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Remember how I said our fridge was broken?

And remember how I said we were able to save the meat that was in the freezer by putting in the chest freezer?

Yep.  That's what's for dinner.

Grilled chicken breasts and frozen vegetables.  That will get a couple of bags out of the really, really stuffed chest freezer.

And, I don't really have to cook anything.  Hooray!

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The kids had my Elderly iPad with them over the weekend and they said at one point it just quit working and everything went black and stayed that way.  I tried getting it to work and finally the internet told me to hold down two buttons for a long time and lo and behold, it turned on and now seems to be perfectly fine.  I am quite relieved, as I had plans for various kids to use it for various lessons this fall.  

My mandolin teacher was mean and made me play tunes while saying the chord changes.  It was hard, even though I practiced doing it.  He taught me the "Chord Triangles" which is a bit tricky, but once I get the hang of it, should be super useful.  The "Ernie" chord is my favorite.  I might name my puppy after it.

Pizza is in the oven.  I'm hungry!

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4 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

I wanna go to Tahoe with Krissi.  And a hammock.

It is sooooo gorgeous up here. It is cool, the cabin is very. Nice, the sky is actually blue, there’s a breeze.... it’s heaven, I tell you!! Heaven. You all need to come up here. There’s a deck to sit and read on, too. 

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48 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

It is sooooo gorgeous up here. It is cool, the cabin is very. Nice, the sky is actually blue, there’s a breeze.... it’s heaven, I tell you!! Heaven. You all need to come up here. There’s a deck to sit and read on, too. 

I truly hope you have a lovely, restful time!  ❤️

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We had whoopie pies for snack tonight.  Even though they are gluten free, these are actually really yummy.   I had some in the freezer, but we didn't have room to keep them.  And so, they had to be eaten. :)  Usually they are just for me, but we split them in half so there were enough to go around.


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On 7/11/2020 at 11:20 AM, Spudater said:

There’s a homeschool ballet class the right age range for both Snugglebunny and Twilight Sparkle...I wonder if Snugglebunny would be bored and feel like her ballerina dreams are being crushed...I haven’t had the heart totell her how brutal and difficult it would be to follow that dream, but maybe I should. I don’t think she’s obsessed enough to make it happen. Urgh.

Nah. Don't say anything. It becomes more difficult the more she does, and she'll decide on her own if it's something that's worth to continue.

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We used to go to the Kutztown Fair every year and Amish country PA is a standard field trip for our schools.  

I've definitely had root beer, birch beer and quite a few of the dishes on the Wikipedia.

Stupid dog woke me up at 4:45 this morning.  I need to remember to not let him out when he gets up too early.  He goes out and barks at something.  He's much better for dh but dh is down at his moms.  I worry not letting him out he'll have an accident but 4:45 is too darn early.  Good thing I don't have any close neighbors.

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Good morning!

Hope you can get in a little nap today, Night Owls and Early Risers!

I am getting new bath towels for the kids - each with their own color.  4 kids have new towels, but 2 kids don't yet.  Instead of using the old towels, they keep using the others' new towels.  And leaving them all over and on the floors, so when I call "purple towel" child to tell her to take care of her towel, she cries because Someone Else used her towel and got her into trouble.  None of these people are color blind.  I am baffled.


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15 minutes ago, Servant4Christ said:

I'm sitting in the waiting room. Only one other patient is in here and is sitting well over 6ft away from me. Can I lift my mask to take a sip of my coffee? Or would I give everyone a heart attack? Would I be breaking the law or something? I just don't know and I really want a sip of my coffee now that it's not scalding hot. What to do, what to do.

Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink!

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1 hour ago, Servant4Christ said:

I'm sitting in the waiting room. Only one other patient is in here and is sitting well over 6ft away from me. Can I lift my mask to take a sip of my coffee? Or would I give everyone a heart attack? Would I be breaking the law or something? I just don't know and I really want a sip of my coffee now that it's not scalding hot. What to do, what to do.

Drink the COFFEE!!!!~D . The heat from the COFFEE!!!~D will kill the coronavirus anyhow, so you are really disinfecting the place.

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Started my morning by reaching to turning off the alarm and knocking water over, splashing a laptop. Brilliant. Will wait for tomorrow to turn it on. That would be the laptop on which I have made all my TWR worksheets so far.

