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Book banning? That actually made me really curious as to where WTM'ers fall on the topic. I thought this was kind of funny, though:


Stein says that as mayor, Palin continued to inject religious beliefs into her policy at times. "She asked the library how she could go about banning books," he says, because some voters thought they had inappropriate language in them. "The librarian was aghast." That woman, Mary Ellen Baker, couldn't be reached for comment, but news reports from the time show that Palin had threatened to fire Baker for not giving "full support" to the mayor.


If you don't know how to ban books, the last person you ask is a librarian!


Otherwise, though, I thought this article portrayed her as very calculating. I'll keep reading other articles about her early political career; that's just how I think this article tracked.


I have to say, though, my overall impression is that, all political issues aside, this is not someone I'd trust enough to be casual friends with, let alone vote for. If she'd circulated her mayoral candidate petition in my aerobics class, I'd probably have quietly excused myself.

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That was not the only thing in that article that made me go :eek:


And McCain says she is someone he thinks is going to STAND UP to special interest groups? That says a lot about his judgment and/or his opinion of the intelligence of the American public IMO.


Thanks for posting this, I can't wait to let my dd read it later.

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I didn't read the article, but your posting made me go back to thoughts I've had about the dither on Sarah's daughter's pregnancy. Prayer has been removed from the ps. The Ten Commandments have been removed from ps. Censorship is all but non existant in a secular way, but turned not in a religious way in all forms of media. Teen pregnancy is rampant, drug and alcohol abuse is rampant, gang violence is rampant and keep going with other things. Is it any wonder someone like Sarah is going to any extreme to fight the influence of these things in her state. I would never go to her extreme, but that IS one big reason why I homeschool, so yeah, I am doing something about myself.

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That was not the only thing in that article that made me go :eek:


And McCain says she is someone he thinks is going to STAND UP to special interest groups? That says a lot about his judgment and/or his opinion of the intelligence of the American public IMO.


Thanks for posting this, I can't wait to let my dd read it later.


Wow. Just wow. :eek:



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I didn't read the article, but your posting made me go back to thoughts I've had about the dither on Sarah's daughter's pregnancy. Prayer has been removed from the ps. The Ten Commandments have been removed from ps.

I'm pretty sure that none of those things had been removed from the Palin's home.

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Teen pregnancy is rampant, drug and alcohol abuse is rampant, gang violence is rampant


Teen pregnancy is down and crime rates are down. It only seems like these things are "running rampant" because they get so much attention in the media and negative/fearful things tend to gnaw at us more.

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I just called someone to verify this, but here in our public schools, kids are allowed to pray. If it is lunch time, for example, and a child wants to bow her head to say grace, this is absolutely allowed.


My understanding is that the "no prayer in school ruling" only disallowed obligatory prayer - some schools used to require students to recite a prayer each morning after the pledge, and that is what the ruling did away with. (I think it was this case.)


However, I imagine the circumstances for handling prayer during non academic times depends on what school you're at.

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My understanding is that the "no prayer in school ruling" only disallowed obligatory prayer


Exactly, since our public schools are public and open to people of all religions as well as those who choose not to practice a religion at all. I am sure if our Constitution allowed for forced prayer, but one school chose to use anything other than Christian prayers, there would be outrage.

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I'm really not politically savvy and have lots to learn, but reading this article, I don't walk away confident that she's an awful person. Stein, who lost to Palin in a race for Mayor once upon a time, says she asked a librarian about banning books. The librarian was unreachable? Stein is a reliable source for a quote about Palin's stance in this area?


I'd have to see a better source before buying that.

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From today's New York Times:


Shortly after becoming mayor, former city officials and Wasilla residents said, Ms. Palin approached the town librarian about the possibility of banning some books, though she never followed through and it was unclear which books or passages were in question.


Ann Kilkenny, a Democrat who said she attended every City Council meeting in Ms. Palin’s first year in office, said Ms. Palin brought up the idea of banning some books at one meeting. “They were somehow morally or socially objectionable to her,†Ms. Kilkenny said.


