave them candy we had brought and they were so thankful. The little ones were nude and smelled awful. We promptly left and later heard from someone that they completely destroyed the inside after the owner told them to leave as they didn’t pay rent. They also had a couch and table and there was a bed set up that I could see. There was also a bookshelf of some sort and tons of Rubbermaid bins full of flour and other items. They didn’t look clean. The kitchen was filthy and they had no refrigerator although we later heard a neighbor gave them a refrigerator. What I don’t understand is they had a decent home to rent. A decent size for a large family and nice property to raise a garden and animals with a barn on property as well. What was the problem? They go from place to place and pay no one. Almost like homeless people. I did hear that they are always at local churches asking for handouts and I do know of a particular church that gave them a lot of help until the husband started trouble with the church leader and then they were told to leave."


So it seems as though they were living like total pigs even when they had a decent place to live. I guess that's why Nicole is willing to have the news crew come look around their "homestead" with no embarrassment, if she thinks that living in feces is perfectly normal since they've always lived that way. Why were they defecating in buckets even when they had toilets??? And then to read that even 18 years ago, Joe was making little Alex use a cardboard box for a toilet, it seems like there's something really really wrong with these people.


ETA: Nicole also posted VERY graphic photos of one of her births, including close up photos of her backside while she was on all fours pushing out a baby that she had pooped on.  This was in the one-room prefab, and all the kids were there while she was walking around naked except for a pulled-up tank top. And one of the kids was the photographer, since Joe was in the photos. They seem to have serious boundary issues.  :ack2:


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Someone asked Nicole on her FB page why she wasn't working nonstop, doing everything in her power to get the place fixed up so she could get her kids back. Her reply:



I have. Now I just wait till my court date. Not much else I can do at this time.


So they had one "clean up day," when 8-10 volunteers showed up to help them haul away some trash. According to someone who was there, the work party ended by about 3:00 PM. Someone else posted that Nicole and Joe went out for a nice dinner at a Mexican restaurant after the work party. They are not even staying at the property, they are mooching off friends. And she's saying there's nothing more she can possibly do between now and the custody hearing in mid-June????

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Someone asked Nicole on her FB page why she wasn't working nonstop, doing everything in her power to get the place fixed up so she could get her kids back. Her reply:



So they had one "clean up day," when 8-10 volunteers showed up to help them haul away some trash. According to someone who was there, the work party ended by about 3:00 PM. Someone else posted that Nicole and Joe went out for a nice dinner at a Mexican restaurant after the work party. They are not even staying at the property, they are mooching off friends. And she's saying there's nothing more she can possibly do between now and the custody hearing in mid-June????

She can not possibly believe they've done enough. I am starting to think they don't want the kids back

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She can not possibly believe they've done enough. I am starting to think they don't want the kids back

Maybe they don't, having had a taste of living child-free. Though I doubt it has occurred to her that she may lose the new baby as well.


Really though I think she at least is just truly delusional. She lives in a fantasy world and does not perceive reality at all.

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The last 5 babies were unassisted home births, while the older ones were midwife-assisted, so I assume the olders have BCs and the younger 5 don't. I suspect that's the real reason she is adamant about not having a midwife present — so there's no record of the birth. 


To give people an idea of just how far out the cray cray is on this topic, here's a page that was linked by one of Nicole's supporters when she asked for info to back up her refusal to provide CPS with BCs for all the kids:






So basically, as long as your birth isn't registered and you have no legal name, the government can't touch you! They can't own you if you don't exist and they can't take your property or your kids if they don't exist either! It's like magic, but so logical! 


It's like they took a bunch of legal terms and decided to randomly scare people with them. It made my eyes cross trying to read that. "You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means."


This is right up there with thinking paisley is satanic.

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Interesting message board thread.  As I ran across it easily, and the board itself apparently is set for "public read", I guess it is ok to post a link -- ??  I don't know the legalities of such activity, so please take down this post if it should be removed. 




Someone over there might also be a member here.  They digressed toward yurts.  


Naughler supporters drinking game: take a drink every time someone mentions "obese kids playing video games."


On second thought? Don't. I don't want the entire Hive to die from alcohol poisoning.

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She can not possibly believe they've done enough. I am starting to think they don't want the kids back


I'm not sure about that.  She never thought much was wrong to begin with.


Now, CPS doesn't owe us an explanation, but it seems like Nicole doesn't have a firm grasp what what specific conditions  CPS would like to see before the kids are returned.  Seems like she thinks that just cleaning up some of the broken glass and trash is sufficient.  My guess is that CPS would also like to see a structure with solid walls, access to water, and many other things.


