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Completely hypothetical story unrelated to real life events.


There are a husband and wife that share their phone plan with husband's mother and sister. Husband, wife and mother have been responsible and have low bills, sister's bill is over half of the entire bill and she has lost her privileges regarding making purchases or changes to plan. Sister does not pay her bill to the married couple on time. Married couple can afford to pay the bill without her but feel disrespected because sister is given 3 weeks to pay the bill. Husband and wife do not want to split the family plan because it will cost all members involved significantly more money. Is it appropriate for the married couple to charge a late fee to the sister if she pays late? The late fee would be $35, the amount the married couple would owe if they paid late.

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Well, my potato soup boiled over. Cause I was down the block making dd7 apologize to the 5yo neighbor boy for saying, "You gonna cry like a baby now, b - - - -?" to him.


Apparently, "J" found a "super cool" yellow golf ball in the creek, which dd7 thought should be hers since he found it in our creek and it didn't really belong to anyone. J and dd9 came to tell me about it after dd7 made her statement and kicked dd9.


I found her bawling her eyes out under a tree down the street. She had to apologize to J and shake on it. I told J that I was also sorry, and that it wasn't OK for anyone to talk to him like that.


Despite the fact that he was the one who taught that very phrase to dds, and has been reprimanded many, many times (by me) for using that kind of language toward my girls. He's got a mean daddy. Sigh.


I'm sorry. That's very tough.


Wait...this is the one year anniversary of ITT?




:hurray:  :party:  :hurray:  :hurray:  :party:


You guys have spent a whole year talking about--


I mean, it's been a whole year of meaningful--


That is to say, you've absolutely spent MANY valuable hours, um...




:thumbup:  :thumbup:  :thumbup:  :thumbup:




So honored. I blame my participation on our IT's insistence that "we're getting a whole new system in a year or two or three, so there's no point making any big fixes right now."


Completely hypothetical story unrelated to real life events.


There are a husband and wife that share their phone plan with husband's mother and sister. Husband, wife and mother have been responsible and have low bills, sister's bill is over half of the entire bill and she has lost her privileges regarding making purchases or changes to plan. Sister does not pay her bill to the married couple on time. Married couple can afford to pay the bill without her but feel disrespected because sister is given 3 weeks to pay the bill. Husband and wife do not want to split the family plan because it will cost all members involved significantly more money. Is it appropriate for the married couple to charge a late fee to the sister if she pays late? The late fee would be $35, the amount the married couple would owe if they paid late.


Hypothetically speaking this is why when I paid my sister I paid a year in advance and thy only shared unlimited, i.e. there was no possibility of overage. Hypothetically.

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Wait...this is the one year anniversary of ITT?




:hurray:  :party:  :hurray:  :hurray:  :party:


You guys have spent a whole year talking about--


I mean, it's been a whole year of meaningful--


That is to say, you've absolutely spent MANY valuable hours, um...




:thumbup:  :thumbup:  :thumbup:  :thumbup:






Do you know how hard it is to hold your breath all day???


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Completely hypothetical story unrelated to real life events.


There are a husband and wife that share their phone plan with husband's mother and sister. Husband, wife and mother have been responsible and have low bills, sister's bill is over half of the entire bill and she has lost her privileges regarding making purchases or changes to plan. Sister does not pay her bill to the married couple on time. Married couple can afford to pay the bill without her but feel disrespected because sister is given 3 weeks to pay the bill. Husband and wife do not want to split the family plan because it will cost all members involved significantly more money. Is it appropriate for the married couple to charge a late fee to the sister if she pays late? The late fee would be $35, the amount the married couple would owe if they paid late.


Hypothetically speaking, the married couple need to drop the plan like a hot rock because they are being badly taken advantage of  by family members.  Which my late daddy would have said to be an unforgivable sin-you always do right by family.  But if they don't act like family, you walk.


But if you don't like this advice, then my next go-to would be hypothetical duct tape.  Or a hypothetical bazooka.

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Completely hypothetical story unrelated to real life events.


There are a husband and wife that share their phone plan with husband's mother and sister. Husband, wife and mother have been responsible and have low bills, sister's bill is over half of the entire bill and she has lost her privileges regarding making purchases or changes to plan. Sister does not pay her bill to the married couple on time. Married couple can afford to pay the bill without her but feel disrespected because sister is given 3 weeks to pay the bill. Husband and wife do not want to split the family plan because it will cost all members involved significantly more money. Is it appropriate for the married couple to charge a late fee to the sister if she pays late? The late fee would be $35, the amount the married couple would owe if they paid late.


Hypothetically speaking, the married couple need to drop the plan like a hot rock because they are being badly taken advantage of  by family members.  Which my late daddy would have said to be an unforgivable sin-you always do right by family.  But if they don't act like family, you walk.