The librarian, Mary Ellen Emmons, pledged to “resist all efforts at censorship,†Ms. Kilkenny recalled. Ms. Palin fired Ms. Emmons shortly after taking office but changed course after residents made a strong show of support. Ms. Emmons, who left her job and Wasilla a couple of years later, declined to comment for this article.


In 1996, Ms. Palin suggested to the local paper, The Frontiersman, that the conversations about banning books were “rhetorical.â€

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Teen pregnancy is down and crime rates are down. It only seems like these things are "running rampant" because they get so much attention in the media and negative/fearful things tend to gnaw at us more.


They are down in some locations, up in mine. But, why are they down? More media attention on how to prevent them? Teen sex is up. I have not had television in my home for 7 years but I had the cable turned on for the Olympics. I have some shock value still left in me and as I channel surfed I was shocked at what I saw in a 1 -2 second clip from channel to channel. A man through off his shirt and as he stood there in his bikini briefs grabbed the hands of the two women at his sides and forced them to fondle him. In different clips men through scantilly clad women down on beds and laid down on top of them. Women kissed women. Men kissed men. Mind you, 1 - 2 seconds, a lot of images went into my head, no words, just images. (The cable is going off on Friday.)


I am not against teaching my kids what is out there, but I want to be the one to teach it, not the media, at an age where they get it better. Teen pregnancy has happened in my extended family, and to many family friends. Teen sex is openly accepted as unpreventable. I think those images have a lot to do with it.

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Obviously, Palin's methods didn't prevent teen sex in her own home. Why would they be any more effective as national policy?


At some point, we all need to stop blaming "the media", "bad friends", "inside the beltway" and look to the person's character. We are all responsible individually for our own souls and for forming the principles by which we guide ourselves.


We also need to make policies based on what can be shown to work, not on what "sounds" right. The sun does not circle the earth, no matter what we once wanted to believe, and what appeared to be truth.



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From today's New York Times:


Shortly after becoming mayor, former city officials and Wasilla residents said, Ms. Palin approached the town librarian about the possibility of banning some books, though she never followed through and it was unclear which books or passages were in question.


Ann Kilkenny, a Democrat who said she attended every City Council meeting in Ms. Palin’s first year in office, said Ms. Palin brought up the idea of banning some books at one meeting. “They were somehow morally or socially objectionable to her,†Ms. Kilkenny said.


The librarian, Mary Ellen Emmons, pledged to “resist all efforts at censorship,†Ms. Kilkenny recalled. Ms. Palin fired Ms. Emmons shortly after taking office but changed course after residents made a strong show of support. Ms. Emmons, who left her job and Wasilla a couple of years later, declined to comment for this article.


In 1996, Ms. Palin suggested to the local paper, The Frontiersman, that the conversations about banning books were “rhetorical.â€


Free association yields "vindictive".


Regardless of what her public stance is on the issues, it's really important to me that I believe she is a *person* I can put some faith in, or how could I trust her not to subvert those issues when she deemed it necessary or desirable? I simply do not trust her or believe her to be capable of the work involved.


As a contrasting example, I noticed Obama in 2003 because he started a podcast and spoke out on issues he was concerned about. I found him to be forthright and intelligent, and kept thinking, "Why can't we have someone like him in the White House? He wouldn't mock anti-war protesters while espousing democratic values in Iraq." I can disagree with Obama on some issues, but I trust him to be accessible and responsive to voters, and in fact he has a history of doing so. I trust his integrity, and his behavior is presidential.

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Moving away from the sex to actual policy. She says she is a fiscal conservative, wanting to cut government pork yet...




From the Los Angeles Times

McCain had criticized earmarks from Palin

Three times in recent years, the Arizona senator's lists of 'objectionable' pork spending have included earmarks requested by his new running mate.

