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I accidently killed some kids in my dream the other night.  But no one knew it was me.  Something about a large power switch and a monorail system on the side of a mountain.  Power switched off, cars go flying.  Oh, and they were open cars, sort of like mining cars.  It was like - I wonder what this switch is for?  All the power in area goes out.  And I was like, Oops!  and turned it back on, but too late.  I found out later some kids had died.  I woke up in a panic. 


What a horrible way to wake up.   :grouphug:  

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Ok, one more question, ladies: 
I have the clerical experience (years ago), but those jobs are surrounded by temp gigs and nanny positions - just jobs that paid the bills while I went to school.The job has an online application, so I won't be turning in my resume (at least not right now). So, I'm wondering about putting down my job history. 

Do I do all the jobs regardless of what they are? Do I only do the jobs that have the applicable experience and explain the time gaps if I get an interview? 

What would you do?


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Ikslo, that's a terrible dream!  Hope you have better ones tonight.  (Was it Junie who said her dd always prays for dreams of chocolate?  or was that someone else?)


Mary, I don't know.  I guess I lean towards every job because I'm a purist, lol.  (And if you ever run for office, you'd hate to have it said you lied on a job application.  :lol:   j/k)  If you decide to put every job, I would start each description of those lesser ones with "While I attended college, I supported myself by......"  so that immediately denotes it as not the most important thing you were doing at that time.  Really you should just ignore my advice altogether.  But I didn't want to ignore your question.  Even though we're on the Ignore thread.   :D  

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Ok, one more question, ladies: 

I have the clerical experience (years ago), but those jobs are surrounded by temp gigs and nanny positions - just jobs that paid the bills while I went to school.The job has an online application, so I won't be turning in my resume (at least not right now). So, I'm wondering about putting down my job history. 

Do I do all the jobs regardless of what they are? Do I only do the jobs that have the applicable experience and explain the time gaps if I get an interview? 


What would you do?



If I remember correctly, your resume should reflect work experience related to the job you are applying for (if your resume is varied like yours).  



Gosh...it's been awhile since I've done my own resume.  My last paying job was at a call center for Citizens Financial Group helping angry overdrawn customers (among other things).  


I honestly hate those online application things.  They are so impersonal...and only once have I had a callback from one (this is referencing the job hunting I've done for DH),   


DH got his current job with our County by walking in with his resume in hand, and speaking directly to the Super.  He's the only one at that place that didn't have an internal connection with somebody else, and it goes right up the craw of some of the guys.  Especially because we are not from here and have only been here for five years.  


His first day, the most asked question of him was, "So, who'd you know to get in?"  

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Are they related to the red angus? My family created the red angus. Is that something to be proud of? Actually our last cattle rancher just died. They're walnut farmers now. The man that made the switch is the one that just died. Burt Crane. He was a big deal in the cattle world once upon a time. I've met several cattle ranchers over the years and dropped the name just to find out that they've met him or that I'm actually related to the person I'm talking to! Small world.



I should clarify...the pic I attached is not one of our cows...lol.  


Our cows are being developed by the veterinarian guy who gives them to us.  He has two cow farms...one is dairy and the other is beef.  And he's been cross-breeding them.  The Brown Swiss/Angus babies are a chocolate lab brown and they are SO STINKIN' CUTE!  But my favorite was Barney...he had a different cross and he had this little white face.  

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How are you doing, hornblower?

I think I'm good but I noticed I'm still self medicating with carbs :)  But thank you, I will hang in here with my friends Bread and Cookie and Muffin until next Monday's specialist appt. 



Also, I've been retaught a lesson which I should have known. If anyone in my family complains of feeling at all unwell, stick a barf bowl by them right away.  Especially if it's actually an upset stomach, but really in this family, *any* illness or injury and we like to empty our stomachs because for us, digestion is low on the priority when other things are happening. Cramps, headache, heck, a hangnail... be safe and give them a bowl. 


I failed this test miserably last night when ds complained of actual stomach ache & went to bed early.  Did I give him a bowl? No. 