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I'm having brain focus issues this morning.  I start one task, then have to stop because child needs computer for math.  Start another task.  Child needs to explain the proper handling and usage of an arrow.  Remember to take out trash.  Forget what I was doing before.  Get ready to practice mandolin.  Alarm tells me it's time to eat something.  I feel that I should be able to accomplish more than this when school isn't even in session!

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Morning. It's summer. That's the problem. All the focus is flying off in different directions like so many bees, all trying to get too much done at once. 

Making my list and second caffeine now. I have watered the garden and remembered what I'm making for supper (that's a lie, I had to go look) and now I'm catching up chores I didn't do yesterday because we lost power in the afternoon and I didn't get to run the sweeper and the steam-mop or do the linens. Lots of writing planned and some critique work.

ETA: It's time for a Summertime Booyah!

Edited by Critterfixer
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Ukulele/storytime/writing is done, now what should I do?  After coffee, obviously.  My vanilla beans came in, so I can stick them in my bottle of vodka.    I think I need to make out a plan for what really needs to be done for school and umbrella registration and work on those things first.  Our umbrella sent out a plea for those who are planning to register for fall, to do so as soon as possible because they expect an onslaught come August when the public schools decide they can't open. 

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2 hours ago, Servant4Christ said:

I should look up what the deal is with blood pressure. I check mine but have no clue what the numbers actually mean, just what's considered high/low and when to call the Dr. Mine always runs on the low side. It's been running about 93/62 on average. This morning the bottom number was 57.

Dh just explained this to me the other day.  Let's see if I can remember.  The top number is the amount of pressure the blood puts on the artery walls when the "pulse" is going through, and the lower number is the pressure between the beats.

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2 hours ago, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

Yay for happy ultrasounds! 

Whatever messed up on our AC is fritzing again. I am going to be an optimist and think it'll fix itself again like it did last week. Leaving it off a few hours to see if it will magically come back on. Send happy AC vibes please, or if not, frozen alcoholic beverages, because there is nothing like having a houseguest and a broken AC!

How's it going now?  Have you checked the circuit breaker / fuse box?  

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6 minutes ago, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

Tried it a bit ago and it came back on. What's happening- in case any of y'all are AC experts who can weigh in- is it will start making this sort of drumming noise in the attic, and the vent will stop blowing. Not even blowing hot air. But the attic fan will be turning.....the outside unit part will run fine- but that's what caused it to ice up last week the repair guy said.- the outside unit running, but not the attic fan. So this time, as soon as I heard the thumping and confirmed no air was blowing, I shut it off. Checked outside- no ice. (It took us a long time to realize where the noise was coming from- we thought it was our neighbor doing some work outside.) 

The only coincidence is that last week it happened after they tested our generator and cut the power to the house to see if it would trip. AC guy said, maybe it surged a bit when they did that and stopped the fan in the attic from spinning and then it started spinning backward until we shut it off, which would explain the noise. Today, the generator cut on for its weekly self test. But the power to the house didn't cut. The generator just spins up. But it's an awful big coincidence to me. We'll see. The guy is coming in the morning so at least if it goes out again, it's not days before we can get someone like they told us last week. 

My bet is they're going to replace the attic blower fan. But i know nothing about ACs and am just repeating what they guy said. 🙂

Well, whatever is going wrong with attic fan, that sounds cheaper than something with the outside unit.  Glad he's coming back in the morning!  

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1 minute ago, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

I am pretty sure the condenser is in the attic too and that can get pretty expensive. We already replaced this one a couple of years ago, so I hope that is not it.  The fan will be about $700 to replace. The condenser part was more like 4k I think (I might have blocked it out) and that wasn't even for a fancy one. I feel like the Press Your Luck game show contestant NO WHAMMIES. NO WHAMMIES! Come on Attic Fan! $600! Yes! When you become happy to spend $600 and not angry at the AC manufacturers, you know they have you beat. 😬

I totally understand.  And a new unit could be 7000-10,000.  😱  So crazy!  