By Tom Hamburger, Richard Simon and Janet Hook

Los Angeles Times Staff Writers


September 3, 2008


WASILLA, ALASKA — For much of his long career in Washington, John McCain has been throwing darts at the special spending system known as earmarking, through which powerful members of Congress can deliver federal cash for pet projects back home with little or no public scrutiny. He's even gone so far as to publish "pork lists" detailing these financial favors.


Three times in recent years, McCain's catalogs of "objectionable" spending have included earmarks for this small Alaska town, requested by its mayor at the time -- Sarah Palin.


Now, McCain, the likely Republican presidential nominee, has chosen Palin as his running mate, touting her as a reformer just like him.


McCain has made opposition to pork-barrel spending a central theme of his 2008 campaign. "Earmarking deprives federal agencies of scarce resources, at the whim of individual members of Congress," McCain has said.


But records show that Palin -- first as mayor of Wasilla and recently as governor of Alaska -- was far from shy about pursuing tens of millions in earmarks for her town, her region and her state.


This year, Palin, who has been governor for nearly 22 months, defended earmarking as a vital part of the legislative system. "The federal budget, in its various manifestations, is incredibly important to us, and congressional earmarks are one aspect of this relationship," she wrote in a newspaper column.


In 2001, McCain's list of spending that had been approved without the normal budget scrutiny included a $500,000 earmark for a public transportation project in Wasilla. The Arizona senator targeted $1 million in a 2002 spending bill for an emergency communications center in town -- one that local law enforcement has said is redundant and creates confusion.


McCain also criticized $450,000 set aside for an agricultural processing facility in Wasilla that was requested during Palin's tenure as mayor and cleared Congress soon after she left office in 2002. The funding was provided to help direct locally grown produce to schools, prisons and other government institutions, according to Taxpayers for Common Sense, a nonpartisan watchdog group.


Wasilla received $11.9 million in earmarks from 2000 to 2003. The results of this spending are very apparent today. (The town also benefited from $15 million in federal funds to promote regional rail transportation.)


The community transit center is a landmark: a one-story, tile-fronted building with a drive-through garage. Its fleet of 10 buses provides service throughout the region. Mat-Su Community Transit Agency officials say the building was made possible with a combination of federal money and matching gifts from a private foundation.


Taylor Griffin, a McCain campaign spokesman, said that when Palin became mayor in 1996, "she faced a system that was broken. Small towns like Wasilla in Alaska depended on earmarks to take care of basic needs. . . . That was something that Gov. Palin was alarmed about and was one of the formative experiences that led her toward the reform-oriented stance that she has taken as her career has progressed."


Palin, he said, was "disgusted" that small towns like hers were dependent on earmarks.


Public records paint a different picture:


Wasilla had received few if any earmarks before Palin became mayor. She actively sought federal funds -- a campaign that began to pay off only after she hired a lobbyist with close ties to Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska), who long controlled federal spending as chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee. He made funneling money to Alaska his hallmark.


Steven Silver was a former chief of staff for Stevens. After he was hired, Wasilla obtained funding for several projects in 2002, including an additional $600,000 in transportation funding.


That year, a local water and sewer project received $1.5 million, according to Taxpayers for Common Sense, which combs federal spending measures to identify projects inserted by congressional members.


When Palin spoke after McCain introduced her as his running mate at a rally in Ohio last week, she made fun of earmarking. She said she had rejected $223 million in federal funds for a bridge linking Ketchikan to an island with an airport and 50 residents, referring to it by its derogatory label: the "bridge to nowhere."


In the nationally televised speech, she stood by McCain and said, "I've championed reform to end the abuses of earmark spending by Congress. In fact, I told Congress thanks, but no thanks, on that bridge to nowhere. If our state wanted a bridge, I said, we'd build it ourselves."


However, as a candidate for governor in 2006, Palin had backed funding for the bridge. After her election, she killed the much-ridiculed project when it became clear the state had other priorities. She said she would use the federal funds to fill those needs.


