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Yeah, I know I won't be able to live up to dd's friend's parties, but I would want to try. That's a really bad precedent to set - especially for an introvert with an introvert child. (Especially when friend and friend's mom are extroverts.)


So, no living up to those parties. NOPE NOPE NOPE!

Darn tootin! There's a lot I don't live up to. Our lives are better for it.
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When I am in major avoidance mode, I plan elaborate vacations. Right now we are going to Germany (for the billionth time) and spending time in Munich and the Allgau region (in time to see a viehscheid festival), then up through Dinkelsbuhl and Coburg, and stopping for several days in the Erfurt area. Then to Eisleben, Leipzig, Wittenburg, and then to Berlin for the flight home. We will be there just over 3 weeks.

Edited by Susan in TN
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When I am in major avoidance mode, I plan elaborate vacations. Right now we are going to Germany (for the billionth time) and spending time in Munich and the Allgau region (in time to see a veihschied festival), then up through Dinkelsbuhl and Coburg, and stopping for several days in the Erfurt area. Then to Eisleben, Leipzig, Wittenburg, and then to Berlin for the flight home. We will be there just over 3 weeks.



Do you ever get to actually go on these trips, or do you confine yourself to planning?


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Do you ever get to actually go on these trips, or do you confine yourself to planning?


Nope. We never do, although I am really hoping I can bring dd17 to Germany - that is where she really wants to go. My dream trips are too expensive.


I take it back - dh and I ARE actually going on a trip in June to Bar Harbor/Mt. Desert Island, Maine for our 25th anniversary. It is the first vacation we will have taken with just the two of us since our honeymoon to Canada. I have spent a silly amount of time looking at Lobster and blueberry menu items in the area. :)

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Yeah, I know I won't be able to live up to dd's friend's parties, but I would want to try. That's a really bad precedent to set - especially for an introvert with an introvert child. (Especially when friend and friend's mom are extroverts.)


So, no living up to those parties. NOPE NOPE NOPE!

Actually, what I mean is don't set a precedent that every year for every child (should you have more) should be a friend party.


Some people I know do friend parties particular years (say, turning 5 and 10). I think that's a pretty good idea. But hard to implement unless you do it from the beginning.

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Actually, what I mean is don't set a precedent that every year for every child (should you have more) should be a friend party.


Some people I know do friend parties particular years (say, turning 5 and 10). I think that's a pretty good idea. But hard to implement unless you do it from the beginning.


Yes, we used to have a friend birthday party for each kid every year, with the number of guests equal to the birthday child's age.  It got to be too much really fast.

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We've done friend birthday parties some year and some family parties other.  Just whatever worked.  If a child especially wanted a party I tried to make it happen in some fashion.  We always had a tight budget.  Often we had multi-generational parties.  The year I rented a gym for an hour and we had multi-generational partygoers all playing kickball was fun.  We did that for an hour and then came home for cake. 

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My opinion on friend birthday parties is not to start any bad habits or precedents. :D

I agree with that. However, we compromised. I have five kids and I throw one birthday party in the calendar year. So, the kids rotate who gets the friends birthday party. I used to throw at-home parties when the kids were little. Dd got a butterfly party when she was 5. That was fun to plan. Now that they are older we do venue parties. DS got to invite 3 friends and we went to the local miniature golf place for a couple hours, them came home for pizza ice cream and presents. Low stress, fun and as far as expense.... it really wasn't a whole lot more expensive than if I would have thrown a party at home with all the doo-dads.
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Part of the problem with birthdays at our house is that 5 of the dc have their birthdays within an 8-week span.  And twice we have two birthdays in the same week.  Makes parties really difficult to figure out, especially when they have different friends and vary in age.

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We have a similar birthday spread problem to Junie.  One year we held an un-birthday party at around the half-birthday point in the year.  We rented out a gym that had inflatables and a parachute, etc. and everybody got cake.  We arranged it as a book exchange--everybody brought a book (gently used welcome!) and everyone went home with a book. It worked well.  We do something like that every few years.

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The oldest two used to share a party even though their actual birthdays were 6 weeks apart.  (But since one was in December, having his celebration a little early wasn't such a bad thing.)  The other three are within 5 weeks of each other in the summer and for a long time had friends within the same families, so we just did one summer party.  But in spite of getting off easy for a number of years, it always turns into a major food thing event.  We live too far out for parents to drop kids go somewhere and come back, so we always invited entire families.  And well, if they're going to drive this far out, I feel like you have to feed them, lol.  I'm not big on lots of cool crafts and games.  The summer birthday party was usually a water slide and squirt gun war.  Now, since we split up the older two birthdays, one of them usually likes a laser tag affair.

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We have a similar birthday spread problem to Junie. One year we held an un-birthday party at around the half-birthday point in the year. We rented out a gym that had inflatables and a parachute, etc. and everybody got cake. We arranged it as a book exchange--everybody brought a book (gently used welcome!) and everyone went home with a book. It worked well. We do something like that every few years.

That's a fun idea!

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When I am in major avoidance mode, I plan elaborate vacations. Right now we are going to Germany (for the billionth time) and spending time in Munich and the Allgau region (in time to see a viehscheid festival), then up through Dinkelsbuhl and Coburg, and stopping for several days in the Erfurt area. Then to Eisleben, Leipzig, Wittenburg, and then to Berlin for the flight home. We will be there just over 3 weeks.


