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I would love that. Does it come with children who would appreciate it and cooperate, too? We tried some nature walks when the kids were younger. They ended up hot and tired and dusty with pokies in their socks, they had no interest in drawing what they saw, and generally they were so noisy that all wildlife, including insects, fled well in advance of our arrival. The best nature walk was we did was actually after our walk and there was a rocky spot by the river, so we just stood there and threw rocks in the river. They enjoyed that.

I used to be really fat and we started walking every day when John was about 6 months old. We are surrounded by nature parks and it made more sense to walk through the trees than along the freeway so we became a nature studying family as soon as John could walk. I guess that we go so often that it's normal for them. Edited by Slache
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I used to be really fat and we started walking every day when John was about 6 months old. We are surrounded by nature parks and it made more sense to walk through the trees then along the freeway so we became a nature studying family as soon as John could walk. I guess that we go so often that it's normal for them.

We don't have a lot of nice nature trails around. That may be the problem. Most of the time we're walking on dusty paths with tall grasses and machete worthy brush.
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We don't have a lot of nice nature trails around. That may be the problem. Most of the time we're walking on dusty paths with tall grasses and machete worthy brush.

We have one about two miles from the apartment that is open and has lizards and snakes and spiders and butterflies and flowers and mushrooms and deer and occasionally a bear or coyote. Oh, and bunnies. Lots of bunnies running around making more bunnies. There's another that's more inconvenient but has super thick tree coverage so it's cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. It's also paved so there's no mud. There are a few trails by the beach and we go to Multnomah Falls a few times every summer. It's beautiful and John can make it all the way to the top. We're spoiled. Do you watch Grimm? We watch it and then go hiking in the natural areas the show goes. Witches Castle was an all time favorite. 30 mile trail along a river with a serious rain forest feel.
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my mother convinced me to eat spinach for YEARS by claiming it would make my hair curly.

I so desperately wanted curls!



Honey...you can have mine!  You know....I would probably love them more if they behaved.  If they held their corkscrew form throughout the day.  If they looked, at 5pm, the way they look 5 minutes after I wash and style it.  


Instead...10 minutes after I wash and style...a puff of wind and forget it.  Can't go too short though...otherwise I look like Ronald McDonald had a perm (because I'm also a redhead...yay me).


Actually...I like the color now.  I hated it as a kid. And I hated that stupid Little Orphan Annie, too.  


Anyways...when we moved to NY, I left behind the best stylist ever....my Edward.  And I couldn't find anybody...I almost returned to RI, just to see Edward and have him cut my hair.  But he was booked solid.  


So two years later...I finally had no choice but to get a cut.  I was constantly sitting on my own hair.  And getting it caught in things.  The girl did a decent job...I was pleased.  And then I forgot her name and the shop she was at closed up.


So I let my hair go again...and then I just threw my hands in the air, like I just didn't care...and had a local cut it.  And she cut it uneven.  It's STILL (a year later) uneven.  


Well guess who I've already made an appointment to see when we get back to RI in April?  That's right...my Edward!  




Edited to add....MAN!  That's some Ninja-class parenting on your mom's part!  

Edited by Sweetpea3829
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We have one about two miles from the apartment that is open and has lizards and snakes and spiders and butterflies and flowers and mushrooms and deer and occasionally a bear or coyote. Oh, and bunnies. Lots of bunnies running around making more bunnies. There's another that's more inconvenient but has super thick tree coverage so it's cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. It's also paved so there's no mud. There are a few trails by the beach and we go to Multnomah Falls a few times every summer. It's beautiful and John can make it all the way to the top. We're spoiled. Do you watch Grimm? We watch it and then go hiking in the natural areas the show goes. Witches Castle was an all time favorite. 30 mile trail along a river with a serious rain forest feel.


Our backyard has deer and moose and sometimes a bear and snowshoe hares and grouse and bald eagles and hawks and little garter snakes and raccoons and skunks and something small and weasel-y and coyotes and ...

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Hey....would any of you happen to have, by chance, a really neat Periodic Table of Elements poem?


I found two...one is subtitled Elements for Sale, and the other is titled A Periodic Poem.  I don't love either...lol.  Any other suggestions?  I want the kids to put a copy in their lapbooks.  

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I slept as badly as I have slept for a very, very long time last night, like hardly at all.  I was falling asleep during a March Madness game in a chair upstairs at 6 pm.

Now we're watching Celtic Thunder Legacy on PBS

I thought this said Celiac Thunder Legacy, and I could not puzzle that one out.


Today the weather is *cold*. I'm excited, because we didn't get winter this year, and we've had several days of 80s temps, and I was thinking we were going to have a long HOT summer, but I'm now hopeful that we'll have a *regular* hot summer. If that makes sense...