This year she submitted to Congress a list of Alaska projects worth $197.8 million, including $2 million to research crab productivity in the Bering Sea and $7.4 million to improve runway lighting at eight Alaska airports. A spokesman said she cut the original list of 54 projects to 31.


"So while Sen. McCain was going after cutting earmarks in Washington," said Steve Ellis of Taxpayers for Common Sense, "Gov. Palin was going after getting earmarks."

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While I'm appalled by the Jerry Springerish family stuff Palin brings to the table (she supported her MIL's opponent to succeed her as mayor :w00t:, Troopergate, the daughter humiliated in tabloids, her husband's DUI...)

I don't think she should be criticized for looking out for her town or her state's interests. A big part of being the mayor of a small town is grubbing for money, especially in a place as isolated and sparsely populated as Alaska. Of course, if one of your main campaign promises is cutting pork from the federal budget you should avoid picking someone who served as a small town mayor who, by necessity, spends a lot of time begging for earmarks...


Although I'm an Obama supporter, I don't wish all this scandal on anyone. I feel particularly bad for Bristol who gets to be as overexposed as Britney Spears without getting any of the cash!

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While I'm appalled by the Jerry Springerish family stuff Palin brings to the table
It's only Jerry Springerish because the media is turning into that, instead of focusing on the issues. 'Troopergate' is pretty much looking like it's nothing. If it was going to be a serious investigation with Palin doing things really wrong, do you think McCain would have picked her? And the other stuff - so only perfect families are allowed to run for office now? I bet nearly every single one of us has one or two mistakes at least within our immediate families. How would it look if the media grabbed a hold of those mistakes and reprinted them in every newspaper, broadcast them on TV, dragged our children through the mud with crazy rumors like a 17 yo having a Down's baby...............I know if they did that for my family, or for lots of people I know - we would look Jerry Springerish. Stuff like that is called life. Life is messy and everyone is messy. It's just a matter of whether or not you have an eager media waiting to destroy you.


The media could have easily focused on her son going to war, and what parenting things did they get right to raise a son as patriotic as that? What about her other kids that aren't 'in trouble'. How are they turning out so well? What's it like having a First Gentleman who is a stay-at-home dad? Why don't we hear about those good stories? If the media had focused on those stories, the public perception of Sarah Palin would be much different. It only seems Jerry Springerish because of how the media is able to blow it out of proportion.

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It's only Jerry Springerish because the media is turning into that, instead of focusing on the issues. 'Troopergate' is pretty much looking like it's nothing. If it was going to be a serious investigation with Palin doing things really wrong, do you think McCain would have picked her? And the other stuff - so only perfect families are allowed to run for office now? I bet nearly every single one of us has one or two mistakes at least within our immediate families. How would it look if the media grabbed a hold of those mistakes and reprinted them in every newspaper, broadcast them on TV, dragged our children through the mud with crazy rumors like a 17 yo having a Down's baby...............I know if they did that for my family, or for lots of people I know - we would look Jerry Springerish. Stuff like that is called life. Life is messy and everyone is messy. It's just a matter of whether or not you have an eager media waiting to destroy you.


The media could have easily focused on her son going to war, and what parenting things did they get right to raise a son as patriotic as that? What about her other kids that aren't 'in trouble'. How are they turning out so well? What's it like having a First Gentleman who is a stay-at-home dad? Why don't we hear about those good stories? If the media had focused on those stories, the public perception of Sarah Palin would be much different. It only seems Jerry Springerish because of how the media is able to blow it out of proportion.


I really tried to rep you, but I'm all out for the day! Yup, Yup, Yup.

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I just called someone to verify this, but here in our public schools, kids are allowed to pray. If it is lunch time, for example, and a child wants to bow her head to say grace, this is absolutely allowed.


I wonder what would happen if said child stood up and prayed outloud by her chair?

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From today's New York Times:


Shortly after becoming mayor, former city officials and Wasilla residents said, Ms. Palin approached the town librarian about the possibility of banning some books, though she never followed through and it was unclear which books or passages were in question.


