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1.5 days in DC help...


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We will be in DC early June for one full day and a good part of the second day. We are staying in a hotel about half a mile from the Capital. We will be there on a Saturday night (late, driving in, won't do anything other than crash), Sunday all day, and the first half of Monday. 


What should we see? What can we reasonably see? My dds are 15 and 13 and love to spend lots of time in museums. Oldest has been there on a class trip but her friends weren't big on looking at museums. I don't want us to feel so rushed we feel like we didn't really see anything. I know we can't see everything this trip but I would like to see as much as possible.


We could also use restaurant/food recommendations as well.



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It's hard to say with that little time. My teenagers like he Spy Museum, and one of them loves the American History and Natural History Museums. The other one loves the Air and Space Museum. I always like the visit the memorials. It seems like you might just want to stick with a small area so you're not spending time traveling around. If you want to do something not on the Mall, there are many, many great historical walking tours. Some people love to take bike tours and that can be a fun way to see a lot of things.


Maybe you could go to the top choice of each family member? You might have time for that if there are four of you.


We love food trucks.

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Your kids are old enough that I would try to see the monuments as soon as you get into town. We got in about 8pm and then wandered around until 10-11pm. It was freezing when we were there, but the Lincoln Memorial at night is beautiful. There were lots of people there and we felt very safe.


Ford's museum and the house across the street were our favorite places. It's gree, but you need tickets. You can get them early, or at the door.


We loved Air & Space. Seeing Old Glory was neat, but -I'm going to get flamed- the Natural History Museum and the American History Museum were just okay. They were our least favorite places.

If you find an &Pizza, you will be very happy!

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If it is in the budget, there is a nighttime trolley tour around the monuments. Air and Space is easily a day by itself. Maybe pick 2 museums and spend 1/2 day at each. You could do a guided tour on your 1/2 day maybe. There are many options that are hop on/off.

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If you're museum people, do the museums. Stick to the Mall. I know people love the Spy Museum but I wouldn't prioritize it if you like real museums (no offense to the Spy Museum or anything...). And seconding the suggestion of doing a nighttime bus tour for the monuments.


For food... American Indian Museum's cafeteria is pricey but gourmet good. There are food trucks that are pretty good for a cheap meal as well. Depends on what you're looking for in restaurants...



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We're going to stop at the Air & Space Museum in Virginia on our half day. We saw the Discovery shuttle's last take off in Florida and dds would like to see it up close at the museum. Is there anything at the one in DC that would be worth our time since we're going to the other one?


I didn't know about the night time trolley tours! That looks like something we would enjoy.

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We're going to stop at the Air & Space Museum in Virginia on our half day. We saw the Discovery shuttle's last take off in Florida and dds would like to see it up close at the museum. Is there anything at the one in DC that would be worth our time since we're going to the other one?


I didn't know about the night time trolley tours! That looks like something we would enjoy.

We never got to the Space museum in VA so can't help there.

I agree with PP, the zoo is just a zoo. There are so many other things to see I would give it a pass.

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Unless your kids have a strong specific interest in space, I wouldn't do both Air and Space museums, simply because there's so much else to see.  Instead, I'd balance the half day at Udvar-Hazy with some time in the National Gallery of Art, as well as time spent on whatever interests your kids the most.  Some things to consider


-- The Holocaust museum

-- The Archives, the Capitol, and the Supreme Court

-- African Art and the Sackler for non-Western Art

-- The gems, the hall of mammals, and the dinosaurs at Natural History

-- The National Museum of the American Indian (and I agree that timing it so you eat lunch there is a great idea)

-- Mount Vernon (but it will take you at least a 1/2 day and require a car)


Finishing the full day with a nighttime trolley tour is a great idea.


I also agree 100% with Farrar that I'd do the Smithsonian over the Spy Museum, or any of the museums you have to pay for.  

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It's been 25 years since we lived there, but I think with only a day and a half, I'd spend the full day at the Mall, wandering through the museums.  Take a break between morning and afternoon wanderings with a nice picnic lunch, perhaps?  Then I'd go on a night tour of the various monuments in the evening. 


I'm not sure what I'd do for the half-day.  Maybe take the Metro to the Arlington Cemetery?

