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I keep telling myself that too. I really like good discussions, especially on politics, but I find myself losing respect for some of the posters in those threads. Not so much for what they say, but how they say it. But then again, I believe I was called a liar in one thread when there wasn't a single lie in what I said. And I don't even support either of the main candidates!

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I hear ya! I'm interested in politics, but really not able to handle the rudeness, snark, nastiness and snottiness that invariably comes along. I can't do it from either side, even the side I will vote for.


People call it public debate. I see so few intelligent comments and so many one line zingers, I just pretty much stay out.


Until...I just check...to see...if....it's changed....



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The point of these threads loses its impact when you realize that no one here will be swayed one way or the other by what is said on these boards. The questions asked about Sarah Palin are not honest - "I want to understand better" questions. They're 'how can you be so dumb as to believe she would be a good vp?" questions. And the threads about Obama are either love him or hate him too. Even the undecided voters will not likely be swayed by the back and forth on this board.


Sadly, I'm seriously missing adult conversation and at least these threads really keep moving. Even if I do miss out on sleep because I'm so irritated by bed time, I just keep reading and reading.

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The point of these threads loses its impact when you realize that no one here will be swayed one way or the other by what is said on these boards. The questions asked about Sarah Palin are not honest - "I want to understand better" questions. They're 'how can you be so dumb as to believe she would be a good vp?" questions. And the threads about Obama are either love him or hate him too. Even the undecided voters will not likely be swayed by the back and forth on this board.


Sadly, I'm seriously missing adult conversation and at least these threads really keep moving. Even if I do miss out on sleep because I'm so irritated by bed time, I just keep reading and reading.



You read my mind.:001_smile:

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The point of these threads loses its impact when you realize that no one here will be swayed one way or the other by what is said on these boards.


Oh, I don't know. I've read some things against a candidate I don't like, but the comments against them were so poorly written that I sort of wanted to run out and vote for that candidate. So, I'm being sort of swayed.

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All I can say is uugghhh! I cannot join the conversation since it seems the voice of any kind of contradiction gets drowned out immediately! There is so much misinformation out there to make anyone stick to their tightly held beliefs so no one can be persuaded either way. I think I'll be skipping them from here on out!

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I was thinking about posting a similar thread. I don't watch the news and don't like to know what's happening...too much for me (plus my parents watch enough for all of us). I'm not sure WHY I keep looking at the threads. They only make me angry...hence, why I don't watch the news. Ugh! The only good thing that has come of this is the fact that I knew who Sarah Palin was when my dh told me that's who McCain picked:001_smile:

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It's the rudeness that has been present in most of the political threads that has amazed me the most.


I have been able to resist the urge to say anything so far.


Here's the thing.....there is no single candidate....not one who is going to line up with everything a person feels is important.


I must admit to having gotten quite few laughs over some of the silliness that people have spouted.


I don't know how this is going to sound....but the biggest laugh I have gotten out of the political threads was in Susan's post on whether or not to allow the threads due to snarkiness.


So many said they would keep it nice......in a perfect world maybe....but you have a bunch of homeschoolers who school for a variety of reasons from religious, pagan, secular, heathen......there was no way this is going to stay nice.


I have found it interesting to see where people stand and what they consider the most important issue....sort of gives one the pulse of the populace because we are such a diverse group.......:lol:


Please....don't be offended because I said some were snarky and rude....trying to say not.....that would be such a farce trying to justify it by stating that this is what you believe.....


The you being the royal you....all inclusive....me included.

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Can I join?


I thought I was doing fine. Until today, when I realized that I was absolutely incapable of responding to a post without eviscerating the poster.


I've been good. I've been REALLY, REALLY GOOD. Believe me, I can eviscerate with the mere typed word. :glare:


I wish I'd bought some ice cream. I need some nice carbs to help me :chillpill:

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No, no, you're absolutely right.


It's very, very clear that the issues I consider to be the most important, are not the issues that many others are voting on. Krista was called a liar (wow, I missed that one!), and I'm pretty sure I was just called ignorant.


I am at the point where I dearly want to be rude and snark back. I've had enough. But I will stay here, and y'all will hold my hand :)


Sadly, I feel a lack of adult conversation too, and that is a draw to these fast-moving threads. OTOH, I can't say I did all that much schooling this week - and that's got to stop!

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I got deleted today. I sort of felt like a toddler who got their hand smacked after being told "No, don't touch that!" over and over again. It hurt my wittle feelings even though it was richly deserved. That's when I decided that some of the posts are bringing out my mean side and I need to stop.


I hope I have not been one of the rude ones. I am a smart aleck but I come in peace!

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The point of these threads loses its impact when you realize that no one here will be swayed one way or the other by what is said on these boards. The questions asked about Sarah Palin are not honest - "I want to understand better" questions. They're 'how can you be so dumb as to believe she would be a good vp?" questions. And the threads about Obama are either love him or hate him too. Even the undecided voters will not likely be swayed by the back and forth on this board.


Sadly, I'm seriously missing adult conversation and at least these threads really keep moving. Even if I do miss out on sleep because I'm so irritated by bed time, I just keep reading and reading.


You just explained the thoughts that have been rolling around in my head for days! Thanks...I'm glad I'm not alone in thinking this. So many questions phrased to be "I'm genuinely asking..." but seem to me to be more about "how could you possibly believe this and not be a complete idiot?" I see little honest debate here.