Ann Kilkenny, a Democrat who said she attended every City Council meeting in Ms. Palin’s first year in office, said Ms. Palin brought up the idea of banning some books at one meeting. “They were somehow morally or socially objectionable to her,” Ms. Kilkenny said.


The librarian, Mary Ellen Emmons, pledged to “resist all efforts at censorship,” Ms. Kilkenny recalled. Ms. Palin fired Ms. Emmons shortly after taking office but changed course after residents made a strong show of support. Ms. Emmons, who left her job and Wasilla a couple of years later, declined to comment for this article.


In 1996, Ms. Palin suggested to the local paper, The Frontiersman, that the conversations about banning books were “rhetorical.”



Is this the same article that the NYTimes just retracted this morning? Just wondering.


ETA: Well, duh, obviously not since it came out this morning!

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I wonder what would happen if said child stood up and prayed outloud by her chair?


Would that no be proselytizing? How about if the Muslim or Jewish students did the same? Worse yet, a pagan or other alternative faith kid? I would gather you would not want your child(ren) exposed to their other faith prayers. It's never enough to have quiet prayer, one always wants everyone else to here theirs as well.

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It is not the media's job to tell happy stories about the Palin family. Frankly, I'm really surprised by the sentiment that the press has no right to question the record or credentials of someone who wants to be vice president. "Troopergate" may or may not turn out to be nothing, but I don't see how anyone can suggest that the press has no right to ask about the fact that the Republican VP candidate is under investigation by her state legislature. If that were NOT being reported in the press, THAT would be the outrage. Or that there's no reason to question the fact that she spoke out against earmarks in her first speech to the public after the VP announcement, even though she hired Wasilla's first Washington lobbyist in order to secure 11 million dollars in earmarks for her town. These are legitimate questions, and the press has a responsibility to ask them. And most of what I hear from the McCain campaign is outrage and indignation that the questions are even being asked, rather than actual answers. Sarah Palin herself has answered NO questions from the press, other than a lightweight fluff piece in People magazine.

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It's my understanding that Ketchikan is the 4th largest town / city in Alaska. It is part of the inland passage, south of Juneau. This area has a huge amount of tourism. Is it really a bridge to "no where" to connect the airport to the mainland? People now have to use a ferry. It's so interesting to see how life is viewed from different contexts.


I think she comes with a healthy dose of political maneuvering just like the rest of the politicians. I wouldn't sell her as above the rest. My Alaskan friends don't consider her as someone with much experience yet.


Just my two cents worth. Alaska is so unknown to the rest of the lower 48 that it makes it all hard to figure out. I wonder how much fishing her family will be able to do in Washington D.C.?:)

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Would that no be proselytizing? How about if the Muslim or Jewish students did the same? Worse yet, a pagan or other alternative faith kid? I would gather you would not want your child(ren) exposed to their other faith prayers. It's never enough to have quiet prayer, one always wants everyone else to here theirs as well.



Well, we had Muslim children in my school who took time for prayer every day. We also had Jewish students who were allowed to miss school for religious holidays. I didn't know any pagans or Buddists.


Freedom of religion is freedom of religion.

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It is not the media's job to tell happy stories about the Palin family. Frankly, I'm really surprised by the sentiment that the press has no right to question the record or credentials of someone who wants to be vice president. "Troopergate" may or may not turn out to be nothing, but I don't see how anyone can suggest that the press has no right to ask about the fact that the Republican VP candidate is under investigation by her state legislature. If that were NOT being reported in the press, THAT would be the outrage. Or that there's no reason to question the fact that she spoke out against earmarks in her first speech to the public after the VP announcement, even though she hired Wasilla's first Washington lobbyist in order to secure 11 million dollars in earmarks for her town. These are legitimate questions, and the press has a responsibility to ask them. And most of what I hear from the McCain campaign is outrage and indignation that the questions are even being asked, rather than actual answers. Sarah Palin herself has answered NO questions from the press, other than a lightweight fluff piece in People magazine.