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I have to say in general... Everyone devotes a lot of time to Air and Space but it's our least favorite. Most outdated. Wall to wall people every moment from March until August. Unless you have a particular interest in the subject, I think you can do a 30 minute drive by. Go in, see the big rockets and planes, say ooh, ahh, move on. Of course, that's just me. I'm the freak whose kids were super eager to show me an exhibit in the wacko Hirshhorn last week. ;)

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I also *REALLY* enjoy tours of the Library of Congress - I know that's maybe not as exciting to teens (but it might be) - I've been several times, and most of the docents give an excellent tour. It's directly behind the Capitol building, right next to the Folger Shakespeare Library (also a highlight, but maybe for a trip where you have more time), and just down the street from Union Station - Union Station is just a large train station, but underneath they have a multicultural eatery-hall with lots of really yummy stuff. (If you come from a more multicultural area, it won't be impressive, but if you're from a more homogenous area of the country, it's pretty cool.)


And YES to monuments at night.

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We were at the air and space museum in VA last week and I have to say it was really cool.  My 16 and 18 year olds thought so too. You can walk all the way around the space shuttle and get up close and personal with it.  You can also look down on it from several different angles.  There are many other very interesting aircraft there as well.  I have also done the museum down town two years ago and hands down would say the one in VA is where I would spend my time if it was limited.  We also stopped at the national mall at dusk last week just because two years ago we felt it was the coolest part of our week long trip.  The monuments are really spectacular lit up at night.  The only disappointment right now is that the capital rotunda is surrounded by scaffolding outside.  The other part we all really enjoyed on our last trip was a tour of the capital.  If you contact your senators office you may be able to get a private tour with one of their staff.  That is what we did and it was so interesting.  Did you know that every state gets to have two statues on display somewhere in the capital? The American History Museum was our favorite museum.


Bring you walking shoes because you will cover some territory.  From the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial is a mile.  The Korean, World War II, and Vietnam memorials are between the two. The White House and Jefferson Memorial are to the sides.

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We just returned from DC. (We won tix to the White House Easter Egg Roll!) Be aware that LOTS of DC is under renovation in preparation for the next inauguration. We were there for a week and wish we had made time for Spy Museum & National Gallery of Art. The kids protested with complaints of museum fatigue.


The Library of Congress has beautiful art and architecture if your kids enjoy that.


If you're Catholic or are a lover of mosaic art, the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception is stunning! It's an easy trip on the Metro out to Brookline/CUA. We were there for Easter Sunday Mass and then spent nearly 2 hrs lingering through the many chapels.


Have fun!

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I think if you are going to the Udvar-Hazy Air and Space Museum I'd skip the one on the Mall. It's not my favorite museum anyway and I think the one at Dulles is much better. When you go tot Udvar-Hazy make sure to see the hangar where they are working on current renovations of planes. We've been several times but only found it this last time. Go upstairs in the wing by the space shuttle and then walk around the catwalk and you'll see it. You can look down from above on this HUGE hangar and watch them work. Also, a tip that might work for you depending on timing. The museum is free but parking is $12.00 a car. The parking is free after 4:00 and in the summer most days they have extended hours until 6:30. We went one day last summer and go there right at 4:00, the parking was free and the museum starts to empty out then so we had several hours to walk around in what felt relatively empty. 


We just had a friend with a teenager visit and they went to the Newseum which is not a Smithsonian museum and loved it. It's a bit expensive but if you have teens interested in history or journalism it could be very cool. 


Other than that, Natural History and the National Gallery are my personal favorites. I don't like the Museum of the American Indian much as a museum but it has a fantastic cafeteria and the building is really beautiful and architecturally interesting. 


If you have teens who enjoy museums it's doable to hit most of the museums on the mall in one day. It depends on whether you want to go in, get a quick idea of  the flavor of the museum and see the highlights  or if you want to spend a lot of time really seeing everything they have to offer. Really, there should be something for everyone. 


Don't skip the outdoor Sculpture Gardens (one by National Gallery and one by the Hirschhorn). Both are great places to stroll through and also to sit and take a break. 

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One dd has already declared we are going to the National Gallery of Art for sure. Now, the Hirshhorn is also on the list thanks to you all. It looks neat and definitely appeals to younger dd. It's also not one I had heard of or looked at so far.


I think we will also do the American History Museum as that is oldest dd's choice. We should be able to add in more during the day but we will play that part by ear when we are there.


We are also planning to do the night trolley tour of the monuments/memorials. They pick up and drop off at Union Station which is a 5-10 minute walk from our hotel and it will allow us to see them all while the other stuff is closed. So, we can concentrate on the museums and such during the day.


We will do the Air & Space in VA on our way out.


You've all been a huge help. Thanks!

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