Of course, from her postings, she doesn't seem to have a firm grasp on a lot of things:  the diatribe about how evil it is to go into debt, and how they would never do that, because they want to be "free" contradicts the $20k they took from Capistan at 1% per month interest: http://capistan.com/projects/blessed-little-grooming-company/  or the loan they assumed for their property.

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Maybe they don't, having had a taste of living child-free. Though I doubt it has occurred to her that she may lose the new baby as well.

Really though I think she at least is just truly delusional. She lives in a fantasy world and does not perceive reality at all.


I think she's been living in lala land for most if not all of her relationship with joe.  I think she is truly mentally ill.  even when they had bathrooms - they used buckets and lived in filth.

I do think joe doesn't care if they get the kids back or not.  he likely only knocks her up so she won't leave him.

I'm not sure about that.  She never thought much was wrong to begin with.


Now, CPS doesn't owe us an explanation, but it seems like Nicole doesn't have a firm grasp what what specific conditions  CPS would like to see before the kids are returned.  Seems like she thinks that just cleaning up some of the broken glass and trash is sufficient.  My guess is that CPS would also like to see a structure with solid walls, access to water, and many other things.


Of course, from her postings, she doesn't seem to have a firm grasp on a lot of things:  the diatribe about how evil it is to go into debt, and how they would never do that, because they want to be "free" contradicts the $20k they took from Capistan at 1% per month interest: http://capistan.com/projects/blessed-little-grooming-company/  or the loan they assumed for their property.


I'm sure CPS gave exact parameters that would need to be met.  but Nicole lives in lalaland and only hears what she wants to hear.   I wonder if she could even be helped with proper medication (if there is anything for whatever her mental issues are) and intense therapy.



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Goodness.  Thank God someone swooped in to help those children.  My word.


But now this post you found begs the question:  why didn't someone report them to CPS sooner?  If these types of living conditions have been their norm for a while, and people were apparently in their home(s) to see this happening, why didn't those people report them years ago?


I think they have been reported before. They seem to have moved around to avoid both debt and CPS.

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I think she's been living in lala land for most if not all of her relationship with joe.  I think she is truly mentally ill.  even when they had bathrooms - they used buckets and lived in filth.

I do think joe doesn't care if they get the kids back or not.  he likely only knocks her up so she won't leave him.


I'm sure CPS gave exact parameters that would need to be met.  but Nicole lives in lalaland and only hears what she wants to hear.   I wonder if she could even be helped with proper medication (if there is anything for whatever her mental issues are) and intense therapy.



This is what I would  have thought too. I would expect the housing portion to look like an inspection check list and I can't imagine it only included glass cleanup. 

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I saw birth pix from 2011 & they were not so bad. It looked like a house with real rooms & floors? The 2014 are scary. That 'bath' is a horse water trough. & it looks dirty.  EEEEEW. The kids at birth doesn't bother me so much as the filth of the surroundings. Poop happens. But his hands are dirty... ewwwww.

But I also don't get the romanticizing of unattended birth. Around the world thousands of people are donating to train birth attendants & midwives to prevent what is still the leading cause of death in many countries.


This is just foolishness.

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I believe at this point that the Nauglers either are truly delusional, and as such too mentally ill to be given custody of their children, or prefer their ideology to their children. Either way, it would probably be for the best for the children to not be returned to them and that is a very, very sad thing to say because it isn't going to be a picnic for them to be permanently taken away, adjust to life separated from each other, and forge bonds with new families. But, I don't think these parents are willing to take mental health treatment nor listen to the government in any way and frankly, one or more of these children are going to die if left in the hands of these two individuals without substantive change.


Of course, for Joe and Nicole and their crazy sovereign citizen supporters this will only reinforce their delusion that the government is pure evil and so is everyone else. I'd like to be wrong, but I think there is a very large chance that this is how it will play out.

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Now, CPS doesn't owe us an explanation, but it seems like Nicole doesn't have a firm grasp what what specific conditions  CPS would like to see before the kids are returned.  Seems like she thinks that just cleaning up some of the broken glass and trash is sufficient.  My guess is that CPS would also like to see a structure with solid walls, access to water, and many other things.


I'm beginning to think that the reason they don't have a specific list of things to fix is because CPS is investigating a whole lot more than just the living conditions. So Nicole is just looking at the original complaint, which happened to mention broken glass and an unfenced pond, and she's convinced herself that those are the only issues. So they spent a day cleaning up glass, bought some cheap chicken wire and fenced off part of the pond, and now they're going to sit back and wait for the kids to be returned. Then when they're not returned, she'll scream and yell about how they did everything CPS asked and still didn't get the kids back, and how this proves that Kentucky illegally kidnaps children for money. 


