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I am trying to get a handle on life. It was all spiraling out of control. But I think I'm corralling a little bit of it.

You got this. Need to borrow someone's bazooka? I'd lend you my nunchucks, but I'm using them at the moment.

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Where's Mary? I'm glad Ducky checked in (we were gathering bazookas for the search party), but Mary announced she was quitting her job and vamoosed.  Did she quit us too?  MMMMMAAAAAAAARRRRRRYYYYYYY!!!!  Where AAAAAARRRRRREEEEE YOOOUUUUUUUU??????



:001_wub:  :001_wub:  :001_wub:


(Ducky feels loved.)  



(Still behind on things, but this too shall pass.)



(New carpet is installed on Monday. It is not the sample I posted here... I chose a lighter grey/taupe called Early Frost instead.  Shadow taupe was really dark depending on how the light hit it.)



(So my house is very slowly getting back to where it was before New England Winter 2015.)



(Which is depressing because it's costing a heckalotta to make it look.... just like it always did.   :sneaky2:  But still.  It's good, and I am grateful.  :Angel_anim: )



(I have no idea why I am on a parentheses kick.)

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Concert was good but full of feels, as dd17 would say. It was our last classical concert with our beloved orchestra founder and conductor, who is retiring this spring. We will have one more concert with him, the annual choral concert, performing the Mozart Requiem. It will be glorious.


Edited by Susan in TN
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We're at Target in the big city. I just saw an iPhone case with faux gilt and"The Struggle is Real" on it. I thought of Tex. :)


I thought about Tex today when I told myself, "sometimes the line between good parent and bad is not murdering someone". Yes, it was that kind of day!


I talked to my odd father, who said, "If I die tonight, all my bills are paid, the quarterly taxes are paid, and everything is in pretty good shape." :lol:


Whew! I'm a firm believer in getting your affairs in order!



I just got done listening to the Blue Fairy book, which is quite gruesome, and coloring from my Enchanted Forest coloring book.  Back into the frey!

I really need to get those books!
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My sister, who just turned 64, has discovered emojis. We've unleashed a monster! :closedeyes: :huh: :hurray: :iagree: :laugh: :leaving: :lol: :lurk5: :mellow: :hat:

I forgot my kids and I share my Apple ID and I downloaded adult emoticons, freaking them out. 💋

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So, I was practicing on Adobe Connect and was recording so I could retrace my steps and figure out how to do stuff. Gymnast kept jumping in, saying this is my mom. "This is my bunny, say hi bunny - Hi!" It was funny, though a bit irritating. I was wondering how I could possibly hold class if I have jumping bean with her face in the camera. Sigh. I need to figure out how to read a book online. And some other stuff. It's fun.

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Mostly because she brought dinner when she dropped off her truck for DH to change the tires. Home made pierogis. Potato ones and mushroom ones. Yum.

Ohhhhh! I started making pierogis! My recipe is potato-cheese. But I love mushrooms. Will have to try that.
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Time for a bizarre story. Once while my family and I were hiking we saw an incredibly strange woman. She looked possesed, stood in the middle of the path, wouldn't move and was rocking a baby. Matt and I were really upset so I turned back to talk to her and she just stared blankly. It was then that I realized she was rocking a pile of blankets that resembled a baby. We left quickly.



That would have scared the heebie jeebies out of me...especially being on a hiking path, presumably in the woods? (I'm just now catching up and this is the first comment I've come to...lol)  

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When we lived in RI, we had a 700 sq ft apartment for all 6 of us, plus the dog.  We owned a multifamily and rented out the other two rooms.  It was awful.  But...quaint.  It would have been ok if we didn't have tenants living with us...tenants that didn't pay the rent half of the time.  




Anyways...today (erm...yesterday) was a loooooong school day.  One of those days where unfinished school work gets tossed into the finished folders because I just don't have it in me to deal with the half-hearted lazy guesses.  By 8pm, my patience is G.O.N.E.   And I'm telling you...that little one of mine...he needs a fire lit under his butt or something.  Kid has ZERO motivation.  