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34 minutes ago, Æthelthryth the Texan said:


It is definitely 😱😳 territory. Ours are both now one year out of their 10 year warranty so I know it's coming. That's why I really am not going to complain if it's $700. I do wish my Macbook had picked a different day to shed more of it's keys though, lol. How am I supposed to ITT if my keys keep falling off. 😂

This is indeed an emergency!  We must always be able to ITT!  This is a priority of the highest order!  

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After my super early morning, I went and worked out with dd.  (we're switching to meeting every other day now that she's back to work).  Then the kids and I had dentist appointments.  Came home and took a nap before dinner.   Watched The Quiet Place and now I'm watching the original Footloose so I don't go to bed with horror movie on my mind.  

Tomorrow no workout, my algebra class was cancelled so I have all day to do whatever.  More cleaning, class planning and maybe updating my quickbooks. 

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We are having a Wii tournament. Today we attempted to find the Ponderosa Ranch (think Bonanza), but apparently it no longer exists.drove into Nevada for that. So, that was kind of cool, even though it was a wild goose chase. Tomorrow we are going to go up to Donner Lake.

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8 hours ago, Junie said:

Dd13 told me recently that she doesn't like Anne of Green Gables.


It was a free read for dd12 last school year and she ended up not finishing it.  I think I would have been better off to have waited until she was older.  Maybe someday we'll get back around to trying again.  

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5 hours ago, KrissiK said:

Now we are doing archery.

🎯  🏆

5 hours ago, KrissiK said:

And now. It’s ping pong.

🏓   🏆

5 hours ago, KrissiK said:

I like the sword slicing game best.

Oh, I forgot about that one.  The kids always liked that one too.  ⚔️   🏆

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Morning.  Stayed in bed a little bit later today but wouldn't say I "slept in".  Dog got me up at 3:30 barking at raccoons in the trash.  Then again at 4:30.  Then again at 5:15.   And he did pee on the floor.   So even before caffeine I got to pick up trash and wipe up pee.   Not a good start to the day.

Dh is probably coming home today.

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11 hours ago, Junie said:

Dd13 told me recently that she doesn't like Anne of Green Gables.


I've never loved the Anne books.

Fantasy and science fiction are my genres, stuff that is too much like real life doesn't interest me 😂

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1 hour ago, Where's Toto? said:

Morning.  Stayed in bed a little bit later today but wouldn't say I "slept in".  Dog got me up at 3:30 barking at raccoons in the trash.  Then again at 4:30.  Then again at 5:15.   And he did pee on the floor.   So even before caffeine I got to pick up trash and wipe up pee.   Not a good start to the day.

Dh is probably coming home today.

Yay for your dh coming home!  Hopefully that helps Doggie remember his manners.  😜

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25 minutes ago, Servant4Christ said:

Morning. Rough night last night. Lots of pressure and no comfy position to be found for sleeping. Oldest decided to wake me this morning after DH told him not to. Lovely times.

However, I'm alert, not overly sleepy, and my coffee tastes great after 2 very tall glasses of cold water first. Not dizzy either: Looks like my sugar and blood pressure are actually in normal (not low) range right now.

Youngest is speaking his own language right now, but as long as he understands himself and is content, life is good. He even woke up totally dry this morning!

My nesting instinct has kicked into hyperdrive. All it took was DH actually doing the one thing I've been begging him to do since before Youngest was born: take care of the coat hanging area of our laundry room. This requires going through it all and building a new way of hanging coats that actually makes sense. We went out and bought bins and went through it all together. Some is getting donated and the rest is now in 2 bins up in the attic labeled for this winter's use and future winters use. I'm so happy I could do a pregnant back handspring. We'll, not really but the enthusiasm was so much that I've now swept, mopped, and reorganized my entire laundry room. And I may have gone a bit overboard because I even cleaned the washer and dryer inside and out so they are all sparkly now.

Then I moved on to deep cleaning the infant car seat and putting it all back together again, packing my hospital bag, and rearranging/ organizing the nursery.

Today, I plan to resume my reorganizing of the pantry. I have stuff that just needs to be pulled out and gone through so I can actually use the cupboards for practical stuff like food instead of stuff I next to never use. And a good wipedown of the shelves wouldn't hurt, soooo.... Then onto regular daily stuff like dishes and bathrooms.

:Willy Nilly:

Yay for completed projects and nesting!

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