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Writing starts Friday. I have to work Friday. This will leave me feeling behind and out-of-sorts by Saturday, at what point everyone I live with will decide that they need to tell me all their hopes, dreams and gripes. By Saturday afternoon, I will bite off a head. It might be my own.

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Everyone should make this recipe, unless you have an allergy to the ingredients, then don't do it.


Energy bites


1 cup dry whole oats

1/2 cup chocolate chips

1/2 cup peanut butter

1/2 cup ground flaxseed

1/3 cup honey

1 tsp vanilla


Mix all (I use whatever weird seeds that my odd father has given me, like hemp or those little black ones, though they stick in your teeth) and make into small balls.  Refrigerate.  I double the recipe.  Everyone here likes these.  I give little dd gloves and let her make the little balls.

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Since I did not take the odd father to get his car today, it will be tomorrow, only I needed to wash my hair and let it dry naturally for 8 hours.  My odd father has sensitivities to scented products so that means I could not wash and dry my hair tomorrow on the same day as I took him in the car and exposed him to shampoos and gels.  But my hair is on its last legs so it needed washing before tomorrow night's meeting when a beekeeper may or may not be able to make it to give a talk because he is also a reverend who is doing a funeral and I may or may not have to pull a talk about the Humane Society out of my hat combined with visual aids at the last minute and who needs bad hair for that?  So I made a last minute executive decision to wash it right away and let it dry naturally overnight, even though we have high humidity and it will be wet for a long time.





Edited by texasmama
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My new computer is a used Dell that was an expired business lease.  Smoking fast, in excellent shape, and about $200.


Quoting myself to add info.  We got it from dellrefurbished.com.  DH is signed up for emails and coupons.  With the discounts - including a 40% off coupon - DH got me a Latitude E6430S for right around $200.  In case anyone wants the info.  :001_smile:

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Everyone should make this recipe, unless you have an allergy to the ingredients, then don't do it.


Energy bites


1 cup dry whole oats

1/2 cup chocolate chips

1/2 cup peanut butter

1/2 cup ground flaxseed

1/3 cup honey

1 tsp vanilla


Mix all (I use whatever weird seeds that my odd father has given me, like hemp or those little black ones, though they stick in your teeth) and make into small balls.  Refrigerate.  I double the recipe.  Everyone here likes these.  I give little dd gloves and let her make the little balls.


1/2 cup peanut butter  :001_tt1: :001_tt1: :001_tt1: :drool5: :drool5: :drool5:   Peanut butter..... food of the gods.... or at least desperate homeschool moms. 


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Everyone should make this recipe, unless you have an allergy to the ingredients, then don't do it.


Energy bites


1 cup dry whole oats

1/2 cup chocolate chips

1/2 cup peanut butter

1/2 cup ground flaxseed

1/3 cup honey

1 tsp vanilla


Mix all (I use whatever weird seeds that my odd father has given me, like hemp or those little black ones, though they stick in your teeth) and make into small balls.  Refrigerate.  I double the recipe.  Everyone here likes these.  I give little dd gloves and let her make the little balls.


Renai, don't forget to add this to the ITT cook book!


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Hornblower, remember when you tried to leave us for a long time and then realized the err of your ways?  What was up with all that???

I've tried to leave several times. It's like Hotel California for me. 


The last time, I can't remember exactly but I'm pretty certain it had something to do with running a productivity app / browser lockout which calculated how many hours I was playing on the internets v. working/writing/training my dogs/feeding my children/answering my kid with more than a mumbled "yeah ok, why don't you just google that?" 


I periodically do these self analysis things where I list priorities & goals & think about who I want to be when I grow up & decide how much time I want to spend doing things and then I'll put a lock on my browsers and cold turkey things because alas, I sometimes can't self-regulate. 


I just did that with facebook because I only have so much online play time & I decided you guys make me way, way, way more happy than fb (it's not my timeline or my friends' feeds so much as all the groups. I'm a group junkie...)  So my fb is currently deactivated & I'm testing life without it. 


Also, if I think back, I think there were some threads on the main board which just made me tired & grumpy. I'm being very careful about swimming in the deep sea this time. 