Gwyneth Fowltrou hatched her 3rd chickie last night, making her 3 for 3!  If we don't count the two that she lost very early...but that wasn't her fault...one of her coopmates got at the eggs and ate one and damaged another.  


3rd chickie is a Black Copper Maran and will hopefully be a hen, or a high-quality rooster that I can put back into our breeding stock.  But preferably a hen.  I like my chocolate brown eggs!  



Today is a day off for the kids...so we're going to the Produce Auction to see if we can snag a box of apples or something on the cheap to bring on our road trip.  Haven't been in a long time...hope my auction number is still valid.  There probably won't be much...from experience, early spring is a pretty dry time there.  Most of the local produce has only just been planted, if yet at all.  And last fall's over wintered crops are nearing the end of life...but we'll see what we can find.  Sometimes they ship in stuff like oranges.  



This weekend will be much insanity.  Much packing and prepping and whatnot.  Add on top...we're expecting snow.  Hubby works for our County's Highway Department and will likely be called out for plowing.  I'm not complaining...Lord knows we need the OT/Comp time.  And this winter was a complete dud.  But this is not a great weekend to have him occupied...I needed him home, lol.  


All I can say is...let it warm/dry up in time for our travels late next week.  I was hoping to do some walking in Boston...such a great walking city.  But not if it's cold and raw.  



Hope everyone else is good!  I'll check in when I can!  

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Good Friday morning. I am mostly ketchedup, but only liked sparingly because phone. Hope everyone has a great day!


On the mean mommy front, I disabled kindle on 12yo dd's phone because she has been rather anti social, and I didn't bring her to the conference to read a book the whole time, lol. She doesn't know it yet. Hoping she doesn't hate me when she wakes up and realizes. Lol.

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Yay for no nightmares!


I' got up too early, so now I'm killing a few minutes.


Tex, did you have to do the presentation at AG? With enough prednisone, we could take over the world. Hope your migraine is better.


I knew SWB wasn't speaking this year, but peace hill press does not have a booth (I guess I thought they might), so no Jim Weiss at the conference either. (That seems really strange to me!). Also, MFW is not here for the first time ever? Lots of good things are: Rainbow Resource, SCM, BP, HOD, Beautiful Feet, TOG, MP, CAP, IEW (but no Andrew Pudewa this year), Circe, Jay Wile, (but not Diana Waring), CLE, a R&S vendor, etc....(of course, A Beka and Bju). Oh, and I don't think summit is here this year.


This conference update has come to you from our sponsor, "homeschool moms who can't sleep in."

Edited by Another Lynn
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PS. I have a hard time quieting my brain enough to really read and evaluate things at conference. How weird would it be to go around reading things out loud to see if I like them, lol?






Eta: I will also need a couch and 3 or 4 kids eating Cheerios, occasionally complaining to evaluate resources properly. Is there a booth like that?

Edited by Another Lynn
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Ha! I can just picture what an ITT Convention Booth would look like. Let's see...Elephant Ninja / bazooka swag, duct tape, "treacherous road" signs, plenty of coffee and chocolate, gluten free and vegan snacks, cozy tents for hiding, pamphlets on medicating sick rats, dream journals...


I have to run to the store for a few items this morning before dd's voice lesson. We have an Old Lady party this afternoon, for which I'd like the kids to make some tissue paper flower decorations. Otherwise, regular school day. I need coffee.

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Ha! I can just picture what an ITT Convention Booth would look like. Let's see...Elephant Ninja / bazooka swag, duct tape, "treacherous road" signs, plenty of coffee and chocolate, gluten free and vegan snacks, cozy tents for hiding, pamphlets on medicating sick rats, dream journals...




