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  • Slache


  • Susan in TN


  • Jean in Newcastle


  • KrissiK


Have not ketched up at all.


Ds13 woke up with a fever and coughing frantically yesterday morning. 102.5, 103.4, 104.2. :-( gave him Tylenol which took it back down to 102s. We have an atty appt yesterday afternoon that we absolutely had to go to. Left ds11 as nursemaid. Came home three hours later to 104.7. Called dr because I have never seen that high of a fever in this child and he was miserable. Plus the coughing was nuts. Usually I would never call dr on the first day of illness, but even laid back momma has her limits.


Went to dr. Influenza A. Yippee. Tamiflu it is. And it may actually help because we caught it on the first day of symptoms.


Now, I have to call in-laws dr to see if they want to put them on a prophylactic dose just in case. Because almost 90.


And we will be praying none of the rest of us get it.


Did I mention that we are supposed to host Easter :willy_nilly:


Can't like this.





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I'm not sure why the kids' choir director thinks that giving less than two weeks notice for a performance is something we should be all excited about. Particularly a performance that will require parents to get security clearance for everyone, drag their families out of the house at 6:30am, find and pay for parking downtown, and then wait around for several hours until they are done. I think we will be opting out of this one.

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Susan and Slache should opt out.


(((hugs))) for ds with the flu!  HORRIBLE.  I hope no one else gets it, Prof.


I have visited with the doctor, who originally thought I had scabies.  Gross.  But then she changed her mind and decided she wasn't sure but thought it was unlikely to be any sort of bugs (scabies, bed bugs, chiggers).  She said it could be poison ivy.  It could be a lot of things.  She doesn't know 100% for sure, which is kind of what I am used to with most of my doc visits.  So she gave me prednisone, which will calm inflammation if it is poison ivy and other things and will fail if it is scabies.  I don't think it is scabies, though.  So then she asked how I was doing, and we discussed my thyroid med and she raised it to 50 mcg.  So maybe it will help me.  


Now I have to go to the chiropractor because I am not happy if I am not at one doctor or another, whether or not anyone is actually able to help me.


Also, I didn't correct my post this morning, but the open gym is actually FOUR hours for the boys 2-3 times a week.  That's a lot.  


Tex has left the building. :leaving:

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Susan and Slache should opt out.


(((hugs))) for ds with the flu! HORRIBLE. I hope no one else gets it, Prof.


I have visited with the doctor, who originally thought I had scabies. Gross. But then she changed her mind and decided she wasn't sure but thought it was unlikely to be any sort of bugs (scabies, bed bugs, chiggers). She said it could be poison ivy. It could be a lot of things. She doesn't know 100% for sure, which is kind of what I am used to with most of my doc visits. So she gave me prednisone, which will calm inflammation if it is poison ivy and other things and will fail if it is scabies. I don't think it is scabies, though. So then she asked how I was doing, and we discussed my thyroid med and she raised it to 50 mcg. So maybe it will help me.



Tex has left the building. :leaving:

I once had a doctor tell me that what was really a mild case of chicken pox (or the virus that is related to chicken pox, whatever it's called) was scabies. The first doctor who saw dd (an intern) agreed that it was definitely one of those viruses. Dd had had the other virus once before. But when the other doctor came in, she said, "oh no, it must be scabies - see this here?" <significant glare at intern with lots of bizzare head nodding> And she said that they must have come from the indoor rabbits. Which, if she ever read any actual medical literature, she would know chances are zilch that that would happen.


We've not gone back to that practice again.

Edited by Susan in TN
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No one is taking this thread seriously.

I am. I am taking it quite seriously! As I lie on my bed with an enormous cup of coffee, a cheese stick, a blanket and my Erik Larson book, which I shall commence reading just as soon as I finish taking this thread seriously! Edited by KrissiK
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Dawn, I really think you should take a nap!


Slashie, as least she had the grace to apologize.


Tex, I'm sorry!


Susan, I'm sure you said you had something important going on that day, didn't you.... say something like that.... once....;)


Jean, why do you feel sorry for Calvin?

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Dawn, I really think you should take a nap!


Slashie, as least she had the grace to apologize.


Tex, I'm sorry!


Susan, I'm sure you said you had something important going on that day, didn't you.... say something like that.... once.... ;)


Jean, why do you feel sorry for Calvin?


I've been wondering the same thing.  Me?  I envy him having his very own real stuffed tiger.  I want one of those.

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#homeschool fail


Well, not really a fail, as learning is a process, but...


I just did a read-aloud during lunch of this book about the Boston Tea Party.  


When I finished, dd8 asked if this happened before Grandpa was born.  :laugh:

Hehe, my kids make this mistake all the time, even with our giant timeline that spans 5000BC to 20 years in the future.

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Good Morning, ITT Peeps! Wow, 'this the season for "stuff"! Hope all you with UTIs and poison ivy and chronic pain get some relief! Today is DS's last day of school before Easter Vacation. His school gets Maundy Thirsday, Good Friday and all of next week off. So, we at our little homeschool do, too! I'm glad. We need a break and we need to catch up with life.


