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I like the bananas. He wants black because Daddy has black. Before he wanted camo. No not that camo, the other camo, but not with a pocket like that. But with a water bottle pocket.

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Day 6 of being completely GFCF: I am dreaming of cinnamon rolls with cream cheese frosting, chicago style triple meat pizza, and mint chocolate chip ice-cream at night. For real. 


I was watching the NCAA tournament for a while this evening.  They kept showing pizza commercials.  Cruel!!!

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I actually bought margarine today for the first time in EONS because dairy free. I bought earth balance.


Margin: http://www.amazon.com/Margin-Restoring-Emotional-Financial-Overloaded/dp/1576836827

It was a big homeschooling thing in conversations circa 2010ish.


This is worth reading:




Just FYI Becel vegan is also dairy free and usually much cheaper. Not good for baking though.



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We use Earth balance.  Dh is allergic to dairy, so no butter here.  I've never seen the one you mentioned, Hornblower. 

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Just a reminder: You are not your mom's parent.

I know. I'm just afraid that she will lose everything and ask to move in with me because I will say no and that will be not good. She's hinted at it before and she just can't stay with my kids.

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Day 6 of being completely GFCF: I am dreaming of cinnamon rolls with cream cheese frosting, chicago style triple meat pizza, and mint chocolate chip ice-cream at night. For real. 


too bad you don't live in Vancouver. We have several gf vegan bakeries here. Not sure about chicago style pizza but one of our big chains makes gf pizza crust. 


For your ice cream, you need Coconut Bliss http://coconutbliss.com/bliss/mint-galactica

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I'm so glad God gave me to a good man. So many women I know are in a bad place because they married a bad man. If my dad had been sober he would have been a great husband but he wasn't and my mom suffered. Everything went downhill from there.


Matt doesn't listen and he sucks at cleaning, but he's a good husband and a great father. I do not fear for my future because I have him.

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We use Earth balance. Dh is allergic to dairy, so no butter here. I've never seen the one you mentioned, Hornblower.

Hm I thought Becel was global becasue it's owned by Unilever.

Wiki says it's sold under Promise brand in the U.S.

It comes in vegan variety in Canada so maybe there's a vegan Promise..?



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((Slashie!)) regarding your mom.


Now, regarding backpacks. I got DS a jansport for school this year because they are supposed to be ultra durable and all that. By Christmas both bottom corners had holes worn through. Of course it doesn't help that he takes every single one of his text books home every single night. He claims there's no room in his desk. This is the child who sticks the applesauce spoon in the strawberry jam. I tell you this not to deter you from buying a Jansport. This is just applesauce son. I've spent $100 on backpacks for him this year. I just can't believe it.

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((Slashie!)) regarding your mom.


Now, regarding backpacks. I got DS a jansport for school this year because they are supposed to be ultra durable and all that. By Christmas both bottom corners had holes worn through. Of course it doesn't help that he takes every single one of his text books home every single night. He claims there's no room in his desk. This is the child who sticks the applesauce spoon in the strawberry jam. I tell you this not to deter you from buying a Jansport. This is just applesauce son. I've spent $100 on backpacks for him this year. I just can't believe it.

But jansport has a lifetime grantee. Why don't you trade it in?

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Bumping us above the spam!


DH is off early this morning...got a call to come in and plow. We couldn't buy snow all winter long, now here it is in April and we've got snow when we don't want it.


I'm not complaining, though! Heavens knows we want the OT/comp! If he gets enough of it, we can save one of his vacation days and use the comp time instead later this week.


Plus....bonus...we should definitely be on time for church! Because we're already up and moving.


Have a good Sunday!

Edited by Sweetpea3829
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P.S. Slache, it's all your fault that now I'm seeing backpack ads all over the internets. I want the donut Jansport.


And now I want donuts.


Also....I LOVE the contented peeps of baby chicks in with their Momma. Gwyneth is turning out to be an excellent mom. She flares and covers her babies with her wings if I reach in. She's doing a great job.

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Good Sunday Morning!


Today is recovery day - unpacking, laundry, kitchen, are older three ready for school / co-op tomorrow, etc.  Coffee first!  (Actually, prednisone would help a lot.)  And I should run.....


Prairie - did you survive the dinosaurs?  I am SUCH a chicken.  If I watch a movie like that I make dh tell me all the surprising and traumatic stuff first so I am less scared.


Slache - sorry about your Mom.  I agree with all boundary comments previously made.


Sweetpea - I'm with you on the donut backpack.





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But jansport has a lifetime grantee. Why don't you trade it in?

Yeah, I know. I may still do it. But we didn't keep receipts or anything. I guess we should check into it. Sometimes those sort of things seem like too much effort. Trying to find a box, standing at the post office, paying for shipping...
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The nervous aunt called to say that Cousin Robert is not getting married in July spite of the save the date I received.  He is 29 and has been engaged for about three or four years.  He is a late bloomer.  They have moved up the wedding to April with only parents attending because he is lonely at his new job down south.  She thought we would be offended and horrified.  I was just glad I have one less place to go in July and told her that they should do what makes them happy and all that.  Also, as a bonus to ease her pain and embarrassment, I would inform my entire side of the family, saving her embarrassing phone calls.  So then I did.  And all was well.  And no one was offended.