I don't think there's a chance in hell that they'll get the kids back without being required to get the kids BCs and SSNs, accept social services to ensure the kids are well fed and have medical care, and get counseling and attend parenting classes. And I seriously doubt they'll be willing to accept those terms. Can you imagine Joe agreeing to go to an anger management class??? I think he'd rather lose the kids.


I think her baby's due around September? I'd bet that by then all the GFM money will be gone, she'll be behind on rent & utilities at the grooming salon, they still won't have the kids back, and they'll do a runner rather than risk having CPS take the baby, too.  :sad:

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I wonder if maybe we are giving her delusion a little too much credit. If they make a huge effort to clean everything up, get water, walls, and all those things were are discussing, what happens when they still don't get them back? She'll have to admit there are abuse and neglect issues well beyond the problems with their living situation. But if they do this little bit and still don't get them back they can continue the mantra that the evil overlords are trying to make them conform by forcing all these housing changes that don't respect their "homestead". 


I think their ideology is more important to them than their children but I think they are also trying to hid things they know would really upset their supporters. When/if more charges are levied against them they want to still be able to spin. 

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I'm beginning to think that the reason they don't have a specific list of things to fix is because CPS is investigating a whole lot more than just the living conditions. So Nicole is just looking at the original complaint, which happened to mention broken glass and an unfenced pond, and she's convinced herself that those are the only issues. So they spent a day cleaning up glass, bought some cheap chicken wire and fenced off part of the pond, and now they're going to sit back and wait for the kids to be returned. Then when they're not returned, she'll scream and yell about how they did everything CPS asked and still didn't get the kids back, and how this proves that Kentucky illegally kidnaps children for money. 


I don't think there's a chance in hell that they'll get the kids back without being required to get the kids BCs and SSNs, accept social services to ensure the kids are well fed and have medical care, and get counseling and attend parenting classes. And I seriously doubt they'll be willing to accept those terms. Can you imagine Joe agreeing to go to an anger management class??? I think he'd rather lose the kids.


I think her baby's due around September? I'd bet that by then all the GFM money will be gone, she'll be behind on rent & utilities at the grooming salon, they still won't have the kids back, and they'll do a runner rather than risk having CPS take the baby, too.  :sad:


They probably do have a list of things they have to do. It most likely starts with psychological evaluations and drug screening for both parents. Guess how likely they are to comply with that?


I don't think this is a case of these people aren't going to be able to get their children back so much as they aren't going to be willing to access the services that would enable them to get their children back. Whether that unwillingness is due to mental illness/disorder or due to sheer a**holery or some combination of the two on each of their parts, that's what I predict.


It's sad for those kids especially since the younger ones at least are likely to end up adopted and they may or may not be able to all stay in contact with each other--and even if they do, it won't be the same as being together as a family.

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They probably do have a list of things they have to do. It most likely starts with psychological evaluations and drug screening for both parents. Guess how likely they are to comply with that?


I don't think this is a case of these people aren't going to be able to get their children back so much as they aren't going to be willing to access the services that would enable them to get their children back. Whether that unwillingness is due to mental illness/disorder or due to sheer a**holery or some combination of the two on each of their parts, that's what I predict.


It's sad for those kids especially since the younger ones at least are likely to end up adopted and they may or may not be able to all stay in contact with each other--and even if they do, it won't be the same as being together as a family.

I do think you are correct in this regard. Having been a respite care worker in foster care in the past, I know that psychological evaluations are number one requirement. I do not see these people complying with that, and drug tests would be the next thing they would consider to be a violation of their constitutional rights.


Interestingly, the sovereign citizen people do not seem to consider that children have fundamental human rights as well. So they do not comprehend that parents can violate their children's rights and should be held accountable for that.

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I saw birth pix from 2011 & they were not so bad. It looked like a house with real rooms & floors? The 2014 are scary. That 'bath' is a horse water trough. & it looks dirty.  EEEEEW. The kids at birth doesn't bother me so much as the filth of the surroundings. Poop happens. But his hands are dirty... ewwwww.


Sure, it happens, but she doesn't need to publicly post close-up photos of her naked @ss in the air with a half-born baby hanging out of her with her big ol' turd stuck on him!  Who does that???  :ack2:


I wonder where she'll be living by September when the next one is due? If she doesn't have the kids back, and they're no longer living at their "Blessed Little Homestead," where's she going to give birth — at the grooming salon??? Actually that would probably be her best option, since at least there's electricity, running water, and cleaning supplies there.