And, I have a good book to read. I don't know how long it's been since I've been hooked on a good book! I'm not in to novels or fiction of any sort, really. I love histories, but they mustn't be too dry. Last year I picked up "Dead Wake: The Last Voyage of the Lusitania" by Erik Larson and really enjoyed it. He writes non-fiction, but as a narrative. Yesterday we were in the library and I spotted an earlier book by him, "In the Garden of Beasts: Love, Terror and an American Family in Hitler's Berlin". From time to time I read books about Hitler because I can't understand, and want to understand, how it all happened. It's a historical event that I think is pretty significant and it makes no sense to me how so much evil was unleashed on the world and how supposedly "good people" and "good countries" did nothing until it was almost too late. Several years ago I read the bio of Eva Braun, which was fascinating. This book is about William Dodds and family, who was the US Ambassador to Germany, sent over under FDR in 1933.

Off to check my library....

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Have not ketched up at all.


Ds13 woke up with a fever and coughing frantically yesterday morning. 102.5, 103.4, 104.2. :-( gave him Tylenol which took it back down to 102s. We have an atty appt yesterday afternoon that we absolutely had to go to. Left ds11 as nursemaid. Came home three hours later to 104.7. Called dr because I have never seen that high of a fever in this child and he was miserable. Plus the coughing was nuts. Usually I would never call dr on the first day of illness, but even laid back momma has her limits.


Went to dr. Influenza A. Yippee. Tamiflu it is. And it may actually help because we caught it on the first day of symptoms.


Now, I have to call in-laws dr to see if they want to put them on a prophylactic dose just in case. Because almost 90.


And we will be praying none of the rest of us get it.


Did I mention that we are supposed to host Easter :Willy_nilly:

:grouphug: for your DS.

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I once had a doctor tell me that what was really a mild case of chicken pox (or the virus that is related to chicken pox, whatever it's called) was scabies. The first doctor who saw dd (an intern) agreed that it was definitely one of those viruses. Dd had had the other virus once before. But when the other doctor came in, she said, "oh no, it must be scabies - see this here?" <significant glare at intern with lots of bizzare head nodding> And she said that they must have come from the indoor rabbits. Which, if she ever read any actual medical literature, she would know chances are zilch that that would happen.


We've not gone back to that practice again.

Shingles is the word you are looking for.  I think rashes are hard to diagnose.  What I can appreciate about my PA is that she at least admits she has no clue.  


True story:  Once, some years back, dh had a horribly itchy rash on his butt.  Just his butt.  #isaidbutt  It was so distracting he had to leave work for the day and go to the doctor.  The doctor said, "OMG.  I have no idea what this is but fill this prescription cream and it should go away."  It was a combo of steroid, antifungal and something else.  It went away.  I still have that magic cream.  I wonder if I should put it on my rash....


Thank goodness. :)

I know, right???


Ohhhhh Tex! Prednisone is good stuff! You're going to take over the world! But you might not get much sleep.

I HATE prednisone!  It makes me eat too much and be cranky.  The pharmacist warned me that it could cause insomnia.  I told her I already have too much of that.  I am starting it first thing in the morning so as to minimize that damage.  I have enough going on without being up all night. 

Edited by texasmama
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Tex said:  So she gave me prednisone, which will calm inflammation if it is poison ivy and other things and will fail if it is scabies.  I don't think it is scabies, though. 
I said:  (Don't ask me why I messed up only Tex's quote and no one elses.)
Ds has also been prescribed prednisone.  You two can be prednisone buddies. 


Jean, I hope you're having a good day. Well, I hope everyone is having a good day. I need a nap, and I never nap.


Today is fine.  I tried my new med last night.  I did not die or turn purple with pink polka dots (always a fear when I have a new med).  But the side effects are not the greatest and actually put me back a step in my general functionality.  I was supposed to take the med today too but I flaked out at the last minute.  It was such a busy day that I couldn't afford to be put back even more steps in functionality.  My plan is to try it again tonight and to make a decision tomorrow as to if I want to keep taking it.  I'm supposed to go back to this doc in a week.  I'm really tempted to cancel my appt. and pretend that I never went to see him about this.  I got the information that I needed :  the actual diagnosis.  There is no known cure.  I'm not sure that I want the meds if they make other things worse.  I know that if I go to see him and tell him that this one doesn't work, that he will try yet another drug on me.  Sorry - this is long and convoluted.  I'm giving myself therapy by typing this all out. 

Jean, why do you feel sorry for Calvin?

Because this highly imaginative child with an awesome tiger is continually being forced to go to a school that kills his spirit. 