I haven't seem much objection to the facts of her time as Gov. coming out and being discussed. The truth (or some version of it) needs to be known about her *credentials*. But that isn't what the press is eating up right now.


I didn't hear one story about her political career on the news this morning. I heard a whole lot of commentary on her as a mother. If we're going to let that be the deciding factor for who runs our country, we need to have rules about only allowing politicians with children who are grown and have never had any issues throughout that entire time. That would prove that all of those politicians make good decisions for their families and that they have stood 100% beside their children until they are grown.

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I haven't seem much objection to the facts of her time as Gov. coming out and being discussed. The truth (or some version of it) needs to be known about her *credentials*. But that isn't what the press is eating up right now.


I didn't hear one story about her political career on the news this morning. I heard a whole lot of commentary on her as a mother. If we're going to let that be the deciding factor for who runs our country, we need to have rules about only allowing politicians with children who are grown and have never had any issues throughout that entire time. That would prove that all of those politicians make good decisions for their families and that they have stood 100% beside their children until they are grown.


Certainly the fact that the press often focuses on the sensational rather than the substantive is something to be criticized. That's not what I'm objecting to. But I HAVE seen, more than once over the past few days, the McCain campaign (and people on this board) react angrily to questions about their vetting process and about her record. I've heard quite a few stories from mainstream sources about her political career. Jenny in ATL linked to one from the LA Times in this thread, in fact. This thread is ABOUT one in Time magazine.

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It is not the media's job to tell happy stories about the Palin family. Frankly, I'm really surprised by the sentiment that the press has no right to question the record or credentials of someone who wants to be vice president. "Troopergate" may or may not turn out to be nothing, but I don't see how anyone can suggest that the press has no right to ask about the fact that the Republican VP candidate is under investigation by her state legislature. If that were NOT being reported in the press, THAT would be the outrage. Or that there's no reason to question the fact that she spoke out against earmarks in her first speech to the public after the VP announcement, even though she hired Wasilla's first Washington lobbyist in order to secure 11 million dollars in earmarks for her town. These are legitimate questions, and the press has a responsibility to ask them. And most of what I hear from the McCain campaign is outrage and indignation that the questions are even being asked, rather than actual answers. Sarah Palin herself has answered NO questions from the press, other than a lightweight fluff piece in People magazine.


It's the vindictiveness of the line of questioning. And more to the point, the fact that this same persistent relentless line of questioning doesn't follow the other candidates:

Bill Ayers

Rev. Wright

Biden's admitted plagiarism that caused him to withdraw from the previous election

Biden's son's hedge fund

Biden's daughter's 2002 arrest...should I continue?


See, questioning proven facts is one thing (ie. how could you sit in a church for 20 years with such a hatefilled pastor who baptized your two daughters) vs. you're daughter is pregnant, why in the world weren't you following her around 24/7 to make certain that her boyfriend wears a c**ndom?


It's cutting to conservatives to watch this media frenzy- it's personal destruction. And when there are legitimate questions to ask..well, they get buried by all this hate filled rumor mongering that I'm sad to say has been perpetrated by many posts on this board.



As for her request of millions of dollars to fund her town (you know that insignificant town of only 9000 rednecks), she was acting as a mayor and doing what mayors swear to do - look out for the interests of her town. As governor she wore a gov's hat and as VP she'll then function according to those responsibities.

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Well, we had Muslim children in my school who took time for prayer every day. We also had Jewish students who were allowed to miss school for religious holidays. I didn't know any pagans or Buddists.


Freedom of religion is freedom of religion.


So they said their prayers out loud in front of all the other kids? She was asking about saying them out loud. I have no issue with anyone wanting to have a quiet moment to say a prayer. It's when they want to make others listen to it or make all kids do it, that I have a problem with.

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It's the vindictiveness of the line of questioning. And more to the point, the fact that this same persistent relentless line of questioning doesn't follow the other candidates:

Bill Ayers

Rev. Wright

Biden's admitted plagiarism that caused him to withdraw from the previous election

Biden's son's hedge fund

Biden's daughter's 2002 arrest...should I continue?