He asked me for Pepto when I returned home from the evening dog walk. I brought the pepto but did I bring a bowl? No. 


He asked me for a tylenol 15 min later. I brought the tylenol and more water but did I bring a bowl? No. 


Because IDIOT. 


ftr, an over 6'4" young man running down a hall from his bedroom to a bathroom will create a rather large splatter zone when he does not make it there in time. 


I think I've finally learned..... 




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(((hornblower))) That's awful!  Hope it wasn't on carpet! 


Fortunately it's laminate in the hall so it was mostly that.


And the walls.  :ack2:   I leaped back in time LOL 


(but since we're in an old and crooked house, the baseboards kind of float above the floors in many places & cleaning the little gap under the baseboards was kind of a tricky and gross way to end the day) 









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I dreamed that I found naked selfies of a friend from high school.  She had them stuck in a journal that she put under her mattress.  Also, I went to a grand opening of a swanky home store, and Brad Pitt's cousin was one of the servers.  I was going to get to meet Brad Pitt, guys!  I also observed babies in the NICU receiving chiropractic care by my chiropractor.  They all had people to hold them all the time.  They were in their own rooms, like in isolation. :leaving:


I'm going  to call your dream (that's poker talk) with one of my own that I had after going back to bed this morning.  I dreamed that I was Ikslo.  Or more specifically, I dreamed that I (as in my consciousness) was in Ikslo's body.  And someone realized that Ikslo was saying weird things for Ikslo and so took me before one of those creepy carnival fortune teller machines that outed me as a fraud.  Ikslo, were you in my body when you flipped the switch?  In that case, no one will blame you but they will all blame me. 

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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I'm going  to call your dream (that's poker talk) with one of my own that I had after going back to bed this morning.  I dreamed that I was Ikslo.  Or more specifically, I dreamed that I (as in my consciousness) was in Ikslo's body.  And someone realized that Ikslo was saying weird things for Ikslo and so took me before one of those creepy carnival fortune teller machines that outed me as a fraud.  Ikslo, were you in my body when you flipped the switch?  In that case, no one will blame you but they will all blame me. 


:huh: Doo doo doo doo...freaky.  :willy_nilly:  What did I look like in your dream?  Was I hot?  :lol:

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Fortunately it's laminate in the hall so it was mostly that.


And the walls.  :ack2:   I leaped back in time LOL 


(but since we're in an old and crooked house, the baseboards kind of float above the floors in many places & cleaning the little gap under the baseboards was kind of a tricky and gross way to end the day) 









:ack2:  Sounds like that sums it up.  Poor you!  (And DS)


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


 This is for you:




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If I remember correctly, your resume should reflect work experience related to the job you are applying for (if your resume is varied like yours).  



Gosh...it's been awhile since I've done my own resume.  My last paying job was at a call center for Citizens Financial Group helping angry overdrawn customers (among other things).  


I honestly hate those online application things.  They are so impersonal...and only once have I had a callback from one (this is referencing the job hunting I've done for DH),   


DH got his current job with our County by walking in with his resume in hand, and speaking directly to the Super.  He's the only one at that place that didn't have an internal connection with somebody else, and it goes right up the craw of some of the guys.  Especially because we are not from here and have only been here for five years.  


His first day, the most asked question of him was, "So, who'd you know to get in?"  

At the very end, it asks for a resume. 

So, now, I don't know what to put in!!! (It only allows 3 positions listed with information (supervisor, etc), then you can put in a list of other jobs you've had at other organizations.)

Do I put in my current job only, then attach the resume? Do I put in current job, jobs that are applicable to this job, and the resume? 

Why do people make this so hard!!

Edited by Southern Ivy
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At the very end, it asks for a resume. 

So, now, I don't know what to put in!!! (It only allows 3 positions listed with information (supervisor, etc), then you can put in a list of other jobs you've had at other organizations.)

Do I put in my current job only, then attach the resume? Do I put in current job, jobs that are applicable to this job, and the resume? 

Why do people make this so hard!!

Do I put in current job, jobs that are applicable to this job, and the resume? 