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Sure, it happens, but she doesn't need to publicly post close-up photos of her naked @ss in the air with a half-born baby hanging out of her with her big ol' turd stuck on him!  Who does that???  :ack2:




ROTFL!!!! This description is just hilarious! I have to know... where did you see these pictures?

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Either way, it would probably be for the best for the children to not be returned to them and that is a very, very sad thing to say because it isn't going to be a picnic for them to be permanently taken away, adjust to life separated from each other, and forge bonds with new families. 




I'm not familiar with the foster system. Don't kids age out at 18? I'm wondering if the older ones might come back after they age out. I mean, one of them is 17 and has almost no academic education. Between now and his 18th birthday, will he really be able to get the skills to go to school or get a job and forge a bond with a new family? Isn't the next oldest 16? Maybe they will, but I'm thinking there won't be enough time between now and when they are legal adults for them to move on. The younger kids are more likely to forge bonds and all that. If the older ones age out, will CPS still help them get documents and such, or are they on their own, even if they desire help?

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ETA: Nicole also posted VERY graphic photos of one of her births, including close up photos of her backside while she was on all fours pushing out a baby that she had pooped on.  This was in the one-room prefab, and all the kids were there while she was walking around naked except for a pulled-up tank top. And one of the kids was the photographer, since Joe was in the photos. They seem to have serious boundary issues.  :ack2:


I found these pictures and was very surprised by them. I'm always surprised when people are willing to put birth pictures online but these were particularly... real.


I saw birth pix from 2011 & they were not so bad. It looked like a house with real rooms & floors? The 2014 are scary. That 'bath' is a horse water trough. & it looks dirty.  EEEEEW. The kids at birth doesn't bother me so much as the filth of the surroundings. Poop happens. But his hands are dirty... ewwwww.


But I also don't get the romanticizing of unattended birth. Around the world thousands of people are donating to train birth attendants & midwives to prevent what is still the leading cause of death in many countries.


This is just foolishness.


I don't get it either! I once watched a video where this woman went to give birth in a nearby stream. It was in the middle of the day, and her kids were hanging around and her husband was videoing it, and she wasn't actually in the water, but just hanging out at the edge of the stream which was pretty rocky. It was one of those things that sounds ok but in reality looked SO uncomfortable and awkward. After I give birth, there's nothing I want to do more than lay in a nice clean bed with clean sheets and squishy pillows in an air conditioned room with one of those disposable pad things under me while nurses fuss over me and my husband waits on me hand and foot.


Sure, it happens, but she doesn't need to publicly post close-up photos of her naked @ss in the air with a half-born baby hanging out of her with her big ol' turd stuck on him!  Who does that???  :ack2:



YES! I'm thinking Nicole is seriously just not bothered by poop to a weird degree. To the point of not noticing it. Animal feces everywhere, kids pooping in buckets. She literally just doesn't mind living in and around poop. This isn't some weird quirk or something. It's disgusting and dangerous.

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In Michigan, weird as this is, they are legal adults at 18 but can be kept "in care" or "under supervision" until 19. There are so many incongruencies in the law - join the military and we'll give you an AK -47 so you can die for your country at 18 but you can't buy a beer until 21 - that it is an adventure in fruit loopiness to try to keep it all straight.

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I'm beginning to think that the reason they don't have a specific list of things to fix is because CPS is investigating a whole lot more than just the living conditions. So Nicole is just looking at the original complaint, which happened to mention broken glass and an unfenced pond, and she's convinced herself that those are the only issues. So they spent a day cleaning up glass, bought some cheap chicken wire and fenced off part of the pond, and now they're going to sit back and wait for the kids to be returned. Then when they're not returned, she'll scream and yell about how they did everything CPS asked and still didn't get the kids back, and how this proves that Kentucky illegally kidnaps children for money. 


I don't think there's a chance in hell that they'll get the kids back without being required to get the kids BCs and SSNs, accept social services to ensure the kids are well fed and have medical care, and get counseling and attend parenting classes. And I seriously doubt they'll be willing to accept those terms. Can you imagine Joe agreeing to go to an anger management class??? I think he'd rather lose the kids.


I think her baby's due around September? I'd bet that by then all the GFM money will be gone, she'll be behind on rent & utilities at the grooming salon, they still won't have the kids back, and they'll do a runner rather than risk having CPS take the baby, too.  :sad:


I agree, I think that CPS is probably working on the details of what's required to get the kids back and she's just going off of the parts of the original complaint that stand out to her. Honestly given the seriously questionable intelligence of these 2 parents and the cultural craziness they subscribe to I think that while CPS is being as clear as they ever are (and let's be honest, any governmental bureaucracy is going to involve a lot of paperwork with obscure language) that she truly does not understand what is necessary to get those kids back. I mean, *I* have missed things in my daughter's records for months before finding it and my husband and I have 3 degrees between the two of us. They often give badly photocopied reports with tiny font and lots of legalese strewn about. Not sure why but I think CPS is allergic to 12pt. font and good copiers :) lol!