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Everyone should make this recipe, unless you have an allergy to the ingredients, then don't do it.


Energy bites


1 cup dry whole oats

1/2 cup chocolate chips

1/2 cup peanut butter

1/2 cup ground flaxseed

1/3 cup honey

1 tsp vanilla


Mix all (I use whatever weird seeds that my odd father has given me, like hemp or those little black ones, though they stick in your teeth) and make into small balls. Refrigerate. I double the recipe. Everyone here likes these. I give little dd gloves and let her make the little balls.

We made these once and ended up feeding them to the squirrels in an attempt to kill them off.

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Ha! I have been soooooo far behind in my dealing with family photos, putting them in albums, etc. I just didn't even want to deal with them. But today.... well, actually yesterday.... I just decided I needed to do something. So, I started with 2011, the year we got the little girls and went on Shutterfly and made a book. It's big. I'm glad Shutterfly has 50% off books right now. But... It's done. And I decided that since my mind is in the game. I'd start on 2012.

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so thinking ahead, how long after you kids 'finish' can one stay on a homeschooling board and not have it be weird?


Cause if necessary I can hold my ds back. "Sorry son, you can't graduate and go to college. I need my cred on the wtm boards."



I hope indefinitely. At least ITT indefinitely. ;)

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wow KrissiK. That's amazing. We still have our wedding photos in a shoebox. It's going to by our 25th anniversary this year. They're NEVER getting put in an album LOL.  

My one photo accomplishment is that after our trip to Europe in 2012, I managed to make an SD card of the best photos & give them to my mom to display in a digital photo frame.  It's nice when I visit her to see some pictures of my trip. 

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Ha! I have been soooooo far behind in my dealing with family photos, putting them in albums, etc. I just didn't even want to deal with them. But today.... well, actually yesterday.... I just decided I needed to do something. So, I started with 2011, the year we got the little girls and went on Shutterfly and made a book. It's big. I'm glad Shutterfly has 50% off books right now. But... It's done. And I decided that since my mind is in the game. I'd start on 2012.

Awwww, quit your bragging. ;)


I still have pictures from the 20th century to put away.

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Dentist refused dental work because of the pregnancy. She would rather be safe. She said I look big for 28 weeks...


Dh found his W2's.  The odd father said that his car will not be ready today, but I had to order him some 100% cotton hankies on amazon and talk to him for a long time. Little dd dyed eggs because we had not done this yet, and she requested. I called AGAIN to straighten out a fraudulent charge on my Kohl's card. Lina tried to make me pay for her car seat.  Around Christmas, someone tried to charge a Kitchenaid mixer on my account.  Kohl's has some security issues online, yo.


I don't know why people don't want to call a male chicken a rooster.  I don't know what is wrong with the word Easter, either, though.  I will just call things what I want, and if people don't like it they can try to force feed me avocado while chest-butting me at basketball games held at churches.  I may or may not be packing heat or high on Imitrex, steroids, or the joy of life so act at your own risk, dude.

I'm confused. I thought the problem was cock. What's the difference between cock and rooster? I assume it's a regional thing. Oh, and saying Easter makes you a heathen so now you're going to Hell unless you repent.


If it's smoking, put baking soda on it.

I just learned about this!


Put baking soda on it.



Everyone should make this recipe, unless you have an allergy to the ingredients, then don't do it.


Energy bites


1 cup dry whole oats

1/2 cup chocolate chips

1/2 cup peanut butter

1/2 cup ground flaxseed

1/3 cup honey

1 tsp vanilla


Mix all (I use whatever weird seeds that my odd father has given me, like hemp or those little black ones, though they stick in your teeth) and make into small balls.  Refrigerate.  I double the recipe.  Everyone here likes these.  I give little dd gloves and let her make the little balls.

This looks pregnantable.


Renai, don't forget to add this to the ITT cook book!

I didn't know there was an ITT cookbook! I want one.

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I made a dinner tonight that I had to choke down, because before I had a chance to utter my disgust DS told me he really liked it! Yay.


Used leftover ham and made a ham and noodle dish with cream sauce from a recipe I found in a holiday cookbook. It was not delish. It was gross. But I ate it. Because my kid was happy and not complaining about my cooking. And now I want to barf.