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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For funsies, I've been googling if cats can give you mites.  Yes, they can, but it is more of a dandruff causing mite, not this sort of rash thing.  It makes me want to give the pets 100 meds and myself some, too.  The doc today said that the cure for scabies is basically putting insecticides all over yourself, so I didn't want it to be that.  She made a face when she said it so it made it sound even worse.  I wonder if I want to wait a little bit to take the prednisone to see if it goes away on its own. :leaving:


I have to decide if prednisone is worse than this rash.  It is spreading.  Sigh.  What if I waited a few days to see if it stops....I am a minimalist with meds.  Did I tell y'all I talked to her about my thyroid meds and she gave me a higher dose while I was there showing her my belly?  Yeah, I did.  So there's that.  



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What should I tell oldest about how to know if a guy is "the one"?  I don't believe that there is just one "the one".   I told her to work on herself because she will be the biggest cause of her own happiness or frustration in life and she needs to be her best self no matter what.  It's the best I could come up with.  Does anyone have good advice for her?  I did tell her to ask about things like child-rearing and discipline and such.  My sense is that he is very stuck on his opinions in spite of no experience, which is not the best thing.  I did talk to her after my ridiculous day so I wasn't at my best.  

Edited by texasmama
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((Texie)) May the Elephant Ninjas of a thousand ITT pages come and stare down the blasted offenders.


((Jeanie)) Most gentlest of hugs.

Thank you!  There seem to be many offenders today. :mellow:  :confused1:  :laugh:



Does your dh know that Elephant Ninjas are about to descend upon him?


(are you sure you didn't take any of the prednisone yet?)



I know, right???  See why I am afraid to take it? :lol:  I always tell people I don't need to drink to act stupid.  I think the same applies here.  I don't know if the world is up for me on prednisone. :huh:

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Tex: make your husband wash with Technu if you think he has poison ivy exposure. My kids get blistering rashes from the stuff, but the Technu is good and all of our local stores carry it.  

He has Technu in the shower.  I assume he uses it.  

Edited by texasmama
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I don't even feel like I had a bad day really. It was just too much for one day, you know? I had some laughs along the way at each of the places I went. Even with the pharmacy cashier and the chiropractic assistant. She wanted me to come to ladies night and drink wine. Can you imagine?:D

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I think that if your DD has to call you to figure out if he's the one, then he is not. 


Also, "having weather."  What's up with that?  I'm a gonna stand to my feet and admit I can infer what it means but it sounds weird to my ears, yo.  Everyone "has weather" every day.  Even if it is gorgeous outside, you are still "having weather."  Do you mean you guys have been "having bad weather"?  I ask, because the other thread made me realize people everywhere talk weird. :)  So I want to make sure I know what I know and what I don't know and they all mesh with what I ought to know, you know?


Poison sucks.

People suck.




ETA:  It's a "I know what I know" BOOYAH!


I don't know karate, but I do know crazy, and I'm not afraid to use it.


Edited by ikslo
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I think that if your DD has to call you to figure out if he's the one, then he is not.


Also, "having weather." What's up with that? I'm a gonna stand to my feet and admit I can infer what it means but it sounds weird to my ears, yo. Everyone "has weather" every day. Even if it is gorgeous outside, you are still "having weather." Do you mean you guys have been "having bad weather"? I ask, because the other thread made me realize people everywhere talk weird. :) So I want to make sure I know what I know and what I don't know and they all mesh with what I ought to know, you know?


Poison sucks.

People suck.

She and I both think he's not.


"Having weather" is a texasmama-ism. There are a lot of those. I have my own dialect. I seriously made that expression up. :D It means weather changes. Mostly barometric pressure fluctuations because those trigger migraines sometimes.


And I promise that "stand to your feet" is not common usage here. Not in the crowd I run with.

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Tex said:  So she gave me prednisone, which will calm inflammation if it is poison ivy and other things and will fail if it is scabies.  I don't think it is scabies, though. 
I said:  (Don't ask me why I messed up only Tex's quote and no one elses.)
Ds has also been prescribed prednisone.  You two can be prednisone buddies. 



Today is fine.  I tried my new med last night.  I did not die or turn purple with pink polka dots (always a fear when I have a new med).  But the side effects are not the greatest and actually put me back a step in my general functionality.  I was supposed to take the med today too but I flaked out at the last minute.  It was such a busy day that I couldn't afford to be put back even more steps in functionality.  My plan is to try it again tonight and to make a decision tomorrow as to if I want to keep taking it.  I'm supposed to go back to this doc in a week.  I'm really tempted to cancel my appt. and pretend that I never went to see him about this.  I got the information that I needed :  the actual diagnosis.  There is no known cure.  I'm not sure that I want the meds if they make other things worse.  I know that if I go to see him and tell him that this one doesn't work, that he will try yet another drug on me.  Sorry - this is long and convoluted.  I'm giving myself therapy by typing this all out. 

Because this highly imaginative child with an awesome tiger is continually being forced to go to a school that kills his spirit. 



I love you, Jean.  You have such a beautiful and compassionate spirit; I never saw this and it's so true.  I'm sorry that you suffer so.  Life is so, so not fair.  :sad:



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