All of these things HAVE been talked about in the press (some of them at exhaustive length), and the people in question have answered questions about them. This is not true in Sarah Palin's case. She hasn't answered a single question. McCain selected a nearly unknown 18 month governor for his running mate less than a week ago. OF COURSE the press is going to immediately try to find out as much as possible about her.


See, questioning proven facts is one thing (ie. how could you sit in a church for 20 years with such a hatefilled pastor who baptized your two daughters) vs. you're daughter is pregnant, why in the world weren't you following her around 24/7 to make certain that her boyfriend wears a c**ndom?


Again, I'm not defending the press for focusing on sex instead of her record. It sells. It happens. It sucks.



As for her request of millions of dollars to fund her town (you know that insignificant town of only 9000 rednecks), she was acting as a mayor and doing what mayors swear to do - look out for the interests of her town. As governor she wore a gov's hat and as VP she'll then function according to those responsibities.


that's fine. You don't have a problem with it. but the fact is, McCain DOES have a problem with earmarks, he's been very vocal about his problems with them, and Sarah Palin says she does, too. Her record says something else, and it's a perfectly legitimate question for her to be asked.

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It's the vindictiveness of the line of questioning. And more to the point, the fact that this same persistent relentless line of questioning doesn't follow the other candidates:

Bill Ayers

Rev. Wright

Biden's admitted plagiarism that caused him to withdraw from the previous election

Biden's son's hedge fund

Biden's daughter's 2002 arrest...should I continue?


See, questioning proven facts is one thing (ie. how could you sit in a church for 20 years with such a hatefilled pastor who baptized your two daughters) vs. you're daughter is pregnant, why in the world weren't you following her around 24/7 to make certain that her boyfriend wears a c**ndom?


It's cutting to conservatives to watch this media frenzy- it's personal destruction. And when there are legitimate questions to ask..well, they get buried by all this hate filled rumor mongering that I'm sad to say has been perpetrated by many posts on this board.



As for her request of millions of dollars to fund her town (you know that insignificant town of only 9000 rednecks), she was acting as a mayor and doing what mayors swear to do - look out for the interests of her town. As governor she wore a gov's hat and as VP she'll then function according to those responsibities.


I don't know what shows or radio shows you listen to, but I've heard all this stuff for months. I do admit to listening to everything from Talk radio to NPR. I like a well rounded view of all the news.

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I wonder what would happen if said child stood up and prayed outloud by her chair?


But what would be the point in that?


Matt 6:5-6

5 "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full.

6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."

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I didn't read the article, but your posting made me go back to thoughts I've had about the dither on Sarah's daughter's pregnancy. Prayer has been removed from the ps. <snip> Is it any wonder someone like Sarah is going to any extreme to fight the influence of these things in her state. I would never go to her extreme, but that IS one big reason why I homeschool, so yeah, I am doing something about myself.


Is your stance on banning books from libraries that it's justifiable because liberals ban prayer from schools?

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I haven't seem much objection to the facts of her time as Gov. coming out and being discussed. The truth (or some version of it) needs to be known about her *credentials*. But that isn't what the press is eating up right now.


I didn't hear one story about her political career on the news this morning. I heard a whole lot of commentary on her as a mother. If we're going to let that be the deciding factor for who runs our country, we need to have rules about only allowing politicians with children who are grown and have never had any issues throughout that entire time. That would prove that all of those politicians make good decisions for their families and that they have stood 100% beside their children until they are grown.


Well, to be fair, I would think that has a lot to do with the fact that her political career is pretty short.

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I wonder what would happen if said child stood up and prayed outloud by her chair?


If saying a silent prayer is an option for the child, I am sure that would be encouraged.


Women kissed women. Men kissed men.