And hula. Don't forget hula. :D

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Thanks for the update, Lynn. My IRL BFF and I are going to our regional convention in July. There's really no speakers there who float our boat, but we look at it as a time to hang out sans children, stay at the Hilton (even though two years ago our room had a view of a wrecking yard....well, it's down town Modesto after all ) and just relax. We skipped last summer for some reason, but we are making plans for this year.


I think an ITT booth would be wonderful. Besides the Ninja Elephants and bazookas and peanut butter energy bites (and everything else Susan just mentioned) we could also sell t-shirts and coffee mugs with Tex's quotable quotes and if Renai could get that recipe book finished in time....

Edited by KrissiK
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What is the name of that book about doing high school unconventionally that I've seen mentioned several times and never paid attention to? There might be a couple of them that have been mentioned, but I can't remember.



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Yay for no nightmares!


I' got up too early, so now I'm killing a few minutes.


Tex, did you have to do the presentation at AG? With enough prednisone, we could take over the world. Hope your migraine is better.


I knew SWB wasn't speaking this year, but peace hill press does not have a booth (I guess I thought they might), so no Jim Weiss at the conference either. (That seems really strange to me!). Also, MFW is not here for the first time ever? Lots of good things are: Rainbow Resource, SCM, BP, HOD, Beautiful Feet, TOG, MP, CAP, IEW (but no Andrew Pudewa this year), Circe, Jay Wile, (but not Diana Waring), CLE, a R&S vendor, etc....(of course, A Beka and Bju). Oh, and I don't think summit is here this year.


This conference update has come to you from our sponsor, "homeschool moms who can't sleep in."

It would be fun to go to a convention with Lynn.  For so many reasons.   :D


The beekeeper was able to come, but I am not sure that was a great thing!  He went on FAR TOO MUCH about the very rare deaths by bee stings (including a fictional but very elaborate story of an 80 year old man who was mowing his yard and ran over a ground nest and "received his 300th sting ten yards from his back door and dropped there and died".  These girls are mostly aged 6-10. I was stone cold sober, I promise you that much. :mellow:



Ha! I can just picture what an ITT Convention Booth would look like. Let's see...Elephant Ninja / bazooka swag, duct tape, "treacherous road" signs, plenty of coffee and chocolate, gluten free and vegan snacks, cozy tents for hiding, pamphlets on medicating sick rats, dream journals...


I have to run to the store for a few items this morning before dd's voice lesson. We have an Old Lady party this afternoon, for which I'd like the kids to make some tissue paper flower decorations. Otherwise, regular school day. I need coffee.

What a fun booth!  I want to live there!

Edited by texasmama
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What is the name of that book about doing high school unconventionally that I've seen mentioned several times and never paid attention to? There might be a couple of them that have been mentioned, but I can't remember.




I don't know.  I'm pretty conventional with pretty conventional kids.  Check Hunter's posts, maybe?

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What is the name of that book about doing high school unconventionally that I've seen mentioned several times and never paid attention to? There might be a couple of them that have been mentioned, but I can't remember.





                                                   ***** EDUCATIONAL POST ALERT *****


No idea.  But can't wait for someone to answer so I can go look it up on Amazon. Because book.


                                                   ***** END EDUCATIONAL POST *****

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I talked to my odd father, who said, "If I die tonight, all my bills are paid, the quarterly taxes are paid, and everything is in pretty good shape." :lol:



Your odd father is awesome.





I just told my dh two days ago that if I die, he will find all our financial information on virtual Sticky-notes stuck to my virtual desktop.  



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Post shopping hangover.  I cannot keep up with my 74-year-old asthmatic mother when she shops. :huh:


And I have a meeting at 11.  Where we get grammar tips from people whose grammar I correct in my editing.  :huh:


Then I shall pick up DD's bestie for youth group and a sleepover and, get this, a shopping expedition tomorrow. :huh:


I hate shopping. And meetings.  I want to go back to bed.

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