Somebody slap my hand if you see me back on the political threads. There are so many of them that they are just sucking me in, but I absolutely hate them and the tone that they have brought to the board (and I say that to both sides, ladies and gents!).


Nov. simply cannot come soon enough.

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I thought I was doing fine. Until today, when I realized that I was absolutely incapable of responding to a post without eviscerating the poster.


I've been good. I've been REALLY, REALLY GOOD. Believe me, I can eviscerate with the mere typed word. :glare:


I wish I'd bought some ice cream. I need some nice carbs to help me :chillpill:



This is precisely why I've rarely posted on the political threads or have kept my answers as generic as possible. I'm a peace keeper at heart, so you know I'm bad off when the phrase "eviscerating the poster" makes perfect sense to me!


The ice cream chill pill...DH just went to get me some! I'll drown in my sherbert, continue to dream of actual adult conversations and try to forget about politics for as long as possible! :D

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You ladies seem so level headed. I have not been on these boards long and I don't post often but the political threads alone have made me want to leave. I love the amount of information regarding homeschooling but the bickering over political ideas is something I just don't need. So even though I have been lured into reading them. I must stop also. I fully agree with another post about them being emotionally draining. I also agree that it seems like some are just posting to stir the pot.


Thanks for helping me remember not to peek:)

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in the olden days. I have to say I've enjoyed reading all the banter- it is interesting. I must not have read it all though because I haven't seen anything shocking. I always remember that the computer can come across quite different than real conversation and often it looks more confrontational than it is meant to be. I just see a lot of excited people talking about a very hot topic right now. It cracks me up sometimes. I think people who get too hot under the collar about these discussions really should skip them otherwise they'll all get shut down and that would be a bummer for those who want to chat.

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No, no, you're absolutely right.


It's very, very clear that the issues I consider to be the most important, are not the issues that many others are voting on. Krista was called a liar (wow, I missed that one!), and I'm pretty sure I was just called ignorant.


I am at the point where I dearly want to be rude and snark back. I've had enough. But I will stay here, and y'all will hold my hand :)


Sadly, I feel a lack of adult conversation too, and that is a draw to these fast-moving threads. OTOH, I can't say I did all that much schooling this week - and that's got to stop!



love-083.gifYou help me and I will help you.:D

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Sadly, I feel a lack of adult conversation too, and that is a draw to these fast-moving threads. OTOH, I can't say I did all that much schooling this week - and that's got to stop!


That's when I realized it was a problem. DD asked me to read to her and I told her to hang on, this was important! What??? :confused: This is ridiculous! And to think one week ago I hadn't even turned on the news in over a month. What is happening to me! D*#($$*#@ that Sarah Palin!

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I sooooo wish there was an "ignore thread" option so I wouldn't have to read the same subject lines over, and over, and over, and...well you get my drift. Another option would be a politics only forum. Please, Susan/admins?


If there was a politics only sub-forum under the Parents General Board, I could ignore the threads and show anyone else interested how to ignore them too. (Another) please Susan?

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I sooooo wish there was an "ignore thread" option so I wouldn't have to read the same subject lines over, and over, and over, and...well you get my drift. Another option would be a politics only forum. Please, Susan/admins?


Yes, please? The last vote was taken pre-Sarah Palin. I think it's time for a do-over.


Quick, before I lose respect for some people who I've admired here for quite some time! (As I discover that they consider someone with my views a complete moron!:glare:)

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Quick, before I lose respect for some people who I've admired here for quite some time! (As I discover that they consider someone with my views a complete moron!:glare:)


Me too. I put an Obama/Biden '08 in my signature for a few minutes yesterday and I took it out because then every post I made would have a political message in it and an unpopular one (on this site) at that and I was afraid some people here would not respect anything that I had to say because they didn't like my political leanings.

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Me too. I put an Obama/Biden '08 in my signature for a few minutes yesterday and I took it out because then every post I made would have a political message in it and an unpopular one (on this site) at that and I was afraid some people here would not respect anything that I had to say because they didn't like my political leanings.


pshaw. Put it in your sig line. Lots of people have them.


I should put an campaign graphic for undecided in my sig line!:lol:

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Yup, I'm officially Not Reading them.

And every time I see another thread pop up it makes it that much easier for me to hang out here less. Of course, as I've shared before, that's not a bad thing for me. It's a good thing. I need reasons to stay away because school has started.


I really do respect the right and desire to discuss these things, but I'm just getting a headache from the whole thing and I wish the election were over already.

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I didn't vote in Susan's poll about whether to allow political posts because I thought it would be so interesting to read different perspectives from intelligent folks, esp. given that both candidates seem to have some positives.


But I guess it's just too emotional a topic, or I'm just not built for such heated discussions. Talking politics definitely doesn't bring out the best in us.

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Me too. I put an Obama/Biden '08 in my signature for a few minutes yesterday and I took it out because then every post I made would have a political message in it and an unpopular one (on this site) at that and I was afraid some people here would not respect anything that I had to say because they didn't like my political leanings.


I don't think I would have even seen it, I am too distracted by the derriere in your avatar.MSN-Emoticon-show-ass-107.gif


I think your awesome!:001_smile:

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