I know, right???  I wore my parka over my yoga pants, long sleeved shirt and sweatshirt to go to the farmer's market.  I don't care if people think I'm silly.  I was warm.

Just popping in to say Hi before I go back to bed. 


Ds has had this cold/cough thing for ten days now.  He just finished his antibiotic (for an ear infection) today.  He's coughing so much that his neck hurts.  (He doesn't have meningitis - it's just from coughing and coughing and coughing.)  He still has a croaky voice too.  I wish there was more that I could do for him. 


One kid had a bad cough for over a month this fall after a bout of bronchitis.  About the time I thought he would die, he recovered.  Did I tell of the time I was 9 months pg with a kid and had a horrible cough lasting for five weeks.  Never before, never again.  PG sucks.  #isaidsucks

I finally broke down the microwave box and put it out in recycling.  Does this mean that the microwave will soon fail?  Do you save boxes in case things have to go back?  I should actually ask "everyone" but everyone is here, so I will just do it here instead. 


Dh keeps every box from every thing we have ever owned.  Imma get a tiny house to put out back and live there with the cat...the good one, not the bad one.



I'm considering putting a massive focus on nature study and putting off formal Science until upper grammar/logic stage and was wondering if that sounded crazy. I would incorporate memory work, read alouds, and documentaries in all areas of science as the kids are interested so it's not like we'd be avoiding Chemistry and Physics all together. John in particular is very curious and always learning about *everything* and as long as he's like that I think I can put it off. Anyone do that?

I did not do that, but I think it is fine to do interest-led science for a really long time.  


I think we make too much difference between sleep and awake clothes. I pretty much live in clothes I can sleep in. All my clothes must be comfy and stretch enough that  I can do spontaneous yoga, dance, run, play with the dogs and ninja kick (if so inclined). They may not bind, pinch or obstruct & they must be comfy enough to sleep in. I can put on clean clothes at night, get up in the morning & walk out the door. Most of my days, this is exactly what I do. Knit cotton, spandex & lycra are miracles. 

Also, I prefer my hair in messy bed head hair style because then yanno, it's impossible to tell whether that's intentional & took an hour and gobs of expensive product, or if it's "really just rolled out of bed" hair. 

I think I sort of look sporty trendy but probably I just look like suburban slob mom. 


Just so you and the internet knows, I wore yoga pants backwards all day before realizing it.

Edited by texasmama
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Our backyard has deer and moose and sometimes a bear and snowshoe hares and grouse and bald eagles and hawks and little garter snakes and raccoons and skunks and something small and weasel-y and coyotes and ...

We have all of this except deer and moose, plus not frozen all the time and also, TEXAS.  Swap guinea hens for grouse and cottontailed rabbits (and babies) for snowshoes and copperheads for garter snakes.  We had baby coyotes a few years back.  Also, we are very close to civilization.  For CHEAP.  ON LAND.  BECAUSE TEXAS.


Texas has all the things.

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I'm considering putting a massive focus on nature study and putting off formal Science until upper grammar/logic stage and was wondering if that sounded crazy. I would incorporate memory work, read alouds, and documentaries in all areas of science as the kids are interested so it's not like we'd be avoiding Chemistry and Physics all together. John in particular is very curious and always learning about *everything* and as long as he's like that I think I can put it off. Anyone do that?



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I want this. I want everything really, but I want this too.




You won't need it because you'll be following their interests. That will keep you busy for awhile as you continue getting books and videos (even geared for adults) from the library. Dd16's plant study lasted two years, and she fell in love with a couple of BBC narrators during that time. She started it the middle of prek. Gymnast is still interested in the human body. It's going on a year now. Just milk it for all it's worth.

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We live next to the dry river. They allow water to run during certain times of the year, and plus it runs when we get lots of rain. Coyotes love our area. We hear them yapping at night, and once dh saw a family of them on our bridge. There is small wildlife like lizards, rabbits, roadrunners, garter snakes, squirrels, skunks (smell them many mornings) and hawks in our immediate area. Further north in town they get mountain lions. I don't envy them. There's also deer around here somewhere. Up the mountain (about 10-15 minutes) there are bears, beavers, and other critters. And, not to forget the prairie dogs that are EVERYWHERE. As are the black widow spiders.

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We have some groundhogs.  They make my mom happy whenever she comes to visit.  She named one of the groundhogs "Chuckie" (short for woodchuck, I suppose).  When Chuckie had babies, the dc named one of her babies "Cheese".  Because Chuck E. Cheese.  :eyeroll:

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I slept as badly as I have slept for a very, very long time last night, like hardly at all.  I was falling asleep during a March Madness game in a chair upstairs at 6 pm.