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Oh, and my boss an I just rejected an applicant because she put a little birdie on her resume.  Please don't do this.  Also, pink backgrounds, poor formatting (we turn on the format marks when we view them - it matters!), and excessive information about what you do on the weekends - these are all no-no's in my book.

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Good news is ds woke up all hale and hearty. 

On the eeek news, dd is at college doing pre-requisites for applying to bachelor of nursing programs, which around here are almost as competitive and hard to get into as med school. People with excellent grades languish on wait lists, people with not so excellent grades have no chance.  Just saw the apparent cutoff for next Sep intake for one of the programs she's considering applying to in 2017.  Nobody got in with less than 3.8 and most of the successful applicants seem to have one bachelor's degree finished already. Apparently it varies a fair bit from intake to intake (& they have two intakes a year) but still, this is madness.  

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Is bi-weekly twice a week or every two weeks?  If it isn't every two weeks, what is the word for that? 


It can be both, although semi-weekly is sometimes used to mean twice per week to avoid confusion.  I would avoid using biweekly though and go with fortnightly.  Together we shall bring back its usage.





ETA: "It" can be, not I. :)

Edited by ikslo
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The goal, I suspect, is a dual-purpose cow, good for milk and for meat.  They are in high demand on small properties (like ours.)


Except once you use it for meat, it is no longer useful for milk, no?  LOL  I think I am with Slache on this one. 

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Dual purpose cattle are good to raise on small properties; mama cow gives you milk and the calf is raised to slaughter.  The goal of breeding is to balance quality of milk and quality of meat.  Traditionally on small farmsteads the farmer did not have the space or feed for specialist cattle.  Many heritage breeds are being revived as more people are interested in food independence.  The Highland Cow that I covet was traditionally a quad use breed-meat, milk, muscle (a working animal, used like an ox), and fiber.  In America they have been breed mainly as beef cattle and are known for their EXTREMELY high quality (and expensive) meat.  The milk is very high in butterfat and is good for cheese-making. I keep my eyes open for a milking Highland cow.  They're hard to find, though, and I pretty much couldn't afford one if I found it.  I'll probably go with a Dexter once we get all of our fencing in.


This is a pretty cool link about heritage cattle breeds. Not that I'm into it, or anything.  :laugh:

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:grouphug: hornblower


I learned the bowl trick the hard way, as well. Ds20 over-indulged on chocolate covered peanuts one Christmas when he was 7. We had just went to bed. He didn't make it to the bathroom. It was on carpet. Now, I always remember the bowl. I keep a gallon ice cream bucket container just for that purpose.

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Need my peeps here...


My English class next year requires six 750 word essays using MLA citation (with prompt provided) over works such as Huckberry Finn and The Old Man and the Sea.  Does this seem excessive?  I will start the year with a four week writing boot camp based on The Elegant Essay, and then launch into the American literature portion (using the EIL curriculum by Janice Campbell but only covering six works instead of nine).  We will finish with a Shakespeare play the last four weeks with discussion only.  
A local place that offers classes for homeschoolers has a lady who is very knowledgeable but is doing a two credit history and lit course requiring 2-4 papers per semester plus a family tree research project (???) which are informal response papers. (i.e. What do you think of such and such?)  
My class requires six 750 word essays which are light research papers in that an author bio and other resources related to putting the works in a historical context should be used to write the paper.  
Thoughts?  I don't really know what is typical of a 10th-ish grade English course.
Edited by texasmama
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It's Jean's fault I am in a bad mood.


Okay, not really. My bad mood is due to co-workers who don't understand that they can't just change the numbering system of their controlled documents without consulting the people who control the controlled docs. (Moi)


And the co-workers who didn't think it was important to mention to anyone when equipment was stolen -NINE MONTHS AGO.



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Need my peeps here...