Oh, and I had to Google "disgust" just now because it looked weird but I had right after all.

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Drive to the store. Eat peanut butter quick! Go in the bathroom and wash your face and hands and drive home again!




No babysitter.


Maybe I will do this at lunch tomorrow. Hmmmmm....


I think I need to just keep a jar of peanut butter and a toothbrush at work. But then I will constantly be worried about accidentally killing my kid, so I have to think about this.

Edited by ikslo
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Remember how (just a page or two ago) I said that the police went to the running store as we were leaving?  Apparently they had to close down the race packet hand outs due to problem behavior.  Runners don't always play nice, apparently.  But I don't care because we got ours!  Dd14 was disgusted because they treated her like a little child and first ignored her and then patronized her until I was able to join her.  At which point they immediately jumped to attention and treated her right. 

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Two years ago, we brought DH to Pittsburgh to see a specialist (pretty sure I already told that story before, but my memory is terrible so....).


Anyways, The Dreaded Aunt was supposed to make her appearance two-three weeks before we were to go. Plenty of time, right?


Well she delayed and delayed and delayed. As our departure date loomed, I began to switch from praying she'd show up with time to spare to praying I'd just skip the whole thing that month. I told DH that The Dreaded Aunt would show up the day we left...just watch.


Departure day arrived with not even a postcard from The Dreaded Aunt indicating her impending arrival.


I packed everybody's stuff and loaded it all into our van. Loaded the kids up and then went inside and began to pack my stuff.


There I am...staring at the necessary supplies, should The Dreaded Aunt show up. "Naaah", I thought. "It'll be fine. Absolutely none of the pre-arrival symptoms..."


Finished packing and loaded my stuff up. Got into the van and hubby started driving down the driveway. As he turned onto our road...guess who showed up....


I mean....seriously. It was Hollywood scripted.




Well guess who's having deja vu? Our departure is next week. I'm over 2 weeks late. I swear, if The Dreaded Aunt shows up in time to ruin my fun on this trip...I'll rip my uterus out.

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Remember how (just a page or two ago) I said that the police went to the running store as we were leaving? Apparently they had to close down the race packet hand outs due to problem behavior. Runners don't always play nice, apparently. But I don't care because we got ours! Dd14 was disgusted because they treated her like a little child and first ignored her and then patronized her until I was able to join her. At which point they immediately jumped to attention and treated her right.

Ninja Power!

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Ha! I have been soooooo far behind in my dealing with family photos, putting them in albums, etc. I just didn't even want to deal with them. But today.... well, actually yesterday.... I just decided I needed to do something. So, I started with 2011, the year we got the little girls and went on Shutterfly and made a book. It's big. I'm glad Shutterfly has 50% off books right now. But... It's done. And I decided that since my mind is in the game. I'd start on 2012.


I'm really far behind, too.  I used to make large scrapbooks for every child every year.  Well, the last books I made were in 2009, the year before dd5 was born.  Which means that I need to make 30 scrapbooks to catch up...   :svengo:

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We are currently powerless and lost two trees to heavy straight line winds. Bradford pears. Never liked them. But in spite of the fact that we are on over four acres, the trees fell across our driveway and blocked us in. So Dh got the chain saw.


No estimate on our power restoration. Sigh.

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Ours were pretty, but they were planted weird by former landowners. One was way too close to our driveway. I'm not sad to see them go. We have one left out of the four originals. Our property is heavily treed, lest I sound cavalier. We can afford to lose these.


ETA: it's a weird tree booya(h)! Still no power, baby!

Edited by texasmama
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Everyone should make this recipe, unless you have an allergy to the ingredients, then don't do it.


Energy bites


1 cup dry whole oats

1/2 cup chocolate chips

1/2 cup peanut butter

1/2 cup ground flaxseed

1/3 cup honey

1 tsp vanilla


Mix all (I use whatever weird seeds that my odd father has given me, like hemp or those little black ones, though they stick in your teeth) and make into small balls.  Refrigerate.  I double the recipe.  Everyone here likes these.  I give little dd gloves and let her make the little balls.

I foresee myself making these tonight if I can get my butt off the couch. #isaidbutt

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