I thought this said Celiac Thunder Legacy, and I could not puzzle that one out.



I know, right???  I wore my parka over my yoga pants, long sleeved shirt and sweatshirt to go to the farmer's market.  I don't care if people think I'm silly.  I was warm.


Ds13 had a bad cough for over a month this fall after a bout of bronchitis.  About the time I thought he would die, he recovered.  Did I tell of the time I was 9 months pg with ds13 and had a horrible cough lasting for five weeks.  Never before, never again.  PG sucks.  #isaidsucks


Dh keeps every box from every thing we have ever owned.  He once was working out of town and had a laptop shipped to him.  He paid $10 to ship the laptop BOX back to our house so he would have it.  I don't think he has ever needed a box.  Our huge attic is a graveyard of boxes from printers and appliances which are long gone.  UGH.  I think saving boxes is silly.  But then, I throw away my check book registers.  Call me a minimalist living with a bunch of hoarders.  Imma get a tiny house to put out back and live there with the cat...the good one, not the bad one.

I did not do that, but I think it is fine to do interest-led science for a really long time.  I anticipate a year of some sort of interest-led study for little dd probably year after next.  It will be her 6th grade year.


Just so you and the internet knows, I wore yoga pants backwards all day before realizing it.


Tex, you have awesome ketchup skills!



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We have lots of wildlife:  raccoons, coyotes, deer, squirrels, weasels, shrews, moles, eagles, Cooper's hawks (chicken hawks), tons of other birds including quail, and mountain beavers (which aren't beavers at all, but are a rodent).  Neighbors said that we had a misplaced bear once.  And the area used to have cougar in it before people and possibly could have some in the woods around here but I sort of doubt it. 

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We have lots of wildlife: raccoons, coyotes, deer, squirrels, weasels, shrews, moles, eagles, Cooper's hawks (chicken hawks), tons of other birds including quail, and mountain beavers (which aren't beavers at all, but are a rodent). Neighbors said that we had a misplaced bear once. And the area used to have cougar in it before people and possibly could have some in the woods around here but I sort of doubt it.

We have raccoons that come into our backyard to eat our catfood. And there are owls. I love the owls.
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I just said to the kids "We have to leave in 8 minutes!  Get your stuff! Let's go!"  They patiently looked at me until the penny dropped.  Oops.  That's the time we have to leave TOMORROW MORNING.  :leaving: :laugh:


Blame it on the time change.  It gets everyone confused.  :)

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Do you want twins?

This would be the perfect time for twins! I've had 2 ultrasounds. In the first one there was "another structure" that could have been a twin. Then I had a detailed ultrasound and she said definitely only one. I'm bigger than I should be, as I was with John, but I feel kicking in 2 different places. I've never felt that before.
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So today I ran into this older businessman I know at the grocery store.  He grabbed my arm and pulled me to the side.  "Jean!  I need your opinion - as a mother!"


Me :  "Ok. . . . how can I help?"


Him:  "Do you see these tabloids?  How do you stop your kids from looking up to these idiots as role models?"


Me:  "Um. . . well, kids are pretty smart.  My kids know that those values as expressed in those tabloids are pretty shallow."


So. . .it's like the chat board. . . in real life! 



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Good Sunday Morning!


I slept okay, but I woke up off and on several times, thankfully never for very long, but I think the time change has me confused about when to wake up. 


Sweetpea, have you seen the period table song?



(Also, not to be missed is Science Wars by the same folks.)



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Good Sunday Morning!


I slept okay, but I woke up off and on several times, thankfully never for very long, but I think the time change has me confused about when to wake up.


Sweetpea, have you seen the period table song?




(Also, not to be missed is Science Wars by the same folks.)

Lynne, that.was.amazing!!!!!


I'll be humming that all morning in church. Humming because I'll never remember all of the words, lol!

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Good morning, all! Happy First Day of Spring.


Good luck, Jean's dd. "Run, run like the wind!" (That's a movie quote, but I can't remember what movie).


Ellie, I thought about you yesterday when I was doing yardwork, I was using my hula hoe. I thought, "I wonder if Ellie Has one of these! If not, she needs one!"


Today is Palm Sunday, too. The kids are doing the Palm Branch Processional under my direction. Hopefully they'll do fine. Well, that part will be fine. They are also singing a special number for then offertory. They know the song. It's just iffy as to whether they will sing it or not.

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Lynne, that.was.amazing!!!!!


I'll be humming that all morning in church. Humming because I'll never remember all of the words, lol!


If you listen to it enough, you and your kids will have it memorized right up to the part where it gets really fast.  ;)

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