A mom with a kid in my current English class called me to say that she didn't think her boys could take my class next year because they cannot write six 750 word essays using MLA citation (with prompt provided) over works such as Huckberry Finn and The Old Man and the Sea.  Does this seem excessive?  I will start the year with a four week writing boot camp based on The Elegant Essay, and then launch into the American literature portion (using the EIL curriculum by Janice Campbell but only covering six works instead of nine).  We will finish with a Shakespeare play the last four weeks with discussion only.  
A local place that offers classes for homeschoolers has a lady who is very knowledgeable but is doing a two credit history and lit course requiring 2-4 papers per semester plus a family tree research project (???) which are informal response papers. (i.e. What do you think of such and such?)  This seems REALLY light for a two credit high school course.  I know this lady and know that she tends to tell personal stories and waste a lot of class time and also does not always give feedback on papers. 
My class requires six 750 word essays which are light research papers in that an author bio and other resources related to putting the works in a historical context should be used to write the paper.  
Thoughts?  I don't really know what is typical of a 10th-ish grade English course.



3 page papers = 750 word essays?  Six of them? With citations?  Seems a bit much.  I didn't write that much in my college prep boarding school in 10th grade. 



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My mom has had a lot of showings on her house and is considering moving back to California. Without going into detail she's making a lot of really bad decisions and lying to me about it so I don't worry. Or lying to herself I'm not sure. I believe she's about a week away from not being able to make a mortgage payment. I don't know what she plans to do after that.

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Need my peeps here...


A mom with a kid in my current English class called me to say that she didn't think her boys could take my class next year because they cannot write six 750 word essays using MLA citation (with prompt provided) over works such as Huckberry Finn and The Old Man and the Sea. Does this seem excessive? I will start the year with a four week writing boot camp based on The Elegant Essay, and then launch into the American literature portion (using the EIL curriculum by Janice Campbell but only covering six works instead of nine). We will finish with a Shakespeare play the last four weeks with discussion only.


A local place that offers classes for homeschoolers has a lady who is very knowledgeable but is doing a two credit history and lit course requiring 2-4 papers per semester plus a family tree research project (???) which are informal response papers. (i.e. What do you think of such and such?) This seems REALLY light for a two credit high school course. I know this lady and know that she tends to tell personal stories and waste a lot of class time and also does not always give feedback on papers.


My class requires six 750 word essays which are light research papers in that an author bio and other resources related to putting the works in a historical context should be used to write the paper.


Thoughts? I don't really know what is typical of a 10th-ish grade English course.

Um, I had to write 40 page papers multiple times in high school. It made the 10 page assignments in college seem easy in comparison. So maybe I am not a good judge? I think your plan sounds great, and I would rather enroll my son in your class than that other class. Edited by ikslo
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Need my peeps here...


A mom with a kid in my current English class called me to say that she didn't think her boys could take my class next year because they cannot write six 750 word essays using MLA citation (with prompt provided) over works such as Huckberry Finn and The Old Man and the Sea.  Does this seem excessive?  I will start the year with a four week writing boot camp based on The Elegant Essay, and then launch into the American literature portion (using the EIL curriculum by Janice Campbell but only covering six works instead of nine).  We will finish with a Shakespeare play the last four weeks with discussion only.  
A local place that offers classes for homeschoolers has a lady who is very knowledgeable but is doing a two credit history and lit course requiring 2-4 papers per semester plus a family tree research project (???) which are informal response papers. (i.e. What do you think of such and such?)  This seems REALLY light for a two credit high school course.  I know this lady and know that she tends to tell personal stories and waste a lot of class time and also does not always give feedback on papers. 
My class requires six 750 word essays which are light research papers in that an author bio and other resources related to putting the works in a historical context should be used to write the paper.  
Thoughts?  I don't really know what is typical of a 10th-ish grade English course.



Seems like a lot to me, too. I know I didn't write that many essays when I was a sophomore. In fact, I'm pretty sure I didn't write that many at any time during high school.


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Going to Costco when you are on the verge of slipping into an allergy induced coma is never a good thing. I spent a whole lot of $$ and forgot half the stuff on my list. An 18-pack of macaroni and cheese. Really?

I never go shopping sick. Allergies, flu, anything. I have a tendency to slip into a seizure and pass out. For some reason that makes people uncomfortable. Stay home next time. Sorry about your allergies.
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