But if you don't like this advice, then my next go-to would be hypothetical duct tape.  Or a hypothetical bazooka.

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Serious anniversary post:


I find it somewhat hard to believe how important to me your "virtual friendship" has become.  I truly value the wisdom, humor, kindness, and sisterhood that I have found on this thread.  Thank you all for sharing yourselves, even if just virtually, with me.  I have been truly blessed by the experience.



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Hypothetically speaking, the married couple need to drop the plan like a hot rock because they are being badly taken advantage of  by family members.  Which my late daddy would have said to be an unforgivable sin-you always do right by family.  But if they don't act like family, you walk.


But if you don't like this advice, then my next go-to would be hypothetical duct tape.  Or a hypothetical bazooka.

I believe that Matt and I pay $50 total for both phones. If we split the family plan we will be paying $120 for both phones. We don't want to do that.


Serious anniversary post:


I find it somewhat hard to believe how important to me your "virtual friendship" has become.  I truly value the wisdom, humor, kindness, and sisterhood that I have found on this thread.  Thank you all for sharing yourselves, even if just virtually, with me.  I have been truly blessed by the experience.



:iagree:  :grouphug:  :crying:  :patriot:  :willy_nilly:  :cool:

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John is still upset about the movie and he was afraid he would have nightmares so he prayed and asked God to make him have dreams about cupcakes.





At dinner John said he wanted to go to college and Mary said she wanted to make burgers.




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What in the ever loving?  I don't think this happens on the K-8 forum, does it?  This spam crap?  (oooh, I said crap....you know it's funny...but we don't consider that to be a swear word...just another word for poop, er...feces).  




Anyways...hubby shared his germs.  Now I have a scritchy scratchy throat.  Let us pray that I am not in full blown cold mode by the weekend...because really.  Ain't nobody got time fo' that!  


Spent this evening working on finalizing my itinerary for our upcoming triumphant return home to RI.  We left 5 years ago and haven't looked back.  We're going back to visit my ailing grandmother (I really want the kids to see her one last time before she...you know...moves on).  


Let me tell you something....we wanted to visit all of our old haunts in Boston, while down there.  Now I remember why we only went to that blasted New England Aquarium once.  That place is HOLLAH expensive!  WHAT?!  And you can't even get any good discounts.  They're like..."AAA members get $2 off..."  


I'm like, "$2 off?!  It's $26 PER PERSON.  WHOOOHOOOO...I can save us a grand total of $12!!  


I'm usually pretty good at getting discounted admission.  I got us an overnight at Great Wolf in their best suite, for $189.  I mean...not to trump my trumpet but...I've got some mad bartering skills.  But I have made no headway with the Aquarium.  It would cost us $140 to go there.  So we can scratch that right off the list.  


That's right NEAQ!  Instead of your crummy aquarium***...we'll be at Boston Children's Museum after 5pm on a Friday, paying a buck a person to get in.  So there!  


***It's actually not a crummy aquarium.  But it's not worth $140 to go!  

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Sweetpea, we once got an amazing deal to the California Academy of Sciences. Basically I go up to the guy and explain that we walked from our hotel so can we get the transport discount. And then we gather student IDs, my employee ID. Then we ask about military discount for my two little ones. "We're members of the Pacific Science Center, that's not related, is it? We're just from Seattle." At this point the guy goes, "You know what? I actually have a few extra member passes."


We are a family of six. Got in for like 30% of the price! WOOHOO! It was one of the only activities the big kids were excited about. :)


Also, I just came here to say... what is the purpose of this spam?


Does anyone randomly click on those links? Why this board?

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Can I just say this one.more.time.  I hate the Time Change.


I went to bed at 9:00 last night because I couldn't even keep my eyes open.  So I woke up at something like 5 a.m. and couldn't get back to sleep.  I'll probably get back on schedule right about Easter.  And then my schedule will be all ker-flooey again because someone thought it was a good idea for the choir to sing in the early church service.  sigh.

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Sweetpea, we once got an amazing deal to the California Academy of Sciences. Basically I go up to the guy and explain that we walked from our hotel so can we get the transport discount. And then we gather student IDs, my employee ID. Then we ask about military discount for my two little ones. "We're members of the Pacific Science Center, that's not related, is it? We're just from Seattle." At this point the guy goes, "You know what? I actually have a few extra member passes."


We are a family of six. Got in for like 30% of the price! WOOHOO! It was one of the only activities the big kids were excited about. :)


Also, I just came here to say... what is the purpose of this spam?


Does anyone randomly click on those links? Why this board?