Anyway, so I can see how an uneducated birth parent could maybe be confused about the details of what's required. But the thing is the family should also have a social worker by this point who they could easily be asking about this stuff and get a straight checklist answer verbally or through email and I bet they've refused to do so for the same reasons you mention above....then they can claim that the state kidnapped the kids and they are really innocent and did everything that was asked of them. 


Btw her baby is due in November, and yeah I really don't think they'll have their stuff together by then either. I also don't think she has any clue (whether from ignorance or denial I don't know) that the baby WILL be taken from her immediately. CPS generally takes babies straight away when the siblings are in care and none of the original problems have been resolved. It's awful and heartbreaking but in the end usually far safer for the baby. I can't even imagine how this home birthing kinda mom is going to feel about her infant being removed at birth and given to strangers and fed formula only from the get-go! If she cared at all about that baby or her supposedly natural ideals she'd be speeding up this process to ensure she can keep it. 


This family is a train wreck, oy!

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I'm not familiar with the foster system. Don't kids age out at 18? I'm wondering if the older ones might come back after they age out. I mean, one of them is 17 and has almost no academic education. Between now and his 18th birthday, will he really be able to get the skills to go to school or get a job and forge a bond with a new family? Isn't the next oldest 16? Maybe they will, but I'm thinking there won't be enough time between now and when they are legal adults for them to move on. The younger kids are more likely to forge bonds and all that. If the older ones age out, will CPS still help them get documents and such, or are they on their own, even if they desire help?

In Michigan there are new guidelines that kids can continue in the foster care system or receive adoption subsidy or independent living support until they are 21 if they are in school or working at least 20 hours a week.  The goal is to prevent these kids from aging out without a support system.  There is also college tuition help and other services they can access. 

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No joke, my money says these two disappear before that baby is born. They will leave the other kids behind and live happily ever after as "victims" of government oppression.

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Sure, it happens, but she doesn't need to publicly post close-up photos of her naked @ss in the air with a half-born baby hanging out of her with her big ol' turd stuck on him!  Who does that???  :ack2:


Good thing he was born in the caul.

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In Michigan there are new guidelines that kids can continue in the foster care system or receive adoption subsidy or independent living support until they are 21 if they are in school or working at least 20 hours a week. The goal is to prevent these kids from aging out without a support system. There is also college tuition help and other services they can access.

I didn't realize it had been extended past 19. I like the idea of the support, but are they still supervised?

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They're on one of her many blogs.


Found them.




No warning needed really. You know what you're in for. ;)


They're not as bad as I feared. All I could think when I saw the photos was, "Thank goodness she has four walls around her and access to clean water." My standards have been seriously lowered by this thread.

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They're on one of her many blogs.


Found them.




No warning needed really. You know what you're in for. ;)


Those are rather graphic.  You know, I had homebirths and with my last my friend took lots of pictures.  I was buck naked.  But no way in heck am I going to post those pictures on-line!  I liked looking at them later (and they made me realize my midwife never put her hands in the water and I actually delivered him completely myself so that was cool).  They are absolutely not for strangers eyes, however.  This is as graphic as I get with birth pictures https://mamascrapbooker.wordpress.com/2014/09/25/labor-is-hard-two-page-layout/

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They're not as bad as I feared. All I could think when I saw the photos was, "Thank goodness she has four walls around her and access to clean water." My standards have been seriously lowered by this thread.

I think that this was when they still were living in the prefab which was marginally OK.  That was repossessed and what they have currently doesn't have 4 walls or window or a level floor or ......... 

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I wonder where she'll be living by September when the next one is due? If she doesn't have the kids back, and they're no longer living at their "Blessed Little Homestead," where's she going to give birth — at the grooming salon??? Actually that would probably be her best option, since at least there's electricity, running water, and cleaning supplies there.

someone else posted it - but I agree - I think they'll run before the baby comes.  and since she delivers who knows where with no help, it makes it harder for CPS to take the baby if they don't know where it is.



YES! I'm thinking Nicole is seriously just not bothered by poop to a weird degree. To the point of not noticing it. Animal feces everywhere, kids pooping in buckets. She literally just doesn't mind living in and around poop. This isn't some weird quirk or something. It's disgusting and dangerous.

I agree - and I think that's evidence that points towards mental illness of some kind.

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