But I had to call the odd father and tell him of Cousin Robert's wedding, which led to discussions about his car and such.  When college girl took him to get his odd car yesterday, he told her that it sounded like she had really gotten her head on straight. :lol:


In spite of my sprained ankle, I have cleaned up the kitchen, done all the laundry, vacuumed, made dinner and done pet care.  I had a call with the co-op director, who reassured me that only one mom was freaking out about the class requirements for English next year.  She was on her way to the Grand Canyon.  


I need to get someone to drag the laundry basket of clean stuff in my room and get a ds to drag out the 35 pound bag of dog food so I can refill the wheeled container.  If I leave out the dog food bag, the kitten chews through it.


I planned the next month of AHG meetings since I am in charge of this badge (pet care) and emailed the leader about my ideas.


I have been productive.  I also made little dd shower.


My wrist bothers me more than anything most of the time, dude.



I just added Meeting Tex's Family to my bucket list.






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rated proceed with caution for non graphic discussion of infection & teen boys




ds has been trying to convince himself and the rest of us since Thursday that the sore in his mouth is "just an infected gum, a small nick, piece of poppyseed got in there, you know how it is. I'll just rinse with salt water & gently water pik and it will be fine."  And yet, he started having to put on numbing gel and take ibuprofen  For the minor gum irritation. Uh-huh. Yup. Ok.

By last night his cheek was swollen. 

I'm 99% convinced it's a rotten wisdom tooth. 

He's not up yet so I don't know how bad it is today. There are several clinics open today near us but I'd probably prefer to wait to tomorrow to go to where he had his last set of xrays....



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oh & a couple night's ago I had a dream in which I discovered SWB and texasmama were actually somehow the same person and I was sworn to secrecy about it because only a few people knew.  

But SWB needed online support & camaraderie and couldn't join as just herself so she created an alternative id & had to change the details of the kids' ages but the rest was all true. 

What's weird is that I've seen video of SWB and photos of texasmama's hair & awake me is not convinced. Asleep me was totally "OMG, yes, I get it now!" 


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We partied last night until the wee hours of.... 10pm.   It was a combo bday party thrown by friends for all three of our Spring birthday kids. It was perfect.  


Then Sunday School was cancelled due to snow.  Also perfect.   (Given the late hour last night for the kidlets.)


And I awoke before dawn to paint paint paint before the new carpet is installed tomorrow.  I hadn't planned on doing the doors, but I did, and am so glad.  I may paint everything in sight now.  


Now, to rescue my dh, who is managing the overtired crew and starting to sound a bit frazzled....

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If anyone cares I'm absolutely not going to finish my reading list this year. That's okay, making the list was fun.


Matt talked John into the green/camo backpack with the water bottle pocket. I probably won't order it until next paycheck.


Mary's whiney.


Off to choich.

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oh & a couple night's ago I had a dream in which I discovered SWB and texasmama were actually somehow the same person and I was sworn to secrecy about it because only a few people knew.  


But SWB needed online support & camaraderie and couldn't join as just herself so she created an alternative id & had to change the details of the kids' ages but the rest was all true. 


What's weird is that I've seen video of SWB and photos of texasmama's hair & awake me is not convinced. Asleep me was totally "OMG, yes, I get it now!" 






Best.post.eveh!  :laugh:



And hugs to your ds.  Ouch!  :grouphug:


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oh & a couple night's ago I had a dream in which I discovered SWB and texasmama were actually somehow the same person and I was sworn to secrecy about it because only a few people knew.  


But SWB needed online support & camaraderie and couldn't join as just herself so she created an alternative id & had to change the details of the kids' ages but the rest was all true. 


What's weird is that I've seen video of SWB and photos of texasmama's hair & awake me is not convinced. Asleep me was totally "OMG, yes, I get it now!" 







Renai, put this in the  ITT book.

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The way this kid moves is just bizarre. It's like seizures or break dancing. Neither of my other two moved like this. I could always tell what they were doing and how they were laying. This one has too many limbs, moves too quickly and is up too high.

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Watched the movie "The Judge" with Robert Duvall and Robert Downey, Jr. and really enjoyed it last night (with dh).  I never realized how hot RD,Jr. is. :leaving:  How did I never notice this before? :confused1:


I slept weird, but I am only on 10 mg of prednisone now.  One more day. Rash still itches, but it is fading.  My wrist hurts.  I made turkey meatballs and veggies for lunch.  The house is mostly in order.


Talking to the odd father about sending Cousin Robert a gift card for his marriage while dh and the cat share my lap.  I am running out of lap.

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