Lol, that's great! I've managed to barter our Boston Musuem of Science tickets down to $40 for the 6 of us, which is great. We have a new membership with an area museum and is reciprocal with BMoS for up to for people. I'm keeping an eye out for Groupons to make it cheaper.


We'll also do the Ecotarium in Worcester...that'll be free. I have some work to do to secure lower admissions to the zoo in RI, but I know I can....it's just a matter of waiting it out.


I wanted to do Lego Land in Boston, but that's expensive too, and really...we're doing Great Wolf, so I think that's enough.


Realistically, it's unlikely we'll be able to vacation again anytime soon. There are too many responsibilities at home, especially with calves arriving at the end of April.


So this is kind of a "do it or bust" trip! I'm looking forward to it and also...I can't wait to hit our old food haunts!

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Good morning, Ladies! I thought that today would just be a normal day here at ITT, since we had Pi Day on Monday and then the big ITT Anniversary Celebration yesterday, but no...... there's more! Imagine my delight when I saw that it's Lynn's birthday! Woohoo! Another party day!


Happy Birthday, Lynn!

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Happy Birthday, Lynn! 

Simon and Garfunkel makes me feel groovy.

I'm in the duct tape camp regarding the phone business. 


I'm kind of down today. I blame Daylight Savings. Because I do everything backwards, excess sunlight causes me to feel very depressed. It's already getting that angle on it that makes me want to start digging a hole somewhere for summer hibernation. I took the boys out to the lake so that they could play with their "boats" (coracles that they made out of the ends of a defunct compost tumbler by filling up the holes with sealant). I stuck to the shade, but I still think I got an overdose of sunshine.  :glare: Couldn't beat the temperatures though. It's really lovely weather. I feel silly complaining about the amount of sunlight.

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For those of us who do abstain from champagne...I propose we have bottles of that awesome bubbly carbonated juice stuff...sparkling juice or whatever it is.  





Oh and apparently....Google can't make up its mind on the booya/h controversy.  





(Sniff...my very first BOOYA!!!  BOOYAH!!!  Whatever!!!!)


Well done! although it should be booya, but you still did good for a first one.

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My new mattress has just been delivered. A new mattress protector has been applied with a new sheet and two new pillows. I even got to vacuum under the bed before the new stuff arrived. Yay!!!

We need a new mattress. After our mattress debacle of last year, we thought we had a good one now. Not so much! How does one truly get a comfortable mattress?
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Laundry day (clothing, all-white dishcloths, wash cloths, dish towels), which also means ironing day (yes, I actually iron clothes). Also, I'm making bread for Mr. Ellie, a batter bread which doesn't require kneading (mix in Bosch, put in pans, let rise in the oven, bake). At some point, I'm going to watch "Jurassic Park." :hat:


What a difference a day makes!


Last night, I went to choir rehearsal, because although I was still feeling kind of funky, it wasn't funky enough to stay home, and if I *did* stay home, I wouldn't sing Sunday morning, because that's just not right, and there are only three of us altos in my choir (three choirs rehearse together...long story) so every voice is necessary, even quiet ones like mine. It's a good thing I did go, because the choir director was at the hospital with his wife who was having a baby (a boy), so the accompanist was leading rehearsal. He had been given 40 copies of an octavo (sheet music) which needed to be handed out, but since the octavos were new, they needed to be numbered, and then they needed to be assigned to people (because you don't just hand out music; you'll never see it again, $$$$ out the window). So I numbered all the octavos, and made a sign-out sheet, and had all the choir members sign out their music. Three people managed to pick up music without signing for it, so I had to get everyone's attention and find out who did that. :huh: :glare:


And then I stopped at H.E.B. on the way home and bought some NadaMoo (coconut milk "ice cream"), and then I came home and tried to post here but there were, IDK, a couple of hundred spams, so I went to bed.


That is all. :hat:


But wait! That's not all!!



Edited by Ellie
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We need a new mattress. After our mattress debacle of last year, we thought we had a good one now. Not so much! How does one truly get a comfortable mattress?

Well, I looked on Amazon, and got an idea of prices and styles and such. Then we went to a furniture store and just looked at prices and tried some out by sitting and laying on them. Then we went to another store (same chain but bigger) with the twins. They took their shoes off and jumped from mattress to mattress like some kind of circus show while dh and I tried out the ones in our price range. They want you to lay down on them just like you would if you were going to bed. I liked the firmer one that was a bit cheaper, and dh liked the cushier one that was more expensive. So then we left the store completely and went to eat and discuss. We finally decided on the one that was kinda in the middle of firm and cushy and price-wise. So we went back, told the children to leave their shoes on, not to jump like kangaroos, and made the purchase.


In other words, quite an ordeal, but I figure it should last 10-15 years so I had better be happy about it. :)

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