Please stop by Furth gummi factory and pick up some real ones for me please. Thanks.

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Actually, what I mean is don't set a precedent that every year for every child (should you have more) should be a friend party.


Some people I know do friend parties particular years (say, turning 5 and 10). I think that's a pretty good idea. But hard to implement unless you do it from the beginning.


Dd16 had her first friend party at age 10. I told her she'd get a party every 10 years. That one was held at a roller skating rink and they took care of the entertainment. We have had a friend over during birthdays though, once at my house with a then-single mom friend of mine, another time at a pizza place, things like that. Gymnast hasn't had a party yet. She's only 5 (just turned last month, remember?).

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The oldest two used to share a party even though their actual birthdays were 6 weeks apart.  (But since one was in December, having his celebration a little early wasn't such a bad thing.)  The other three are within 5 weeks of each other in the summer and for a long time had friends within the same families, so we just did one summer party.  But in spite of getting off easy for a number of years, it always turns into a major food thing event.  We live too far out for parents to drop kids go somewhere and come back, so we always invited entire families.  And well, if they're going to drive this far out, I feel like you have to feed them, lol.  I'm not big on lots of cool crafts and games.  The summer birthday party was usually a water slide and squirt gun war.  Now, since we split up the older two birthdays, one of them usually likes a laser tag affair.

This is part of why we don't have parties anymore.  The whole family has to stay.  And the neighbors need to be invited. And.and.and.


My kids don't like the same things at all, so I just gave up.

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We have a similar birthday spread problem to Junie.  One year we held an un-birthday party at around the half-birthday point in the year.  We rented out a gym that had inflatables and a parachute, etc. and everybody got cake.  We arranged it as a book exchange--everybody brought a book (gently used welcome!) and everyone went home with a book. It worked well.  We do something like that every few years.

I really, really like this idea. It's going on my list of hive brilliance.

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I am home.  My kids got flu shots.  Late, I know, but there is still a lot going around.  Ds drove us home from the allergy clinic, through heavy city traffic.  Do not accelerate through the curves!  I was yelling, "Slow! Slow!  Slow it down!"  Other than that, he did well, though we did reroute through one bad area so that he didn't have to merge and cross over 3 lanes of heavy traffic in order to turn at the next block.  

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I threw up in the shower. Matt brought me a cupcake.


I was supposed to gain 10 pounds by now and I've gained 9, so that's a good indication that things aren't too bad. :)


Glad you're doing ok.  Cupcakes are good.  :)


I gained a lot of weight with some of my kids.  With dd8, I only gained 9 pounds through the whole pregnancy (and she weighed almost 9 pounds at birth).  Water aerobics* helped me lose weight in places where I needed to while I gained baby weight.


*Water aerobics and tai chi were doctor approved to help me with my Rheumatoid Arthritis.

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One more post about driving around curves.  Besides yelling the stuff about slowing down, I also yelled "Do not accelerate in a curve" and he yells back "but you aren't supposed to brake in a curve or you will spin out!" and I'm yelling back "We're not on ice!  Use the brake!"  :willy_nilly: Teaching an Aspie has some of it's own stressors. . . ! 

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Hi friends, I was gone from 11:30 am to 9 pm so I missed a lot.  There is not much left of me to ketchup.  I hope nothing important happened or someone will need to clue me in.


Spent 6 hours with the family with the 19 yo dd with cancer at the oncology appointment and processing afterward.  I took 6 pages of notes.  She has a germ cell tumor, which is the best kind of ovarian cancer to have.  It is stage 1C.  It would have been 1A, but the gyn who operated on her dissected the tumor to remove it laparoscopically.  So now she will need chemo, and she might not have needed it without that.  In my research, I knew that was the type she wanted and the stage she wanted so I consider it a win.  She will get four rounds of chemo ever 21 days.


She is so sweet and positive.  She asked me if she could still play basketball with a port in.  The answer is no.  :(


I am not receiving notifications again for this site so that complicates staying in touch.  It happens every once in a while for no reason.

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My order from Rainbow Resources was supposed to be here tomorrow, but was on the porch after school today. Dd and I have played about 10 games of Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel. This child is a little strategist. I guess I know what types of games to continue to buy. 


Whatcha get?

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Ya'll aren't taking this thread seriously.  :toetap05:


We were watching the Democratic Debate on the computer.  So I couldn't post because we were homeschooling.   :001_tt2: 


The kids (ds15 and dd13) asked some good questions.


It's hard to believe that the next time the presidential election comes around they will both be old enough to vote.

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We were watching the Democratic Debate on the computer.  So I couldn't post because we were homeschooling.   :001_tt2:


The kids (ds15 and dd13) asked some good questions.


It's hard to believe that the next time the presidential election comes around they will both be old enough to vote.


Same situation here.  (And, boy, was the format nicer than the Republican herd approach.)

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I asked Matt to heat something up in the microwave and he set the kitchen on fire. He does that like every other week. I don't understand his malfunction.


Kitchen fire booya.


I hope this is hyperbole.  If not, your kitchen must have more lives than a cat.

Edited by Junie
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I hope this is hyperbole. If not, your kitchen must have more lives than a cat.

He usually just sets the stove on fire. We've replaced the metal thingies twice, but it's ok. He didn't turn the stove on though. It's probably more like every other month, not every other week.
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