This has happened in my church, in my living room, and other situations in which couples have been known to kiss - the same way I might kiss my husband under the mistletoe at a Xmas party. I wish there were more healthy same sex relationships portrayed on TV. I'm not holding my breath for the Nick show about the popular kid with two dads, though.


My school had prayer groups in the mornings inside the school with no problem. I think my niece prays with her friends at school in Witchita without any probs, either.


Our schools here have a lot of prayer going on. There is an event called "meet at the flagpole" when Christian students at schools all across the country meet at the school's flagpole for prayer. Our high school has clubs with Christian affiliations, and there are groups of teachers who are meeting for Bible study during free time.




Back to the subject at hand, although I know some people agree with Plain's positions and respect that, here is a nice little summary of Plain's positions on issues that may be of interest to some.



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See, questioning proven facts is one thing (ie. how could you sit in a church for 20 years with such a hatefilled pastor who baptized your two daughters) vs. you're daughter is pregnant, why in the world weren't you following her around 24/7 to make certain that her boyfriend wears a c**ndom?


Really? She was asked that question, worded that way?

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I don't know what shows or radio shows you listen to, but I've heard all this stuff for months. I do admit to listening to everything from Talk radio to NPR. I like a well rounded view of all the news.


but I have yet to hear a Main stream media journalist ask Obama or his spokesperson directly to respond to these allegations . If family is fair game then by all means past and current associates certainly are. I'd like to see them go after the other candidates with the same frenzy. It's disheartening.

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All of these things HAVE been talked about in the press (some of them at exhaustive length), and the people in question have answered questions about them. This is not true in Sarah Palin's case. She hasn't answered a single question. .


It has always been the tradition that the VP candidate isn't expected to do one on one interviews or press conferences until after the convention. This was true for Biden and it's true for Palin. That's why you haven't heard from her directly. She will be on the interview circuit after the convention.

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but I have yet to hear a Main stream media journalist ask Obama or his spokesperson directly to respond to these allegations . If family is fair game then by all means past and current associates certainly are. I'd like to see them go after the other candidates with the same frenzy. It's disheartening.


Disclaimer: I don't plan to vote for Obama. In fact at this point, I'm not planning to vote for either of the major party candidates. Second disclaimer: I thought Obama gave a GREAT speech about race, but I personally was not fully satisfied with his answers on the Jeremiah Wright issue. Having said that, I'm surprised that anyone felt that the issue was underreported. From my perspective, it was The News for a while there--and rightly so.


Just my $.02. :001_smile:

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So they said their prayers out loud in front of all the other kids? She was asking about saying them out loud. I have no issue with anyone wanting to have a quiet moment to say a prayer. It's when they want to make others listen to it or make all kids do it, that I have a problem with.


I guess it isn't any different than my Catholic ds having to listen to the atheist students at his school tell him that only idiots believe in God and religion is a crutch for the weak.


I don't support making anyone pray, but I also don't think that prayer should have to be silent. Everyone is exposed everyday to things we don't agree in and we generally just get over it.

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I guess it isn't any different than my Catholic ds having to listen to the atheist students at his school tell him that only idiots believe in God and religion is a crutch for the weak.


Kids have also been known to be the victims of this kind of bullying because were NOT Christian. I know kids even in my time growing up that were told they were "going to hell" and all kinds of other stuff.

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but I have yet to hear a Main stream media journalist ask Obama or his spokesperson directly to respond to these allegations . If family is fair game then by all means past and current associates certainly are. I'd like to see them go after the other candidates with the same frenzy. It's disheartening.


Well Obama is going on Bill O'Reilly. Not sure how much more main stream you want than that. I'm sure he will ask all those questions you are dying to hear.


Also, the so-called main stream media has some of the lowest ratings. Only a small few watch the big (used to be) three networks. CNN and even the very liberal MSNBC have conservative commentators. Liberal radio is a joke. I don't see it as uneven as you. I do see it as more bias in both directions. There are a few exceptions (Brit Hume's panel and Jim Lehrer's, Brooks & Shields are truly interesting to watch for some real give and take.

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